Listening Comprehension Grit

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Listening Comprehension: Grit – The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Listen to the speech given by Angela Lee Duckworth at a Ted Talks conference in April, 2013,
while taking notes and answering the questions.

1) After working as a teacher for a while, what did she realize?

iq is not the only difference between the studants

2) What knowledge lacks in education?

A better understanding of motivation

3) Angela leaves school to become a psychologist. What did she study?

kids and adults who is successful here and why

4) Give two examples of the tough settings she studied.

Teachers in bad neighborhoods

Spelling bee

5) What personality trait seems to lead to success?

6) What does grit mean?

grit and passion and perseverance for long term goals

7) How does one build grit?

she doesn’t know

8) Grit is related to talent. True or False?


9) What is a ”Growth mindset”?

the will of learning can get better

10) What will Angela continue working with now?

Testing different ways of making kids gritty


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