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Instrument Transformer

Instrument Transformers are used in AC system for measurement of electrical quantities i.e. voltage,
current, power, energy, power factor, frequency. Instrument transformers are also used with protective
relays for protection of power system.

Basic function of Instrument transformers is to step down the AC System voltage and current. The
voltage and current level of power system is very high. It is very difficult and costly to design the
measuring instruments for measurement of such high level voltage and current. Generally measuring
instruments are designed for 5 A and 110 V.

The measurement of such very large electrical quantities, can be made possible by using the Instrument
transformers with these small rating measuring instruments. Therefore, these instrument transformers
are very popular in modern power system.

Advantages of Instrument Transformers

The large voltage and current of AC Power system can be measured by using small rating measuring
instrument i.e. 5 A, 110 – 120 V.

By using the instrument transformers, measuring instruments can be standardized. Which results in
reduction of cost of measuring instruments. More ever the damaged measuring instruments can be
replaced easy with healthy standardized measuring instruments.

Instrument transformers provide electrical isolation between high voltage power circuit and measuring
instruments. Which reduces the electrical insulation requirement for measuring instruments and
protective circuits and also assures the safety of operators.

Several measuring instruments can be connected through a single transformer to power system.

Due to low voltage and current level in measuring and protective circuit, there is low power
consumption in measuring and protective circuits.

Types of Instrument Transformers

Instrument transformers are of two types –

 Current Transformer (C.T.)

 Potential Transformer (P.T.)

Current Transformer (C.T.)

Current transformer is used to step down the current of power system to a lower level to make
it feasible to be measured by small rating Ammeter(i.e. 5A ammeter).

Practically all electrical measurements and relaying decisions are derived from current and
voltage signals. Since relaying hardware works with smaller range of current (in amperes and
not kA) and voltage (volts and not kV), real life signals (feeder or transmission line currents) and
bus voltages have to be scaled to lower levels and then fed to the relays. This job is done by
current and voltage transformers (CTs and VTs). CTs and VTs also electrically isolate the relaying
system from the actual power apparatus. The electrical isolation from the primary voltage also
provides safety of both human personnel and the equipment. Thus, CT and VTs are the sensors
for the relay.

The fundamental difference is that while regular power transformers are excited by a voltage
source, a current transformer has current source excitation. The primary winding of the CT is
connected in series with the transmission line. So the similar way the voltage developed in the
secondary winding are depend upon the the frequency, flux and no of turn, i.e.

E2 = 4.44 fN2(flux)

Classification of the instrument transformer

(ANSI / IEEE classification)
1) Class T CT
2) Class C CT

Class T CT:
Typically, a class T CT is a wound type CT with one or more primary turns wound on a core. It is associated with
high leakage flux in the core. Because of this, the only way to determine it's performance is by test. In other words,
standardized performance curves cannot be used with this types of CTs.
Figure 5.6 shows one such experimentally calibrated curve for a CT. The letter ‘B' indicates the burden in ohms to
which the CT is subjected. It is seen that when burden is less than say 0.1 ohms, CT meets the linear performance
criterion. However, as the burden increases to 0.5 ohms, the corresponding linearity criteria is not met till the end.
At 4 ohms burden, there is significant deviation from the linear response.
Ratio Error:
CT performance is usually gauged from the ratio error. The ratio error is the percentage deviation in the current
magnitude in the secondary from the desired value. In other words, if the current measured in the secondary is Is,
true or actual value is Ip/N, where N is nominal ratio (e.g. N
for a 100:5 CT is 20) and Ip is the primary current then ratio error is given by .


When the CT is not saturated ratio error (((lp/N )- ls)/ls)*100 is a consequence of magnetizing current I E
since lp/N – ls = lE

Therefore, % ratio error is equal to lE/ls *100 . When the CT is saturated, coupling between primary
and secondary is reduced. Hence large ratio errors

are expected in saturation. The current in the secondary is also phase shifted. For measurement grade
CTs, there are strict performance requirements on phase angle errors also. Error in phase angle
measurement affects power factor calculation and ultimately real and reactive power measurements. It
is expected that the ratio error for protection grade CTs will be maintained within +- 10 %.

Class C CT:

Letter designation 'C' indicates that the leakeage flux is negligible. Class C CTs are the more accurate bar
type CTs. In such CTs, the leakage flux from the core is kept very small. For such CTs, the performance
can be evaluated from the standard exciting curves. Also, the ratio error is maintained within for
standard operating conditions. For such CTs, voltage rating on the secondary is specified up to which
linear response is guaranteed. For example, a class C CT specification could be as follows: 200:5 C 100.
The labeling scheme indicates that we are dealing with a 200:5 class C CT which will provide linear
response up to 20 times rated current provided the burden on the secondary is kept below
(100/(20X5) = 1 ohm. Similarly, a corresponding class T CT may be labeled as 200:5 T 100. For class C
CTs, standard chart for E2 versus excitation current Ie on the secondary side is available. This provides the
protection engineer data to do more exact calculations (refer fig 5.7). e.g., in determining relaying

Potential Transformer (P.T.)

