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Ogaishe Y Mudzamiri

St John’s High School ™



Paper 1 GeographicalThemes September 2020

1 hour45 minutes

Youmustanswer on the question paper.

● Answer ALL questions .
● Use a black or dark blue pen.Youmay use an HB pencil forany diagrams or graphs.
● Writeyour name and class in the boxes atthe top ofthe page.
● Writeyour answer toeach question in the space provided.
● Donotuse an erasable pen or correction fluid.
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● Ifadditional space is needed, you should use the lined pages atthe end ofthis booklet;
the question number or numbers mustbe clearly shown.

● The total mark forthis paper is 60.
● The number ofmarks foreach question or part question is shown in brackets [].
● The insert contains additional resources referred toin the questions.

MEDCs – More Economically Developed Countries
LEDCs – Less Economically Developed Countries

Answer ALL questions

1. (i) Define weather. – weather is the condition of the atmosphere at particular place and
time. [1]

(ii) Describe how wind direction is measured.- wind direction is measured using a wind
vane and in points. [2]

(iii) Identify from Fig.1 the weather characteristic measured by the following
Fig 1

Anemometer – wind speed

Barometer – air pressure

Thermometer - temperature

(b) Study Fig.2, which is a news article about a reservoir near Solapur in India a low income

The State government was asked to release water from upstream reservoirs to
theUjani reservoir which was empty.
Householders and farmers in the area have been asking for the release of
85 million cubic metres of water into the Ujani reservoir. Water is also needed for
a sugar factory and a soft drinks factory in Solapur.
Even though the government has agreed to release water from upstream the
worry is that not much water will actually reach the drought-affected people.
Water will have to travel 250 km and a large amount will be lost by evaporation
before reaching the Ujani reservoir.

(i) Identify from Fig. 2three different uses of water from the Ujani Reservoir.
1 for farming

2for the production of soft drink

3for the production of sugar. [3]

(ii) Name one problem that can be caused by water shortages- drought [1]


2. (a)Study Fig. 3 Describe three characteristics of the Stevenson screen shown in


Fig 3

1 it is painted white to prevent sun radiation

2 it has slanted sides

3 it can hold other weather instruments. [3]

(b) The place shown on Fig. 4 has 5 mm of rainfall and a temperature of 19 °C in

November. Complete Fig. 4 by adding this information. [2]

(c) Calculate the annual range of temperature at the place shown on Fig. 4.
. [1]
(d) Using the climatic graph below identify the month which has the lowest
rainfall.- February. [1]

(e) Study Fig. 5, which shows an area of tropical rainforest.

(i)Using Fig. 5, name the type of trees which grow to over 40 metres tall.
trees .............................................................................. [1]

(ii) Describe two characteristics of tropical rainforest vegetation.

1 they receive high amount of rainfall

2 trees shed their leaves [2]


3(a) Study Photograph A below which shows vegetation in part of the Mojave Desert.

Photograph A

(i) Describe the main features of the vegetation shown in Photograph A.- vegetation is
adapted to hot harsh weather conditions [3]

(ii) Explain the effects of climate on the natural vegetation in tropical desert areas.-
Vegetation in tropical deserts leads to drought due to no availability of water resources so
plants will dry up. [2]

(b) Manyareasofnaturalvegetationareatriskfromhumanactivities.Nameeitheranareaof tropical

rain forestor tropical desert which you have studied and explain why and how it is at risk from
human activities. – the Kalahari desert and it risks from human activities because of high
temperatures and availability of raw material and water sources.

Total 10 marks

4.(a) Explain how the vegetation of hot deserts has adapted to:
(i) reach water deep underground;- when it needs water to grow or
germinate [1]
(ii) Reduce water loss by transpiration; - vegetation can live up to 10 days without water.
(iii) Catch rain before it evaporates.- vegetation needs water before evaporation takes

(b)Underline the two features of a river. Where it begins and where it ends.
delta source levee
meander rapids mouth [2]

(c)State three ways in which people obtain water supply in Zimbabwe

1 collecting rain water when it rains

2 drilling boreholes

3 fixing taps [3]

(d)What are two problems faced by people using unclean water

1 it causes diseases
2 it cannot be used or collected since it is contaminated


5.(a) Study Fig. 6, which shows major plates and zones of tectonic activity .
(i) Using Fig 6 name two plates on a boundary where
A plates moving toward each other – destructive plate boundary

B plates moving apart – constructive plate boundary

C plates moving past each other- subduction zone [3]

(ii) Identify three different types of impact of the earthquake
1 destruction of buildings
2 death of living organisms like plants, animals and humans
3 floods. [3]
(iii) With reference to a country you have studied identify four benefits
/advantages of living in areas of volcanic eruptions .
1 they form mountains

2they form new rocks

3 they can reduce natural disaster like floods

4 it source of heat energy.[4]

6. Study Figs 6A and 6B, maps of two deltas.

(i) What is a delta? - it is a landform that has been formed when deposition takes and erosion of
rivers. [1]

(ii)Using only evidence from Figs 6A and 6B, compare the deltas of the Niger and
Mississippi.- the deltas are low line area and are supported by water sources

(iii) Explain how a river delta is formed. – it is formed when sediments like minerals are carried
to a water body like a river and when erosion of rivers takes place.

(b) For a named area you have studied, describe the problems caused by river flooding.
Area studied – Nile river and destruction of building like Egypt pyramids and
homes. ......................................... [4]

[Total 10marks ]

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