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Astrologo, Jhemie Lynn V.


Repo Men

Repo Men is a science fiction, action movie. In the movie there is a giant corporation called the
UNION that makes artificial organs like, artificial heart, pancreas, kidney, lungs and etc… to
prolong human life. But, what will happen if human can’t pay the said organs? Is job is just a

Remy is one of the Repo men in the Union, he is responsible to the clients who can’t make
payments; he will shoot the client with a stun gun and repossesses his/her organ. Like in the
reality, the clients are one of the obligations of a salesman. If the clients can’t pay, the salesman
will take back or repossess something form the client. Like what Remy told in the movie “My
job is simple. Can’t pay for your car, the bank takes it back. Can’t pay for your house, the bank
takes it back. Can’t pay for your liver, that’s where I come in” well that is the duty of Remy as a
repo man. In the movie there are two sides. The side of the repo men and the side of the clients.
The Repo men will do their job, because that is their work and obligations just like a salesman.
On the other hand, the clients, if they can’t pay some of them will just hide, or avoid the repo
men or ask for mercy and for another chance and that is also the reality that is happening now in
our world. Also, in the movie Remy’s wife wants Remy to stop his work as a Repo Men in the
Union but Remy still choose to do one last case, which is the Case of T-bone. There are times
that our family does not agree in what we are doing and tell us to stop doing it and telling us that
it is for our sake. And sometimes we do things that will harm us at the end, but we are only
human, we tend to make mistakes but the important part is that we learn from it. In the case of T-
bone, Remy almost died, but thanks to the artificial heart, he still have a second chance to live
but it makes his life miserable, it was the darkest days of his life, but Beth came, Beth is like a
light in the dark. Beth is sympathetic to his situation. Like in our life, there will be a time that we
feel that we are alone in the dark, but there will be light that will help us to find ourselves again.

At the first part of the movie Remy tell a story about the cat, at first I did not know the
connection of it in the story, but later on I realized what he meant for that. Remy says that “It
took me a awhile, but I think, I finally understood why the scientist put the cat in box. He was
trying to tell us something. We’re all alive. We’re all dead. We’re all the cat, but we have to
make a choice. We either purr and lick ourselves and wait for the poison to put as down or we
scream and scratch and claw our way right out of the top of that damn box” it means that in our
life, we are the one who will make a choice. We can let our problems to fully destroy us, or we
will find a way to conquer our problem. Also Remy said that “At the end, a job is not just a job,
is who you are, and if wanna change who you are, you have to change what you do...” it means
that what we do for living reflects who we are. In Repo Men, different characters portray
different roles in our society. It can be a salesman and a customer. A boss and employee. And
people who facing difficulties in life. This movie is indeed an eye-opener.

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