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Qaari Moulana Mufti Anwar Ali Mazahiri.

Trinidad & Tobago



In this month, Muslims can be hopeful of receiving from the treasures of Allah unlimited
blessings and divine mercy. The Holy Prophet (u.w.bp.) has said:

'On the first night of the blessed month of Ramadaan, the devils are chained and the doors of
Hell are closed and the doors of Paradise and mercy are opened wide.

In this month the most important and special act of worship is fasting (roza or saum). The
reality of fasting is that from the break of dawn until sunset a Muslim with the intention of
fasting refrains from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse.

In the hadiths there are many benefits of fasting which have been narrated some of which are:

The person who fast sincerely for the sake of Allah all his past sins are forgiven,

The smell of the mouth of a fasting person is loved by Allah more than the smell of

Allah will Himself reward the fasting person for his fast,

There is a special door of paradise which is named Rayyan just for those who use to fast,

And for those who neglected the fast, what punishment can be severer that the fact that the
Master and Creator, Allah, will be very angry and wrathful and in the gathering of angels and
pious men he will be badly remembered and disgraced and wherever that person used to eat
during the days of fasting, that place will bear witness against him on the day of judgment, that
he used to commit sin whilst in me, that is why it is necessary for every Muslim to recognize the
value of Ramadaan and fasting and not let it be a cause for loss in the worldly life and hereafter
by its neglect.


The fact that fasting is compulsory is established from the Qur’aan, Hadith and the general
consensus of the Muslims. Those who deny that it is compulsory are Kafirs (un-believers) and
those who, without shar'i (1aw-ful) excuse neglect the fast are great sinners and fasiq


It is not necessary to make the intention for fasting with the tongue, it is quite sufficient to intend
with the heart that today I will be fasting. If a person utters with the tongue in English or any
language that today I intend to keep fast or in Arabic

then it will be better.

If a person remains hungry, thirsty and refrains from sexual intercourse, but did not make the
intention for fasting even in the heart then he will be considered as if he had not fasted and will
not receive any rewards from Allah. The best time for making intention for the fast of Ramadhan
is before the break of dawn, however a person can still make his intention unto about 1 hour
before midday provided of course that he has not eaten or drank anything or had sexual
intercourse since the time after break of dawn.


1. Forgetfully eating, drinking or having sexual intercourse

2. Using miswak (toothstick)
3. Vomiting to any amount not being induced.
4. Smelling perfumes (attar etc.).
5. If a mosquito or fly is swallowed unintentionally.
6. Applying oil to the hair or beard.
7. Ejaculation when one is asleep.
8. Applying surma (antimony) or medicine to the eyes.
9. Swallowing of spit, phlegm.
10. Induced vomiting less than a mouthful.
11. Having sexual intercourse during the night and not taking a bath before the break of
12. Receiving an injection.
13. Smoke and dust entering one's throat on its own accord.
14. Tasting.

All of the above mentioned things do not cause the fast to be broken.


1. Applying medicine into the nose or ear.

2. Water entering the throat while gargling.
3. Induced vomiting more than a mouthful.
4. The entry of anything into the stomach or brain either through the mouth, nose or ear etc.
5. Mistakenly thinking the sun has set and opening the fast.
6. Mistaking it to be night and eating etc. after the break of dawn.
7. Inhaling the smoke of loban etc. intentionally.
8. Smoking cigarette.
9. If the colour of one's spit is dominated with the colour of blood then swallowing it will
cause the fast to break.
10. The use of medicine on the anus, the application of medicine on the urinary area of a
woman will cause the fast to break but not so of a man.
11. If a piece of food is stuck in the mouth and it is removed and taken out of the mouth then
eaten, the fast will be broken. If within the mouth itself the piece of food is removed with
the tongue and swallowed, then, if it was the size of a pea or bigger the fast will be

If a person intentionally breaks his fast then it is compulsory on him to make Qadaa and give
Kafaara, the Kafaara is that he has to fast for two months consecutively without interval or feed
sixty poor people to their bellyful, two meals for one day or give the amount in sadaqatul fitr to
sixty persons.


