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Chapter 1


Today, every other student has access to technology in School or at home.
Computers have become a necessary part of teaching Students in School and
Classrooms are Being equipped with computer systems to impart Education to
Students Government Too is taking steps to enhance Education in Philippines with
modern techniques using Computers and laptops. Nowadays, every student prefers
Internet learning whether it is for home works, Study notes, and projects or for
exam preparation this is why Computer skills Should be Adopted by Students in
School life only not only these Skills but also understanding the rules of
Technology because if students don’t follow the rules of Computer also
recommended that we use this opportunity in good use for Students and for
Modern Computers has greatly improved to the students. Lives through different
fields such as medicines, work and especially education for the Students, we know
the benefits of using technology as making Student more interested and excited
about the lesson. It also increased the Students level of interaction and it brought us
new perspectives and knowledge in class. Also, with computer skills students adapt
to modern approach to learning, they gain knowledge well as learn new skill so
that they can take up challenges like cyber Olympiads, quiz competitions etc. Such
type of competitions or participating in new skill development activities makes an
interactive learning and boosts students’ interest in their academics by using
multimedia and any other engaging approach with computers teachers can develop
the interest of students in every other subject; this way students will be more
active, attentive and present in classrooms. Students mastering computer skills
become more advanced and quick learners because they adapt to a new subject or
technical things easily as compared with students who lack in computer skills.
Statement of the problem

The general problem of the study is: “How does the benefits of the using computer
to the academic performance of the students? Specifically, it sought to answer the
following questions
1. What is the benefits of the using computers to the academic performance in
terms of the following:
1.1 school activities
1.2 homework
1.3 research paper
Significance of the study

This research will help the researchers to determine and to know what the benefits
of the using computer to the academic performance of the students. It is hoped that
the findings of this research would be important to the following:


It will help the students to acknowledge on how they should use the computer
devices to attain and to help them improve themselves and participate actively,
increase in productivity and increased motivation.


They could help their child to use computer for academic or school purposes and
they could guide them and keep themselves involved, this way they could monitor
their child in or out of school


It will help them to do same new strategies and techniques and it can also aid
teachers in coming up with simple lessons plans or activities


This study will help the researchers to accomplish their requirements in their
course. This will also help them to understand the importance of knowing the
benefits of using computers to the academic performance of students
Slope and limitation
Definition and terms

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