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M2M ITC Challenge

Sr.No Problem Description Probable Branch Name

India has the largest irrigation network in the world yet the
irrigation efficiency is not more than 40 per cent. In absence
of new irrigation projects, bringing more area under
irrigation would mostly rely on the efficient use of water. In
this context, micro irrigation (through drip or sprinkler
irrigation) could play a key role in higher productivity and
Development of low increased water use efficiency besides fulfilling
cost drip irrigation sustainability mandates with economy in use and higher crop
system for sustaining productivity.
1 small farmers’ Civil/Environment
profitability. Adoption of this might help in raising the irrigated area,
(Suitable for Wheat productivity of crops and water use efficiency. Additionally,
& Potato). drip-fertigation, where fertilizer is applied through an
efficient irrigation system (drip method), nutrient use
efficiency could be as high as 90 per cent compared to 40-60
per cent in conventional methods.

Although drip irrigation is an acceptable technology by the

Indians farmers, its rate of adoption is sluggish in annual
crops due to involvement of initial high capital cost and
flexibility of fixed set up using for multiple crops.

India is an agrarian economy with agriculture supporting

60% of our population. Indian agriculture is highly
dependent on human labour and good rainfall. While most
developed economies have mechanised farming and reduced
dependency on rains through state interventions and good
Develop sensors and
smart nutrient
The sustainability of current agricultural production system
delivery system
is also under threat due to the overexploitation of natural
based input) for
2 IC/IT/EC/Electrical
reducing the input
This stagnant state of affairs could be effectively addressed
costs with enhanced
by introducing modern technologies viz., use of sensors for
farm productivity
precise & effective scheduling of inputs as per crop demand
along with quality.
coupled with use of modern nanotechnology based inputs for
(Wheat & Potato)
further reduction in input cost by improved nutrient use

Technology Revolution in India is already catching and

there is also a growing opportunity in the agriculture sector
that stands to improve lives, make India a true leader in
Climate-Smart Agriculture and revolutionize the way
farmers plant, fertilize and harvest crops.

Significant amount of Scientific research gets updated every

day in public domain, which makes the process of reading,
analysing and interpreting - complex and almost impossible
to collect salient points from all of the relevant papers.

The objective is to develop an AI-based tool with high

accuracy that takes keywords as input, web-scrapes all the
related research documents, summarizes in a finite number of
lines and groups together similar ones. In case of buying a
research paper, the tool should recommend which ones to
i-SMART Research
3 buy. IT/Computer/EC/Electrical
The tool should also identify critique points (major
findings/inadequacies) and develop comments on the
document; it should also create a profile of the author basis
web-scraping and ranking topics of author’s research in

The software/research tool should empower/find quickly &

accurately and should be able to evaluate large number of
data (irrespective of format/source like public domain
information, publishers website, blogs, pdf, word, html, xml,
excel, jpeg, ppt, videos, audio files etc).

AI is venturing into identifying abnormal behavioural

patterns by analysing footages from drones in real time.

Smart Drones for We could reimagine future with all our campuses being
4 monitoring people on secured through the use of highly precise drones that can IC/IT/EC/Electrical
factory campus. traverse fixed paths and identify outsiders, abnormal
behaviours like standing for a long time at one place, health
emergencies, littering around, etc. and generate alerts at a
central security station. The drone could communicate with
the person under observation and fly stationary at a safe
distance to ensure execution of changes suggested.

Primary packing material (laminate) that comes in contact

directly with the product is one of the largest consumed raw
material in the FMCG industry. They perform a crucial role
Alternative in protecting the shelf life of products while also offering an
packaging solutions opportunity for brand engagement. However, post use
for foods & other littering, by consumers, causes a serious solid-waste
packaged goods to management problem. Focus on environment friendly &
increase sustainable packaging materials has been accelerated
5 Chemical/Plastic/Rubber
sustainability & worldwide. We can envisage stricter norms and regulations
regulatory on current plastic materials in the not so distant future. This
compliance in the poses an existential crisis like problem for all FMCG
wake of restrictions companies since they are heavily dependent on such plastics
on plastics due to their low cost, wide availability, customisability and
also easy machinability to match the scale of operations &
product volumes. Hence, there is a need to develop
alternative solutions which would still offer the shelf life
protection for FMCG goods while being cost effective and

Large scale manufacturers usually have multiple

consignments of major RM such as Maida, Oil, sugar,
Reduction in Quality leavening agents, emulsifiers, Cocoa Powder, Skimmed Milk
testing time for key Powder, Laminate, CFCs etc… delivered at high frequencies.
6 Raw Material – Several tests are done to ensure that the incoming RM/PM Chemical/Plastic/Rubber
Packaging Material meets the strict norms. However, many of these tests end of
(RM/PM) taking a lot of time during and increases the
loading/unloading costs associated with the trucks. Hence,
there is a need to revamp testing methodologies for quick
testing & unloading times while ensuring the food safety
norms are not compromised.

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