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The following rubric is how you will be graded on your Service Learning project. Each student has the
ability to be highly competent in each category. Planning ahead, meeting deadlines, and communicating with
group, teacher, parents and community partners are all extremely important in completing this project.

Approaching Needs
Highly Competent Competent
Categories Competent Improvement
4 3 2 1
● Student determines
● Student determines community ● Student attempts
● Student
community need/issue need/issue investigate
does not
● Learns more than 5 facts ● Learns 5 facts about need/issue.
Investigatio complete
about issue using credible the issue using ● Does not identify
n the
resources. credible resources. personal
● Identifies personal strengths ● Identifies personal strengths
1 n stage.
and creates a driving strengths and ● Does not create a
● No driving
question. creates a driving driving question.

● Student establishes
● Student establishes a
a community
community partner ● Student
● Researches more than 5 establishes a Student does
● Researches 5 facts
facts about the partner’s community not establish a
about the partner’s
Preparation mission, purpose, and partner community
mission, purpose,
contribution to the ● Does not conduct partner or
and contribution to
2 community enough research conduct
the community
● Determines how they can to understand research.
● Determines how
help solve the driving their purpose.
they can help solve
the driving question.

● Student plans and

● Student plans and
develops an
● Student plans and develops develops an action
action plan to
an action step helping to step to help solve
help meet the
solve the driving question. the driving question. Student does
Action ● Student commits more than ● Student commits to not complete
● Commits less
4 hours of hands-on 4 hours of hands on the action
than 4 hours of
3a service- learning time. service time step.
hands on service
● Submits a log sheet ● Submits a log
signed by an adult. sheet signed by
● missing the
partner or parent.
logged sheet.
Ms. Petrucci
● Student creates an ● Student creates an
educational campaign educational
using facts learned through campaign using
● Student attempts
stage 1 & 2 most facts learned Student does
to create an
● Teaches the public about in stage 1 & 2 not create an
Advocacy the issue using: flyer, ● Teaches public awareness
campaign for the
video, website, poster, about the issue campaign for
3b social media, article to the using a visual. the public.
● Lacks evidence
paper, brochure, or other ● Shows evidences of
accepted by teachers. advocacy in
● shows evidence of presentation
advocacy in presentation)
● Student completes
the 3 assigned
● Student completes the 3
reflection questions
assigned reflection
● Hands most in by Student does
questions Student completes
weekly deadline not complete
Reflection ● Hands them in by deadline less than the 3
● Reflection lacks the assigned
dates assigned reflection
thoughtful and reflection
4 ● Is thoughtful and thorough, questions.
thorough answers or questions.
follows assigned format,
does not follow
and meets all deadlines.
assigned format or

● Student presents their

project (including artifacts ● Student presents
● Student attempts
from each stage) in a 10- their project lacking
to present their
minute presentation proof in artifacts Student does
project in a less
● Uses digital tools as a ● 10-minute not complete
than 10-minute
Presentation visual aid (Google Slides, presentation using their
presentation that
picture slide show, video). digital tools as a presentation
is lacking
5 ● Presentation is completed visual aid. or provide
on the assigned deadline. ● Presentation is not artifacts.
● Student is prepared completed on the
and effort.
showing effort in their deadline assigned.


Due Date:


Final Grade: ______________________________

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