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My Top 3 Work Values in a Job During my internship, I have met different kinds of people working in the
company I was trained. There are a lot of qualities that determine what makes a person a good worker.
One of the top 3 work values that I find to be a necessity for a person to have to become a better
employee is PUNCTUALITY to the assigned tasks. The company where I went to have my internship is
an electrical distribution company. When a complaint is made by the customer, the response time to
execute must be as soon as possible in order to maintain the company’s image for the consumers to be
ensured that the company is a reliable one. Punctuality on your assigned task is not only just a
requirement to prevent a worker from receiving company penalties but also one of the ways to discipline
ourselves. The second work value I will mention is important to establish connection with our fellow
workers - RESPECT. Unity makes the tasks easier. To achieve unity, we must respect our fellow workers.
Maintaining good relationship among fellow workers is one of a must trait for a person to have. Even
though I was only just a trainee, the employees in the department I was assigned to, treated me like a
friend. I realized that no matter how smart a person is, but if rude at the same time, during work, the
person will have a hard time to accomplish his assigned tasks. Both in and outside the workplace, a good
social relationship among your work peers helps us to be a better person. And lastly, the third work value
that I think is also essentioal in a job is PERSEVERANCE, this trait is what a person needs to overcome
challenges despite the delays and difficulties he or she may come across.

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