The Use of Water Hyacinth As A Craft

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1. Problem
 Increased evapotranspiration (evaporation and loss of water through plant leaves),
due to its wide leaves and rapid growth.
 Decreasing the amount of light entering the water causing a decrease in the level
of dissolution of oxygen in water (DO: Dissolved Oxygens).
 Water hyacinth plants that have died will descend to the bottom of the water thus
accelerating the silting process.
 Disrupting traffic (transportation) of water, especially for people whose lives are
still dependent on rivers such as in the interior of Kalimantan and several other
 Increased habitat for disease vectors in humans
 Reducing the aesthetic value of the aquatic environment
2. Idea / solution
Utilizing water hyacinth plants as handicrafts.
3. Form of realization
How to make water “Hyacinth” handicrafts :
a. Water hyacinth collection
Water hyacinth lives along the river. The collection of water hyacinth is a
challenge for craftsmen in the framework of making bags and other accessories.
Usually craftsmen can ask for help to the people on the riverbank to collect water
hyacinth and given the appropriate compensation. The collection of water
hyacinth is actually a noble work because it can clean the river while preventing
floods that may come because of the counter productive consequences of this
water hyacinth plant.
b. Water hyacinth Wash
After the water hyacinth is collected in large quantities, the next step is to wash it
clean and eliminate unpleasant odors. How to wash the water hyacinth is quite
sprayed with clean water and shed the dirt by slamming. Washing can be done at
the water hyacinth collection site so as not to pollute the transport that will take it
to the bag production site.
c. Separation of water hyacinth from stems
After arriving at the location of the craftsmen, water hyacinth began to be sorted.
This sorting between leaves and stems is needed to classify materials that will be
used as bag makers or other crafts. Separation can be done by cutting using strong
cloth scissors or with a knife. Because of the tenacity and hardness of water
hyacinth it is difficult to break with ordinary hands.
d. Drying water hyacinth
After sorting, the water hyacinth begins to dry. When it is the dry season, this
drying can run smoothly and the time is quite short. This is different when the
rainy season is drying very long and is not easy. In some small industries,
handicraft making from water hyacinth is also carried out by drying or smoking in
a drying chamber. But this method is still less effective and less preferred because
the quality of water hyacinth will decrease compared to the natural drying process.
e. Weaving Water Hyacinth
Water hyacinth in the form of leaves is usually just dried until it completely loses
its water content. Whereas water hyacinth in the form of stems is usually plaited
first after drying, before being used as raw material for making bags, shoes, and
other accessories. This weaving can take the form of a small coil or a medium
f. Make a Pattern
Before cutting and forming the webbing that has been made, the craftsman first
needs to make a pattern of the product to be produced, can make a pattern of bags
or shoes and other accessories. The making of this pattern is applied to newspaper
or it is sufficiently drawn if the pattern later functions to form a water hyacinth
g. Finishing
From the pattern that has been made, the water hyacinth woven sheet can be cut
according to the pattern. For patterns in the form of girth accessories can be
directly seen and applied to the matting being done. After the product has been
formed, then we can then color or finish. Some ways of finishing the handicraft
from water hyacinth plants are by coloring the product with oil paint or varnish.
Bags or shoes from water hyacinth can be left according to the fibers it produces
or can also be painted with a variety of patterns.

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