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Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology

Department of Architecture
Session: Summer 2020
Course: B. Arch
Module Title: Design Studio X
Module Code: ARCH 501 & ARCH 502
Credit: 12
Semester: 10TH
Batch: 08
Week: 08
Lecture Number: 16
Faculty Name: Arch Rubana Sadia Alam. (B.Arch, M.Arch, BUET)

Follow up of Assignment 02

Dear students you all are requested to work on proposal and presentation as given in lecture 11, 12, 13..
Regarding title of the project, it is done by all of you and finalized. You all have collected the soft copy of your
proposed site and surroundings as you mentioned. A preliminary concept of the project is also verbally
discussed with you all. Please write in brief about the discussed issues and ideas you discussed which will help to
make a preliminary concept of your project and discuss it in the class session. The understanding of your
concept will guide you to your final destination of the project. It will guide you to finalize and improve your
program of the project that you have received already from your contacts. Please make necessary addition and
deduction of your program as this is an education based practical project, you can add or deduct your program
according to your analysis. So if you can prove that a part of your project needs knew additional supported
program or you want to deduct a part that is not necessary at this moment you can do it. Regarding site and
surrounding analysis you can use your basic knowledge that you have learnt through 1st to 9th semester. Up to
next week please provide follow up of your development of proposal work first part.
Proposal submission:
Please submit: Full submission 30th june,2020
1. Title of the thesis or project
2. Concept (rough)
3. Site and location of the project
4. Site analysis with surroundings
5. Detail program of the project (as per criteria of client / as proposed by government or other authority. You
can also include or exclude some of the program according to the need of the project. Try to discuss with you
6. Case study -1: At least two nos Local projects completed by renown Architects and that are available online
with detail information (plan, program, concept, elevation, section, photographs and 3d)
7. Case study -2: At least three nos international projects completed by renown Architects and that are available
online with detail information (plan, program, concept, elevation, section, photographs and 3d)
8. Presentation and submission method: Due to present condition the presentation method is made open to you
all. You can submit the presentation in jpg/ or other easy available software available to you after doing the
presentation using computer software available to you or hand written option. You are requested not to take
unnecessary pressure about the presentation. Here your gathered information according to your project is
more important than the visual output. Even if you do a beautiful presentation but that lacks with your
information will not be graded satisfactory. So please try to avail as much related information regarding your

9. Date of submission: 30th June 2020, ( send it to messenger Studio x ) There
will be a verbal online individual presentation with supervisor and advisors presence.
10. Presentation online: 1st to 5th July 2020. Online presentation. Each student will present individually within in
their given slot . All advisors and supervisor will be present.

You can discuss with your supervisor and advisors of the department.
For quarry you contact on group/phone (as given) .

Best of luck.
Ar. Rubana Sadia Alam

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