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G.R. No. 61584.November 25, 1992.* According to petitioners, the land is being leased for P2,000.00 per year only.
This assigned error, however, raises a factual question. The settled rule is
DONATO S. PAULMITAN, JULIANA P. FANESA and RODOLFO that only questions of law may be raised in a petition for review. As a
general rule, findings of fact made by the trial court and the Court of Appeals
ELENA PAULMITAN, ABELINO PAULMITAN, ANITA PAULMITAN, are final and conclusive and cannot be reviewed on appeal.
PAULMITAN, respondents. PETITION for review on certiorari, from the decision of the Court of Appeals.

Civil Law; Succession; In every inheritance the relative nearest in degree The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. Paulmitan vs. Court of
excludes the more distant ones.—Since it is well-settled by virtue of Article Appeals, 215 SCRA 866, G.R. No. 61584 November 25, 1992
777 of the Civil Code that “[t]he rights to the succession are transmitted
from the moment of the death of the decedent,” the right of ownership, not
only of Donato but also of Pascual, over their respective shares in the
This is a petition for review on certiorari seeking the reversal of the
inheritance was automatically and by operation of law vested in them in
decision 1 of the Court of Appeals, dated July 14, 1982 in CA-G.R. No. 62255-
1953 when their mother died intestate. At that stage, the children of Donato
R entitled "Alicio Paulmitan, et al. v. Donato Sagario Paulmitan, et al." which
and Pascual did not yet have any right over the inheritance since “[i]n every
affirmed the decision 2 of the then Court of First Instance (now RTC) of
inheritance the relative nearest in degree excludes the more distant ones.” Negros Occidental, 12th Judicial District, Branch IV, Bacolod City, in Civil
Donato and Pascual excluded their children as to the right to inherit from Case No. 11770.
Agatona Sagario Paulmitan, their mother.

Same; Property; Co-ownership; Even if a co-owner sells the whole property The antecedent facts are as follows:
as his, the sale will affect only his own share but not those of the other co-
owners who did not consent to the sale.—This Court has ruled that even if a Agatona Sagario Paulmitan, who died sometime in 1953, 3 left the two
following parcels of land located in the Province of Negros Occidental: (1) Lot
co-owner sells the whole property as his, the sale will affect only his own
No. 757 with an area of 1,946 square meters covered by Original Certificate
share but not those of the other co-owners who did not consent to the sale
of Title (OCT) No. RO-8376; and (2) Lot No. 1091 with an area of 69,080
[Punsalan v. Boon Liat, 44 Phil. 320 (1923)]. square meters and covered by OCT No. RO-11653. From her marriage with
Same; Same; Same; Same; Since a co-owner is entitled to sell his undivided Ciriaco Paulmitan, who is also now deceased, Agatona begot two legitimate
children, namely: Pascual Paulmitan, who also died in 1953, 4 apparently
share, a sale of the entire property by one co-owner without the consent of
shortly after his mother passed away, and Donato Paulmitan, who is one of
the other co-owners is not null and void.—This is because under the
the petitioners. Petitioner Juliana P. Fanesa is Donato's daughter while the
aforementioned codal provision, the sale or other disposition affects only his third petitioner, Rodolfo Fanes, is Juliana's husband. Pascual Paulmitan, the
undivided share and the transferee gets only what would correspond to his other son of Agatona Sagario, is survived by the respondents, who are his
grantor in the partition of the thing owned in common. children, name: Alicio, Elena, Abelino, Adelina, Anita, Baking and Anito, all
surnamed Paulmitan.
Remedial Law; Appeal; The settled rule is that only questions of law may be
raised in a petition for review; Generally, findings of fact made by the trial
Until 1963, the estate of Agatona Sagario Paulmitan remained unsettled and
court and the Court of Appeals are final and conclusive and cannot be
the titles to the two lots mentioned above remained in the name of Agatona.
reviewed on appeal.—Petitioners dispute the order of the trial court, which
However, on August 11, 1963, petitioner Donato Paulmitan executed an
the Court of Appeals affirmed, for them to pay private respondents Affidavit of Declaration of Heirship, extrajudicially adjudicating unto himself
P5,000.00 per year from 1966 until the partition of the estate which Lot No. 757 based on the claim that he is the only surviving heir of Agatona
represents the share of private respondents in the fruits of the land. Sagario. The affidavit was filed with the Register of Deeds of Negros
Sales Part VIII Page |2

Occidental on August 20, 1963, cancelled OCT No. RO-8376 in the name of Sagario Paulmitan were entitled to one-half (1/2) of Lot No. 1091,  pro
Agatona Sagario and issued Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 35979 in indiviso.  The sale by petitioner Donato Paulmitan to his daughter, petitioner
Donato's name. Juliana P. Fanesa, did not prejudice their rights. And the repurchase by
Juliana P. Fanesa of the land from the Provincial Government of Negros
As regards Lot No. 1091, Donato executed on May 28, 1974 a Deed of Sale Occidental did not vest in Juliana exclusive ownership over the entire land
over the same in favor of petitioner Juliana P. Fanesa, his daughter. 5 but only gave her the right to be reimbursed for the amount paid to redeem
the property. The trial court ordered the partition of the land and directed
In the meantime, sometime in 1952, for non-payment of taxes, Lot No. 1091 petitioners Donato Paulmitan and Juliana P. Fanesa to pay private
was forfeited and sold at a public auction, with the Provincial Government of respondents certain amounts representing the latter's share in the fruits of
Negros Occidental being the buyer. A Certificate of Sale over the land was the land. On the other hand, respondents were directed to pay P1,479.55 to
executed by the Provincial Treasurer in favor of the Provincial Board of Juliana P. Fanesa as their share in the redemption price paid by Fanesa to
Negros Occidental. 6 the Provincial Government of Negros Occidental. The dispositive portion of
the trial court's decision reads:
On May 29, 1974, Juliana P. Fanesa redeemed the property from the
Provincial Government of Negros Occidental for the amount of P2,959.09. 7 WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered on the second
cause of action pleaded in the complain as follows:
On learning of these transactions, respondents children of the late Pascual
Paulmitan filed on January 18, 1975 with the Court of First Instance of 1. The deed of sale (Exh. "F") dated May 28, 1974 is valid
Negros Occidental a Complaint against petitioners to partition the properties insofar as the one-half undivided portion of Lot 1091 is
plus damages. concerned as to vest ownership over said half portion in
favor of defendant Juliana Fanesa and her husband Rodolfo
Fanesa, while the remaining half shall belong to
Petitioners set up the defense of prescription with respect to Lot No. 757 as
plaintiffs,  pro-indiviso;
an affirmative defense, contending that the Complaint was filed more than
eleven years after the issuance of a transfer certificate of title to Donato
Paulmitan over the land as consequence of the registration with the Register 2. Lot 1091, Cadastral Survey of Pontevedra, Province of
of Deeds, of Donato's affidavit extrajudicially adjudicating unto himself Lot Negros Occidental, now covered by TCT No. RO-11653
No. 757. As regards Lot No. 1091, petitioner Juliana P. Fanesa claimed in her (N.A.), is ordered partitioned. The parties must proceed to
Answer to the Complaint that she acquired exclusive ownership thereof not an actual partition by property instrument of partition,
only by means of a deed of sale executed in her favor by her father, submitting the corresponding subdivision within sixty (60)
petitioner Donato Paulmitan, but also by way of redemption from the days from finality of this decision, and should they fail to
Provincial Government of Negros Occidental. agree, commissioners of partition may be appointed by the
Acting on the petitioners' affirmative defense of prescription with respect to
Lot No. 757, the trial court issued an order dated April 22, 1976 dismissing 3. Pending the physical partition, the Register of Deeds of
the complaint as to the said property upon finding merit in petitioners' Negros Occidental is ordered to cancel Original Certificate of
affirmative defense. This order, which is not the object of the present Title No. RO-11653 (N.A.) covering Lot 1091, Pontevedra
petition, has become final after respondents' failure to appeal therefrom. Cadastre, and to issue in lieu thereof a new certificate of title
in the name of plaintiffs and defendants, one-half portion
each,pro-indiviso, as indicated in paragraph 1 above;
Trial proceeded with respect to Lot No. 1091. In a decision dated May 20,
1977, the trial court decided in favor of respondents as to Lot No. 1091.
According to the trial court, the respondents, as descendants of Agatona
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4. Plaintiffs are ordered to pay, jointly and severally, ones." 11 Donato and Pascual excluded their children as to the right to inherit
defendant Juliana Fanesa the amount of P1,479.55 with from Agatona Sagario Paulmitan, their mother.
interest at the legal rate from May 28, 1974 until paid;
From the time of the death of Agatona Sagario Paulmitan to the subsequent
5 Defendants Donato Sagario Paulmitan and Juliana passing away of her son Pascual in 1953, the estate remained unpartitioned.
Paulmitan Fanesa are ordered to account to plaintiffs and to Article 1078 of the Civil Code provides: "Where there are two or more heirs,
pay them, jointly and severally, the value of the produce the whole estate of the decedent is, before its partition, owned in common
from Lot 1091 representing plaintiffs' share in the amount of by such heirs, subject to the payment of debts of the deceased." 12 Donato
P5,000.00 per year from 1966 up to the time of actual and Pascual Paulmitan were, therefore, co-owners of the estate left by their
partition of the property, and to pay them the sum of mother as no partition was ever made.
P2,000.00 as attorney's fees as well as the costs of the suit.
When Pascual Paulmitan died intestate in 1953, his children, the
x x x           x x x          x x x respondents, succeeded him in the co-ownership of the disputed property.
Pascual Paulmitan's right of ownership over an undivided portion of the
On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court's decision. Hence this property passed on to his children, who, from the time of Pascual's death,
petition. became co-owners with their uncle Donato over the disputed decedent
To determine the rights and obligations of the parties to the land in question,
it is well to review, initially, the relatives who survived the decedent Agatona Petitioner Juliana P. Fanesa claims ownership over Lot No. 1091 by virtue of
Sagario Paulmitan. When Agatona died in 1953, she was survived by two (2) two transactions, namely: (a) the sale made in her favor by her father
sons, Donato and Pascual. A few months later in the same year, Pascual Donato Paulmitan; and (b) her redemption of the land from the Provincial of
died, leaving seven children, the private respondents. On the other had, Negros Occidental after it was forfeited for non-payment of taxes.
Donato's sole offspring was petitioner Juliana P. Fanesa.
When Donato Paulmitan sold on May 28, 1974 Lot No. 1091 to his daughter
At the time of the relevant transactions over the properties of decedent Juliana P. Fanesa, he was only a co-owner with respondents and as such, he
Agatona Sagario Paulmitan, her son Pascual had died, survived by could only sell that portion which may be allotted to him upon termination of
respondents, his children. It is, thus, tempting to apply the principles the co-ownership. 13 The sale did not prejudice the rights of respondents to
pertaining to the right of representation as regards respondents. It must, one half (1/2) undivided share of the land which they inherited from their
however, be borne in mind that Pascual did no predecease his father. It did not vest ownership in the entire land with the buyer but
mother, 8 thus precluding the operation of the provisions in the Civil Code on transferred only the seller's pro-indiviso  share in the property 14 and
the right of representation 9 with respect to his children, the respondents. consequently made the buyer a co-owner of the land until it is partitioned.
When Agatona Sagario Paulmitan died intestate in 1952, her two (2) sons In Bailon-Casilao v. Court of Appeals,  15 the Court, through Justice Irene R.
Donato and Pascual were still alive. Since it is well-settled by virtue of Article Cortes, outlined the effects of a sale by one co-owner without the consent of
777 of the Civil Code that "[t]he rights to the succession are transmitted all the co-owners, thus:
from the moment of the death of the decedent," 10 the right of ownership,
not only of Donato but also of Pascual, over their respective shares in the The rights of a co-owner of a certain property are clearly
inheritance was automatically and by operation of law vested in them in specified in Article 493 of the Civil Code, Thus:
1953 when their mother died intestate. At that stage, the children of Donato
and Pascual did not yet have any right over the inheritance since "[i]n every Art. 493. Each co-owner shall have the full ownership of his
inheritance, the relative nearest in degree excludes the more distant part and of the fruits and benefits pertaining thereto, and he
may therefore alienate, assign or mortgage it and even
Sales Part VIII Page |4

