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Management of acute Key points

respiratory failure C Respiratory failure can broadly be classified in into type I or
type II (hypoxia alone or hypoxic, hypercapnic respiratory
Michael Slattery failure). Its severity can be classified using clinical and nu-
Francesco Vasques merical indices of oxygenation and ventilation

Shelley Srivastava C Early escalation of patients to enhanced care areas is essen-

Luigi Camporota tial, allowing the timely initiation of non-invasive support in
the form of NHFO or Non-invasive mechanical ventilation

Abstract C Invasive mechanical ventilation, whilst life-saving, if applied

Acute respiratory failure is the most common indication for admission injudiciously places the patient at risk of further lung injury
to critical care. Appropriate management requires: early recognition and complications
and identification of precipitating factors; understanding of the patho-
physiology and a systematic approach to assessing disease severity. C In the most severe cases early prone positioning and neuro-
Finally, if necessary, respiratory support can be non-invasive or inva- muscular blockade reduce lung injury and overall mortality
sive mechanical ventilation, and adjunctive therapies, including the
timely use of extracorporeal respiratory support. C ECMO and extracorporeal support should be considered early
Keywords Extracorporeal membrane oxygen; high-flow nasal oxy- for patients with reversible disease processes not responding
gen; lung injury; mechanical ventilation; non-invasive ventilation; to initial therapy
positive end-expiratory pressure; respiratory failure

predominant hypercapnia. Both types can be acute or chronic.

Although considerable overlap exists, this classification reflects
the difference in pathophysiology and therapeutic approach.
Pathophysiology of respiratory failure The classification of respiratory failure into these two types is
a simplification centred around the primary pathophysiological
Definition mechanism. In practice hypoxaemia and hypercapnia often
Respiratory failure is a condition in which the respiratory system coexist but the distinction is useful to conceptualize the physio-
is unable to maintain adequate gas exchange to satisfy metabolic logical principles that generate them.
demands (i.e. oxygenation with or without adequate elimination Hypoxaemic (type I) respiratory failure e this derives from
of carbon dioxide). Respiratory failure is conventionally defined the effects of one or more of the five pathophysiological mech-
as hypoxaemia with or without hypercapnia, i.e. an arterial ox- anisms summarized in Table 1
ygen tension (PaO2) of <8.0 kPa (60 mmHg), with an arterial Hypercapnic respiratory failure e in normal conditions
carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) >6.0 kPa (45 mmHg). PaCO2 is maintained within limits (4.8e5.9 kPa) as alveolar
ventilation (Va) remains proportional to carbon dioxide pro-
duction (VCO2) despite wide variations in minute ventilation . If
Respiratory failure is traditionally classified into: type I, with
ventilatory capacity is impaired, an increase in carbon dioxide
oxygenation failure, classically resulting in hypoxaemia with
production leads to an increase in PaCO2 through reduced
normocapnia: and type II, hypoxaemia with ventilatory failure,
clearance, and leads to respiratory failure. The mechanisms
characterized by alveolar hypoventilation and subsequent
behind this are summarized below (Tables 2e4).

Michael Slattery MB BCh FRCA FFICM is Post CCT Fellow in Severe Assessment of severity
Respiratory Failure and ECMO in the Department of Adult Critical The assessment and management of respiratory failure includes
Care at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK. careful consideration of severity of disturbance in gas exchange,
Competing interests: none declared. aetiology and patient co-morbidities.
Francesco Vasques MD is Fellow in Severe Respiratory Failure and
ECMO in the Department of Adult Critical Care at Guy’s and St Indices of oxygenation and ventilation: besides PaO2 (arterial
Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK. Competing interests: oxygen tension) and SaO2 or SpO2 (oxygen saturation of hae-
none declared. moglobin), a series of indices is used in clinical practice to assess
Shelley Srivastava MBBS FRCP is Respiratory Consultant in the Lane and monitor gas exchange in ventilated and non-ventilated
Fox Unit at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, patients.
UK. Competing interests: none declared. P(Aea)O2 difference e the alveolar to arterial (Aea) oxygen
Luigi Camporota MD PhD FRCP FFICM is Intensive Care Consultant in difference is calculated by subtracting the PaO2 from the alveolar
the Department of Adult Critical Care at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS PAO2 calculated using the alveolar gas equation: PAO2 ¼ PIO2 
Foundation Trust, London, UK. Competing interests: none declared. PaCO2/R þ [(PaCO2  FiO2  (1  R)/R)], where PIO2 is the

