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Egg sculpture (year 1)

Activity comments
Aimed at early childhood students aged 6-7 years old, this activity involved the students applying physical
changes such as bending, twisting, stretching and more, to the recycled materials that will be provided to them.
The students must use the materials to construct a sculpture. The sculpture can look however they want but it
must be at least 20 cm tall and have the ability to hold 2 eggs. Students will be working in small groups of
around three and will be allowed to use one small roll of tape, one small glue stick, one small stapler with a
limited number of staples, scissors and 1 metre of string.

Design brief
Your task is to create a sculpture that stands at least 20 cm tall and is able to hold 2 eggs. Your sculpture must
be built using recycled materials and you must apply physical changes such as bending, twisting and stretching
to the materials to construct your sculpture
o Various recycled material sch as egg cartons, cardboard, scrap paper, old cartons, old milk bottles etc.
o Scissors
o Glue
o Tape
o String
o Stapler
o Eggs
o Ruler (for measuring height)
Technological considerations
o Investigation: students will be shown multiple pictures of sculptures and architecture as well as being
given time to research for themselves. They should take inspiration from their research for their own
sculptures. A class discussion prior to the activity could be related to what materials the students think
will be the strongest / weakest and what process they think will be best (e.g. getting the height right
first or creating the egg holding part first)
o Design: students will be given time to draw or sketch what they want their sculpture to look like and
what materials the plan on using and how, as well as what physical changes they might apply to the
o Production: students should have minimal problems with the construction of their sculptures but
educators may assist if students are really struggling and require support or scaffolding
o Evaluation:
 Functionality: the sculpture must be able to hold two eggs or an equivalent weight
 Creativity: students should use their own ideas and be creative about the physical changes
they apply to the materials

Task considerations
o The recycled materials that will be used for this task must be collected well before the task will take
place. The teacher can ask staff members at the school or parents of their students to bring in recycled
materials for the task. Alternatively, the teacher could put a notice in the school newsletter letting
everyone know that the class requires recycled materials for the task

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