substitute another person its enjoyment, except when bought the land after it was forfeited for non-payment of taxes, she
personal rights are involved. But the effect of the alienation redeemed it.
or mortgage, with respect to the co-owners, shall be limited
to the portion which may be allotted to him in the division The contention is without merit.
upon the termination of the co-ownership.  [Emphasis
supplied.] The redemption of the land made by Fanesa did not terminate the co-
ownership nor give her title to the entire land subject of the co-ownership.
As early as 1923, this Court has ruled that even if a co- Speaking on the same issue raised by petitioners, the Court, in Adille
owner sells the whole property as his, the sale will affect v. Court of Appeals,  16 resolved the same with the following
only his own share but not those of the other co-owners pronouncements:
who did not consent to the sale [Punsalan v. Boon Liat, 44
Phil. 320 (1923)]. This is because under the aforementioned The petition raises a purely legal issue: May a co-owner
codal provision, the sale or other disposition affects only his acquire exclusive ownership over the property held in
undivided share and the transferee gets only what would common?
correspond to his grantor in the partition of the thing owned
in common [Ramirez v. Bautista, 14 Phil. 528 (1909)].
Essentially, it is the petitioners' contention that the property
Consequently, by virtue of the sales made by Rosalia and
subject of dispute devolved upon him upon the failure of his
Gaudencio Bailon which are valid with respect to their
co-heirs to join him in its redemption within the period
proportionate shares, and the subsequent transfers which
required by law. He relies on the provisions of Article 1515
culminated in the sale to private respondent Celestino
of the old Civil Code, Article 1613 of the present Code, giving
Afable, the said Afable thereby became a co-owner of the
the vendee a retro the right to demand redemption of the
disputed parcel of land as correctly held by the lower court
entire property.
since the sales produced the effect of substituting the buyers
in the enjoyment thereof [Mainit v. Bandoy, 14 Phil. 730
(1910)]. There is no merit in this petition.

From the foregoing, it may be deduced that since a co- The right of repurchase may be exercised by co-owner with
owner is entitled to sell his undivided share, a sale of the respect to his share alone (CIVIL CODE, art. 1612, CIVIL
entire property by one co-owner without the consent of the CODE (1889), art. (1514.). While the records show that
other co-owners is not null and void. However, only the petitioner redeemed the property in its entirety, shouldering
rights of the co-owner-seller are transferred, thereby making the expenses therefor, that did not make him the owner of
the buyer a co-owner of the property. all of it. In other words, it did not put to end the existing
state of co-ownership (Supra,  Art. 489). There is no doubt
that redemption of property entails a necessary expense.
Applying this principle to the case at bar, the sale by petitioner Donato
Under the Civil Code:
Paulmitan of the land to his daughter, petitioner Juliana P. Fanesa, did not
give to the latter ownership over the entire land but merely transferred to
her the one half (1/2) undivided share of her father, thus making her the co- Art. 488. Each co-owner shall have a right to compel the
owner of the land in question with the respondents, her first cousins. other co-owners to contribute to the expenses of
preservation of the thing or right owned in common and to
the taxes. Any one of the latter may exempt himself from
Petitioner Juliana P. Fanesa also claims ownership of the entire property by
this obligation by renouncing so much of his undivided
virtue of the fact that when the Provincial Government of Negros Occidental
interest as may be equivalent to his share of the expenses
Sales Part VIII Page |5

and taxes. No such waiver shall be made if it is prejudicial to

the co-ownership.

The result is that the property remains to be in a condition

of co-ownership. While a vendee a retro, under Article 1613
of the Code, "may not be compelled to consent to a partial
redemption," the redemption by one co-heir or co-owner of
the property in its totality does not vest in him ownership
over it. Failure on the part of all the co-owners to redeem it
entitles the vendee a retro to retain the property and
consolidate title thereto in his name (Supra,  art. 1607). But
the provision does not give to the redeeming co-owner the
right to the entire property. It does not provide for a mode
of terminating a co-ownership.

Although petitioner Fanesa did not acquire ownership over the entire lot by
virtue of the redemption she made, nevertheless, she did acquire the right to
reimbursed for half of the redemption price she paid to the Provincial
Government of Negros Occidental on behalf of her co-owners. Until
reimbursed, Fanesa hold a lien upon the subject property for the amount due
her. 17

Finally, petitioners dispute the order of the trial court, which the Court of
Appeals affirmed, for them to pay private respondents P5,000.00 per year
from 1966 until the partition of the estate which represents the share of
private respondents in the fruits of the land. According to petitioners, the
land is being leased for P2,000.00 per year only. This assigned error,
however raises a factual question. The settled rule is that only questions of
law may be raised in a petition for review. As a general rule, findings of fact
made by the trial court and the Court of Appeals are final and conclusive and
cannot be reviewed on appeal. 18

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED and the decision of the Court of

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only so long as his possession is not legally interrupted, and such

interruption takes place upon service of judicial summons.

Same; Same; Possessor in good faith not entitled to reimbursement of

improvements constructed after filing of action for annulment.—A possessor
in good faith cannot recover the value of a new building constructed after
the filing of an action for annulment of the sale of land on which it is
constructed, thus rendering him a builder in bad faith who is denied by law
any right of reimbursement.
No. L-17681. February 26, 1965.
Damages; Nominal and exemplary damages not awarded to stockholders
already represented by the corporation.—Where the interests of the
accompanied by her husband ANTOLIN DIAZ, ESTER AIBA D. BAS,
stockholders were already represented by the corporation itself, which was
accompanied by her husband MAURICIO O. BAS, ROSALINDA D.
the proper party plaintiff, and no cause of action accruing to them separately
BELLEZA, accompanied by her husband APOLINARIO BELLEZA, LUZ
from the corporation is alleged in the complaint, the trial court’s ruling out
MINDA D. DAJAO, accompanied by her husband ELIGIO C. DAJAO,
the claim for moral damages to the corporation also rule’s out any award for
ADELAIDA D. NUESA, accompanied by her husband WILSON
such nominal and exemplary damages to the stockholders.
PERFECTO VELASQUEZ, plaintiffs-appellees, vs. ILDEFONSO D. YAP, APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Misamis
ROSENDA A. DE NUQUI, and SOTERO A. DIONISIO, JR., defendants, Occidental.
ILDEFONSO D. YAP, defendant-appellant.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
No. L-17682. February 26, 1965.
     Mauricio O. Bas for and in his own behalf as plaintiff-appellee.
DIONISIO-DIAZ and ANTOLIN DIAZ, plaintiffs-appellees, vs.      Eligio C. Dayao for and in his own behalf as plaintiff-appellee.
ILDEFONSO D. YAP, defendant-appellant.      Roque Desquitado for other plaintiffs-appellees.
Sale; Void entirely where vendors ceded also interest belonging to persons
     Ambrosio Padilla Law Offices for defendant-appellant.
not parties and prestation is indivisible.—A contract of sale is entirely null
and void where it purports to sell properties of which the sellers were not the
only owners and the prestation involved was indivisible, and therefore
incapable of partial annulment.
By deed entitled "Mutual Agreement," executed on May 10, 1964, Rosenda
Same; Legal fiction of good faith ceases after complaint is filed in court.— A. de Nuqui (widow of deceased Sotero Dionisio) and her son Sotero
Although the bad faith of one party neutralizes that of the other and hence Dionisio, Jr. sold three parcels of residential land in Oroquieta, Misamis
as between themselves their rights would be as if both of them had acted in Occidental, and another parcel in Ozamis City in favor of Ildefonso D. Yap.
Included in the sale were certain buildings situated on said lands as well as
good faith at the time of the transaction, this legal fiction of the buyer’s good
laboratory equipment, books, furniture and fixtures used by two schools
faith ceased when the complaint against him was filed.
established in the respective properties, the Mindanao Academy in Oroquieta
Same; Same; Possessor in good faith not entitled to fruits after legal and the Misamis Academy in Ozamis City. The aggregate price stated in the
interruption of possession.—A possessor in good faith is entitled to the fruits deed was P100,700.00, to be paid according to the terms and conditions
specified in the contract.
Sales Part VIII Page |7