MEDICINE xxx:xxx 1 Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Slattery M et al., Management of acute respiratory failure, Medicine,

Pathophysiological mechanism of type I respiratory failure

Aetiology Pathophysiological mechanism
Ventilation/perfusion When alveolar units are patent but poorly ventilated (Va) in relation to their perfusion (Q), the effect of the oxygen
mismatching (low Va/Q) content (or saturation) of the mixed venous blood becomes a major determinant of arterial saturation. The arterial
saturation depends on the mixed venous saturation and the shunt fraction. In Va/Q mismatching the ‘venous
admixture’ e which represents the calculated fraction of cardiac output completely bypassing oxygenation in the
lung if the rest of the cardiac output is fully oxygenated e will decrease with 100% FiO2
Shunt A true shunt can be either intracardiac (e.g. right-to-left shunt caused by a patent foramen ovale) or more
commonly intrapulmonary (e.g. pneumonia). Given that a proportion of the pulmonary blood flow ‘shunts’ or
bypasses ventilated alveoli and returns to the left atrium with the same oxygen content as the mixed venous
blood, arterial saturation cannot be improved by 100% FiO2. Both shunt and Va/Q mismatch increase with
increases in cardiac output e which can lead to worsening hypoxaemia
Diffusion impairment Conditions that reduce gas diffusion are related to increased thickness of the alveolar capillary membrane
(interstitial lung disease), decreased capillary transit time (e.g. heavy exercise or hyperkinetic states with
significant tachycardia and high cardiac output, such as severe sepsis) and reduction in pulmonary capillary blood
Alveolar hypoventilation Here a reduction in alveolar ventilation decreases the Va/Q ratio and causes hypoxaemia through a low alveolar
PO2. It occurs in the absence of underlying pulmonary disease
Low FiO2 Low inspiratory oxygen partial pressure (e.g. high altitude)

Table 1

partial pressure of inspired oxygen, FiO2 is the fraction of is >53 kPa. A PaO2/FiO2 of <40 kPa is one of the criteria which
inspired oxygen, and R is the respiratory quotient, generally define acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and relates to
assumed to be 0.8. a shunt fraction of >20%. A PaO2/FiO2 between 300 and 200
The normal Aea difference varies with age and FiO2, and can mmHg (40-26.7 kPa) defines a mild ARDS; a PaO2/FiO2 between
be estimated from the following, assuming the patient is 200 and 100 mmHg (26.7e13.3 kPa) defines moderate ARDS;
breathing room air: P(Aea)O2 ¼ 2.5 þ 0.21 age in years (divide while PaO2/FiO2 <100 mmHg (<13.3 kPa) defines severe ARDS,
by 7.5 for kPa). However, with increasing FiO2, PAO2 increases the respiratory failure has to occur within 7 days of a known
disproportionately compared with PaO2, causing the Aea dif- clinical insult, there has to be bilateral opacities on a chest X-ray
ference to increase and the measurements to become much less and the respiratory failure must not be fully explained by cardiac
reliable and clinically useful. failure (Berlin definition of ARDS). It is important to remember
P(a/A)O2 ratio or respiratory index e this is calculated by that PaO2/FiO2 varies within an individual patient, with venti-
dividing the P(Aea)O2 gradient by the PaO2. Unlike the P(Aea)O2 lator settings, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and FiO2.
gradient, this index is relatively unaffected by FiO2. The normal Furthermore, the relationship between PaO2/FiO2 ratio and FiO2
P(a/A)O2 ratio varies from 0.74 to 0.77 when FiO2 is 0.21, to 0.80 is not linear, and depends on multiple factors including cardiac
e0.82 with an FiO2 of 1 (9). output, intrapulmonary shunt fraction and arterial-to-venous
PaO2/FiO2 ratio e this ratio is widely used, easy to calculate difference in oxygen content. Recent evidence suggests that pa-
and a good estimate of shunt fraction.3 A normal PaO2/FiO2 ratio tients with the same PaO2/FiO2 ratio have greater mortality if
higher FiO2 is required, indicating more severe pulmonary
impairment. PaO2/FiO2 is used to classify the severity of ARDS
into mild (300e200 mmHg), moderate (200e100 mmHg) or se-
Major mechanisms leading to hypercapnic respiratory vere (<100 mmHg). The calculation is particularly useful if PEEP
failure is maintained at 5 cmH2O.
1. Central depression with reduction of respiratory drive (e.g.
Oxygenation index (OI) e this takes into account the mean
drugs, diseases of the central nervous system)
airway pressure and is calculated as OI ¼ (FiO2  mean airway
2. Reduced respiratory muscle strength (e.g. neuromuscular
pressure  100)/PaO2. This index expresses ‘the pressure cost’ to
diseases, malnutrition, drugs, skeletal deformities,
maintain a certain PaO2/FiO2 ratio. The OI allows comparison of
respiratory muscle dysfunction, fatigue)
patients with the same PaO2/FiO2 ratio but different ventilator
3. Ventilation/perfusion mismatch (high Va/Q), (dead space)
pressures. The higher the OI, the higher the ‘price’ for oxygen-
with increased ‘wasted ventilation’
ation, and the more severe the lung condition.
4. Hypercapnia caused by shunting. Given that shunted blood
Dead space ventilation (wasted ventilation) e wasted
has a carbon dioxide content equal to that of mixed venous
ventilation is the portion of minute ventilation that does not
blood, the greater the shunt fraction, the greater the
participate in gas exchange. The physiological dead space is
difference between arterial and alveolar carbon dioxide
based on the difference between the partial pressure of mixed-
expired (PE) carbon dioxide (PECO2) e taken from exhaled gas
Table 2 using capnography e and PaCO2, using the Enghoff modification