Potential transformer is used to step down the voltage of power system to a lower level to make is
feasible to be measured by small rating voltmeter i.e. 110 – 120 V voltmeter. The equivalent circuit
diagram for the VT.

In this assignment I just brief about the current transformer, as VT is most similar to that of
normal power transformer.

Difference between C.T. and P.T.

Few differences between C.T. and P.T. are listed below –

Sl. No. Current Transformer (C.T.) 1 Connected in series with power circuit.
2 Secondary is connected to Ammeter. Potential Transformer (P.T.)

3 Secondary works almost in short 1) Connected in Parallel with Power

circuited condition. circuit.

4 Primary current depends on power 2) Secondary is connected to Voltmeter.

circuit current.
3) Secondary works almost in open
5 Primary current and excitation vary circuited condition.
over wide range with change of power circuit
current 4) Primary current depends on secondary
6 One terminal of secondary is earthed to
avoid the insulation break down. 5) Primary current and excitation variation
are restricted to a small range.
7 Secondary is never be open circuited
6) One terminal of secondary can be
earthed for Safety.

7) Secondary can be used in open circuit


Numerical problems:

Question # 01
A , C400 CT with excitation curves shown on above fig 5.7, is connected to a 2.0 burden. Based
on the accuracy classification, what is the maximum symmetrical fault current that may be
applied to this CT without exceeding a 10% ratio error?


CT ratio = 1200/5
Secondary resistance = 0.61
Relay burden = 2
For 20 times rated secondary current, i.e., 100A Secondary voltage = 100 x (2 + 0.61) = 261 Volts
which is less than knee point of the CT.
Since this voltage is less than 400V, from electrical perspective, linearity will not be lost at even
higher currents.
Approximate limit on secondary current is given by
lmax = 400/2. 61 = 153 A
Hence maximum symmetrical fault current = 153 x (1200/5) = 36720 A.
More exact calculation requires usage of fig 5.7. This would involve 'cut and try' approach.

Question # 02:
A 1200/5, C400 CT is connected on the 1000/5 tap. What is the maximum secondary burden
that can be used and we can maintain rated accuracy at 20 times rated symmetrical secondary


The secondary voltage corresponding to the tap 1000/5, V s = (1000/1200)x400 = 333V

Secondary currnt Is = 20*5 = 100A
Vs = Is(Rs + Rb)
Rs = 0.5 ohm from calibration curve
333 = 100(0.51+Rb)

Secondary burden = 3.33 – 0.51 = 2.72 ohm.

Question # 03:

Assume that secondary burden of a 300:5 class C CT is 5 . The relay setting is 2A and the CT ratio
is 300/5. Using fig 5.7, calculate the primary current required to operate the relay?


Secondary burden = 5
Secondary resistance for 300/5 CT = 0.15
Relay setting, Is = 2A
Vs = 2 x (5 + 0.15) = 10.3V
Corresponding exciting current = 0.04A
Total secondary current = 2 + 0.04 = 2.04A
Note that, strictly, phasor addition of currents has to be done. However, algebraic addition
simplifies work and usually leads to conservative estimate of voltages. Hence, this practice is
considered acceptable.
Primary current to operate the relay
Ip =(300/5)*2.04 = 122A

Question # 04:
A relay is expected to operate for 7000A primary current. The class C CT ratio is 600/5, (see fig
5.7). Secondary burden is 3.5 . Will the CT saturate at this burden? Also, comment on the ratio


Secondary current Is = (7000/600)*5 = 58.33A

Vs = 58.33 (3.5 + 0.31) = 222.25V. From the excitation curve (fig. 5.7) of 600/5 CT, we can see
that the CT will be in deep saturation and % ratio error will exceed the limits.

Question # 05:

What will be the approximate % error if a 500:5 class C CT is connected to a secondary burden
of 2.5 and the secondary current is 68A.

For a 500/5 CT, secondary resistance Rs = 0.25ohm
Secondary burden RB = 2.5ohm
Vs = Is(Rb + Rs)
Vs = 68(2.5 + 0.25) = 187 V
Corresponding exciting current IE = 6A (fig 5.7) (approximate)
% error ratio = le/ls *100 = 6/68 * 100 = 8.82 %
% error ration = 8.82 %

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