Besides Rosenda and her son Sotero, Jr., both of whom signed the In Civil Case No. 1907 only —
instrument, Adelaida Dionisio-Nuesa (a daughter of Rosenda) is also named
therein as co-vendor, but actually did not take part either personally or (1) Defendant Ildefonso D. Yap is hereby ordered to restore to the
through her uncle and supposed attorney-in-fact, Restituto Abuton. plaintiffs in said case all the buildings and grounds described in the
Mutual Agreement together with all the permanent improvements
These three — Rosenda and her two children above named — are referred thereon;
to in the deed as the owners pro-indiviso of the properties sold. The truth,
however, was that there were other co-owners of the lands, namely, Erlinda (2) To pay to the plaintiffs therein the amount of P300.00 monthly
D. Diaz, Ester Aida D. Bas, Rosalinda D. Belleza, and Luz Minda D. Dajao, from July 31, 1956 up to the time he shall have surrendered the
children also of Rosenda by her deceased husband Sotero Dionisio, Sr., and properties in question to the plaintiffs herein, plus P1,000.00 as
that as far as the school building, equipment, books, furniture and fixtures attorney's fees to plaintiffs Antolin and Erlinda D. Diaz.
were concerned, they were owned by the Mindanao Academy, Inc., a
corporation operating both the Mindanao Academy in Oroquieta and the In Civil Case No. 1774 only —
Misamis Academy in Ozamis City.
(1) Defendant Ildefonso D. Yap is hereby ordered to restore to the
The buyer, Ildefonso D. Yap, obtained possession of the properties by virtue Mindanao Academy, Inc., all the books laboratory apparatus,
of the sale, took over the operation of the two schools and even changed furniture and other equipments described in the Mutual Agreement
their names to Harvardian Colleges. In view thereof two actions were and specified in the inventory attached to the Records of this case;
commenced in the Court of First Instance of Misamis Occidental. The first or in default thereof, their value in the amount of P23,500.00;
was for annulment of the sale and recovery of rents and damages (Civil Case
No. 1774, filed May 3, 1955) with the Mindanao Academy, Inc., the five
(2) To return all the Records of the Mindanao Academy and Misamis
children of Rosenda Nuqui who did not take part in the deed of sale, and
several other persons who were stockholders of the said corporation, as
plaintiffs, and the parties who signed the deed of sale as defendants. The
second action was for rescission (Civil Case No. 1907, filed July 17, 1956) (3) To pay to the plaintiffs stockholders of the Mindanao Academy,
with Rosenda Nuqui, Sotero Dionisio, Jr. and Erlinda D. Diaz (and the latter's Inc., the amount of P10,000.00 as nominal damages, P3,000.00 as
husband Antolin Diaz) as plaintiffs, and Ildefonso D. Yap as lone defendant. exemplary damages; and P2,000.00 as attorney's fees. These
The other four children of Rosenda did not join, having previously ceded and damages shall be apportioned to each of the stockholders named as
quitclaimed their shares in the litigated properties in favor of their sister plaintiffs in said case in proportion to their respective interests in the
Erlinda D. Diaz. corporation.

The two actions were tried jointly and on March 31, 1960 the court a Ildefonso D. Yap appealed from the foregoing judgment and has assigned
quo rendered judgment as follows: five errors therein.

In both Cases — I. He first contends that the lower court erred "in declaring that the mutual
agreement dated May 10, 1954 ... is entirely void and legally non-existent in
that the vendors therein ceded to defendant-appellant not only their
(1) The Mutual Agreement is hereby declared null and void ab initio;
interests, rights, shares and participation in the property sold but also those
that belonged to persons who were not parties thereto."
(2) Defendant Ildefonso D. Yap is hereby ordered to pay the costs of
the proceedings in both cases.
The lower court did not rule categorically on the question of rescission
considering it unnecessary to do so in view of its conclusion that the contract
Sales Part VIII Page |8

of sale is null and void. This conclusion is premised on two grounds: (a) the THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN HOLDING DEFENDANT-APPELLANT
contract purported to sell properties of which the sellers were not the only LIABLE FOR RENTS AND ATTORNEY'S FEES IN THE SUM OF
owners, since of the four parcels of land mentioned in the deed their shares P1,000.00 AFTER DECLARING THAT ALL THE PLAINTIFFS-
consisted only of 7/12, (6/12 for Rosenda Nuqui and 1/12 for Sotero, Jr.), APPELLEES IN CIVIL CASE NO. 1907 ACTED IN BAD FAITH.
while in the buildings, laboratory equipment, books, furniture and fixtures
they had no participation at all, the owner being the Mindanao Academy, THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT PLAINTIFFS-
Inc.; and (b) the prestation involved in the sale was indivisible, and therefore APPELLEES IN SAID CIVIL CASE NO. 1907 ARE ENTITLED TO
incapable of partial annulment, inasmuch as the buyer Yap, by his own RECOVER ALL THE LANDS, BUILDINGS AND OTHER PERMANENT
admission, would not have entered into the transaction except to acquire all IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIBED IN THE MUTUAL AGREEMENT DATED
of the properties purchased by him. MAY 10, 1954.

These premises are not challenged by appellant. But he calls attention to one The lower court correctly found that both vendors and vendee in the sale
point, namely, that the four children of Rosenda Nuqui who did not take part acted in bad faith and therefore must be treated, vis-a-vis each other, as
in the sale, besides Erlinda Dionisio Diaz, quitclaimed in favor of the latter having acted in good faith. The return of the properties by the vendee is a
their interests in the properties; and that the trial court held that Erlinda as necessary consequence of the decree of annulment. No part of the purchase
well as her husband acted in bad faith, because "having reasonable notice of price having been paid, as far as the record shows, the trial court correctly
defendants' having unlawfully taken possession of the property, they failed made no corresponding order for the restitution thereof.
to make reasonable demands for (him) to vacate the premises to respect
their rights thereto." It is argued that being herself guilty of bad faith, Erlinda In regard to the rents the trial court found that prior to the sale the
D. Diaz, as owner of 5/12 undivided interest in the properties (including the Mindanao Academy, Inc., was paying P300.00 monthly for its occupancy of
4/12 ceded to her by her four sisters), is in no position to ask for annulment the lands on which the buildings are situated. This is the amount the
of the sale. The argument does not convince us. In the first place the defendant has been ordered to pay to the plaintiffs in Civil Case No. 1907,
quitclaim, in the form of an extrajudicial partition, was made on May 6, 1956, beginning July 31, 1956, when he filed his "first pleading" in the case. There
after the action for annulment was filed, wherein the plaintiffs were not only can be no doubt that Erlinda D. Diaz is entitled to recover a share of the said
Erlinda but also the other co-owners who took no part in the sale and to rents in proportion to her own interests in the lands and the interest in the
whom there has been no imputation of bad faith. Secondly, the trial court's four co-owners which she had acquired. Rosenda Nuqui and her son Sotero,
finding of bad faith is an erroneous conclusion induced by a manifest it is true, acted in bad faith when they sold the properties as theirs alone,
oversight of an undisputed fact, namely, that on July 10, 1954, just a month but so did the defendant Yap when he purchased them with knowledge of
after the deed of sale in question, Erlinda D. Diaz did file an action against the fact that there were other co-owners. Although the bad faith of one party
Ildefonso D. Yap and Rosenda Nuqui, among others, asserting her rights as neutralizes that of the other and hence as between themselves their rights
co-owner of the properties (Case No. 1646). Finally, bad faith on the part of would be as if both of them had acted in good faith at the time of the
Erlinda would not militate against the nullity of the sale, considering that it transaction, this legal fiction of Yap's good faith ceased when the complaint
included not only the lands owned in common by Rosenda Nuqui and her six against him was filed, and consequently the court's declaration of liability for
children but also the buildings and school facilities owned by the Mindanao the rents thereafter is correct and proper. A possessor in good faith is
Academy, Inc., an entity which had nothing to do with the transaction and entitled to the fruits only so long as his possession is not legally interrupted,
which could be represented solely by its Board of Trustees. and such interruption takes place upon service of judicial summons (Arts.
544 and 1123, Civil Code).
The first assignment of error is therefore without merit.
In our opinion the award of attorney's fees to Erlinda D. Diaz and her
II. The second and third errors are discussed jointly in appellant's brief. They husband is erroneous. Civil Case No. 1907, in which said fees have been
read as follows: adjudged, is for rescission (more properly resolution) of the so-called
"mutual agreement" on the ground that the defendant Yap failed to comply
Sales Part VIII Page |9

with certain undertakings specified therein relative to the payment of the 1774 entitled to nominal and exemplary damages? We do not believe so.
purchase price. Erlinda Diaz was not a party to that agreement and hence According to their second amended complaint they were joined merely   pro
had no cause of action for rescission. And as already stated, the trial court forma, and "for the sole purpose of the moral damage which has been all the
did not decide the matter of rescission because of the decree of annulment it time alleged in the original complaint." Indeed the interests of the said
rendered in the other case (Civil Case No. 1774), wherein the defendants are stockholders, if any, were already represented by the corporation itself,
not only Ildefonso D. Yap but also Rosenda Nuqui and her son Sotero. which was the proper party plaintiff; and no cause of action accruing to them
Erlinda D. Diaz could just as well have refrained from joining as plaintiff in separately from the corporation is alleged in the complaint, other than that
the action for rescission, not being a party to the contract sought to be for moral damages due to "extreme mental anguish, serious anxiety and
rescission and being already one of the plaintiffs in the other action. In other wounded feelings." The trial court, however, ruled out this claim for moral
words, it cannot be said with justification that she was constrained to litigate, damages and no appeal from such ruling has been taken. The award for
in Civil Case No. 1907, because of some cause attributable to the appellant. nominal and exemplary damages should be eliminated in toto.