MEDICINE xxx:xxx 2 Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Slattery M et al., Management of acute respiratory failure, Medicine,

Indications and contra-indicatons for non-invasive respiratory support

Common indications for acute non-invasive respiratory support
C Acidotic hypercapnic ventilatory failure caused by COPD exacerbations (NIV)
C Acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema (CPAP, NIV)
C Immunocompromized patients with mild to moderate acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure (NIV, HFNO)
C Ventilatory failure in obesity/obstructive sleep apnoea (CPAP, NIV)
Absolute contraindications to non-invasive respiratory support
C Immediate need for intubation
C Severe haemodynamic instability
C Extensive facial trauma or upper airway obstruction
C Life-threatening hypoxaemia
C Severe bulbar weakness

Table 3

of the Bohr equation; Vd/Vt ¼ (PaCO2ePECO2)/PaCO2. When achieve airway protection, decrease oxygen consumption by
ventilation and perfusion are uniform and perfectly matched, the reducing respiratory muscle work and facilitate safe patient
PaCO2 is in equilibrium and therefore equal to the alveolar PCO2 transfer and investigations (e.g. computed tomography (CT),
(similar to the end-tidal carbon dioxide (PETCO2)). Therefore, [1 coronary angiography).
 (PETCO2/PaCO2)] is an indication of the magnitude of alveolar
dead space. It is important to note that changes in haemody- High-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) and cannulas (HFNCs)
namics with reduced pulmonary blood flow can affect this
Oxygen therapy is first-line treatment in the management of
measurement. Increased dead space ventilation has been asso-
hypoxaemic respiratory failure. Low-flow oxygen devices are
ciated with greater mortality in patients with ARDS.
limited to delivering flows of up to 15 litres/minute and have a
variable FiO2, which depends on the patient’s breathing pattern,
General approach to respiratory support
peak inspiratory flow rate, delivery system and mask character-
The most important initial management of patients with respi- istics. High-flow oxygen therapy involves the administration of a
ratory failure is the early identification and treatment of the un- warmed and humidified air/oxygen mixture at a flow rate of 0
derlying condition. The most common risk factor is sepsis, which e60 litres/minute through HFNCs. Other interfaces are also
can be pulmonary (e.g. pneumonia) or extrapulmonary (e.g. available to deliver the high-flow oxygen, such as oronasal and
pancreatitis, intra-abdominal collections, urinary infections). tracheostomy fittings.
Careful fluid management and resuscitation, early appropriate The efficacy of HFNO has been demonstrated in several
use of antibiotics and, if required, control of the source of studies such as randomized trials. When compared with con-
infection (surgical and percutaneous drainage) is essential.4 A ventional oxygen therapy, HFNO produces physiological effects
possible algorithm for the initial choice of respiratory support is that include: a better match between the delivered gas flow
shown in Figure 1. mixture and the patient’s spontaneous inspiratory flow; a PEEP
Initial management of patients in respiratory failure includes effect (around 0.5e0.7 cmH2O for each 10 litres/minute flow
use of high-flow oxygen. The change in SaO2 between room air increment with a closed mouth); and a ‘carbon dioxide washout’
and 100% FiO2 allows an approximate estimation of the true effect from the upper airways. Humidified and warmed gas
shunt and therefore disease severity. A failure of SaO2 to increase mixture favours mucociliary function and reduces upper airway
to >95% indicates a shunt fraction of >30%. Patients with res- resistance. The synergistic combination of these mechanisms
piratory failure often require partial or full ventilatory support to leads to improved oxygenation and a decrease in neuro-
achieve correction of hypoxaemia and hypercapnia and avoid ventilatory drive and work of breathing. HFNO reduces mortal-
exhaustion. In addition, invasive mechanical ventilation can ity in hypoxaemic normocapnic respiratory failure; and meta-

