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BT 0075


Unit 1
Basics of MySQL 1
Unit 2
Data Types 24
Unit 3
Data Definition Language (DDL) 52
Unit 4
Data Manipulation Language (DML) 90
Unit 5
Advanced Data Manipulation Language 114
Unit 6
Subqueries 133
Unit 7
Operators and Functions 153
Unit 8
Advanced Functions 183
Unit 9
Transaction Management 214
Unit 10
Stored Procedures 229
Edition: Spring 2009
BKID – B1003 10 June 2009
Unit 11
Control Statement 242
Unit 12
User Account Management 253
Unit 13
General Security Issues 281
Unit 14
Log Files 294
References 311
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Edition: Spring 2009
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“RDBMS with MySQL” is a 4 – credit subject in third semester of BSc IT

MySQL, the most popular Open Source SQL database management
system, is developed, distributed, and supported by MySQL AB.
Open Source means that it is possible for anyone to use and modify the
software. Anybody can download the MySQL software from the Internet and
use it without paying anything. If you wish, you may study the source code
and change it to suit your needs. The MySQL software uses the GPL (GNU
General Public License),, to define what you
may and may not do with the software in different situations.
The MySQL Database Server is very fast, reliable, and easy to use. MySQL
Server works in client/server or embedded systems.
MySQL is named after co-founder Monty Widenius's daughter, My.
In this book on MySQL, we would lay the emphasis on the applications of
MySQL in solving the database related problems and also deal with the
coverage of every aspect related to MySQL.
The SLM of this subject is divided into 14 units, the overview of which is
given below.
Unit 1 Basics of MySQL:
This unit introduces the user to the basic theoretical concepts and features
behind MySQL.
Unit 2 MySQL Data Types:
This unit introduces the theoretical and practical aspects of dealing with
various data types of MySQL database, their syntax, usage and applications
in the real world.
Unit 3 Data Definition Language (DDL):
This unit starts with an introduction of Data Definition Language Statements
used in MySQL. It describes the syntaxes of creating and modifying
Databases, Indexes and Tables.
Unit 4 Data Manipulation Language (DML):
The Data Manipulation Language or DML statements are used to
manipulate the data inside a database. This unit introduces various DML
Statements built into MySQL.
Unit 5 Advanced Data Manipulation Language:
This unit deals with the advanced DML Statements which is an extension of
unit 4. It deals with Join and Union operations used to join database objects
like tables. It also deals with various other operations of truncating the data,
Updating or Modifying the existing data. It speaks about the specific
operator Do, Handler and Replace.
Unit 6 Subqueries:
This unit deals with subqueries. A subquery is a query written within a query
where in the result processing is segregated among the inner and outer
Unit 7 Operators and Functions:
This unit introduces the reader with all varieties of operators used in both
SQL and also in case of Functions and procedures used along with them.
Unit 8 Advanced Functions:
This unit deals in detail with the next level of functions used in addition to
the functions discussed in the previous unit. It discusses regarding the Full
text search functions, Cast Functions Encryption Functions, and the usage
of Group By clause with various functions, and modifiers.
Unit 9 Transaction Management:
A Transaction is a series of one or more SQL Statements that are logically
related or a series of operations performed on table data. This unit
introduces to the reader with various statements used in MySQL to treat
with Transactions like Starting Transactions, making the output of the
transaction permanent by using Commit Statements.
Unit 10 Stored Procedures
A stored procedure is a set of SQL commands that can be stored in the
server. This unit discusses the commands used to create, alter, and Drop
procedures and / or functions.
Unit 11 Control Statements:
This unit deals with various flow control constructs used in case of stored
procedures or functions.
Unit 12 User Account Management:
This section describes how to set up accounts for clients of your MySQL
server. The meaning of account names and passwords as used in MySQL
and how that compares to names and passwords used by your operating
system is discussed.
Unit 13 General Security Issues:
This unit describes some general security issues to be aware of and what
you can do to make your MySQL installation more secure against attack or
misuse. It also describes the methods to maintain security while transferring
data into MySQL from external resources
Unit 14 Log Files:
This unit describes the importance of maintaining log files within MySQL. It
describes various types of log files maintained in MySQL like Error, General
Query, Binary, etc.
Objectives of studying this subject
After studying this subject, you should be able to:
 discuss the features and use MySQL for database applications
 define and use the appropriate data types in your applications
 Describe the syntaxes of DML Statements and use them appropriately
 Define and explain the syntaxes of DDL statements
 explain the usage of subqueries as applicable
 Describe the usage of various available operators and functions
 Discuss the concepts of Transaction Management
 describe the usage of Stored Procedures and functions in conjunction
with flow control statements
 Explain the importance of User Account Management
 Define general security guidelines in the usage of database servers
 Describe the need of maintaining different types of log files
The subject demands knowledge and understanding of the subject titled
“Database Management Systems” bearing the subject code BT0066 of
BSc IT First Semester with respect to both the theoretical and practical

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