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Patrick returns  the TIG Barkers  (. Winnie the  2019).

Material - Device  (. Size of finished 8-9 inches high).

1. Brand Yarn  Ada pink yards (220), the pink  m (265), cream (253).

2. Silver Needle Burr  0 (1.75 mm).

3. Synthetic fibers for .

4. Eye button size 8 mm.

5. Guernsey or the  the brown.

Note: Some images may be dark because some light Pictures

 the roadin. natural light  some may go dark on the   want to apologize for the  with me ^^ * //.

1. Head 1 piece / pink wool.

row Symbols  the core

Start a Knitting Group   mussel.

1234 6X 18

6V 24

XV * 6 30

XV, (2XV) * 5, X (V, 36

567 3X) * 6 2XV, (4XV) * 42

5, 2X. 48

(V, 5X) * 6 3XV, 6

11 (6XV) * 5, 3X. 12

12 13 (V, 7X) * 6 4XV, (8XV) * 54

14-19 5, 4X 3XV, (6XV) * 2, 24XV, (6XV) 60

20 8 * 2, 3X. 66

25XA, 12XA, 25X 64

9 10
24XA, 12XA, 24X. 62
62X 19XV, 62
22XV, 19X 16X, 2V, 28X, 64
25 26
2V, 16X. 68
27 28
68X 68
29 30
(3XA, 4X) * 2, 3XV, 11X, 2V, 11XV, 3X, (4XA, 3X) * 2. 68
68X (XAX) * 3, 68
44X, (XAX) * 3 4XA, 50X, 62

A, 4X. 60

(3XA, 3X) * 2, (AX) * 2, A4X, 2A, 4XA, (XA) * 2, (3XA, 3X) * 2. 48

(2XA, 2X) * 3, 4X, 2A, 4X, (2XA, 2X) * 3. 40

(2XA, X) * 8 32

(2XA) * 8 //. stuffed fiber 24.

When knitting a row and 30 of the   work at a sensitive   before. Then I sew and

decorate  front  eye. The  finished  less. When the parts of the body   finished it. The neck line is straight and clear  this  yet.

Then knit 33 rows each  

33 Rock (XA) * 8, C. The  16

knife cutting at the store  finished  less.

2. legs and trunk / pink wool.

( to start knitting  the left leg raised   the first row on the 11th to stay  sensitive parts . Then let's begin  crochet knit right leg then be connected together in

row Symbols  the core

The left leg  the right leg

เริ่มตนถักโซ 4 โซ เริ่มตนถักโซ 4 โซ -

1 of 2 1 , 3X ,W, 2XV 1 , 3X ,W, 2XV 13

V , 2X , 3V , 2X , 2V V , 2X , 3V , 2X , 2V 10

3456 4X , XV*3 , 6X 4X , XV*3 , 6X 16

19X 4X , 19X 3X , 19

5A , 3XA 4X , 5A , 4XA 5X , 19

2A , 5X 2A , 4X 13

789 11X 11X 8X , 11

X , 2V , 8X 2V , X 13X 8X 11

13X 2XV , , XV*2 , X 13

10 XV , 8X 15

11 15X 12X , C (ตัดไหมพักชิ้นงานไว) 15X 3X , C , โซ 4 15.

12 ถักเชื่อมตอกับขาซาย

ใหทิ้มเข็มไปที่จุดจบของขาซายควักไหมออกมาถัก C นําไหมสีอื่นมาคั่นแถวไวถักตอไปจนครบ 38X (ดูรูปวิธีทําหนา 4 ) 38

13-14 38X 38

15 16 6XA , XA , 12XA , XA , 10X (ทะยอยยัดใย) 34

17 18 34X 6XA , 34
19 20 14XA , 10X
21 32X 5XA ,
22-24 14XA , 9X
25 26 30X 4XA , 14XA ,
27 28 8A (ทะยอยยัดใย)
29 30 28X 3XA ,

31 32 28
14XA , 7X

33 26X 4XA , 26

34-36 10XA , 8X 26

37 24X 4XA , 24

38-40 8XA , 8X 24

41 42 22X 4XA , 6XA 32

43. 20X 3XA*4 16X
16V 32X 16A 8A
4A , C (ทะยอยยัดใย)




8 4.

* หมายเหตุ W คือ ถัก X 3 ครั้งลงใน 1 หลัก

ถักขาเชื่อมต อกั น

3.แขน / ไหมพรมสีชมพู

แถว สัญลักษณ หลัก

เริ่มตนถักโซ 3 โซ

1 1 , 2X ,W, X, V 88

2-3 8X

456 A, 6X 788

V, 6X


789 XV, 6X 9X 99

2XV, 6X
10X 10X,
10-16 C.
4.จมูกใหญ / ไหมพรมสี
17 10

row Symbols  the core Cut yarn (reduced sensitivity  silk suture assembly)  the stitching on the

Start a Knitting Group   mussel.

5.จมูกเล็ก / ไหมพรมสีชมพูเขม
31 6X 6

6V XV 12
2 Symbols   start of
*6 18
4-5 a lace pattern  mussel.
18X 18
6X, C
6 9X, C. -
White silk suture comprising the 
White silk suture comprising the 

6. Large ears  / pink wool. 7. small ears / cream colored yarn.

row Symbols  the core Symbols   start of

Start a Knitting Group   mussel. a lace pattern  mussel.

123 6X 6V 6 6X, C

12X XV 12 White silk suture comprising the 

* 6 18X 12

456 XA * 6 18

12X, C. 18


7 12.

Left the White  sew sew assembly of the   the Beach.

8. Tail / cream colored yarn.

row Symbols 

Start a Knitting Group   mussel.

1-19 6X

20 6X, C

White silk suture comprising the 

9.  the front plate  / cream colored yarn.

row Symbols  the core

Start a Knitting Group   mussel.

1 of 2 6X Associates 6

 1 reversal, 6V 12

345 Associates  1 reversal, 12

12X Sony  1 turned, XV 18

* 6 Sochi  1 reversal, 18

678 18X Sony  1 reversal, 24

2XV * 6 Sochi  1 24

reversal, 24X Sony  1. 30

9 Reversible, 2XV * 6 Sochi reversal  1, 30X.


White silk suture comprising the 

10.  sheet  front of the unit  / cream colored yarn.

row Symbols  the core

Start knitting  of

1 of 2 Sochi Sochi  15  1, 14X, W, 13X, V. 32

V, 13X, 3V, 15X C * of 36

3 all the finish line. -

Cut yarn (reduced sensitivity  silk suture assembly).

How Brian
cool Weaver


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