Common criteria for NIV failure

C No improvement in pH at 4e6 hours (approximately 25% of cases)
C Physiological deterioration
C pH <7.20 or pH 7.20e7.25 on two occasions 1 hour apart
C PaO2 <6.0 kPa despite maximum FiO2 (15 litres/minute)
C New onset of contraindications to NIV (e.g. pneumothorax, haemodynamic instability, vomiting)
C Intolerance/agitation or patient’s wish to withdraw

Table 4

MEDICINE xxx:xxx 3 Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Slattery M et al., Management of acute respiratory failure, Medicine,

Treatment options in acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure

Acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure

Need for immediate intubation?

Acute on chronic Yes Intubation
respiratory failure ‘De Novo’ ARF
(e.g. COPD) ‘immunocompromised’


Warmed at 37º (C)

Do not delay
Flow – titrate to comfort


(Can rotate with HFNC)

Yes Clinical inprovement? No

ARF, acute respiratory failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Figure 1

analyses have shown that HFNO reduces the need for escalation Management of invasive mechanical ventilation
of respiratory support and intubation rates.1,2
Mechanical ventilation in respiratory failure and ARDS can itself
cause additional injury through the mechanisms described above.
Non-invasive and invasive mechanical support
Therefore, the cornerstone of supportive management is the pro-
Effective positive-pressure mechanical ventilation can be provided vision of so-called ‘lung-protective’ mechanical ventilatory support.
either invasively (through an endotracheal tube or tracheostomy) The goals of ventilation are to maintain PaO2 at 7.3e10.6 kPa, and
or non-invasively (through an interface, usually an oronasal, face to accept a rise in PaCO2 (permissive hypercapnia) to enable low-
mask or helmet) either as continuous airway pressure alone (i.e. volume ventilation if inspiratory pressures reach 30 cmH2O.
without additional inspiratory support e continuous positive
airway pressure (CPAP)) or with additional inspiratory pressure Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI)
support (non-invasive ‘ventilation’ (NIV)). NIV is better if work of
Mechanical ventilation is a life-saving treatment. However, as
breathing is increased or if there is hypercapnia indicating the need
with most medical interventions, mechanical ventilation is asso-
for increasing the alveolar ventilation.
ciated with potential complications. Among these, ventilator-
In acute settings, the use of high pressures (e.g. CPAP >10
induced lung injury (VILI) is an ‘umbrella term’ that identifies
cmH2O, inspiratory support >12e15 cmH2O) can be poorly
the anatomical and functional lung damage that can develop with
tolerated; barriers include discomfort, leaks and dyssynchrony.
mechanical ventilation. This ranges from microscopic lung matrix
Reducing these effects while monitoring for treatment failure is
alterations or a variable degree of lung oedema, to gross stress-at-
imperative. Patients with a more severe oxygenation defect
rupture barotrauma (i.e. pneumothorax). VILI originates from the
(moderate to severe ARDS) and greater work of breathing are at
interaction between the patient and the ventilator.
higher risk of death if deteriorating on NIV; therefore short
trials in an intensive care setting and a low threshold for Mechanism of VILI
establishing invasive ventilation are recommended in these The key factor is elevated transpulmonary stress and its inho-
patients. Although delivery of acute NIV is a complex inter- mogeneous distribution through the lung parenchyma, rather
vention, it can improve survival, unless it delays intubation and than the ventilator setting per se e regardless of it being gener-
institution of invasive mechanical ventilation. Therefore, ated by the patient or delivered by a machine. The mechanisms
prompt recognition of NIV failure is essential for timely intu- underlying VILI are excessive pressure or volume (barotrauma
bation. It is important to spend some time optimizing NIV upon and volutrauma, respectively), repeated opening and closing of
initiation as patients’ intolerance is often caused by inappro- atelectatic regions (atelectotrauma) and excessive energy deliv-
priate NIV settings, agitation, high drive to breath or type/size ered to the lung by the ventilator (ergotrauma), all of which
of the interface. produce inflammation and biotrauma.