1. Without necessity chewing anything or tasting salt etc. and spitting it out.
2. Cleaning teeth with tooth powder.
3. Remaining all day in the condition of janabat (state of impurity) and not taking a bath.
4. Minor operation without necessity.
5. Backbiting ie. Speaking anything of anyone such that if that person should hear it he
would be displeased or hurt. Backbiting is haram at all times but in ramadaan its sins are
increased many times over.
6. Cursing, fighting, causing fights are all makrooh during fasting and otherwise, but they
do not cause the fast to be broken.


1. A sick person because of severe weakness or fear of sickness increasing is excused from
fasting in Ramadaan, however it will be compulsory for him to perform its Qadaa after
his health or strength returns.
2. A pregnant woman who by keeping fast has a strong possibility of injuring herself or the
fetus, is excused from fasting but Qadaa is compulsory.
3. A woman who is suckling a child, if because of fasting the child is not receiving milk and
is being harmed then, that woman is excused from fasting but Qadaa is compulsory.
4. A traveler who intends to travel more than 48 miles from his home provided he is a
traveler at the break of dawn is excused from fasting but Qadaa is compulsory, but if he
does not face hardship in his journey then it is better that he should keep the fast.
However if one experiences hardships or can cause difficulty to one's companions then it
is better to abstain from fasting.
5. If a fasting person starts a journey during the day then it is compulsory on him to
complete that day's fast or if a traveler returns home from his journey during the day he
should refrain from eating etc. and act as a fasting person.
6. If one's life is threatened and is forced to break the fast then it is permissible for him and
he will make Qadaa later on.
7. If because of severe hunger or thirst or sickness it becomes the opinion of an expert
doctor that one can lose his life then it is necessary to break the fast, however Qadaa is
compulsory later on.
8. It is not permissible for a woman to fast during the period of menstruation or bleeding
after childbirth, Qadaa will be compulsory.


To eat something for Sehri is a Sunnah, if a person is not hungry then he should at least eat one
or two dates or something or drink a glass of water. It is Sunnah to delay the Sehri as much as
possible but such delay should not be done that doubt arises in the time.

When one becomes certain that the sun has set then it is Mustahab that he immediately breaks
the fast (iftar) without delay.

If possible, one should eat enough at Iftaar that he can have strength to perform Salaat
comfortable with full concentration and devotion. It is Mustahab for the Imam that he should not
be very hasty to perform Maghrib Salaat but should allow an adequate amount of time for the
followers to complete there Iftaar and join the jamaat for Salaah. It is better to open the fast with
dates or some thing sweet, if not available then water or anything else sweet will suffice. Some
people think it is praiseworthy to break the fast with salt, this is an incorrect belief.

It is Masnun to recite the following prayer at Iftaar:


It is Sunnah Muakadah to perform 20 rakaats of Taraweeh prayer after the Isha prayer during the
nights of Ramadaan. It is also Sunnah to listen to at least one complete recitation of the Holy
Qur’aan in the Taraweeh prayer during the month, these two are separate Sunnahs. If at any
place a hafiz of Qur’aan is not found or one is found but he demands to be paid for reciting the
Holy Qur’aan in Taraweeh then it is praiseworthy to perform Taraweeh with the last ten surahs
of the Qur’aan, do not pay to listen to the Qur’aan because taking or given payment for the
recitation of the Qur’aan is Haraam!

It is not proper to perform Taraweeh before the fards of Isha Salaat, that is why if a person
reaches the Masjid when the Isha Salaat has already been performed then he has to pray his Isha
Salaat before joining the jamaat for Taraweeh, however it is permissible to perform Taraweeh
both before or after Witr Salaat, for this reason the person who has some rakaats remaining
should pray Witr with the jamaat and then complete his remaining rakaats on his own.

To recite the Qur’aan in Taraweeh with such speed that words or letters are not pronounced
properly is a great sin. In such a situation neither the Imam nor the followers get any blessings. It
is Mustahab to sit after every four rakaats for such a period in which four rakaats can be
performed, a person can make dua during this time or recite darood or simply remain quiet. If the
followers consent then there is no problem with sitting for a shorter period.

It is not permissible to omit the tasbeeh of ruku or sajdah or omit darood in tashahud in Salaat
with the intention of finishing quickly without any shar'i (lawful) excuse.