The appellant claims reimbursement for the value of the improvements he The award for attorney's fees in the amount of P2,000.00 should be upheld,
allegedly introduced in the schools, consisting of a new building worth although the same should be for the account, not of the plaintiff stockholders
P8,000.00 and a toilet costing P800.00, besides laboratory equipment, of the Mindanao Academy, Inc., but of the corporation itself, and payable to
furniture, fixtures and books for the libraries. It should be noted that the their common counsel as prayed for in the complaint.
judgment of the trial court specifies, for delivery to the plaintiffs (in Civil
Case No. 1907), only "the buildings and grounds described in the mutual IV. Under the fifth and last assignment of error the appellant insists on the
agreement together with all the permanent improvements thereon." If the warranty provided for in clause VI of the deed of sale in view of the claims of
defendant constructed a new building, as he alleges, he cannot recover its the co-owners who did not take part therein. The said clause provides: "if
value because the construction was done after the filing of the action for any claim shall be filed against the properties or any right, share or interest
annulment, thus rendering him a builder in bad faith who is denied by law which are in the possession of the party of the First Part (vendors) which had
any right of reimbursement. been hereby transferred, ceded and conveyed unto the party of the Second
Part (vendee) the party of the First Part assumes as it hereby holds itself
In connection with the equipment, books, furniture and fixtures brought in answerable.
by him, he is not entitled to reimbursement either, because the judgment
does not award them to any of the plaintiffs in these two actions. What is It is unnecessary to pass upon the question posed in this assignment of error
adjudged (in Civil Case No. 1774) is for the defendant to restore to the in view of the total annulment of the sale on grounds concerning which both
Mindanao Academy, Inc. all the books, laboratory apparatus, furniture and parties thereto were at fault. The nullity of the contract precludes
other equipment "described in the Mutual Agreement and specified in the enforcement of any of its stipulations.
Inventory attached to the records of this case; or in default thereof, their
value in the amount of P23,500.00." In other words, whatever has been WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is modified by eliminating
brought in by the defendant is outside the scope of the judgment and may therefrom the award of attorney's fees of P1,000.00 in favor of Erlinda D.
be retained by him. Diaz and her husband, plaintiffs in Civil Case No. 1907, and the award of
nominal and exemplary damages in Civil Case No. 1774; and making the
III. The appellant's fourth assignment of error refers to the nominal and award of attorney's fees in the sum of P2,000.00 payable to counsel for the
exemplary damages, as well as the attorney's fees, granted to the account of the Mindanao Academy, Inc. instead of the plaintiff stockholders.
stockholders of the Mindanao Academy, Inc. The trial court awarded no In all other respects the judgment appealed from is affirmed. No
compensatory damages because the Mindanao Academy, Inc. had been pronouncement as to costs.
operating the two schools at a loss before the sale in question, and the
defendant himself was no more successful after he took over. Are the
stockholders of the said corporation who joined as plaintiffs in Civil Case No.
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 10

with their possession thereof, which entitles them to a conveyance of the

property. In Sapto, et al. vs. Fabiana, 103 Phil. 683, 686-87, this Court
explained that under the circumstances no enforcement of the contract is
needed, since the delivery of possession of the land sold had consummated
the sale and transferred title to the purchases, and that, actually, the action
for conveyance is one to quiet title, i.e., to remove the cloud upon the
appellee’s ownership by the refusal of the appellants to recognize the sale
made by their predecessors. We held therein that it is an established rule of
American jurisprudence that actions to quiet title to property in the
possession of the plaintiff are imprescriptible.

APPEAL from a decision of the Court of Appeals.

No. L-36359. January 31, 1974.* The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
FELIX BUCTON AND NICANORA GABAR BUCTON, petitioners, vs.      Rizalindo V. Diaz for petitioners.
COURT OF APPEALS, respondents.      Alfredo Ber. Pallarca for respondents. Bucton vs. Gabar, 55 SCRA 499,
No. L-36359 January 31, 1974
Land registration; Sale of land in private instrument is binding upon the
parties.—There is no question that petitioner Nicanora Gabar Bucton paid ANTONIO, J.
P1,500 to respondent Josefina Gabar as purchase price of one-half of the lot
now covered by TCT No. II, for respondent Court of Appeals found as a fact Appeal from the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 49091-R,
“that plaintiffs really paid for a portion of the lot in question pursuant to their dated January 10, 1973, reversing the judgment of the trial court and
agreement with the defendants that they would own one-half of the land.” dismissing the complaint filed by herein petitioners, and from said appellate
That sale, although not consigned in a public instrument or formal writing, is court's resolution, dated February 5, 1973, denying petitioners' motion for
nevertheless valid and binding between petitioners and private respondents, reconsideration.
for the time-honored rule is that even a verbal contract of sale of real estate
produces legal effects between the parties. The facts of the case, as found by the trial court, which have not been
disturbed by respondent Court of Appeals, are as follows:
Obligations and contracts; One who sells something he does not as yet own
is bound by the sale when he acquires the thing later.—Although at the time Plaintiff Nicanora Gabar Bucton (wife of her co-plaintiff Felix
said petitioner paid P1,000 as part payment of the purchase price on January Bucton) is the sister of defendant Zosimo Gabar, husband of
19, 1946, private respondents were not yet the owners of the lot, they his co-defendant Josefina Llamoso Gabar.
became such owners on January 24, 1947, when a deed of sale was
executed in their favor by the Villarin spouses. In the premises, Article 1434 This action for specific performance prays, inter-alia, that
of the Civil Code, which provides that “when a person who is not the owner defendants-spouses be ordered to execute in favor of
of a thing sells or alienates title thereto, such title passes by operation of law plaintiffs a deed of sale of the western half of a parcel of
to the buyer or grantee,” is applicable. land having an area of 728 sq. m. covered by TCT No. II
(from OCT No. 6337) of the office of the Register of Deeds
Prescription; Action to quiet title does not prescribe.— The real and ultimate of Misamis Oriental.
basis of petitioners’ action is their ownership of one-half of the lot coupled
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 11

Plaintiffs' evidence tends to show that sometime in 1946 land was still mortgaged with the Philippine National Bank as
defendant Josefina Llamoso Gabar bought the above- guarantee for defendants' loan of P3,500 contracted on June
mentioned land from the spouses Villarin on installment 16, 1947: Exhibit D-1.
basis, to wit, P500 down, the balance payable in
installments. Josefina entered into a verbal agreement with Plaintiffs continued enjoying their portion of the land,
her sister-in-law, plaintiff Nicanora Gabar Bucton, that the planting fruit trees and receiving the rentals of their
latter would pay one-half of the price (P3,000) and would buildings. In 1953, with the consent of defendants (who
then own one-half of the land. Pursuant to this were living on their portion), plaintiffs had the entire land
understanding Nicanora on January 19, 1946 gave her surveyed and subdivided preparatory to obtaining their
sister-in-law Josefina the initial amount of P1,000, for which separate title to their portion. After the survey and the
the latter signed a receipt marked as Exhibit A. planting of the concrete monuments defendants erected a
fence from point 2 to point 4 of the plan, Exhibit I, which is
Subsequently, on May 2, 1948 Nicanora gave Josefina P400. the dividing line between the portion pertaining to
She later signed a receipt marked as Exhibit B. defendants, Exhibit I-1, and that pertaining to plaintiffs,
Exhibit I-2.
On July 30, 1951 plaintiffs gave defendants P1,000 in
concept of loan, for which defendant Zosimo Gabar signed a In the meantime, plaintiffs continued to insist on obtaining
receipt marked as Exhibit E. their separate title. Defendants remained unmoved, giving
the same excuse. Frustrated, plaintiffs were compelled to
Meanwhile, after Josefina had received in January, 1946 the employ Atty. Bonifacio Regalado to intercede; counsel tried
initial amount of P1,000 as above stated, plaintiffs took but failed. Plaintiffs persevered, this time employing Atty.
possession of the portion of the land indicated to them by Aquilino Pimentel, Jr. to persuade defendants to comply with
defendants and built a modest nipa house therein. About their obligation to plaintiffs; this, too, failed. Hence, this
two years later plaintiffs built behind the nipa house another case, which has cost plaintiffs P1,500 in attorney's fees.
house for rent. And, subsequently, plaintiffs demolished the
nipa house and in its place constructed a house of strong Defendants' evidence — based only on the testimony of
materials, with three apartments in the lower portion for defendant Josefina Llamoso Gabar — denies agreement to
rental purposes. Plaintiffs occupied the upper portion of this sell to plaintiffs one-half of the land in litigation. She
house as their residence, until July, 1969 when they moved declared that the amounts she had received from plaintiff
to another house, converting and leasing the upper portion Nicanora Gabar Bucton — first, P1,000, then P400 — were
as a dormitory. loans, not payment of one-half of the price of the land
(which was P3,000). This defense is devoid of merit.
In January, 1947 the spouses Villarin executed the deed of
sale of the land abovementioned in favor of defendant When Josefina received the first amount of P1,000 the
Josefina Llamoso Gabar, Exhibit I, to whom was issued on receipt she signed, Exhibit A, reads:
June 20, 1947 TCT No. II, cancelling OCT No. 6337. Exhibit
D. Received from Mrs. Nicanora Gabar the sum of one thousand (P1,000)
pesos, victory currency, as part payment of the one thousand five hundred
Plaintiffs then sought to obtain a separate title for their (P1,500.00) pesos, which sum is one-half of the purchase value of Lot No.
portion of the land in question. Defendants repeatedly 337, under Torrens Certificate of Title No. 6337, sold to me by Mrs. Carmen
declined to accommodate plaintiffs. Their excuse: the entire Roa Villarin.
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 12

"(Sgd.) Josefina Ll. Gabar". From January 19, 1946 to February 15, 1968, when the
complaint was filed in this case, twenty-two (22) years and
On the basis of the facts quoted above the trial court on February 14, 1970, twenty-six (26) days had elapsed. Therefore, the plaintiffs'
rendered judgment the dispositive portion of which reads: action to enforce the alleged written contract (Exh. A) was
not brought within the prescriptive period of ten (10) years
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered for plaintiffs: from the time the cause of action accrued.