MEDICINE xxx:xxx 4 Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Slattery M et al., Management of acute respiratory failure, Medicine,

Diagnosis of haemodynamic changes and deterioration is mandatory when

It is usually impossible to distinguish VILI from ARDS caused by increasing PEEP.
other processes. It follows that the diagnosis of VILI in practice is
not feasible as VILI and ARDS e with the exception of stress-at- Prone position (PP)
rupture e are mostly clinically, radiologically and pathologically
In the supine position, gravitational forces, which increase from
the anterior (sternum) to the posterior (spine) regions, contribute
Prevention to lung collapse. Therefore, reversing the gravitational effects on
Following the results of mainstream experimental and clinical the lung by ventilating patients in PP can improve ventilation of
research, the preventive measures for VILI e sometimes referred the posterior regions (where most of the lung mass is located)
to as ‘protective ventilation strategies’ e have targeted low tidal and improve PaO2 in most patients with severe ARDS. There is
volume (6 ml/kg predicted body weight), lower plateau pres- also a differential effect on gravitational perfusion. Around two-
sure (<28e30 cmH2O), lower driving pressure (<14 cmH2O), thirds of patients with ARDS show a 25e36% improvement in
higher PEEP levels and reduced frequency of injurious strain PaO2/FiO2 during the first 3 days of prone positioning. There is
cycles (i.e. lower respiratory rate). The propagation of evidence- high-level evidence of a survival advantage to PP in severe ARDS
based and expert-guided clinical practice has led to less injurious (PaO2/FiO2 <20 kPa) when the patient is positioned prone for 12
ventilation settings. In addition to ventilation settings, patient- e17 consecutive hours while being given lung-protective venti-
related factors, such as functional residual capacity and ven- lation. In the most recent randomized controlled trial, patients
tilatable lung volume should be considered. ventilated in PP had a hazard ratio for death of 0.39 at 28 days
VILI is a complicated effect of multiple parameters. There is and 0.44 at 90 days. PP decreases mortality by reversing hypo-
no single unifying variable of risk. The newer concept of ergo- xaemia and preventing ventilator-associated lung injury. These
trauma (i.e. lung injury explained by excessive energy delivered effects result from greater alveolar recruitment with reduction of
to the lung over time) is gaining interest. Thus, energy to (a) overdistension, and consequently more homogeneous distribu-
distend the thorax, (b) move the gas to the alveoli, and (c) tion of lung stress and strain.
maintain the airways open, requires that all the respiratory var-
iables mentioned above (respiratory rate, tidal volume, driving Neuromuscular blockade
pressure (plateau pressure e PEEP)) are considered together. A In patients with acute lung injury, spontaneous respiratory effort
reduction of ventilator energy and power is achieved by the can aggravate VILI, a phenomenon often referred to as patient
tailored minimization of tidal volume, absolute and driving self-induced lung injury (P-SILI). The key factor is the elevated
pressures, flow and respiratory rate. and inhomogeneously distributed transpulmonary stress. In
addition, ARDS patients often demonstrate high respiratory drive
PEEP setting despite heavy sedation. This respiratory effort can result in sig-
In acute respiratory failure different strategies for ‘optimal’ PEEP nificant patienteventilator dyssynchrony and increased me-
have been described. The most common uses a PEEP scale chanical lung injury from high transpulmonary pressure.
depending on the PaO2/FiO2, where the lower the PaO2/FiO2, the Paralysis can eliminate these efforts, preventing these effects;
higher the PEEP. thus, neuromuscular blockade can decrease mechanical lung
An alternative approach consists of ‘opening the lung’ with injury. Muscle relaxants, however, should be used in selected
pressures of 40e50 cmH2O for 20e40 seconds and then gradually patients with more severe disease.
reducing the PEEP level, calculating at each step the static
compliance (ratio between tidal volume and the difference be- Fluid management
tween the plateau pressure and PEEP). PEEP can be set 2 cmH2O In ARDS, because of altered capillary permeability, excessive
above this level, which corresponds to the best compliance of the fluid administered, which ordinarily increases capillary hydro-
respiratory system. static pressure, will naturally transgress into the alveolar space,
However, a systematic use of high pressures indiscriminately causing pulmonary oedema and worsening oxygenation and
in all patients to ‘open the lung’ is not recommended and the best carbon dioxide elimination. Adopting a fluid-conservative
strategy needs to be individualized. A pragmatic initial approach approach after vasopressor-dependent shock has resolved leads
ultilising P/F ratio would be to set a PEEP of 5e10 cmH2O for to an increase in ventilator-free days and improved oxygenation
mild ARDS, 10e15 cmH2O for moderate ARDS and >15e20 index in ARDS. Preventing fluid overload is important in all
cmH2O for severe ARDS. forms of acute respiratory failure.
High PEEP stabilizes the alveoli (reducing end-expiratory
collapse), improves oxygenation, increases ventilator-free days Extracorporeal therapies
and decreases the need for rescue therapy, but the overall effect
Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal
on mortality in unselected ventilated patients is unclear. How-
This procedure is designed to remove carbon dioxide from
ever, there seems to be a benefit to using higher PEEP in patients
venous blood but, in contrast to extracorporeal membrane
with severe ARDS. The effect of PEEP in more severe ARDS is
oxygenation (ECMO), does not provide significant oxygenation.
explained by the fact that these patients have a larger proportion
Overall blood flows are typically 0.5e1 litre/minute. This
of lung that is collapsed and therefore has the potential to regain
method permits the use of ‘ultra-low’ tidal volume (3e4 ml/kg
aeration with higher PEEP levels. However, careful consideration
Predicted body weight) or prolonged expiratory times in patients