It is not permissible to decorate the Masjid or hold any special programs on the day in which the
Qur’aan will be completed.

To speak of worldly affairs in the Masjid at any time or any day of the year is not permissible,
those who do so are sinners. To make excessive noise or play in the Masjid is not permissible.


Recitation of Qur'aan in any Salaah in such a way that a word becomes distorted so much so that
its meaning is changed causes the Salaat- to become null and void (broken). If the meaning is not
changed then the Salaat will not be broken. If those letters of which distinction is difficult are
read one in place of the other then the Salaat will not be broken eg. Seen, Saad, Daad, Zaa, Zaal
etc. and as for those in which distinction in not difficult, if one letter is read in place of another
letter and the meaning completely changes then the namaaz will be broken e.g. if in place of
saalihaat a person reads taalihaat the salaat will be broken.


To remain in I'tikaf during last ten days of Ramadan is an emphasized Sunnah on a sufficient
basis, that is if one person of the community stays in I’tikaf then the entire community will be
relieved of that responsibility, however if no one remains in I’tikaf then the entire community
will be answerable for the neglect of this Sunnah.

I'tikaf can be performed by men, only in such a Masjid in which there is congregation for each of
the five daily prayers (Salaat) and women will specify a room or certain place in her home
wherein she will remain with the intention of I’tikaf and she must be free of menstruation or
child bleeding during this period. If during I’tikaf her menstruation starts or she goes into labour
then she must discontinue I’tikaf.

The I'tikaf becomes null and void if one leaves the place of I’tikaf without valid excuse e.g.
going to the toilet. It is Makrooh (disliked) to remain in complete silence during I’tikaf however
one should not engage in vain talks but instead recite Qur’aan or Zikr or be engaged in some
other form of worship.


1. On the day of Eid ul Fitr it is Wajib to offer two rakaats of Salaat as a sign of gratitude.
2. The time of Eid Salaah is from the time when the sun rises over the level of a spear until
3. It is Wajib to listen to the Eid Khutba which must be in Arabic only.
4. A person cannot perform Eid Salaat on his own without a jamaat.


1. Taking bath and brushing the teeth with miswak.

2. Putting on the best possible Sunnah clothing.
3. Applying attar.
4. Before going to the place of Salaat eating something sweet like dates etc.
5. Getting up earlier in the morning.
6. Going by one route and returning by another.
7. Saying no nafil prayer before Eid prayers either in the Mosque or elsewhere.
8. Saying no nafil prayer in the special Eid Mosque after congregational prayer.
9. To recite the following takbir softly whilst on the way for prayer i.e.


1. Sadaqatul Fitr become wajib (incumbent) upon such a person to whom belongs such
wealth, property or goods productive or otherwise which are in excess of his general
necessities of life and which equal to or exceed the minimum amount upon which Zakaat
has to be given.
2. Every person in possession of the amount explained above is duty bound to pay
Sadaqatul fitr on his own behalf as well as on behalf of his minor children. But if the
minors are themselves owners of capital, Sadaqah may be paid out of their capital.
3. Sadaqa-tul fitr becomes wajib from the break of dawn on Eid day for this reason it will
not be wajib upon that child who was born after this time or a person who died before this
4. The best time for paying sadaqatul fitr would be on Eid day before Eid salaat, delaying it
till after the Eid salaat is also permissible.
5. It is also permissible to pay sadaqatul fitr in Ramadan itself.
6. Categories of people eligible to receive zakaat are also eligible to receive sadaqah,
Similarly categories of people barred from receiving the zakaat are also barred from
receiving sadaqah.
7. The amount to be paid as sadaqatul fitr is 3.5lbs of wheat or its flour or 7lbs of barley, if
some food grain other than wheat or barley (e.g., rice, millet etc.or cash) is to be given, it
must be given in quantities equivalent to 3.5lbs of wheat or 7lbs of barley.
8. Sadaqattil Fitr remains due as long as one has not paid it, no matter how much time has
9. Sadaqatul Fitr can be given to one needy person or distributed among more than one.


