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Case Study 1

SI is a 38 year old Australian transgender woman living in North London. 20 months ago she was
seriously ill, and when she realised that she had survived she realised that she was disappointed. As
a result she decided to do something that she has always wanted to do, become a woman.

She could not wait for the NHS and ordered the hormones over the internet. Recently she has seen
an endocrinologist and she will be receiving the drugs from the NHS.

SI is upset that her wife no longer loves her. SI is looking after their 7 year old son but she realises
that her son needs her less. She works in a school as a lunch time assistant and a class room
assistant. SI is studying to be a class room assistant but finds it difficult to motivate herself or
concentrate. She needed to officially start living as a woman in order to get the hormones from the
NHS, so at school the children call her ‘miss’ and the staff treat her as a woman, as home her wife
calls her a him and refers to her as he.

She says that it is not possible to re-transition as it would make her too upset.

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