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Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 1 httos:// Exercise 1 tinuous Use the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences in the most common form. You must take an umbrella, Itunes . (rain) .» 10 the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket. (g0) Are you planning any summer holiday? - I don't know yet. Perhaps I at home. (stay) You look pretty tired. You should have a break. - OK. I Betty is going to driving lessons, because she Te just missed my train! - No problem. F... Tean't eat anything today. I... ‘The Sharks are much better! I'm sure they ‘What does your son want to do in future? - I hope he ... Not at five o'clock. Look at the diary. We Please, buy some eggs. 1 My dad has already booked the holiday. We rest. (have) acar. (buy) soe You there, (drive) an appointment at the hospital tomorrow. (have) .» the Dolphins today! (beat) va dentist. (become) Mr. Clark at three o'clock. (meet) acake. (make) to France on 2 July. (fly) ESL worksheets on Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 3 ht Exercise 3 Complete the dialogues with the verbs in the box. go read give stay have take get_—_rain 1A Why are you switching on the light? B Because 1 . for a while. 2 AT'm dying for a drink B Are you? I you a glass of juice. 3 A Dont forget to get in touch with Mr Clark. B Dont worry. I him a ring as soon as V arrive. 4 A. Can we meet after school? B I'm sorry, but SAM 2. connsnnnnnnnenenne ME OUL 10 2 Cafe this afternoon. 5 A What a perfect day! The sun is shining, B But look at that clouds over there. It oe Definitely. 6A You look so happy! What's the matter? B Jill and a baby. 7 A Do you have a headache again? B Ihave a splitting headache! But 1 the doctor tomorrow at 10.30, 8A What are your plans for the weekend? B Nothing special. I suppose that We ...nunnnnnnnnnnnne at HOME as Usual 9A Do you think we could come to see you at the beginning of July? so 10 Greece. B At the beginning of July? We've already booked our holiday. We . ESL worksheets on Will + going to + present continuous for future: exercise 4 en e-rammar ora Exercise 4 Underline the most suitable form. Thope Ben is recovering | will recover from his illness sooner ot later. Ive already decided. I won't lend | am not going to lend him any money. Tean see your luggage is quite heavy. I will take | am going to take it Will you do | Are you doing anything tonight? We could go to the cinema. ‘The weather forecast says it will warm up | is warming up soon Sorry, can't go out with you tonight. Jim and I are meeting | will meet at the cafe. Do you need an architect, because you are opening | are going to open a new shop? We've already booked the tickets. We are leaving | are going to leave by the 10.15 train, Please, put the vase back on the table or you will break | are breaking it. Ive bought this old house, because I am reconstructing | am going to reconstruct i Dad can’t take you to school, He is going io have | is having an appointment at the dentist's at 8.30. Where are you goin, To the garden. I am trimming | am going to trim the hedges. ESL worksheets on Future Tenses Exercise |. The train (to arrive) at 12:30. We (to have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday. It (to snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening. . On Friday at 8 o'clock | (to meet) my friend. Paul (to fly) to London on Monday morning, Wait! | (to drive) you to the station. The English lesson (to start) at 8:45. . Are you still writing your essay? If you (to finish) by 4pm, we can go for a walk. 9.1 (to see) my mother in April. 10.Look at the clouds — it (to rain) in a few minutes. 11.When they (to get) married in March, they (to be) together for six years. 12.You're carrying too much. | (to open) the door for you. 13.Do you think the teacher (to mark) our homework by Monday morning? 14.When | (to see) you tomorrow, | (show) you my new book. 415.After you (lo take) a nap, you (to feel) a lot better 16.l'm sorry but you need to stay in the office until you (to finish) your work. 171 (to buy) the cigarettes from the comer shop when it, (to open). 18.1 (to let) you know the second the builders (to finish) decorating. 19.Before we (to start) our lesson, we (to have) a review. 20.We (to wait) in the shelter until the bus (to come). 21.'m very sorry Dr. Jones (not be) back in the clinic until 2pm. 22.This summer, | (to live) in Brighton for four years. 23.1 don't think you (to have) any problems when you land in Boston. 24.The baby should be due soon, next week she (to be) pregnant for nine months. 25.By the time we get home, they (to play) football for 30 minutes. 26.In three years | (to live) in a different country. 27.When you (to get) off the train, | (to wait) for you by the ticket machine. 28. (to take) your children with you to France? 29.This time next week | (ski) in Switzerland! 30.Now | (to check) my answers. PANOHAYNS — ESLlibrarysom Grammar Worksheets © Future (Wil & Going 10) Directions: Complete the following sentences using the correct form of “going to” or “will” with the verb provided. Be prepared to explain the reason for your choice. (Remember that sometimes you can use ei- ther “going to” or “will”,) 1. Sam feels sick. He (stay) home from work tomorrow. 21 (finish) my homework later tonight. 3. Left my wallet at home. That’s okay. 1 (lend) you some money. 4. The sky is very dark. It (rain). 5, What time he (meet) you tomorrow? 6, Frank (take) a two week holiday next year, 7. That box looks very heavy. (help) you carry it. 8, I bought some paint because I (paint) my apartment. 9. He (wear) a black tuxedo to the wedding. What you (wear)? 10, Why did you take the sugar out of the cupboard? I (bake) a cake. 11. They took money out of the bank because they (buy) a new TV for their daughter. 12, 1s very hot in here, 1 (open) the window for you. 13, The weatherman says it (be) a beautiful day tomorrow. I (g0) to the beach. 14, Your car engine doesn’t sound very good. It sounds like it (die). 15. We probably (nov/go) to the party next week. 16, “Can I please talk to the manager?” “He (be) with you in a moment.” 17, The plane (arrive) on time. 18, The Andersons went to the travel agent yesterday. They (buy) their tickets tomorrow. 19. We (see) that new movie tonight. Do you want to come with us? 20. Allan (get) up early tomorrow so he can go fishing 211 (help) you with your work tomorrow. 22. “Do you have any holiday pla “Yes, We. (take) a Mediterranean cruise.” 23. “Ronnie can’t drive me to the airport.” “That's okay. I (take) you. 24. I don’t think 1 (be) able to come to your party. opyght 2008, Tis ee prods and routes by Rod River Pres ne. Al igh reservad. 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