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oem GREE TOTAL Ee | ang PROCESS ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL TOTAL) roncrcnororensone [ser [ot tenrexnsun anes ‘The puepose ot this manual is to present in a practical way the process design methods to be \se8 by TEP personnel for quick calculations as well as detiled ones. They have been carefully ‘elected by the most experienced engineers of the Process and Operations Depactment (Tee/O0P/01P/EXP/SUR, The physical presentation is diferent from that of the other TEP/DDP/OIP manuals in order to fat an enily transportable document aswell as one hich Is conventent for photocopies: ‘Most methods are istrated by selected examples. Chapter 15 gives a selection of base data which I sufficient for most calculations. Chapters U6 ond 17 consist of blank calculation sheets and Process datasheets that can easly be photecopied Blank pag ‘are scattered along the chapters for personal notes. 'm ation, blank pages are placed atthe end of the marwal, They are tobe used for comments ‘garding the content as well as the typing and presentation and should te sent back 10 TEP/ODP/OIP/EXP/SUR in Pars to'be incorporated in the next revison. Use them please + they willbe part of our feedback, ‘The following persons have cooperated to the revision 0 of the manual : MM. 3.L. BAGGIO, P.BERLIN, PhBOURGEOIS, J.C. FORESTIER, LK. MARSHALL, A. MINKKINEN, J.P-LUGIAN, M. LE METAIS, R. ODELLO, 8. PERISSE, 0. WEBER, Mme K. COTTIN, Mie E. GOSsUIN, LEGRAND | TOTAL TEP/DP/EXPISUR roctssencinéenina oesiGw mann | Remon | Papo One: 2185 L. DESIGN CONDITIONS TOTAL “TEPIOPIEXPISUR PROCESS ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL | Revision NOTES bee: 2183 Paye No Jot —T TOTAL : ewsion:0— [ragen DESIGN CONDITIONS reorexn sun ose: yas APPLICABILITY The following design criteria are applicable for bath feasibility studies and pee-project PRESSURES +The design pressure of vessel shall be taken as ofthe following ian Operating pressure Desiree baeg 0-10 + MOP sitar MOP = Maxienum Process Operating 10-30 MOP « 10% Pressure 50-100 MOP + 3barg > 100 MOP + 5%. + Wessels subject to wacuum during operation shall be designed for the mestnum external encatogpesssre pls a margin 00.1 at mene "the intemal pressore Is 0.35 barg or less the vessel wil be designed fr full vacuum, + Design pressure for pump discharges shall be calculated by taking 120 % ol(the normal pump AP)when operating at design conitions. DO DESIGN TEMPERATURES + Design vesse! temperatures shall be as follows : Maximum design temperature = as. operating Temp +13 °C. Minimum design temperature + min. operating Temp «5 *C mininum ambient temperature, + fonsideration foe the minimum design temperature musk_take into_accosnt any ‘epcsatulaion of the vessel that mav eccur iting emergency oc su down stustions. (See section on flaring). ‘NO MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION + Details of the required material of construction for vations temperatures ace given in Table + Details on corrosion allowances and wall thickness are given in the vessel design section, TOTAL TeP/OPIEX cUR PROCESS ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL Page No 2. vessets "TOTAAL | rrocessenoimeerine vesiow manual | Revs ‘TePrOPLEXEISUN notes one TOTAL : revsion:© rage, VAPOUR - LIQUID SEPARATORS Terronexpsun Jone: ars | at APPLICABILITY Vietsaty alt process acheimes ue phase Separation. The design and sizing of « sepacator with ‘acceptable accuracy is required for both the fealty and pre-projct phases. Consideration is glven im ths section to the specificstion of vertical and Rorizontal fepacstors for vapour-liquld and vapour-liguid-iquid separation, Detalls are also given concerning vessel internals. Separation of sot vendor wil be consulted for det ae 22, is from gas or liquids ty not covered in this design guide. Generatly a a in ls of proprletory designed vessel, SEPARATOR APPLICATIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS. 2 PHASE SEPARATORS (usualy vertical unless stated) + Compressor and Fuel Gas KO drums Eicient separation of liquid ftom vapour required. Always consider & mist la For vertical drum the velocity cannot. | Horizontal drums are more elfective and geometrically more practical for # heavy tiguid phase removal than vertical drums A eising guid fevel ina vertical drum does not alter the vapour flow aren. Consequently vertial drums are preferred for compresor and fuel gas KO dims, | Vertical dems uttise a smaller plot and ae easier 10 instrument with alarms and satdown controls. Fee floating Installations) they ace preferred as Tess, “losing occies. ee each design cave must be evaluated separately but in geteral the following can be used = Vertical drums Compressor KO drums Degatsing boots Fuel gas KO drums [Absorber feed KO drums Floating installations 7 = Morizontal drums Production separators HP Reflux drums a-phase separation Flare KO drums «Try to avoid vessos with wall thickness greater than 100 mm as these require special {abcication and can prove expen CALCULATION THEORY AND EQUATIONS (tor use in calaulation sheets) (Walid only for pore gravity settlers with no internals to exbunce separation) 4.1, LIQUIO-VAPOUR SETTLING VELOCITY oyeek (Ace) fo isi or vapour densiy kam? s seeing velo ws Ac eoreting parameter ms are = waos6te(2)* 1D = particle diameter -icrons sg coetticent vapour viscosity = centpise ots» oeosee( 2) fe a _— ] 1 TOTAL) ooun ico sermons Terme sun Jose: ans | 23 Fer mediom and tow pressure with gases of viscosity less than 0.01 cp Figure t canbe used