1) Ordering defendants within thirty days from receipt The land in question is admittedly covered by a torrens title
hereof to execute a deed of conveyance in favor of plaintiffs in the name of Josefina Llamoso Gabar so that the alleged
of the portion of the land covered by OCT No. II, indicated possession of the land by the plaintiffs since 1947 is
as Lot 337-B in the Subdivision Plan, Exhibit I, and described immaterial because ownership over registered realty may
in the Technical Description, Exhibit 1-2; should defendants not be acquired by prescription or adverse possession
for any reason fail to do so, the deed shall be executed in (Section 40 of Act 496).
their behalf by the Provincial Sheriff of Misamis Oriental or
his Deputy; It is not without reluctance that in this case we are
constrained to sustain the defense of prescription, for we
2) Ordering the Register of Deeds of Cagayan de Oro, upon think that plaintiffs really paid for a portion of the lot in
presentation to him of the above-mentioned deed of question pursuant to their agreement with the defendants
conveyance, to cancel TCT No. II and in its stead to issue that they would then own one-half of the land. But we
Transfer Certificates of Title, to wit, one to plaintiffs and cannot apply ethical principles in lieu of express statutory
another to defendants, based on the subdivision Plan and provisions. It is by law provided that:
Technical Description above-mentioned; and ordering
defendants to present and surrender to the Register of "ART. 1144. The following actions must be
Deeds their TCT No. II so that the same may be cancelled; brought within ten years from the time the
and right of action accrues:

3) Ordering defendants to pay unto plaintiffs attorney's fees 1. Upon a written contract;
in the amount of P1,500 and to pay the costs.
2. Upon an obligation created by law;
3. Upon a judgment."
Appeal was interposed by private respondents with the Court of Appeals,
which reversed the judgment of the trial court and ordered petitioners' If eternal vigilance is the price of safety, one cannot sleep on
complaint dismissed, on the following legal disquisition: one's right and expect it to be preserved in its pristine purity.

Appellees' alleged right of action was based on the receipt Petitioners' appeal is predicated on the proposition that owners of the
(Exh. A) which was executed way back on January 19, 1946. property by purchase from private respondents, and being in actual,
An action arising from a written contract does not prescribe continuous and physical possession thereof since the date of its purchase,
until after the lapse of ten (10) years from the date of action their action to compel the vendors to execute a formal deed of conveyance
accrued. This period of ten (10) years is expressly provided so that the fact of their ownership may be inscribed in the corresponding
for in Article 1144 of the Civil Code. certificate of title, had not yet prescribed when they filed the present action.
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 13

We hold that the present appeal is meritorious. conveyance of the property. In Sapto, et al. v. Fabiana,3 this Court, speaking
thru Mr. Justice J.B.L. Reyes, explained that, under the circumstances no
1. There is no question that petitioner Nicanora Gabar Bucton paid P1,500.00 enforcement of the contract is needed, since the delivery of possession of
to respondent Josefina Gabar as purchase price of one-half of the lot now the land sold had consummated the sale and transferred title to the
covered by TCT No. II, for respondent Court of Appeals found as a fact "that purchaser, and that, actually, the action for conveyance is one to quiet title,
plaintiffs really paid for a portion of the lot in question pursuant to their i.e., to remove the cloud upon the appellee's ownership by the refusal of the
agreement with the defendants that they would own one-half (1/2) of the appellants to recognize the sale made by their predecessors. We held therein
land." That sale, although not consigned in a public instrument or formal that "... it is an established rule of American jurisprudence (made applicable
writing, is nevertheless valid and binding between petitioners and private in this jurisdiction by Art. 480 of the New Civil Code) that actions to quiet
respondents, for the time-honored rule is that even a verbal contract of sale title to property in the possession of the plaintiff are imprescriptible (44 Am.
or real estate produces legal effects between the parties. 1 Although at the Jur. p. 47; Cooper vs. Rhea, 20 L.R.A. 930; Inland Empire Land Co. vs. Grant
time said petitioner paid P1,000.00 as part payment of the purchase price on County, 138 Wash. 439, 245 Pac. 14).
January 19, 1946, private respondents were not yet the owners of the lot,
they became such owners on January 24, 1947, when a deed of sale was The prevailing rule is that the right of a plaintiff to have his
executed in their favor by the Villarin spouses. In the premises, Article 1434 title to land quieted, as against one who is asserting some
of the Civil Code, which provides that "[w]hen a person who is not the owner adverse claim or lien thereon, is not barred while the plaintiff
of a thing sells or alienates and delivers it, and later the seller or grantor or his grantors remain in actual possession of the land,
acquires title thereto, such title passes by operation of law to the buyer or claiming to be owners thereof, the reason for this rule being
grantee," is applicable.2 Thus, the payment by petitioner by Nicanora Gabar that while the owner in fee continues liable to an action,
Bucton of P1,000.00 on January 19, 1946, her second payment of P400.00 proceeding, or suit upon the adverse claim, he has a
on May 2, 1948, and the compensation, up to the amount of P100.00 (out of continuing right to the aid of a court of equity to ascertain
the P1,000.00-loan obtained by private respondents from petitioners on July and determine the nature of such claim and its effect on his
30, 1951), resulted in the full payment of the purchase price and the title, or to assert any superior equity in his favor. He may
consequential acquisition by petitioners of ownership over one-half of the lot. wait until his possession is disturbed or his title in attacked
Petitioners therefore became owners of the one-half portion of the lot in before taking steps to vindicate his right. But the rule that
question by virtue of a sale which, though not evidenced by a formal deed, the statute of limitations is not available as a defense to an
was nevertheless proved by both documentary and parole evidence. action to remove a cloud from title can only be invoked by a
complainant when he is in possession. One who claims
2. The error of respondent Court of Appeals in holding that petitioners' right property which is in the possession of another must, it
of action had already prescribed stems from its belief that the action of seems, invoke remedy within the statutory period. (44 Am.
petitioners is based on the receipt Exh. "A" which was executed way back on Jur., p. 47)
January 19, 1946, and, therefore, in the view of said appellate court, since
petitioners' action was filed on February 15, 1968, or after the lapse of The doctrine was reiterated recently in Gallar v. Husain, et al.,4 where We
twenty-two (22) years and twenty-six (26) days from, the date of said ruled that by the delivery of the possession of the land, the sale was
document, the same is already barred according to the provisions of Article consummated and title was transferred to the appellee, that the action is
1144 of the New Civil Code. The aforecited document (Exh. "A"), as well as actually not for specific performance, since all it seeks is to quiet title, to
the other documents of similar import (Exh. "B" and Exh. "E"), are the remove the cloud cast upon appellee's ownership as a result of appellant's
receipts issued by private respondents to petitioners, evidencing payments refusal to recognize the sale made by his predecessor, and that as plaintiff-
by the latter of the purchase price of one-half of the lot. appellee is in possession of the land, the action is imprescriptible.
Considering that the foregoing circumstances obtain in the present case, We
The real and ultimate basis of petitioners' action is their ownership of one- hold that petitioners' action has not prescribed.
half of the lot coupled with their possession thereof, which entitles them to a
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 14

WHEREFORE, the decision and resolution of respondent Court of Appeals stored therein or on display, and provided also that the firm or person
appealed from are hereby reversed, and the judgment of the Court of First maintaining that office is actually engaged in the business of buying and
Instance of Misamis Oriental, Branch IV, in its Civil Case No. 3004, is revived. selling. These elements are wanting in the case at bar for the principal office
Costs against private respondents. of appellant alluded to as a store only serves to faciliate the transactions
relative to the purchase of its produce, but does not act as a dealer or
intermediary between its field office and its customers.

APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila.

Concepcion, J.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

City Fiscal Eugenio Angeles and Assistant Fiscal Artemio H. Cusi for appellee.

[No. L-8255. July 11, 1957] M. Almario and /. L. Misa for appellant.

CITY OF MANILA, plaintiff and appellee, vs. BUGSUK LUMBER Co.,
defendant and appellant. FELIX, J.:
1.PRODUCER; DIRECT SALES FROM LUMBER CONCESSION TO DEALERS, Bugsuk Lumber Company, Inc., a domestic corporation with field. office at
EXEMPT FROM LlCENSE TAX AND PERMIT FEES.—Inasmuch as appellant Balabak, Palawan, and principal office at 703 San Fernando, Binondo, Manila,
lumber company sells the produce of its timber concession direct to the was organized to:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
lumber dealers, it can not be considered a dealer in the common and
ordinary acceptation of the word, because "a dealer is not one who buys to (a) Comprar y vender maderas y para dedicarse, en general a toda clase de
keep or makes to sell, but one who buys to sell again; the middleman negocios sobre maderas;
between the producer and the consumer of the community (In re Hemming,
51 F. 2d 850)." Appellant, therefore, is not liable under Ordinances Nos. (To buy and sell lumber and to engage in general, in any kind of business
3420, 3364 and 3000 of the City of Manila, imposing taxes in wholesale and concerning lumber);
retail dealers because it is not a dealer but a producer selling its own
produce. (b) Solicitor del Gobierno o adquirir, en la forma permitia por la ley,
concessiones madereras si el negoclo asi lo exige;
OFFICE, WHERE ORDERS AND PAYMENTS THEREFOR ARE RECEIVED.—It is (To apply from the Government or to acquire in any manner permitted by
contended that a manufacturer becomes a dealer if he carries on the law, lumber concessions if the business would so require);
business of selling goods or the products manufactured by him at a store or
(c) Aserrar maderas y comprar trozos de madera, en caso de que el negocio
warehouse apart from his own shop or manufactory. (Central Azucarera de
de la corporacion lo exija; y
Don Pedro vs. City of Manila et al., 97 Phil., 627), and that the office in
Manila where appellant received orders and receipted payment for such (To saw lumber and to buy logs, in case the business of the corporation
orders is actually a store. The placing of an order for goods and the making would so demand; and)
of payment thereto at a principal office does not transform said office into a
store, for it is a necessary element that there must also be goods or wares (d) Hacer toda clase de negocios relacionados directa o indirectamente con
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 15

