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October 14th, 2020

Montréal, Québec

Letter to the Mohawk Chiefs

Dear neighbors of Kanesatake,

I would like to begin by apologizing, I had no intention to spam you by sharing information acquired
through my OSINT ops.

Secondly, I pay attention & read everything that happens to your people, and I carefully analyze every
situation concerning Native Americans in Canada. You may see me, as a stranger, or outsider, which
makes sense since I am not a Mohawk, but I see you as extended family. Allow me to explain:

The man in this picture is my cousin, he is an Hispano-Inca. He is part of my family.

I also have cousins that are Azteca (Aztec), and Maya (Mayan), as well as from Other Native American
Tribes, and considering all Native Americans are Genetically related, and that my family, over the past
500 years, have inter-married with all of the Central & South American Tribes, the Tribes who had
Empires, and massive Cities, such as the ones in Peru built in the Mountains unlike anything found in
Canada… I consider you to be my cousins as well. You may not be my 1st cousins, as in, the children of
my uncle (whose wife is a Hispano-Mayan Colombian Woman), but in my heart, all the Native Americans
of Canada feel like Family to me.

Ancient DNA reveals complex migrations of the first Americans

Now I see a big difference between the Tribes in North America and the ones in South America.

First off, in Latin America, we gave our Native families their countries back over 100 years ago. There is
no more Crown harassing them in Latin America in 2020. They have Full Government Control of their
land, they do not live on reservations or in social seclusion unless they decide to honor their ancient
traditional paths & shun modern technology, which some decide to do even to this day.

Our Latin American Natives, today on October 14th, 2020 have Independent Police Forces, Militaries, and
Independent Courts, they have their own Ministries of Foreign Affairs & Consulates, which is something
that Natives are not even capable of envisioning at this moment in Canada, but I can envision it for you.

Although to you, deals with the Crown to regain a bit of lost land, seems like a good deal. To me, it does
not constitute a cessation of Genocide, meaning it’s not enough on the part of the English & French,
since they refuse to drop the corporate constitution’s articles enshrining Genocide as law.

Canada would need to be dissolved & a new National Corporation, where you would be treated as
Equals (A Spartan Term for Full Members of Society) rather than colonial subjects, would be created.

Now we Spanish are not like you guys, for the simple reason that the English are very bad at winning
against us. The French & English have attacked us countless times and each time we’ve slaughtered
them, time & time again, we defeated both of them in Wars everywhere on Earth. We’ve killed
countless English & French Military Generals, Soldiers, and even Royals at War, cousins of Elizabeth II.

Spain has raided England with fleets, burning & destroying Coastlines in England, killing Man, Woman &
Child in English Towns as we gave them their just punishment for their piracy in Europe, for over 1000
years. Natives in Canada have never successfully defeated the English in any war, and you have also
never successfully invaded or attacked England... but my family has.

I know the Mohawks want peace & to be treated fairly, with love, and you should be treated well,
because you are part of the Terran Family as much as anybody else alive on this planet in 2020.

As much as the French & English would like to keep you isolated in your own communities, to me it’s
hard to see a future where Natives are not part of every aspect of social life, as they are today in Latin &
Central America.

My recommendation, while accepting your 3 requests, is to stop being re-active to the Colonists, and
start being Pro-Active. Stop accepting the program offered by the English & French, and start designing
your program to enforce on them. Turn the tables. Reclaim your land. I will help as my family has been
doing this for over a century, assisting Natives, regain control, and establish their own State
Corporations, which today in 2020, are recognized as Legitimate governments, free from Crown Control.

Although the People of Kanesatake desire to restore their Police Force, which is a project I fully support,
I believe you need to upgrade your ambitions a bit.

What I mean by this, is I want you to have a Native American Intelligence Agency (NAIA), that can rival
the CIA & MI6 Intelligence Agencies in North America, and even work with them if necessary.

The Military Term for what I do is called OSINT.

Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is a multi-methods (qualitative, quantitative) methodology for

collecting, analyzing and making decision about data accessible in publicly available sources to
be used in an intelligence context. In the intelligence community, the term "open" refers
to overt, publicly available sources (as opposed to covert or clandestine sources). It is not
related to open-source software or collective intelligence.