to estimate Vs For higher pressures (0 50 bar) or viscosities In excess of 0.01 ep Its necessary to caleulate Vs. The dag coefficient Cis calculated using Figure 2 curve 2) where + 2, 180 wwe poate (Raped ry [Equation 3 is then used to calculate Vs. o cre 42. LIQUID-LIQuIO SETTLING VELOCITY, « (based on Stokes law of terminal settling) ‘The following equation can be used for calculating the settling velocity of water in ilo the upwards "setting" of ol in water. The Important fact is-to ute the viscosity of the continuous phase ie. ing oper isos for water sein nol use the ol vscosiy. Uys terminal velocity ws ‘ otiion see! id ur BP lpanry) denseyeary fide 8x pe density light fluid kg/m icon conte) Wns paticedanetr mg. Senge parte se o 129 min an ng re set es o re osios (AK tin min z pe beanie 3 P inva ‘The above equation is valld for REYNOLDS number of 0.1 If calculated setting velocity is > 250 mm/min ke 250 max 03 43. vesset vouumes + Partial volumes of a horizontal cylinder can be calculated using the partial volume charts in Figure 3 or estimated using the following equations: (or vessels with a dlameter ¢ 1.2 m ignore head volumes) T TOTAL pooner | VAPOUR - LIQUID SEPARATORS rerronexesun Jose: ares | 26 4.5. CALCULATION PROCEDURE HORIZONTAL VESSEL (2 phase) [A guide on how to fill Inthe attached calculation sheet 1. Caleulate settling velocity Vs for paricalsize 900 (use Figs tor equ 3.) { 2 Derste by F = 085 and calculate required vapour velocity mls mF xYsx(L/0) m/s vse L/0 of 3 to $max @ first est) 7% pasume dev 1570 % full Le ND + 7 and evaluate deum 40 give required AV | (so nearest 50 mm). For Méey" vessels use h/D = 35 t 1 For enuiredQiquld surge volun calculate vol at HL, i insufficient adjust Doe 1 1 1 trae eq apn ers cn ey ll | tam Lb ge sgcany ecco ne ee fl | (6 Set potion of LLL in drum and confirm required vrge vol between | volume I ingufticient increase 8, {or he Include volumes inheads. 1 When setting LLL height take into account any LSLL, LSU alarms and vortex breakers which may eet enlnimum valve usable Usully 300-350 mm. atlonaize all heights and dimensions to nearest 18mm i Nore: a | | | For high volumetric Hows of gas sith small iqud volunes consider using slit flow arcangement. Design is as above but with half vapour volume flow. [ 1 Normal design Is with top entry, exit nozzles. However if space is limiting (Grimarty offshore) head mounted nozzles can be used to increas floxpath. +L ls designated as the Mow path length Le distance Between inlet and utter | nozzle, Lis the tangent-tangent length For Ist estimates t= L+ 13 + 15 82 Wie inlet nozzle diameter 2 = outst nozzle diameter «Normal tiquid levels are taken as midway between the high and low levels. TOTAL Revision: @ [Page eromexrsun Jose: ams | ae YAPOUR - LIQUID SEPARATORS (ee page 213 for dete A eBParecos 22% -(B-A\VOn-AP mt WORIZONTAL CYLINDER Vee Ayt 2 DISHED HEADS Veh « 0.21583 92 (1.3 Dm) md ZELLIPTICAL HEADS eb HEMISPHERICAL HEADS Viv * en toa calcul 4A. CALCULATION PROCEDURE VERTICAL VESSEL (vepourliuid separation) [A guide for fling inthe attached calculation sheet. Acceot —Insadians 0.52198 42 (1.5 D-n)_m} (most common) 7 KE (LS D-W) m3 (gives exira vol) VOLUME UP TO BAFFLE (see page 2.23) foe depth + 052198 8 (150-4), aL (elliptical heads) These formula are accra enough for general din and are easly programmed 3 for time saving. More accurate formula are available, see ref litt but are often too complicated tobe useful for multiple calculations. For greater accuracy the length L should be the tanctan Jength and not the flowpath length between nozzles. Ths is especialy true with large vessels and a tight design, Decide i Figue I canbe apie Le P <0 bara, 9 <0. ep 2oplicable use the 500 micron curve to evaluate settling velocity (this assumes 4 ‘ist eliminator will be installed) oF 130 micron with no mist eliminator. I i fecommended to install a mist eliminator for most applications If not calculate Vs using equ 3. Derate the calculated setting velocity by 85 % design margin to ‘maximum allowable vapour velocity. Catculte drum internal diameter and round t0 nearest 50 mm. (further adjustment of 1D : 0D ean be made to suit standordhead dimension (Chock I wall thickness i ets than 100 mn (See pata Vn TOTAL aeviion-0 — [rageno, VAPOUR - LIQUID SEPARATORS ‘nis max (15 9% of # oF 909 mn) “ot a teen 5 th tocar CLLN ue oth xt on 5 Une meth 281606 0 | = verre at (sintmates) 4 95~ “ = ‘maximum liquid intlow (min 200 mm) [as Mest eating tn tin 0) Notes Jimin no pum ~ heater feed 8 min + HP sep. 0 LP sep, 8 in 17 1-2 min residence time (minimum 150 ren) 1B 150 mm for bottom connected LC 300 mm for side connected LC For compressor suction drums that are rormally dey set HLL at 950 mm above tan line and use bottom connected LC. This will reduce vessel height if required. No specific HLL-LLL holdup time required. TOTAL evion: 0 [ase TeprmrexPysuR ate: 2/85 2s VAPOUR = LIQUID SEPARATORS a 10, Boot ealelation (See Fig: 5) | tt the water volumetele flow is 30 small as to not warrant a separate baffled settling compartement as detailed above a water boot should be used stead ‘To design proceed as follows Proceed as previous wpto step 3- 2 Calculate setting stance of water dhoplet when vote! operating at LLL ‘Water droplet should ceach floor of drum belore oll cutet. Remember that the oil exit noszle wal be clsod above the flbor asa standpipe, Adjust drum Gor L toachiove setting. Check that settling is alo possible when operating at HLL, droplet to fall below érawoft nozzle level. Size water deawott boot # (try to use standard pipe