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Summary of 7 Ways to CONVINCE People to BUY Your Product

1. Change your mindset

 It starts with the mindset of you are there to serve the people
 You are actually trying to help the person to make a good decision not just try to close
with them
 Instead of spending so much of your time dealing with people who are not good fits for
your business, you use that time focus on finding people who are good fits for your
 Spend less time trying to convince everybody, more time finding and helping the people
who you can help

2. Listen to them
 The best tool that you have as a salesperson is your ears
 You need to able to listen to your costumers to understand what they’re looking for
 Don’t talk all the time because they will get annoyed and a lot of things you are saying
to them will not going to help them
 The first step of being a great salesperson is to LISTEN to what the people are saying.
LISTEN to what their problems are. LISTEN to try to find points that you understand their
challenge and then it’s easier to come up with a solution that will help them

3. Understand their why

 People come in with one reason for why they think they’re buying from you or they
think they’re interested
 But there’re always a deeper reason which they may acknowledge or they may need
couple probing questions to figure out. That’s why you need to understand why they
came to you
 There’s always a why behind the why
 Usually it’s not the first answer but it’s the second or third answer. So ask the why and
then when they give you a response, ask a second why or third why underneath to get
to the real core because if you understand what really moves them, you understand the
true intention behind it.

4. Make a connection
 Make a personal connection with them somehow
 Try to hear a personal story that relates to them
 You know their why and show them that you understand their why
 Sharing a good personal story shows that you listen to them and you understand them
and also shows that you have a solution for them because you’ve gone through it
yourself and you know what situations they are in.
 So if you understand their why behind why, you have a deep understanding of their
fear, their pain, their desire and this is how you solved it. Then they feel like they are not
being sold anymore but you are actually trying to help them.

5. Recommend a solution that fits

 Once you’ve asked why behind the why and once you’ve made a connection with a
personal story that relates to them, now you have to figure out what’s the best option
for you to be able to give that person
 You can’t give what they are asking for but at least you can offer different options what
is the best for them instead of just saying No
 It may mean you recommend them outside of your company or you’re sending your
potential customers to one of your competitors but it’s the best thing for them
 It earns a lot of trust, loyalty and referrals and they will remember that relationship
between you when you recommend the best thing for them even if they can’t get what
they want from you and later they’re going to come back to you if ever they have
another potential option or questions because they know that you give the best options
for them
 Just be able to recommend the right thing for them, not just the thing that you are
trying to sell of

6. Go above and beyond

 You need to get referrals from your business
 Providing a good product or service isn’t enough if you want people to pass your name
on to them
 You have to think about how you can go above and beyond to make it special not just
product or service but experience for them
 So every time they involved with your company in any way a phone call, in person,
email, social media however they’re interacting with you they feel great as a result
 Looking at through the entire process dealing with the customers how can you make the
experience better, more enjoyable, more memorable, more pleasant so they can’t help
but tell their friends about this amazing time that they had with you
 They find something that really tags you to them when you go above and beyond. They
will feel a lot more trust, honesty and loyalty toward you that they will not only want to
come back and look forward the first experience, come back for future experiences, but
also tell their friends.
 You need the mouth of words and that come from providing an extraordinary
experience on top of the product or service that you’re selling
7. Model success
 Remember any problem that you have right now, somebody’s already solved it
 There is a lot of different sales training you can pick from but it doesn’t mean that you
have to follow anybody’s methodology exactly.
 All the tips may not work to you, so apply the tips what it works for you
 Reach out to experts by putting a video on social media and get direct feedbacks for
your business from somebody who knows what you are talking about
 Whether you’re watching videos, reading books, or whether you are on social media,
constantly educate yourself.
 You don’t have to come up with every single in genius idea to solve your problem.
Somebody has figure it out already so learn from other, take what works for you and
apply it to your business.

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