los fines para los cuales se ha creado esta corporacion (Exhibit "A").  and that its products (logs) were sold directly from the lumber concession to
the dealers in Manila; that as such producer, it had paid the taxes required
(To make all kinds of business that may be directly or indirectly in line with by law such as the ordinary Timber License fee, Privilege tax (producer),
the purposes for which this corporation has been created).  sales tax, forestry charges, reforestation fees, residence taxes, and the
municipal licenses in Bugsuk, Palawan; that the taxes in the form of license
In 1951 and during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters of 1952, the Bugsuk and permit fees sought to be collected by the City would constitute double
Lumber Company made sales of lumber to several firms including Pio Barreto taxation, and prayed for the dismissal of the complaint. 
& Sons, Inc., Gotamco & Sons, Co., Basilan Lumber Co., Dy Pac & So, Inc.,
Central Sawmill, Woodart Inc., Felipe Yupangco & Sons, Inc., Jacinto Music The record shows that the Municipal Court of Manila rendered judgment in
Store and P. E. Domingo & Co., Inc. (Exhibits B to B-23).  favor of plaintiff and defendant Company appealed the case to the Court of
First Instance of Manila based practically in the same arguments. On July 18,
On October 10, 1952, the Office of the Treasurer of the City of Manila sent a 1954, the Court of First Instance rendered decision holding that the
demand to the Company for the payment of the amount of P544.50 for Company sold logs to various firms in wholesale and retail transactions and
license fees corresponding to the years 1951 and 1952, and P40.00 for the although defendant had no store or lumber yard in the City, this fact alone
necessary mayor’s permit, on the ground that said business firm was found cannot destroy the findings of the inspector of the City Treasurer’s Office
to be engaged in the sales of timber products without first securing the that it sold logs to different buyers in Manila; that the imposition of the taxes
required licenses and permits pursuant to City Ordinances Nos. 3420, 3364 in question did not constitute double taxation and that the municipal taxes
and 3000. (Exhibit C). The Company must have refused or failed to pay said sought to be collected by the City authorities were not excessive and,
imposts because on June 11, 1953, the City Fiscal of Manila filed a complaint consequently, ordered the defendant Company to pay the sum of P584.50
against the Bugsuk Lumber Co., Inc., with the Municipal Court of Manila plus legal interests and costs. 
alleging, among others, that defendant Company sold at wholesale to
different lumber dealers in Manila during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters From this decision, therein defendant took the matter to this Court and in
of 1951 and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters of 1952 different kinds of lumber this instance alleged that the lower Court erred:
for which it should have paid a quarterly license tax of P40.00 or a total of
P280.00 as provided by Ordinance No. 3000, as amended; that during the 1. In holding that appellant is a wholesale dealer and not a producer within
2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 1951 and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of the meaning of the tax ordinance;
1952, defendant Company sold at retail to different firms lumber for which it
should have paid a total amount of P215.00 for license fees and the mayor’s 2. In holding that appellant is a retail dealer and not a producer within the
permit of P20.00; that despite repeated demands, defendant Company meaning of the tax ordinance; and
refused and failed to pay the same and, therefore, prayed that judgment be
rendered ordering the defendant Company to pay the City of Manila the 3. In holding that appellant is liable under the municipal ordinances imposing
amount of P584.50 representing license fees and mayor’s permit fees, with taxes in wholesale and retail dealers because defendant is not a dealer but a
legal interests thereon and surcharges and for such other relief as may be producer. 
deemed just and equitable in the premises. 
We could see from the foregoing set of facts that the only question at issue
Defendant Bugsuk Lumber Co., Inc., filed an answer on October 12, 1953, in this case is whether or not appellant, maintaining a principal office in
contesting plaintiff’s allegation that it sold lumber at wholesale transactions Manila, receiving orders for its products and accepting in said office
because what it actually sold were unprocessed logs; neither did it sell at payments thereto, can be considered a dealer in this City and is, therefore,
retail because the timbers were delivered directly from the vessel to the subject to the payment of the license tax and permit fees in question. 
lumber dealers, and set up the affirmative defenses that the Bugsuk Lumber
Company was essentially a producer, having no lumber yard of any kind in Appellant does not dispute the power of the Municipal Board of the City of
Manila or elsewhere, nor kept a store where lumber or logs could be sold, Manila to enact Ordinance No. 3000 requiring wholesale and retail dealers to
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 16

secure and pay the mayor’s permit annually, neither does it contest the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. It shall also include poultry,
validity of Ordinance No. 3364 which contains the following provision: livestock, fish and other allied products" (Ordinance No. 3420). 

"Group 2. Retail dealers in new (not yet used) merchandise, which dealers We see no reason why a producer or manufacturer selling its own produce or
are not yet subject to the payment of any municipal tax, such as; (1) Retail manufactured goods would be considered a dealer just to make it liable for
dealers in General Merchandise and (2) retail dealers exclusively engaged in the corresponding dealer’s tax, as is the case in the instant appeal. 
the sale of electrical supplies; sporting goods; office equipment and
materials; rice; textile including knitted wares; hardwares, including Appellee, however, in asserting that appellant Company is a dealer relied on
glasswares; cooking utensils and construction materials; papers; books the case of Atlantic Refining Co. v. Van Valkenburg, 265 Pa. 456; 109 A. 208,
including stationery:" (Ordinance No. 3364); wherein it was held that the term dealer includes "one who carries on the
business of selling goods, wares and merchandise manufactured by him at a
nor of Ordinance No. 3420 which provides: store or warehouse apart from his own manufactory", and it was the
contention of the City Fiscal that the office at 703 San Fernando, Binondo,
"SEC. 1. Municipal Tax on wholesalers in General Merchandise. — There shall Manila, where appellant received orders and receipted payment for such
be paid by every person, firm or corporation engaging in business as orders is actually a store. 
wholesale dealer in general merchandise, a municipal tax based on
wholesales, or on the receipts of exchange value of goods sold. exchanged Appellant admittedly maintained said principal office but averred that it was
or transferred, in accordance with the following:" (Ordinance No. 3420.)  used merely to facilitate the payment of the tax obligations of said Company,
to receive orders of its timber produce and accept payments therefor, and
A dealer has been defined as: not for any purpose connected with the business of buying and selling. Did
the fact that appellant received orders of its goods and accepted payments
A dealer, in the common acceptation and, therefore, in the legal meaning of thereto in said office make such office a store?
the word, is not one who buys to keep or makes to sell, but one who buys to
sell again; the middleman between the producer and the consumer of the Lexicographers defined a store as:
commodity (In re Hemming, 51 F. 2d 850). 
Any place where goods are kept for sale, whether by wholesale or retail; a
It has been said that a dealer stands immediately between the producer and shop (Webster’s New International Dictionary, 2nd ed., p. 2486). 
the consumer, and depends for his profit, not upon the labor he bestows on
his commodities, but upon the skill and foresight with which he watches the Any place where goods are deposited and sold by one engaged in buying
markets (State v. J. Watts Kearny & Sons, 160 So. 77).  and selling them (Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th ed., p. 1589). 

In the light of the above definitions, appellant certainly does not fall within It was also said that:
the common and ordinary acceptation of the word "dealer" for there is no
controversy as to the fact that what appellant sold was the produce of its A store is any place where goods are kept for sale or sold, whether by
concession in Palawan. Even conceding, therefore, that the lumber which wholesale or retail (Standard Oil Co. v. Green, 34 F. Supp. 30). It also
appellant disposed of comes within the connotation of "construction applies to a building or room in which goods of any kind or in which goods,
materials" (Group 2, Ordinance No. 3364) and of the term "general wares and merchandise are kept for sale, or to any building used for the sale
merchandise" (used in Ordinances Nos. 3364 and 3420), which was defined of goods of any kind (Jackson V. Lane, 59 A. 2d 662; 142 N. J. Eq. 193). 
It could be seen that the placing of an order for goods and the making of
"All articles subject to the payment of percentage taxes or graduated fixed payment thereto at a principal office does not transform said office into a
taxes, but not articles subject to the payment of specific taxes under the store, for it is a necessary element that there must also be goods or wares
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 17

stored therein or on display, and provided also that the firm or person
maintaining that office is actually engaged in the business of buying and
selling. These elements are wanting in the case at bar for it needs no further
clarification that the principal office alluded to as a store only serves to
facilitate the transactions relative to the sale of its produce, but does not act
as a dealer or intermediary between its field office and its customers. 

We may further add that this matter was already passed upon by this Court
when, through Mr. Justice Alejo Labrador, it held that:

"It may be admitted that the manufacturer becomes a dealer if he carries on

the business of selling goods or the products manufactured by him at a store
or warehouse apart from his own shop or manufactory. But plaintiff-appellee
did not carry on the business of selling sugar at stores or at its warehouses.
It entered into the contracts of sale at its central office in Manila and made
deliveries of the sugar sold from its warehouses. It does not appear that the
plaintiff keeps stores at its warehouses and engages in selling sugar in said
stores. Neither does it appear that any one who desires to purchase sugar
from it may go to the warehouses and there purchase sugar. All that it does
was to sell the sugar it manufactured; it does not open stores for the sale of
such sugar. Plaintiff-appellee did not, therefore, engage in the business of
selling sugar." (Central Azucarera de Don Pedro v. City of Manila Et. Al., 97
Phil., 627). 