diameters) Calculate cisng velocity of the olin wate, set downward velocity of water In boot st 90 % of this and evaluate boot @ Boot lergth by inspection (use standerd pincers. ote + Boot # must he less than 35 % of verse B ‘When heavy walled vessels are used 9 remote boot may be more cconomical to prevent large cuts inthe main vesel NOZZLE SIZING (se section 10.0 also) Inlet nozzle ‘Size based on normal volumetric flow + 10 % (ligld + vapour flow) 1 Limit intet velocity 0 7-13 m/s Round nozete diameter up or down to nearest stindard size Gasoutlot quid outlet {Size on normal flow + Normal flow + 10% + Velocity limit 15-30 mls Velocity iit 1-3 mis HC 2.4 mfs water | Manhotes £850 mm or 600+ Min, diameter = 2*(aold plvegine) VESSEL WALL THICKNESS Calculate vessel wall thickness sing the ASME Vil div. 1 formula, The walt thickness should te calculated immesiatly after Dis known to confer if £6109 mm a ee TOTAL - oman ere VAPOUR - LIQUID SEPARATORS epronexnsy Ce DL = diameter mm 1s wall thickness fam ‘ Po te Po design presse arg aE-Tae ES plneffhoey . se I for seamfoss sells 45 otherwise S = maxallovabie stress bar © = corrosion allowance mm 201220 bar for €5 plate use 3 mm unless stated 1000 ber for SS plate otherwise by EXE/TRT foe £€100 mm + no fabrication problems 100.¢ £€ 130mm «vendor advice may be needed 1150 mm £ Major fabrication problems In oréer to meet observed: Vessel diameter 1 250.1250 mm in increments of $0 mm se-250, 30, 350 '200 ~ 4000 mm in increments of 100 mm ie, 1300, 1400, 1500. tandard vessel head sizes and wall thicknesses the following ranges should be Standacd wall + 1 30 mm in increments of am be 2.354 thicknesses 30-60 mm in increments of 2 mm Le, 30,32, 34, 36 {60-180 mm in increments of § mm Le 65, 70,75, f0. 49. vesseL weicut ‘Vessel weights either horizontal ce vertical can be estimated using Fig. 6. This figure 's for the steal shell including manholes, nozzles, fittings ete but not the cemovable Internals or suppoct skid. The heads can be estimated by using weight of? heads = 42 (aul) x wall thickness in) x20 he 3. VESSEL INTERNALS Sols MIST ELIMINATORS, + Mist eliminators or mesh pads are located under the vapour outlet nozzles ofall ‘ompressor suction drums and fuel gas KO drums. Fer production separators it Is ways good practice to install an exit mesh pad, For dirty or and high viscosity lqulds the efficiency ‘alls to approx. 75 %. Consult vendor for further data, W TOTA' | Sq ae VAPOUR - LIQUID SEPARATORS, Tenonexrisun ow: as | 22 L 2h 7.0 REFERENCES AND USEFUL LITERATURE Til. LUDWIG YOL I CHAPTER & 7.2, PERRY CHAPTER 6 1.3. Program calculates partial volumes Pierre Koch =o ” » ~ 7 TOTAL an VAPOUR - LIQUID SEPARATORS Teropex7sUR ae: aes | ar "6 CALCULATION PROCEDURE HORIZONTAL VESSEL 3 PHASE (See Figure 8) + Sufficient residence time to allow seperation of the cil-vater mixture a8 well as the el surge and vapour flow areas must be provided. 1 Proceed with steps { to 9 as for a two phase separation. Use L/D = 3 (ist estimate) and evaluate L. Provision now has to be made to secommmedate bth sil and water surge volumes: Use Tan-ran length Land not noes-noze distance L. Calculate LLL required to lve approx 4 mins oil surge capacity (minimum. Inspection will reveal whether sulficient height exists below LLL to include the interface levels. Une, adjust the veszel or L to give sufficent room. Note: If the water cutis very small, consideration may be given to osing a water boot instead of a battle arcangemint see step 10. Having determined HLL and LLL now set both postion and height of battle, Calculate termine! setting velocity of water droplet (equ 5 sect 8.2) and settling ‘ime at both HLL and LLL. Volumetric flow of liquid Is in both cases the oll plus the water. Calculate fall dstance of a droplet across length of the drum Bate. height and position can now be set noting + + the battle should beat least 73 mm below the LLL ~ the battle shouldbe atleast 23 down the length of the dum fom the inlet | = Im tome cases the water droplets will settle to the floor in a short distance. ‘The battle should sil be set at a minimum of 23 along the vise 4% Set the HIL at baffle height - 75 mm. The LiL according to height determined by vortex beaker + LSLL use a minimum of 300-350 am. * 6 Check i an oil droplet will rise theough the water layer (irom drum floor) to LI belove reaching water outlet. Use area at LIL with normal oil » watse flowrates. (this criteria ts very carly governing but must be checked. Calculate water surge time between Hil. and LiL, and residence time between NIL ‘snd outlet. Remember to use only one head volume, and length of deum upto baffle Minimum acceptable times are 8-3 mins. If calculated times are very long consider using a water boot arrangement. Rationale all dimensions and *tidy" levels to stindard values if posible Le + 130 mm, 200, 250,200 etc, This allows use of standard diplacers Recalculate all residence tlmes bated on “tidied” levels (it equlred, Note: In eafculating the final residence times make sure that the vessel tan- ‘an length is used and not the nozzle to nazzte distance L. -\V TOTAL misono [Posen VAPOUR - LIQUID SEPARATORS TeprerexesuR lone: 7/85 | 2.10 1 Mesh is usually made frm 308 55. YORK DATA as follows + Typesotpeds — Yoket — wyimd Biase Bat oo General purpose #31 08 too 10-12 Highefficleney 42 192 10 3S me us too iT -019 Dirty service 931 20 0 1-1 ow 08-37 The engineer sould specify type, diameter and thickness of pad required on the vessel data sheet For patticle sizes of $ ilcrons or less use two pads spaced 300 mm apart f+ alycol contactor. ILE "TERWALS, Infet internals ean be specified to ald feed distebution and promote vapour-tiquié sepacation. Generally for pre-poject stage details are not cequlced 5.3. LIQUID PHASE INTERNALS 1 Vortex breakers should be talled for each cil/condensate and profuced water outlet where the oulet flow direction is vertical + Vendors will sometimes specity it arrangements to promote phase separation. cenal packs of tilted plates or battles or other «Sand jotting facilities shouldbe provided for on services were there is ask of tilting or sediment build up in the vestel. Generally jetting facilities are not required on gar-condensate systems. 