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Sophomore Stacy Carol will defend her right to keep a nose piercing for her religion at a

disciplinary hearing on Tuesday.

The local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union agreed to defend Carol at her
discipline hearing.
“I don’t understand why the district won’t drop this,” Stacy said.”In fact, I have never had a
The dress code prohibits all facial piercing except ears for females, and it also prohibits hats
and headwear. The church's Religion is about body modifications, and Stacy chose to have a
nose piercing.
“The piercing is part of Stacy’s religion,” Stacy’s mother, Lareina Carol, said.”She wants to stand
up for herself and for that, I am proud.”
Ramirez said the U.S. Supreme Court seriously weakened the reach of the free-exercise
clause in 1990 by ruling that the government no longer must show a compelling state interest.
”We have a dress code to have order and discipline in our schools,” superintendent Parker
Gordon said.
Since Stacy returned to school she has been in In-school suspension for the past nine days.
“Just because a few people get together and call themselves a church doesn’t mean they are a
church in the eyes of the law,” said constitutional lawyer Jett Ramirez.
There are two Muslim students that have exemptions so they can wear their hijabs.
“I cannot comment on this specific case or discuss an individual student’s discipline
issues,”Gordon said.

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