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 Disposable gloves
 Face shield
 Specimen container
 Laboratory requisition form
 Mouth care tray


 Patient preparation
 Before collecting sputum specimen, gain the patient’s consent; explain the
procedure to patient emphasizing the difference between sputum and
saliva and how to cough deeply to obtain specimen.
 Position the patient, usually sitting to effectively cough up sputum and
prevent aspiration.
 Allow patient to rinse mouth with water to avoid sputum contamination
with microbes that may be present in the mouth. Do not use antiseptic
solution because it can alter the result.

 Obtain sputum specimen

 Perform hand hygiene to prevent the spread of microbes.
 Don gloves and wear face shield to prevent contact with bodily fluid thus
reducing the risk of infection.
 Instruct patient to inhale repeatedly to full the lung capacity and exhale air
with an explosive cough to expectorate sputum.
 Allow the patient to expectorate sputum into the specimen container.
 Ensure adequate amount of sputum is obtained so the test can be done.
(approximately 5 ml)
 Secure the lid of the container to prevent spillage and possible
 Provide patient comfort
 Perform oral care following sputum collection to remove any unpleasant
 Reposition patient to a comfortable position as indicated for his/her
medical condition.

 Care of specimen
 Label the specimen container for identification and verification purposes.
 Transport specimen promptly to the laboratory.

 Remove personal protective gears; properly dispose; and perform hand

hygiene to prevent the spread of microbes.

 Repeat procedure for three consecutive days preferably at the same time
on each occasion.

 Document the characteristics (amount, color, consistency, presence of

blood) of sputum, time the procedure was done, care provided to the
patient, patient’s education and patient’s response. This is done as a clinical
record to provide pertinent patient information to the multidisciplinary
team thereby ensuring the continuity of care.

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