6.0, SHORTCUT METHOD FOR HORIZONTAL DRUM SIZING (Zor 3 phases) = —— a nm nm anna em n EQUIPMENT Nt aes a 2) Calculate vessel diameter required for droplets separation Fi a Vem : seen 4) Select D = max (D1, D2), Round to upper value 2s flowrate at PT ms total liquid flowrate mls settling velocity mis vessel diameter ” vessel design eati (L/D « 3.8) - F = security factor (0.85) 7 ees® ligud residence time . PROCESS CALCULATION SHEET UEP ape 7 TEI . W a av | | 6 Height cletation = YO mm 1 ble 18 of for 800 mm (Use mad © 420 mim mesh pad = 100 wm | 530 Wot #600 mn 2 600 mm new 21100 om \ Laneend 60% 8or800 @ mim her MO mm dade baetaored + S80 mm a aeeteioen = oo mm | Wis Feem sep 8 or 350 mm 2 100 mm 7+ From sep # 0199 mm 2 too mm | B+ 150mm for bottom LC 300 min fo side LC 2 60 mm For“ vessel 2 hee Wont = 2660 mm ‘TOTAL VESSEL NT TAN/TAN = S000 mm 7, wall thicloess | + DESIGN PRESSURE Pe 2 bag Diameter + oo mm ‘| COR HON ALLOWANCE C= 30 om | Max sti as | te PED ec ek | sees rasverrae’© *4 a loootar cs S183 | dint eltleieney (49) B= 6 6 rl mm soitan se» het tes 5 tr] 8. vessel wens (Pg. 6) | te Sam Shell weight = 1260 ig | Le 6 m (Sel) Headweight = 80 ke | | Det (x02 | roraLwetcnt= 1240 kg | fl a | woes oxen wee Seo? | Qe ‘ CALCULATION SHEET FOR VERTICAL TWO PHASE SEPARATOR cquinwenre: DNL Deenssine goer > cpecaing a Prete lpetng) baa» ah » ‘Temperature (operating) *C = 34 cone Sarees y | ees wh 2H Limidtowate igh tase asdemiyy Ce) tn Lig dy 8) Kd = Plo | fesslvotine tow cp mins oat ncaatwounet iy Lee Pacesee mime 250 ¥ | ses nut GE) +. estnatevsusing gw an 50 micon curse Set) Wecs0burand) <0 we i. ae 1 ren : < urosotwer 3001 we cratson tate | 4 rtoetiggteiysttom Fig Veaalaed® vex 2 wis : pO tee oat man Candas run 258 1 SELECTED DAWETER= 400 am A ene eee ee Von: meu SF min tac cl itoe ae ' T 3 Mesh pad: (Feino thickness = 120 mm AT] PROCESS CALCULATION |i an venrcns varouncigu seeanaron Y GS eee ae = x 4. Nozzle sizing «velocity limits (nfs Inlet + 7-13, Gas outlet £ 15-30, guid outlet 1-3 fit Inlet tows 0-88 mils Nozzle IDs B "Actual vel t0.Fm/s Gry 3 tas Gasuclets ¢ Liquid cutle 3 Deum sizing For tial | tres « # min seescan rea, i 1M gue Bnet oe giase gm LMS HOC 6am bate santo we | 80 eet wife tema ae eee uy 3 | NoTES + Tuviem! oI i L SELECTED DRUM : DIAMETER 6 Mt a) TanltantengihU at 14 x8 grove tisesorrecdion 1D werore heads S$ milfs Nozzle IDs © * Actual vel= 1S ls cimils NozzleID= ©" Retual vel» Sts Who use L for volume ales: Foe tial I use L by If VOL HLL is less than required surge Inrease D, Lor WD or reduce tres (by Irepecton) PROCESS CALCULATION SHEET Shee ALCULATION FoR HORIZONTAL ["™ "2 PHASE SEPARATOR 7 yl. pay 6. Wall hicks + DESIGN PRESSURE Pa 22 borg Maxstrei CS 1220 bar + CORROSION ALLOWANCE Cx 3 mm 85 = 1000 bar Se itto Jolateftciney F = 0.7 SPARC 2S om ee 8, Vessel weight (Fig. 6) te 25 mm Shell weight = WOO ig Sm Head weight © 2609 4g tom (eede20) TOTAL WeIGHT= 13000 ig [_ PROCESS CALCULATION SHEET shent at 3. CALCULATION FOR HORIZONTAL [ms FEAST Teese or 72 PHASE SEPARATOR me =T Lee] foe onma cor assess 2.20 4 Friel) Bs 2/xL = 34SD mm (rounded) * ane wmefort | | | ‘HLL = vertical fall om | ite | Wo { | | t 1 Ut water (step 3) iominin} AE | aL 1 1 1 a mie feet ft de Selectedbatticheight «83mm hoo FCS 1 1 1 ot ae " ” ! 1 1 \ 1 | imeem a a 1 1 | 1 \ | i | qpvotervotatouet(*) md Fake Lost | ' ' [| q surge = vol (ql - q2) m3 i 0.88 | Vbk i i | | quai st sgiene nets raid Fan ta | ; i | Gate | | — _____| | ey CALCULATION FOR HORIZONTAL [!#0 611 Foe ee | peor ower UE ‘3 PHASE SEPARATOR ine D Soto [eet Lew [bose Drown Crane ohne aT | a TAN/TAN LENGTH jos nis yo FLOW PATH LENGTH Cares Ore @ Amend thatch i boot required istad of Stte stodieste on setch it mesh reid Meade 21 eligtiet tephra EQUIPEMENT No : 9510 DESCRIPTION. o OFFS esr SeIARATOR, openings be COMDEAEATE Fwrate tg = a0 opening emponeee re fe Beal Wns xg Wey ote ‘Mass flowrate r bent te Fate gh «ange ea toe Daciy 1 tgns rari te po Moy nag 1 Vapour tgs setting velocity: from Fig. Uestaated? Vs =o. mis our-liuid setting velocity “+ Detete as applicable 2 Maximum vapour Vin V5 x 0.85 Ve 0-246 als velocity UD 23 io 3+ Liquide setting 266 efenin Oninwer Upon E28) min Ul sinfES=L] alain Users FFE min Waterinol Ug OTA neeoraerarswe eee eanaton Teel [ene fan Coan j i W ais LCULATION SHEET FOR HORIZONTAL 2 PHASE SEPARATOR po TANTANIL')_6#30_ ne Head type elptcal newiapheroal + EQUIPMENT N*# VO10 Indicate on sketch if deste mesh cequted DESCRIPTION ("7 A6e 1 Delete applcable cern pecatng ta Operating pretae bara = 20 Operating temperature °C-= IE Gasmelecuar weight = 2o.k Liguld rate + £006 it Gas mess tow ate hay = 11950 iid owrate Kah = 21650 Gas density T,P ke? « 120 Liguld deny TP et ag ctual vol flow m/s = 0.81% hacia vl tow ae Gasvisety p= 0.0108 Particle size 160. Vapour-tigud setting velocity fom Fig, Usateuiated *" "vs= Gb als ice + Delete a appicabte 2. Mac.vapuur velocity Yn 2 Vana vine Vf mis UD = 3 5 3. Actual vapour volume ow Qg e772! 