Because most people pay Zakaat during the month of Ramadhan, we will also mention
something of Zakaat. Zakaat is a compulsory pillar of Islam but most people are neglectful of it.
Either they don’t pay Zakaat at all or they pay less then the stipulated amount. The Holy Prophet
saws has said:

“To whom belongs gold or silver (wealth or capital) and he does not pay Zakaat, on the day of
judgment the wealth will be heated in the fire of hell and his forehead, sides and stomach will be
branded with it”

and he , the Prophet saws also said:

“To whom Allah has favored with wealth and he did not pay the Zakaat, on the day of judgment
his wealth will come in the shape of one giant poisonous snake and will be placed around his
neck and will bite him and say: I am your wealth, your treasure. Because of a little stinginess,
one will have to face such punishment. May Allah protect us.

Below you will find a form that if carefully followed will very easily allow you to calculate
the amount of Zakaat due by you.

This form was prepared by Islamic Scholars of Trinidad. Your duas are requested for
them all, both those alive and those deceased.

Currency shown is in Trinidad & Tobago Currency.


SECTION ONE - (Non-farming assets)

. Zakaatable Assets Value in $ T.T.

(A-1) Cash on hand and in banks =
(A-2) Loans (lent out) =
(A-3) Shares, bonds and stocks with companies =
(A-4) Gold and silver (not jewelry) =
(A-5) Gold and silver (in personal jewelry) =
(A-6) Items of trade (current cost price) =
(A-7) Raw material (current cost price) =
(A-8) Real estate (for trade) =
(A-9) Money owed to you for items sold, manufactured or =
. Total =

. Liabilities Value in $ T.T.

(L-1) Personal debts due =
(L-2) Business debts due (for items of trade) =
(L-3) Business debts due (for buildings, equipment, =
machinery, vehicles, labour etc.)
. Total =


1. The above form is to be completed at the end of your lunar year for Zakaah.
(Every Ramadaan or every Rajab etc.)

2. Minus your current liabilities from your Zakaatable assets to get surplus.

Total Zakaatable Assets =

Total Current Liabilities =
Surplus =

3. If the Surplus is equal to or more than the minimum Zakaatable amount

(NISAAB) which is the value of 19.7 troy ounces of silver and it has not dropped
below the minimum Zakaatable amount (Nisaab) at any time during the year,
then the entire Surplus becomes “Zakaatable Surplus”.
4. Pay 2.5% of the entire Zakaatable Surplus to the poor as Zakaat
(2 1/2 % of Zakaatable Surplus or Zakaatable Surplus x 0.025).

The Nisaab or minimum Zakaatable wealth for October 2002 is $1,083.50 T.T. This
Nisaab was calculated on 14th October 2002 based on the current price of an ounce of
silver. Please Consult your local Islamic Organisation for the latest Nisab figure as it
will fluctuate yearly.
Note: At the time of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A) 19.7 troy ounces of silver were equivalent to 2.8 troy
ounces of gold. As the value of silver in the present time is lower than the value of gold, silver is used to
calculate the minimum Zakaatable amount as a means of precaution. (If, however, one has only gold and
no other Zakaatable assets, then he will use 2.8 troy ounces of gold as the minimum Zakaatable amount.)

(A-1) Cash on hand and in banks under (A-1) can be applied to one’s earnings, one’s business and rental
income. The monies spent during the lunar year from one’s salary or from one’s business for personal
needs are not Zakaatable assets.

(A-2) Bad debts are not treated as Zakaatable assets. However, for precaution, one may include them

(A-3) Normally, company shares include the value of fixed assets such as buildings, tools, machinery etc.,
which are not Zakaatable assets. Therefore, minus the percentage value of fixed assets from the value of
company shares under (A-3).

(A-5) The value of gold or silver found in personal jewelry will be placed under (A-5). The value of
precious stones and the value of workmanship in personal jewelry are not Zakaatable assets.

(A-6) Under (A-6), “items of trade” include anything that is traded. Example: clothes, building supplies,
jewelry, poultry, animals, foodstuffs etc.

(L-1) (L-2) (L-3) Liabilities that are not due at the time of Zakaah calculation, but will be due in future, will
not be placed under (L-1), (L-2) and (L-3).

SECTION TWO - (Farming Assets - Certain Livestock)

Zakaah will be calculated on livestock such as camels, cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep that graze freely
for most of the year and are kept for milk, procreation and fattening. This calculation will be done at the
end of every lunar year.

