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The National Geographic


a) Useful vocab:

plastic surgery buttock enhancement nips and tucks morph

tissue fillers neurotoxins rhinoplasty

b) Comprehension questions:

1) What kind of new treatments are non-surgical?

2) What do Brazilians prefer? And Americans?

c) Speaking activity:

1) Why do you think women turn more to plastic surgery than men? Do you think
that gender discrimination has something to do with it? What ideas,
preconceptions and stereotypes does our society have on women/men?

2) For example, the growing tendency of foreign people from the rest of Europe to
get surgery in Spain has dropped over the last few years. Tunisia is now the
favourite place to go. Did you know that? Can you think of a possible reason for
this? Do you think that these statistics from the National Geographic are real?

3) China had been a communist country, but it’s no longer communist now. The
communists did not believe in the importance of external, physical beauty. Now
the situation has changed radically. Did you know that many Chinese women
undergo very drastic surgery to lengthen their legs and become taller? They also
make their eyes less almond-like to resemble the European Caucasian shape of
the eyes. Can you think of a possible reason?

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