2/8 maces eacuATON'® BEN [excamnrppionzomn [™ ears TTPHASE SEPARATOR meV “180 et Lew | bee [oem here Ww (10% 2 Gas outer 3. HC outlet + 4 Water outlet: 5. Wesel ering ol secTION sercetv Stele gin Aearaar ge Fort aren tigen Calculated 6 Selected Lo Flowpodh tength Tan/Fan henge HLL height Volume st HLL ue Volume st LLL Surge volume (HLL = LLL) Caleuated tres Notes or comments + For tia Huse tye oll HLL-LLL) = 8 in a at a et ht ne 7-19, gts 190 Ligier 3 neue 0 {aes beckett 1 Jeet vinag |OE ML Hye f= o +2) nm -anoce 1.2 aT PROCESS CALCULATION SHEET shame Qo > mee CALCULATION FOR HORIZONTAL [Morte AES [J PHASE SEPARATOR me _D fo10 eT Lee | fone XW Page No ae evn aes PROCESS ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL \AFOUR AD LIQUID SEPARATORS TOTAL ‘Teryorvexrisun FIGURE 1 \yS — LIQUID SETTLING VELOCITY ms w, = ome mrereos TOTAL| vn TeoreamsuR 1k DESIGN CONDITIONS 2. VESSELS (vapou-lquid separatees) Horizsntal 1 Vertical, 3. COLUMNS «1 + Try 1 Pidhes 4S. MEAT EXCHANGERS * 6% Shell + ube Alecclere 3. PUMPS ee + Centetogat 1 Reciprotting 6 DRIVERS, 7 + Gas tutines| 1 Hleeticarivers 7. CONPRESSORS +1 3. EXPANDERS a 9. FLARE SYSTEMS: i 10. PIPES VALVES « Frrincs + Line sinng Piping clatees HLereLines + Pressure and temperature drops I2.PACKAGE UNITS, + Detyeration 1 Retigeration 3. uruimies + Water 1 trogen 18. CoMPUTER PROGRAMS HS.DATA swesigyone, Rad 16. PROCESS CALCULATION SHEETS 17. PROCESS DATA SHEETS = Plate exchangers Furnaces + Steam turbines + AP through valves and fittings 1 Control valves = sling ad selection oven + Gas sweetening ant + Ale 1 Drainage TOTAL | recess ercwernnn oesionuawuat | teons a | Peete \apouR AND LIgUCD SEEREATORS TeP/OPIEKPISUR one: 270s] 2.28 Figure 2 DRAG COEFFICIENT (C) VS Re or C(Rel® DATA FROM PERRY OCOMPUTE «cr QO ®@ Raa cine? OR Re Sree ee ij uu DESIGN PRESSURE CORROSION ALLOWANCE c= 3 mm Joint efficiency eas 8. Vessel weigh (Fig. 6) P=ALA arg Max stress C5 = 12200" 5 = 1000 ber 32 Ime Es ore te 3h 0 Shell weight =10%00 Le om Head weight = 1060 ig Dee (xcs) TOTAL WEIGHT. 12000 ig BET THOcESS CACUATON SET Sheet got mf CALCULATION FOR HORIZONTAL [ROne? eter Suan BENS wanna SMASE SEPARATOR no» $010 er] Low | [ot [Teste ermine roan XY OTE 1 | reoesssenameerinccesmnnunt | reins 9 | rare YApOUR AND LIQUID SEPARATORS “TeP/oP/EXPISUR one se] 2.26 Figures RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHORDAL HEIGHT ‘AND CIRCULAR SEGMENTAL AREA PERCENTAGE OF CIRCLE AREA 7 1 SMS PERCENTAGE OF CIRCLE DIAMETER TOTAAL | Processenciveenina vesionwanuat. | Reviion: o | Pase to arcu ¥e LrQuTO SerAMATORS Ter/oPrexersun owe: 20s] 2.28 {PHASE SEPARATOR ALL DIMENSION SHOWN ARE MINIMUM RECOMENDED + OWL RESIDENCE TIME Volume between NLL-NIL upto baffle only we cesidence time of 3-6 minuts for design + OIL SURGE TIME + Volume between MLL and LLL across fll length of vessel se 4-3 minutes if feeding to another columa/vessel 5 minutes Hf pumping to stocage 3 minutes if flowing to storage (no pump) 48 minutes if sole charge tired hester + WATER RESIDENCE TIME ~ Volume between NIL and outlet Use # misutes minimum + WATER SURGE TIME —~ Volume between HIL and LIL Use 45 minutes minim TOTAL | rocessensineennoesicumanuar | tevin Page No VAPOUR AD LIQUID SEPARATORS ‘ren/oriexeisua one caves} 2.26 WEIGHT Kol DIAMETER m FiguRE Ss Vessel weight esinaion ek gto two hres thet e270 Ko t Fram hyerocaton processing “Rupus 1881 Thicke rnin of 112 xnozle 18.07 eo Sati na nae oe ee oe owe: 2/88 ROCESS ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL [~ ° i! moet | “Tite contact fc TOTAL ‘ervor/exr/sun 3.0 Design Techniques “ for Sizing Packed Towers Aevion : © PROCESS ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL Peseios | ae 2/08 ae * Packing Factors (QUMPED PACKING) Noma Pacing Sze Once) ee Pa [oe [x Pern mali lzorre[ 3 [nore | or) g 2 8 18 if connie 0 i Poste a A Poste =| vol { Patings | Met | 20 Twiorsezaes | Ceamie| 725] 200200] _|aas| 02 | [se] 40 Rachie Rings | Cermie {1600 | 1000 | 500 |300) 285 155 |105] 95 | 65 [ ase Res | He Teal i aeisiaaer [cenme | s00| [2] [iol uo] [es] os IM xy LOYAL | rocessevciernie oesion nanuat | fwiions pape Noe tlk rerrorrexrsun ores one a iy Wat ines ToT aaa = SS TOTAAL | rrocessenoingenmo oesian wawune | Revnon TePIOPIERISUR Dawe: 2/85 Pege No 4, HEAT EXCHANGERS Sb TOTAL | rrocessenonceniuc oesion manuat | Aevion: Page No: ‘Ter/orrexr/sun NOTES Dae: ayes wo a SI PO Page Wo TOTAL . SHELL AND TUBE EXCHANGERS leis pected that a hand calculation of shell and tube exchangers be performed by the Bo] areticasuiry traner. For th pupse of a tasty or projet sty any Repnes nr «| calculation would be performed using computer programs HTRI or HTFS, A quick estimation of heat exchange areay shell diameter and tute length should be done by IT ‘The flow of fluids inside the exchanger varies according :o requirements and can be i + Sea water (it is always cecommanded to install the sea water on tube side) (be Shell side + . I = Fld withthe highest viscosity = Condensation 1 eae eas + Diameter commoniy used 13/44, I" + Pitch commonly used + triangular or équare. External tube cleaning is possible wth square piteh ony 2a, TL “SIDE veLociTies + Une tube side velocity for most materials and services should be held between about 13 #0 25 mise + Below 1 to 12 m/s touting wlll be excenive, much shove 23 m/s eroslon can Become aprobiems | NE —=—— — RE + 10% on ares is recommended. 