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Guest speakers

Questions for the Guest speakers

Important skills?

Why they chose their career?

What qualifications did they need to get where they are?

What is important when creating a successful media campaign?

General information
 Both started in advertising, Chris started in more traditional media like tv advertising and
Louis is trained in social media advertising and marketing
 Social media advertising is cheaper and more accessible
 Clients usually go to them to get what they want with their budgets, they will have local
businesses will approach them in order to improve themselves.
 Word of mouth is important as it can lead to new clients.

Important in creating a successful media campaign?

Start with a discovery process, understand the TA, understand the problems that are faced and
how the product or programme can help then. You need to understand the brands values (What
makes you different, what they stand for and what their vision, mission and key messages are)
and find the right tone of the campaign. Build a customer persona – investigate their interests
and lifestyles are in order to speak directly to your ideal target audience. It will tell you what
platforms and media products will get the best response. You need to get clients to think that
you are talking directly to them.

What is your motivation – how do you get inspired?

Write it down on paper first, make yourself fill a box with ideas based on your proposition. Use
the opposite of the idea.

Book with techniques for motivation “Hey Whipple squeeze this”

Did you go to university?

No but if you want to go straight into admin for your own business university would be useful,
also now businesses are looking for graduates. Try and gain as much experience as possible,
some people do re - train halfway through their career. Look into building up your own socials
try and build up an authority account. Freelance may be the way to go but there are good
university course, the students already have the base skills so you can go straight to building on

Social media options

Look at the demographic what their aim is if they are business to business (B to B) or business to
client (B to C).

 Facebook is the biggest platform as it has the widest age range.

 Twitter is quiet young and more professional. More for B to B
 Pinterest is older and very female, better for ecommerce
 Instagram is younger and very visual – van show what you love
 YouTube is good if you can create videos

What are the differences between working for an agency or freelance?

When starting out work for an agency there is a stable income, free-lance is more flexible but
there is not a stable income. You need a client funnel in order to keep a somewhat stable
income. Feast and Famine – on month you can have a lot of jobs and the next no jobs.

What should be included in a portfolio and what skills are needed?

Some experience – something off your own bac, looking at your own socials, have work
experience, being well written. Generally, create a body of work behind yourself to show what
you can do.

How has the industry changed?

It's become more digital.

Biggest inspiration?
Just people that have taught them throughout their career. More looks up to books, movies and

Think differently, learn what you can and try and gain experience. Immerce yourself in what you
do, follow bigger companies, be resilient and keep learning.

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