MEDICINE xxx:xxx 5 Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Slattery M et al., Management of acute respiratory failure, Medicine,

at risk of dynamic hyperinflation, thus minimizing the respira- degree that depends on the ECMO blood flow (generally 3e6 li-
tory acidosis. tres/minute) and the ratio between ECMO blood flow/cardiac
This ultraprotective approach has demonstrated a reduction in output; it also decreases carbon dioxide concentrations in the
inflammatory biomarkers as surrogate markers for reduced VILI. venous blood depending on the blood flow and the ‘sweep’ gas
In a subgroup of patients, the combination of non-invasive flow running through the oxygenator.
support and extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal may be ECMO should be considered early in patients with severe e
able to reduce NIV failure rates and intubation by augmenting but potentially reversible e respiratory failure, particularly when
carbon dioxide clearance and reducing work of breathing. mechanical ventilation is causing injury and other strategies (e.g.
Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal is a promising tool for PP) have been ineffective or cannot be attempted.
patients with acute exacerbations of obstructive diseases re- Clinical trials have demonstrated a mortality reduction in
fractory to conventional treatment, but further evaluation is those patients given VV-ECMO with low complications rates,
needed to prove its clinical efficacy and safety. confirming the efficacy and safety in high-volume centres. A

Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

ECMO is technique that allows deoxygenated venous blood to be 1 Frat J, Joly F, Thille A. Noninvasive ventilation versus oxygen
drained from a central vein and then be reinfused e fully therapy in patients with acute respiratory failure. Curr Opin Anes-
oxygenated and decarboxylated e back into central vein (veno- thesiol 2019; 32: 150e5.
venous, VV-ECMO). 2 Rochwerg B, Granton D, Wang DX, et al. High flow nasal cannula
In VV-ECMO the drainage cannula is placed in a central vein compared with conventional oxygen therapy for acute hypoxemic
(commonly either the femoral or jugular vein), and blood is respiratory failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Intensive
withdrawn from the vein into the extracorporeal circuit by a Care Med 2019; 45: 563e72.
mechanical pump before entering an oxygenator. Within the 3 Gattinoni L, Vasalli F, Romitti F. Benefits and risks of the P/F
oxygenator, blood travels along one side of a membrane, which approach. Intensive Care Med 2018; 44: 2245e7.
provides a bloodegas interface for diffusion of gases. The 4 Papzian L, , et alAubron C, Brochard L. Formal guidelines: man-
oxygenated blood can then be warmed or cooled as needed and is agement of acute respiratory distress syndrome Ann. Intensive
returned to the venous system. There are three common con- Care Med 2019; 9: 69.
figurations: femoroefemoral; femoroejugular or jugularejugular
(using a double-lumen, single-cannula configuration). VV-ECMO
essentially increases the mixed venous oxygen saturation to a

To test your knowledge based on the article you have just read, please complete the questions below. The answers can be found at the
end of the issue or online here.