24. PRESSURE DROP ! «ovale P varies withthe tot system rene adhe pase of hie} re commen The | a ‘equivalent gas dop is about 0.2 to 05 ba + Some exchangers have low pressure losses and as rebsiler and condenser (less than 01 bar) especially those in vacuum system i BA ~ revision: 0 [rage no TOTAL! suex. ano ru0e excrancens renorcxnsn one: ats | a2 25. CHARACTERISTICS OF TUDES WG « BIRMINGHAM WIRE GAGE | Exeral invert | se AREA (atin Tawa! THicKness! Jota! | section fd retin LMS tomy Se Lm T esneenal | itera | Givetmm |e t | | [sat wer 1 1 ie td cae | 1 oom 1 0026s | Fain | 16 | ose | | b.295 \ pit veal | | | bas \ Fain 1 101 zm | 1 00398 | ose | Lasasimnl 12 | 33 | i | Siar t | ret 1 | 1 1 Sives I tied (35 | 1 oe9s ' ist a6 | 1 {eas \ rey \ \ \ Toye tat A {0.0798 | oste | assim 112 | \ \ | Sieee { | iit | i | Sees | 1 iit | | | Ses | iit 1 t {oar 1 ey | 1 \ 1 sin | 9 | \ 1 o0997 | aa7ay 1 O75 mm 12 1 I \ | Sieee \ ret | I | “see | hit | 1 | doa3e ! (itl ! 1 | Sass ' | ' 1 uin | 10 | aus | | anis7 | o0981 J ostinm | 12 | xa | ! 1 Sutoat | it a8 | i 1 Sos | tied Sawa | | G:toss \ fist 3336 | i 1 oar l i \ L i 2.6, TEMPERATURE APPROACH AND PINCH ! + minim trmperatureappconeh 3 °C. | {minimum pinch fr condenser or ehillr 3. 2.7. pesion MARGIN TOTAL oo revision 0 [rage no SHELL AND TUBE EXCHANGERS Tepomreersut Jose: 2185, 49. 29, CHOICE OF HEAT EXCHANGER TYPE (Figure 1) 3, Frontend stationary head types + Type As Used for frequent tube side cleaning det to the ease of dismanting Type Bs Cheaper than Type A but the dismanting of the bonnet ts mere Aificult. To be used for clean products. + Type Cs Cheaper than Type A for low pressure. The price Increases quickly ie the pressre, This type is practically never used. + Type Ds Special tor high pressure P > 200 bar. . Shell pee + Typer + TrpeFr «Advantage + Fluids fw at perfect canter current (F = De + Disadvantage + = Leakage between the longitudlal baffle and Shell decreases in value, = Mechanical problems from expansion. + Low pressure deop eg # <1 bar (risk of damage ofthe longitainal bette). This type should be avoided. A greater number of Type E shells in sertes ts referred, + Type G & H Used for low AP 30 mbar as fr thermosyphon rebotler. Vertical battles are not installed for thes» types and due to that the length ofthe shell must be Umited + TypeJ1 Used for high flow or high AP for Type € and! also sometimes on condensates to avoid the use of vapor belt + Type K: Used for vapor separation Is required e chil Rear end, head types + Types Ly Mand Ns Fixed tube sheet, sed for clear fluid on shell side snd for low QT ¢ 30 *C, IL AT > 30 *C use other head types or install an expansion Joint 0 the shell, ‘Type L and N will be used for dirty thd on tube side. For the othet cases the type M Wil be used iti the cheapest. + Type Pr Generally not used. + Type Si Used very froquentyy no restrictions: + TypeTs For frequent dismanting, expensive, sell S fo same number of tuber gonerally not weed. + Type U1 For clean thids on tbe + Type Ws Generally not usede In general the most commonly wsede 1 Some rebollersn. neter larger than type no other testrictions, low cost. Te most fcequenty used types are + BES, BEM, AES, BEM, divided flow. Tr — nt te — a es ama - as 3. DETERMINATION OF ESTIMATED HEAT TRANSFER AREA oe VALUE fj ave | QT tea tobe ta {wor eu I I I inbttempe twett = | sc | ak . | Owe hpestiets | SE |e au I | cot Fuuio I \ | inettempertett tse I t i Outlet temporstare 2 hw ae LATO from formula (1) ' 1 1 1 I! 1 1 1 1 \ i ' 1 ' 1 1 pow few foro | ene Vso prea Porc pune 1? [un pote [akeasea ! Peedgast, ' Lifevoe | 1 { t 1 [RetL-t2 1 ' 1 Lea t I i — NUMBER OF SH + CATE correction | Including touting actor 261 Fron 1 1 1 1 | ESTIMATED TUBE LENGTH | Fr(m), Lest Tage tole pike SHELL DIAM Hinson) 1 Ieee 5 coves | veal acy ' | St 44 L PROCESS CALCULATION SET wee ft ~ ew: Friese mroctesen | SMELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER), 124i, wT Low | [oe] Toone ccanee om gy) o o o TOTAL! SHELL AND TUBE EXCHANGERS Use following formla taro -(2-w)--w) i te-o TH ee te =e ie twro (woe) theta tn EL Tea It the heat exchange curves ate not linear the LMTD should be determined step by step with the linearization of the curves and with the ponderation of the partial LMTO by the partial duty on each linear step. For total condensing In thls ease -aleulate the heat transfer area for each zone, the sum of these areas is the turtace for the exchangers See LMTO correction factor (Figutes 2) the number of shells should be chosen in order to have 0.8 CF CE CF 0.8 ad sels (2 exchangers in service) peter ESTIMATION OF SHELL DIAMETER sep OF Wie the het tensor ares selected ube se pli ube eights pole to detenine te unte of e adi tbleTer 2 heeaer te apeciate sl diameter ‘Take maximum shell diameter abeut 60 inches. ‘epropiexe/suR 1 1 | i i | j ! ] sos cuts nner en 5 Se eee a & | Mf | aa neces » we om | om | os > sia | mom “TeR/OPIEXP/SUR | te FiGune 3 Type aes, werd ESittare PROCESS ENGINERRING DESIGN MANUAL, TOTAL Ten/oprexeisun TOTAL ‘TeP/OvIEXPISUR PROCESS ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL ne 32/38 Figure « type seu Weight estimate TOTAL : lie [AIR COOLERS eproncxnsun jose: ayes | aaa 1. APPLICABILITY Fequired ety of the aie cooler, the overll dimensions gndyscight and an estimate of required fan power. ‘A calculation procedure suttcient for a pretiminary estimate i given in section 3.0. i i For both the fealty and prepoct sty it would gener be ceqiced to state the 1 2. DESCRIPTION AND GUIDELINE NOTES ateeo¢ Aic Cooling ? ] + Ai cooling eltshore is sometimes pecibited due to the motular layout ofthe platform. This may cequire installation of the air cooler too remote from the associated t ‘equipment. Use closed leap water cooling. + Air eootng is cheaper, simple and flexible when compared ty water cooling, The cost and rnulsance of water treating is eliminated if ale coolers are used. m6 + th warm climates al cooling will not be as effective as water which sill produce @ ‘cooler product stream. Ale cooling is approx 30-70 % as effective as water. Forced on induced att ? + (Forced deatd puses the ait at(lowest avallable temperance) highest p) hence lower 7 pow requirements + Acces bility to motor and driver are better on forced Structural and maintenance costs 1 ace lower. : en + Possibility with forced daft of hot aif ceciculatng into suctlon of fan thereby reducing etficleney. + (lndoces drattgives better air distribution dee to lower inlet velocity with less chance of fi ‘recirculating of ho ar y | + tated at costs can been ntalld above pias of oe ent i Protection gen by Hcl tt contr frm elec aly wid om aed ses ngertn i dt tae Is sesive to sullen tony cone so forgot woe can coin tliat or eany nota TOTAL) sicrmonnecccunces [™ ° e" enonveersuk ose: 218s Flened tube elements (se Table 1) + OD tubing is most common with 0.9" to 0.625" fin. Fin spacing 7 to 11 per inch. Eten. “surface ares Is 7 to 20 times bare area + Standard tobe Lengths fom 6 to 50 ft (2 m to 15 ms Longer tube designs are less costly than short ones. + [Bundle depthymay vary from 3 rows to 30 rows of tubes. & or 6 rows is commen for Fin materiel most commonly AL. Adequate upto #00 °C opecating . Use steel for higher temps. Fans and motors = Fant are diialtlow large volume low DP devices. Use total fan efficiency 65 8 Driver etticiancy $356. + Fan $ equal to or slighty less than bundle wide Normally 2 fans refereed. Fans have ¢ 106 blades, Max fan diameter 14-16 + Distance between fan ¢ bundle 09-0.5 of fan diameter. Rati of fan ring area to bundle area must nat be less than 0.4, + Fans may be electric, steam, hyéraulic or gasoline driven Individual river see usually limited to $0 4, (89 Kw), 380. 1+ Face velocity of sic serots a bundle is 300-700 tein (5-26 mel), + A10 % change in a lew rate results in 35% change in power uted. Temmpecature control (Fig. 1) + For close control of process outlet temperature autonrariable pitch fens, tp leavers ot variable speed motors are required. + Variable pich fans are mate efficient than louvers. + Louvers can be manually adjusted for winter or sight tine operation: + For process flulds that treeze of gel at temperatures above the winter ambient a ecleulation system Is necessary to malotaln alr temp entering the tube bundle. + General approach temp to ambient sir is 20-28 °C, Absolute minis 12°C. 1 Ale coolers ace noisy. Keep fan spetd as low as posible and consider celative layout 1 TOTAL : revision: © [age to [AIR COOLERS Tenomexnsun eae: ass | ats ‘OREPERENCES AND USEFUL LITERATURE. Sate Aiccooled neat exchangers PERRY pp 1.23 - 11.25 42. Riccooled neat exchangers LUNI. pp 177-193, 43. Aircooled heat exchangers PSA chapter 9 AL Aerial coolers 85. Design of ar coolers A Procedure for entiation 846. Estimate ae cooler size HP S1CY peogram CAMPBELL pp 207-209 2. BROWN (Chem. Engy Mar 27 1978 ¢ 109 fs SHAIKH + Chem. Eng, Dee 121983, 965-70 iS TeAverage ditferential ep. fT ‘Aim stale Wen = 1 ® 1 9. Bare tube arcaftow FaxAN Fae 41 10. Tube tengin he tas 30.6 ate M1, Tubes/eow TR = Fa/Ls0.08 [TR = 12, Cooler width WeTREO.0635 [We 1 £3 43, Total fan power =Fax0.795 [Fp 1 3th 18, Number of fans INp el ov 13. Fan diameter Hepel 26 16, Power/tan p/p Tepe l 16-2 17, Estimated weight IMs | 110° SAB G6ARIISNIHL 1 | Notes Curves numbers refer to Process Design Manual Chap. 6 OPERATING CONDITIONS AND NATURE OF Fit: 1Q= 12+ 108 keatlh | Fluid outlet temperature Imz=| fo scl FLUID ATy=TI-T2= So 8c _ ee Lt m= | Opin amaratiae et tt tomer fl corms Lrtsidte ike ak) ane CMatwmien Wet sae) enearnee 8 f 3 Otair = ¥x(TL tt) Miret 226 tc] { ' [ “ch L ' i m2} t ' aP L266 kw i t at ww > kg 1 Gincluding motors) ' pry merce PROCESS CALCULATION SHEET wT [ew | [et Tron trance Tone vw“ 1 34,356,739 mare common |! EE we Mince” ("00 thing) ort f eT : ar To}. od coun 1QUip viscosity AT TL 12 : © ) quip viscostry at Ths t2 i GLOBAL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT #4 « ealfh m2 oe } (Bead curve 0 2. GAS cooLING MOLECULAR MASS: MW « GLOBAL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT :U. calmh m2 *c. (ead cave n* 2) 3. TOTAL CONDENSATION, Them 2 te GLOBAL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT :U « beatlh m2 °C (Read curve" 3), |. PARTIAL CONDENSATION 441. STHOUT LIQUID AT INLET Inlet gas flowrate WGI : ‘ outlet gat flowrate WG2 : “s outlet tig toweate WL? : ‘s met . “c GAS MOLECULAR weigitr aT TLE 12 Ds HEAT TRANSFER COEFF. Ue . eatin m2 *€ (ead cueve m3) HEAT TRANSFER COEFF. Ug « all (ead curve 9° 2) GLOBAL HEAT TRANSFER COEFF. + MLB cue « NG? x 5 eal 2 +c. Cea Ye pgs Ue SELECTED GLOBAL HEAT ‘TRANSFER COEFF. U 5 eal 2° PROCESS CALCULATION SHETT 7 ‘AIR COOLERS faa nocorarn «| HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT [ue wT Lee] [ee] Poame ene Tew 42. ITH LiguiD AT INLET inlet Hiquid How rate WLE sh ‘outlet guid How cate WL? ven LIQUID MOLECULAR WEIGHT AT TL 12 1 UB Liguio sPeciric HEAT AT IL 12 cPi = cali °C IQ yn Whe, eM MDscrxe =a = healt Inlet gat flow rate WGI : ah outlet gas flow rate WG2 . wal GAS MOLECULAR WEIGHT AT HLS 12 = As AR WEI GAs spe AT ATELST2 cpg = beattig *C CIFIC HEAT AT. a « OG WSLs WG xcPgT-T2) = calls CONDENSATION HEAT Qe 9-06 5 keattn Liquio viscosity ar IL: 72 : cr 1Quio viscosity AT Ls T2 a LIQUID HEAT TRANSFER COEFF. Ul = cata m2 * Read curven* 2) GAS HEAT TRANSFER COEFF. Ug= eatInin? * ead curve nt 2) ‘CONDENSATION HEAT TRANSFER coer. uw eatin? °C. {ead curve at 3) GLOBAL HEAT TRANSFER COEFF. us ue eatihim? * Ur Ug. Ue SELECTED GLOBAL HEAT TRANSFER COEFF. + us keatfa mt * Ain COOLERS HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT Ba TOTAI ToT to Vf TOTAL | recess ensiveeniic oesion wanuar | Revision: 0 | Pape No Notes TeP/oPrENPISUR paw mas] 4.18 I TOTAL | rrccessenomeenins oesicwmanuat | rwiions 0) fomeno ‘eProrvEXPISUR one 20s] 4.20 a8 338 paesrane OAR Z I TOTAL TeR/OP/EXPISUR wrumceeter x 4.005 [Tora] races evmecn XS A esiion ° | Page No ‘TePrOP/EXPISUR TOTAL mage ‘AIR COOLERS tepconiexnsun loste: vss | as APPLICABILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY : PRE-PROJECE Under norinal clecumstances, the design of plate type exchangers would be detailed by a vendor based on process data supplied by the engineer Two types of plate exchangers could be uted: + Plate fin exchangers 5 + Plate exchangers. For the purpose of this design guide, ony a quick description an some characteristics are + | given For plate fin exchangers, the size could be done only by 8 vendor. For plate exchangers; the size could be estimated if rome vendor (ALFA-LAVAL, APY, VICARB) information are availabe. [An estimation of the heat tranefer area could be done ifthe heat transfer coefficient Is ‘own uring the same formula 35 for shell and tube heat exchange with a LMTD correction : factor = 1. The heat transfer coefficient i difficult to estimate jit depends on many factors 35 flow rate of different tHulds, pressure drop pate spacing, ete. ot DESCRIPTION AND NOTES PLATE FIN EXCHANGERS These exchangers const of stacked Corsugsted seein) separated by ft plates end an outer frame with opening for We ilet and outlet of his This core is immersed ina qu sate bang aeag all the separate parts together é pepgeck te sears rare soe a Flow in adjacent thu passages can be cocurrent, counter current, of crosstow and (Fa ees weer pa ea ee ceca [| | tse peta nage we ete cn OO TOTAL [AIR COOLERS eee lace TengerexrsuR one: ayes | 4.20 Figure 1 shows the principle of construction of a platefin exchange. A large amount of surface can be accornedated in stall volume (1000 m2/n32 Maximum design pressure 158 barg Temperatuce range 2195 1c to 659C Size ma. 120 min x6 096 mm x 1390 aim Temperature approach + 2°C. Applicanniey 1 UNG, LPG eaeovery, Pressut Top as for shell and te heat exchangers: 2.2 PLATE EXCHANGERS Pate oxchangers are an assembly of metal plates separated by gaskets to give 8 small cleacance between each plate. The two fluids pass in opposite directions each through every alternate plate Refer to figure 2. ‘The exchanger i esiy damantld for cleaning if requred. A good overal heat transter coetfcient i tained and small temperature differences can be used ‘The plates can be made from exotic meterlals such as titanium which are resistant to corrosion and are used for sea water coolers: They ace very compact exchangers ant occupy a small flor area. Maximum pressure t 10-20 bars Maximum temperature + 250°C (Weed special gaskets) Overall bet transfer coefficient Water/water 2000 - 5 000 kealfh m2 * Maximum surface about 1 500 m2 2.500 wh Maxiour flow Applicability: Sea water ~ service water, water-TEG, TEG-TEG, + Pressure drops + allowsble preswure dtops vary according to the total system presture and the service of the fluids. = for sen water « service water + 0.5 to 2 bar (high 4 P increase the overal heat transfer oetficlent, «for water-TEG or TEG-TEG the AP could be very low such as 10 to 20 mbar 3. REFERENCES AND USEFUL LITERATURE eens information. oor ane oeoe ees PROCESS ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL | Revition: © | Page No TOTA . a gee ae aeeeaee TOTAL - revision: © Prageno FURNACES, Terex UR pate: ars | nar L. APPLICASN ITY It is not exp. ted that a hand catculation of funsces be performed by the engineers Mt is normally dane by a manulacturer based on process data supplied by the engineer Furnaces are used to transter heat directly to the proces fluid and generally have 8 large sty and produce high process temperatures. 2uke A furnace consists of the following + + A-combustion chamber lined with refractory and burst + Tubes which are located within the combustion chamber and where heat Is ‘wansferced to the process thud by eadiation + Tubes which are located external to the combusion chumber in a convection zone sthich i ao tines with eetractory. + Stack fo dsporal of flare goss + Ar supply system by fan or induced deat. + lasteuments and controls, 22, TYPES oF FURNACE 22.1. Cobia furnace + This is a eectangular furnace and contains tubes which can be horizontal or vertical. The burners are situated lathe walls of flo, and the convection zone is Tocated above the furnace, + Flue gases discharge to a stack et drat fan. directly o are deiven by an induced + Burners are nocmally acanged in rows on two walls and are spaced 50 as to provide radiation zone of constant temperature and avoid flame é impingement’ on the tubes. An alternative arrangement is burners located in the Hoe ofthe furnace a shown in Figure t. + The connection bank contains rows of tubes across which the fhve gas Fearing the furnace fy obllged 1 park + A-small negative pressure is maintained to prevent hot gas leakage. + There Isa pressue loss ia the tue gas sytem and this has to-be made up 8 either by use of a fan discharging to a soct stack or by natural bouyaney, creating daft in tall stack AE

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