If one had no Zakaatable assets under Section One, then he may apply his current liabilities against the
value of the mentioned livestock. The remaining animals will be the “Zakaatable Surplus” whose Zakaah
will be calculated according to the relevant following schedules.

The Schedule for the Calculation of Zakaah on Livestock

Sheep and Goats

The Nisaab (minimum number) when Zakaah becomes applicable is forty animals which are more than
twelve months old. There is no Zakaah if the number is less than forty.


40 - 120 1 Animal
121 - 200 2 Animals
201 - 399 3 Animals
400 4 Animals

Thereafter for each additional hundred, a one-year-old sheep or goat must be given as Zakaah.

Cattle and Water Buffaloes
The Nisaab when Zakaah becomes applicable is thirty animals. There is no Zakaah if the number is less
than thirty.

NUMBER ZAKAAH - 1 Year Old ZAKAAH - 2 Year Old

30 - 39 1 Animal .
40 - 59 . 1 Animal
60 - 69 2 Animals .
70 1 Animal 1 Animal
80 . 2 Animals
90 3 Animals .
100 2 Animals plus 1 Animal
110 1 Animal plus 2 Animals
120 4 Animals or 3 Animals

The schedule for camels is omitted, as it is not relevant to Trinidad and Tobago.

Rule (1): Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad are of the opinion that liabilities cannot be subtracted from the
value of the mentioned livestock.

Rule (2): If the mentioned types of livestock are owned and kept for the purpose of riding, transportation
or meat, then they will not be subject to Zakaah.

Rule (3): There is no schedule of Zakaah for other types of livestock such as rabbits, birds, chickens etc.

Rule (4): If any type of livestock or animals is kept and reared for trade, then such animals will fall under
“items of trade” of (A-6) in Section One.

SECTION THREE - (Farming Assets-Crops)

When any crop is beyond 653 kilograms, then Zakaah will be given from that crop. In the case of crops,
no debts and no cost of cultivation and reaping will be deducted.

The amount of the crop or its value to be given as Zakaah is:

a. 10 % of whatever the land produced or its value of the land watered naturally by rain water, river
water etc.

5 % of whatever the land produced or its value if the land was watered in the major period of the crop by
manual effort; or otherwise incurring a cost such as pumps etc.

SECTION FOUR - (Treasures and Minerals)

a. Treasures - One will pay 20% on the treasure found whether metal or non-metal.

b. Minerals - One will pay 20% on metal minerals extracted from his mine(s)

According to Imam Ahmad, Zakaah becomes compulsory also upon non-metal and liquid minerals. This
view should be adopted for precaution.


Zakaah is a compulsory charity which is paid from one’s wealth with certain stipulations to a deserving
person or persons.

In many places in the Qur’aan, Allah has commanded the Muslims to perform Salaah and to pay the

Zakaah becomes compulsory on Muslims who have reached the age of puberty and who own a certain
amount of special types of wealth. Zakaah is a pillar of Islam.

Section Three and Section Four will be applicable to minors also.

What to do with your Zakaah?

1. Zakaah must be given to the poor and needy Muslims.

2. Zakaah can be given to the authorities of any mosque, organization or institution to be given to
the poor and needy Muslims.

3. Zakaah can be given to needy Muslim students to pursue studies or to any educational institution
to sponsor needy Muslim students.

4. Zakaah can be given to a traveller who has difficulties in his journey to meet his relevant basic
needs when he cannot have access to his money at home.

5. One can use authorized receipts of Zakaah payments for tax relief.

6. Zakaah cannot be used to build mosques and schools.

7. Zakaah cannot be given to non-Muslims.

8. One cannot give one’s Zakaah to one’s parents or children. The same rule applies to
grandparents and those in line of ascent as well as grandchildren and those in line of descent.

9. One cannot give Zakaah to one’s spouse.

10. Zakaah cannot be given to the descendants of the family of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A).

For further information on the calculation of Zakaah consult the Islamic scholars.

Please consult the Islamic Scholars in your area for additional information.

I request your Duas for myself and all my Teachers and all pious scholars and Auliya.


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