Question 1 Question 2
A 65-year-old man presented via the emergency department with A 65-year-old man presented with 2-day history of epigastric
worsening breathlessness. He had nicotine staining on his fingers abdominal pain and vomiting. He had been drinking 2 bottles of
and reduced air entry throughout his chest. red wine daily for several weeks following a bereavement. In-
On clinical examination, he was rousable to voice. His temper- vestigations on admission were in keeping with acute severe
ature was 37.8 C, blood pressure 104/60 mmHg, pulse 105/ pancreatitis. During the 24 hours following admission he became
minute and respiratory rate 28/minute. A chest X-ray showed no increasingly short of breath, with rising oxygen requirements.
pneumothorax, but the left hemidiaphragm was indistinct. After a trial of high-flow nasal oxygen therapy, he was placed on
Nebulized salbutamol and ipratropium, and IV corticosteroids invasive mechanical ventilation. Over the last 12 hours he has
were given. SpO2 was 87% on FiO2 35% via a Venturi mask. become increasingly difficult to adequately oxygenate and
Arterial blood gases after medical treatment showed pH 7.24, ventilate.
PCO2 10 kPa, PO2 7.4 kPa, and HCO3 32 mEq/litre.
Initial ventilation settings:
Which of the following interventions is most likely to improve  Pressure-controlled ventilation
this patient’s outcome?  Fraction inspired O2 0.9
A. Increase oxygen e via a non-rebreather mask  Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) 15
B. Wait for him to settle and respond to the bronchodilators  Peak pressure 40 cmH2O
C. Start continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)  Respiratory rate 18/minute
D. Start high-flow nasal oxygen  Inspiratory: expiratory ratio 1:1.5
E. Refer to critical care for a trial of non-invasive ventilation  Plateau pressure 37 cmH2O
or intubation  Tidal volumes 360 ml

MEDICINE xxx:xxx 6 Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Slattery M et al., Management of acute respiratory failure, Medicine,

Investigations: Influenza A and urinary pneumococcal antigen were positive and

 Chest X-ray: four quadrant infiltrates she was treated with antibiotics and zanamivir. She was intu-
 Arterial blood gases: bated and ventilated. On review she was requiring an FiO2 of
90% and ventilation in prone position with plateau pressure of
pH 7.20 (7.35e7.45)
38 cmH2O, PEEP 15 cmH2O, tidal volumes of 250 ml and a res-
PaO2 7.0 kPa (11.3e12.6)
piratory rate of 30/minute.
PaCO2 8.0 kPa (4.7e6.0)
Base excess e5.0 mmol/litre (2)
Lactate 3.0 mmol/litre (0.5e1.6)

PO2 7.8 kPa (11.3e12.6)

What intervention is most likely to improve this patient’s
PCO2 10.2 kPa (4.7e6.0)
A. Perform a PEEP titration trial
B. Commence prone positioning
What intervention is most likely to improve this patient’s
C. Start an infusion of neuromuscular blockade
D. Initiate renal replacement therapy aiming for negative fluid
A. Perform a high pressure ‘recruitment manoeuvre’ to ach-
ieve pressures of 50e60 cmH2O followed by a PEEP titra-
E. Refer for consideration of extra-corporeal membrane
tion trial
oxygenation (ECMO)
B. Commence inhaled vasodilators
C. Start low-flow extracorporeal CO2 removal
Question 3 D. Veno-Venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV-
A 31-year-old woman was reviewed in the critical care depart- ECMO)
ment because of deterioration in her condition 3 days after E. Intravenous dexamethasone
admission with a 2-day history of progressive breathlessness,
myalgia and fever. She had no previous medical history.

MEDICINE xxx:xxx 7 Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Slattery M et al., Management of acute respiratory failure, Medicine,

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