Wherefore, the decision appealed from is hereby reversed and appellant

declared exempt from the liabilities sought to be charged against it under the
provisions of the aforementioned ordinances, without pronouncement as to
costs. It is so ordered.
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 18

Same; Same; Same; Non-payment creates a right to demand payment or to

rescind the contract, or to criminal prosecution.—Non-payment only creates
a right to demand payment or to rescind the contract, or to criminal
prosecution in the case of bouncing checks. But absent the stipulation above
noted, delivery of the thing sold will effectively transfer ownership to the
buyer who can in turn transfer it to another.

Same; Same; Same; Same; It would be unfair to make the respondents who
acted in good faith, bear the prejudice sustained by EDCA as a result of its
own negligence.—It would certainly be unfair now to make the private
respondents bear the prejudice sustained by EDCA as a result of its own
negligence. We cannot see the justice in transferring EDCA’s loss to the
Santoses who had acted in good faith, and with proper care, when they
G.R. No. 80298. April 26, 1990.* bought the books from Cruz.
EDCA PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTING CORP., petitioner, vs. THE PETITION to review the decision of the Court of Appeals. Buena, J.
SPOUSES LEONOR and GERARDO SANTOS, doing business under
the name and style of “SANTOS BOOKSTORE,” and THE COURT OF The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
APPEALS, respondents.
     Emiliano S. Samson, R. Balderrama-Samson, Mary Anne B. Samson for
Civil Law; Property; Sales; Possession of movable property acquired in good petitioner.
faith is equivalent to a title.—It is the contention of the petitioner that the
     Cendaña, Santos, Delmundo & Cendaña for private respondents. EDCA
private respondents have not established their ownership of the disputed
Publishing & Distributing Corp. vs. Santos, 184 SCRA 614, G.R. No. 80298
books because they have not even produced a receipt to prove they had
April 26, 1990
bought the stock. This is unacceptable. Precisely, the first sentence of Article
559 provides that “the possession of movable property acquired in good faith CRUZ, J.:
is equivalent to a title,” thus dispensing with further proof.
The case before us calls for the interpretation of Article 559 of the Civil Code
Same; Same; Contract of sale is consensual; Ownership shall pass from the and raises the particular question of when a person may be deemed to have
vendor to the vendee upon the actual or constructive delivery of the thing been "unlawfully deprived" of movable property in the hands of another. The
sold.—The contract of sale is consensual and is perfected once agreement is article runs in full as follows:
reached between the parties on the subject matter and the consideration. x x
x It is clear from the above provisions, particularly the last quoted, that
ownership in the thing sold shall not pass to the buyer until full payment of Art. 559. The possession of movable property acquired in good faith
the purchase price only if there is a stipulation to that effect. Otherwise, the is equivalent to a title. Nevertheless, one who has lost any movable
rule is that such ownership shall pass from the vendor to the vendee upon or has been unlawfully deprived thereof, may recover it from the
the actual or constructive delivery of the thing sold even if the purchase price person in possession of the same.
has not yet been paid.
If the possessor of a movable lost or of which the owner has been
unlawfully deprived has acquired it in good faith at a public sale, the
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 19

owner cannot obtain its return without reimbursing the price paid stated, the petitioner was successively rebuffed in the three courts below
therefor. and now hopes to secure relief from us.

The movable property in this case consists of books, which were bought To begin with, the Court expresses its disapproval of the arbitrary action of
from the petitioner by an impostor who sold it to the private respondents. the petitioner in taking the law into its own hands and forcibly recovering the
Ownership of the books was recognized in the private respondents by the disputed books from the private respondents. The circumstance that it did so
Municipal Trial Court, 1 which was sustained by the Regional Trial with the assistance of the police, which should have been the first to uphold
Court, 2 which was in turn sustained by the Court of Appeals. 3 The petitioner legal and peaceful processes, has compounded the wrong even more
asks us to declare that all these courts have erred and should be reversed. deplorably. Questions like the one at bar are decided not by policemen but
by judges and with the use not of brute force but of lawful writs.
This case arose when on October 5, 1981, a person identifying himself as
Professor Jose Cruz placed an order by telephone with the petitioner Now to the merits
company for 406 books, payable on delivery. 4 EDCA prepared the
corresponding invoice and delivered the books as ordered, for which Cruz It is the contention of the petitioner that the private respondents have not
issued a personal check covering the purchase price of P8,995.65. 5 On established their ownership of the disputed books because they have not
October 7, 1981, Cruz sold 120 of the books to private respondent Leonor even produced a receipt to prove they had bought the stock. This is
Santos who, after verifying the seller's ownership from the invoice he unacceptable. Precisely, the first sentence of Article 559 provides that "the
showed her, paid him P1,700.00. 6 possession of movable property acquired in good faith is equivalent to a
title," thus dispensing with further proof.
Meanwhile, EDCA having become suspicious over a second order placed by
Cruz even before clearing of his first check, made inquiries with the De la The argument that the private respondents did not acquire the books in good
Salle College where he had claimed to be a dean and was informed that faith has been dismissed by the lower courts, and we agree. Leonor Santos
there was no such person in its employ. Further verification revealed that first ascertained the ownership of the books from the EDCA invoice showing
Cruz had no more account or deposit with the Philippine Amanah Bank, that they had been sold to Cruz, who said he was selling them for a discount
against which he had drawn the payment check. 7 EDCA then went to the because he was in financial need. Private respondents are in the business of
police, which set a trap and arrested Cruz on October 7, 1981. Investigation buying and selling books and often deal with hard-up sellers who urgently
disclosed his real name as Tomas de la Peña and his sale of 120 of the books have to part with their books at reduced prices. To Leonor Santos, Cruz must
he had ordered from EDCA to the private respondents. 8 have been only one of the many such sellers she was accustomed to dealing
with. It is hardly bad faith for any one in the business of buying and selling
On the night of the same date, EDCA sought the assistance of the police in books to buy them at a discount and resell them for a profit.
Precinct 5 at the UN Avenue, which forced their way into the store of the
private respondents and threatened Leonor Santos with prosecution for But the real issue here is whether the petitioner has been unlawfully
buying stolen property. They seized the 120 books without warrant, loading deprived of the books because the check issued by the impostor in payment
them in a van belonging to EDCA, and thereafter turned them over to the therefor was dishonored.
petitioner. 9
In its extended memorandum, EDCA cites numerous cases holding that the
Protesting this high-handed action, the private respondents sued for recovery owner who has been unlawfully deprived of personal property is entitled to
of the books after demand for their return was rejected by EDCA. A writ of its recovery except only where the property was purchased at a public sale,
preliminary attachment was issued and the petitioner, after initial refusal, in which event its return is subject to reimbursement of the purchase price.
finally surrendered the books to the private respondents. 10 As previously The petitioner is begging the question. It is putting the cart before the horse.
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 20

Unlike in the cases invoked, it has yet to be established in the case at bar In Asiatic Commercial Corporation v. Ang, 11 the plaintiff sold some cosmetics
that EDCA has been unlawfully deprived of the books. to Francisco Ang, who in turn sold them to Tan Sit Bin. Asiatic not having
been paid by Ang, it sued for the recovery of the articles from Tan, who
The petitioner argues that it was, because the impostor acquired no title to claimed he had validly bought them from Ang, paying for the same in cash.
the books that he could have validly transferred to the private respondents. Finding that there was no conspiracy between Tan and Ang to deceive
Its reason is that as the payment check bounced for lack of funds, there was Asiatic the Court of Appeals declared:
a failure of consideration that nullified the contract of sale between it and
Cruz. Yet the defendant invoked Article 464 12 of the Civil Code providing,
among other things that "one who has been unlawfully deprived of
The contract of sale is consensual and is perfected once agreement is personal property may recover it from any person possessing it." We
reached between the parties on the subject matter and the consideration. do not believe that the plaintiff has been unlawfully deprived of the
According to the Civil Code: cartons of Gloco Tonic within the scope of this legal provision. It has
voluntarily parted with them pursuant to a contract of purchase and
Art. 1475. The contract of sale is perfected at the moment there is a sale. The circumstance that the price was not subsequently paid did
meeting of minds upon the thing which is the object of the contract not render illegal a transaction which was valid and legal at the
and upon the price. beginning.

From that moment, the parties may reciprocally demand In Tagatac v. Jimenez,13 the plaintiff sold her car to Feist, who sold it to
performance, subject to the provisions of the law governing the form Sanchez, who sold it to Jimenez. When the payment check issued to Tagatac
of contracts. by Feist was dishonored, the plaintiff sued to recover the vehicle from
Jimenez on the ground that she had been unlawfully deprived of it by reason
of Feist's deception. In ruling for Jimenez, the Court of Appeals held:
x x x           x x x          x x x

The point of inquiry is whether plaintiff-appellant Trinidad C. Tagatac

Art. 1477. The ownership of the thing sold shall be transferred to the
has been unlawfully deprived  of her car. At first blush, it would seem
vendee upon the actual or constructive delivery thereof.
that she was unlawfully deprived thereof, considering that she was
induced to part with it by reason of the chicanery practiced on her
Art. 1478. The parties may stipulate that ownership in the thing shall by Warner L. Feist. Certainly, swindling, like robbery, is an illegal
not pass to the purchaser until he has fully paid the price. method of deprivation of property. In a manner of speaking,
plaintiff-appellant was "illegally deprived" of her car, for the way by
It is clear from the above provisions, particularly the last one quoted, that which Warner L. Feist induced her to part with it is illegal and is
ownership in the thing sold shall not pass to the buyer until full payment of punished by law. But does this "unlawful deprivation" come within
the purchase only if there is a stipulation to that effect. Otherwise, the rule is the scope of Article 559 of the New Civil Code?
that such ownership shall pass from the vendor to the vendee upon the
actual or constructive delivery of the thing sold even if the purchase price x x x           x x x          x x x
has not yet been paid.
. . . The fraud and deceit practiced by Warner L. Feist earmarks this
Non-payment only creates a right to demand payment or to rescind the sale as a voidable contract (Article 1390 N.C.C.). Being a voidable
contract, or to criminal prosecution in the case of bouncing checks. But contract, it is susceptible of either ratification or annulment. If the
absent the stipulation above noted, delivery of the thing sold will effectively contract is ratified, the action to annul it is extinguished (Article
transfer ownership to the buyer who can in turn transfer it to another. 1392, N.C.C.) and the contract is cleansed from all its defects (Article
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 21