OSINT under one name or another has been around for hundreds of years. With the advent of
instant communications and rapid information transfer, a great deal of actionable and predictive
intelligence can now be obtained from public, unclassified sources.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is the collection and analysis of information that is gathered from
public, or open, sources.[1] OSINT is primarily used in national security, law enforcement, and business
intelligence functions and is of value to analysts who use non-sensitive intelligence in
answering classified, unclassified, or proprietary intelligence requirements across the previous
intelligence disciplines.

OSINT sources can be divided up into six different categories of information flow:

• Media, print newspapers, magazines, radio, and television from across and between countries.

• Internet, online publications, blogs, discussion groups, citizen media (i.e. – cell phone videos,
and user created content), YouTube, and other social media websites (i.e.
– Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). This source also outpaces a variety of other sources due to
its timeliness and ease of access.

• Public Government Data, public government reports, budgets, hearings, telephone directories,
press conferences, websites, and speeches. Although this source comes from an official source
they are publicly accessible and may be used openly and freely.

• Professional and Academic Publications, information acquired from journals, conferences,

symposia, academic papers, dissertations, and theses.

• Commercial Data, commercial imagery, financial and industrial assessments, and databases.

• Grey literature, technical reports, preprints, patents, working papers, business documents,
unpublished works, and newsletters.

OSINT is distinguished from research in that it applies the process of intelligence to create tailored
knowledge supportive of a specific decision by a specific individual or group.
Understanding that in any culture, it’s never the whole of the Population that works in the Intelligence
fields, most preferring simple labour & less puzzling occupations, but in any society, Intelligence is
necessary to some degree for the Leadership to organize his people & defend them from Foreign or
Domestic threats.

In Europe, especially in Rome & Spain, we’ve had Intelligence Agencies operating for over 2000 years.

The Germanics were never able to conquer us or genocide us in Europe, they actually lost their cultures
when immigrating to our lands, and converted to Roman culture, losing their languages & german ways
in the process… to the point where the Majority of Visigothic Spaniards or Lombardic Italians would be
incapable of talking their own language today in 2020, and would resort to modern Latin, such as
Spanish, Catalan or Italian to communicate.

We are the creators of the Intelligence & Government Trade in Europe.

If anyone can teach you about Intelligence, it’s the people that the Germans copied off from when
creating their own Intel Companies operating today, the ones that keep you enslaved as Crown Subjects.

In 2020, you guys are begging for land, equality & your own police forces…

Then I turn around and I see my Aztec, Mayan & Incan cousins all free, with their own countries, their
own governments, their own armies & courts & flags and no Crown harassing them…

I want more for you than you claim for yourselves.

I recommend the Native Chiefs of Canada consider Incorporating an All Native American Intelligence
Agency, that would work like the CIA, but outside of Crown Jurisdiction.

The benefit of this would be immediate for your societies, but it would also make it less bothersome for
the Chiefs, to have a dedicated team of specialists who would gather intelligence for a living, to the
benefit of all members of your society, to receive information.

That way, I could relay information to the Native American Intelligence Agency, their Agents could
Triage all the info & provide formal reports to the Chiefs of not just Kanesatake, but all Native Americans
in Canada.

I feel it would be a first step, towards your people restoring control over what is rightfully yours…
North America.

Recognition of your Native American Civilian & Military Agencies could then allow cooperation & work
with Crown corporations to ensure Justice for people victims of colonial injustice.

If you keep acting like a British Subject, the English & French will keep treating you like a Subject.. even if
the law says otherwise.

Knowing how to fight or how to be diplomatic is important, but timing is worth more than Gold.

I don’t think there has ever been a better time than now, for your people to get your country back, but it
won’t happen with wishful thinking. I think it can be achieved peacefully through cooperation. People
like Mr Miller may be able to assist you, I feel he is genuinely horrified by the way your people has been
treated. Issue is change involves changing. Changing means things are going to have to change.

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