1396, N.C.C.); if the contract is annulled, the contracting parties are ordered (by telephone) and as readily accepted his personal check in
restored to their respective situations before the contract and mutual payment. It did not verify his identity although it was easy enough to do this.
restitution follows as a consequence (Article 1398, N.C.C.). It did not wait to clear the check of this unknown drawer. Worse, it indicated
in the sales invoice issued to him, by the printed terms thereon, that the
However, as long as no action is taken by the party entitled, either books had been paid for on delivery, thereby vesting ownership in the buyer.
that of annulment or of ratification, the contract of sale remains valid
and binding. When plaintiff-appellant Trinidad C. Tagatac delivered Surely, the private respondent did not have to go beyond that invoice to
the car to Feist by virtue of said voidable contract of sale, the title to satisfy herself that the books being offered for sale by Cruz belonged to him;
the car passed to Feist. Of course, the title that Feist acquired was yet she did. Although the title of Cruz was presumed under Article 559 by his
defective and voidable. Nevertheless, at the time he sold the car to mere possession of the books, these being movable property, Leonor Santos
Felix Sanchez, his title thereto had not been avoided and he nevertheless demanded more proof before deciding to buy them.
therefore conferred a good title on the latter, provided he bought the
car in good faith, for value and without notice of the defect in Feist's It would certainly be unfair now to make the private respondents bear the
title (Article 1506, N.C.C.). There being no proof on record that Felix prejudice sustained by EDCA as a result of its own negligence. 1âwphi1 We
Sanchez acted in bad faith, it is safe to assume that he acted in good cannot see the justice in transferring EDCA's loss to the Santoses who had
faith. acted in good faith, and with proper care, when they bought the books from
The above rulings are sound doctrine and reflect our own interpretation of
Article 559 as applied to the case before us. While we sympathize with the petitioner for its plight, it is clear that its
remedy is not against the private respondents but against Tomas de la Peña,
Actual delivery of the books having been made, Cruz acquired ownership who has apparently caused all this trouble. The private respondents have
over the books which he could then validly transfer to the private themselves been unduly inconvenienced, and for merely transacting a
respondents. The fact that he had not yet paid for them to EDCA was a customary deal not really unusual in their kind of business. It is they and not
matter between him and EDCA and did not impair the title acquired by the EDCA who have a right to complain.
private respondents to the books.
WHEREFORE, the challenged decision is AFFIRMED and the petition is
One may well imagine the adverse consequences if the phrase "unlawfully DENIED, with costs against the petitioner.
deprived" were to be interpreted in the manner suggested by the petitioner.
A person relying on the seller's title who buys a movable property from him
would have to surrender it to another person claiming to be the original
owner who had not yet been paid the purchase price therefor. The buyer in
the second sale would be left holding the bag, so to speak, and would be
compelled to return the thing bought by him in good faith without even the
right to reimbursement of the amount he had paid for it.

It bears repeating that in the case before us, Leonor Santos took care to
ascertain first that the books belonged to Cruz before she agreed to
purchase them. The EDCA invoice Cruz showed her assured her that the
books had been paid for on delivery. By contrast, EDCA was less than
cautious — in fact, too trusting in dealing with the impostor. Although it had
never transacted with him before, it readily delivered the books he had
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 22

acquisition of ownership, while delivery or tradition is the mode of

accomplishing the same.

Same; Same; Ownership of car sold not transferred merely by contract of

sale where there was no delivery.—A contract of sale of personal property
does not serve to transfer ownership where the vendee took possession of
the subject matter thereof by stealing the same while it was in the custody
of the vendor’s agent.

Same; Rule under Art. 559, Civil Code; When owner may recover lost
property from third persons.—Under Article 559, Civil Code, the rule is to the
effect that if the owner has lost a thing, or if he has been unlawfully deprived
of it, he has a right to recover it, not only from the finder, thief or robber,
but also from third persons who may have acquired it in good faith from
such finder, thief or robber. The said article establishestwo exceptions to the
general rule of irrevindicability, to wit: when the owner (1) has lost the thing,
or (2) has been unlawfully deprived thereof. In these cases, the possessor
cannot retain the thing as against the owner, who may recover it without
paying any indemnity, except when the possessor acquired it in a public sale.

Statutory Construction; Statutory provisions prevail over common law

principle.—The common law principle that where one of two innocent
persons must suffer by a fraud perpetrated by another, the law imposes the
No. L-18536. March 31, 1965. loss upon the party who, by his misplaced confidence, has enabled the fraud
to be committed,cannot be applied in a case which is covered by an express
JOSE B. AZNAR, plaintiff-appellant, vs. RAFAEL YAPDIANGCO, provision of the new Civil Code, specifically Article 559. Between a common
defendant-appellee; TEODORO SANTOS, intervenor-appellee. law principle and a statutory provision,the latter must prevail in this
Motor Vehicles; True owner has better right than buyer in good faith to
possession of stolen car.—A person unlawfully deprived of the possession of APPEAL from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Quezon City, Branch
his personal property has a better right to the possession thereof as against TV. Caluag, J.
a buyer in good faith for value from a seller who had no title thereto.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Same; Same; Article 1506 of the Civil Code not applicable whale seller had
no title.—Under Article 1506 of the Civil Code, it is essential that the seller      Florentino M. Guanlao for plaintiff-appellant.
should have a voidable title at least. It is clearly inapplicable where the seller
     Rafael Yapdiangco in his own behalf as defendant-appellee.
had no title at all.
     Lorenzo Sumulong, R. B. Hilao & B. S. Felipe for intervenor-appellee.
Property; Ownership transferred not merely by contract but by tradition and
Aznar vs. Yapdiangco, 13 SCRA 486, No. L-18536 March 31, 1965.
delivery.—Ownership is not transferred by contract merely but by tradition or
delivery. Contracts only constitute titles or rights to the transfer or
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 23

This is an appeal, on purely legal questions, from a decision of the Court of At a place on Azcarraga, Irineo Santos and L. De Dios alighted from the car
First Instance of Quezon City, Branch IV, declaring the intervenor-appellee, and entered a house while their unidentified companion remained in the car.
Teodoro Santos, entitled to the possession of the car in dispute. Once inside, L. De Dios asked Irineo Santos to wait at the sala while he went
inside a room. That was the last that Irineo saw of him. For, after a
The records before this Court disclose that sometime in May, 1959, Teodoro considerable length of time waiting in vain for De Dios to return, Irineo went
Santos advertised in two metropolitan papers the sale of his FORD FAIRLANE down to discover that neither the car nor their unidentified companion was
500. In the afternoon of May 28, 1959, a certain L. De Dios, claiming to be a there anymore. Going back to the house, he inquired from a woman he saw
nephew of Vicente Marella, went to the Santos residence to answer the ad. for L. De Dios and he was told that no such name lived or was even known
However, Teodoro Santos was out during this call and only the latter's son, therein. Whereupon, Irineo Santos rushed to 1642 Crisostomo to see
Irineo Santos, received and talked with De Dios. The latter told the young Marella. He found the house closed and Marella gone. Finally, he reported
Santos that he had come in behalf of his uncle, Vicente Marella, who was the matter to his father who promptly advised the police authorities.
interested to buy the advertised car.
That very same day, or on the afternoon of May 29, 1959 Vicente Marella
On being informed of the above, Teodoro Santos instructed his son to see was able to sell the car in question to the plaintiff-appellant herein, Jose B.
the said Vicente Marella the following day at his given address: 1642 Aznar, for P15,000.00. Insofar as the above incidents are concerned, we are
Crisostomo Street, Sampaloc, Manila. And so, in the morning of May 29, bound by the factual finding of the trial court that Jose B. Aznar acquired the
1959, Irineo Santos went to the above address. At this meeting, Marella said car from Vicente Marella in good faith, for a valuable consideration and
agreed to buy the car for P14,700.00 on the understanding that the price without notice of the defect appertaining to the vendor's title.
would be paid only after the car had been registered in his name.
While the car in question was thus in the possession of Jose B. Aznar and
Irineo Santos then fetched his father who, together with L. De Dios, went to while he was attending to its registration in his name, agents of the
the office of a certain Atty. Jose Padolina where the deed of the sale for the Philippine Constabulary seized and confiscated the same in consequence of
car was executed in Marella's favor. The parties to the contract thereafter the report to them by Teodoro Santos that the said car was unlawfully taken
proceeded to the Motor Vehicles Office in Quezon City where the registration from him.
of the car in Marella's name was effected. Up to this stage of the transaction,
the purchased price had not been paid. In due time, Jose B. Aznar filed a complaint for replevin against Captain
Rafael Yapdiangco, the head of the Philippine Constabulary unit which seized
From the Motor Vehicles Office, Teodoro Santos returned to his house. He the car in question Claiming ownership of the vehicle, he prayed for its
gave the registration papers and a copy of the deed of sale to his son, delivery to him. In the course of the litigation, however, Teodoro Santos
Irineo, and instructed him not to part with them until Marella shall have moved and was allowed to intervene by the lower court.
given the full payment for the car. Irineo Santos and L. De Dios then
proceeded to 1642 Crisostomo Street, Sampaloc, Manila where the former At the end of the trial, the lower court rendered a decision awarding the
demanded the payment from Vicente Marella. Marella said that the amount disputed motor vehicle to the intervenor-appellee, Teodoro Santos. In brief,
he had on hand then was short by some P2,000.00 and begged off to be it ruled that Teodoro Santos had been unlawfully deprived of his personal
allowed to secure the shortage from a sister supposedly living somewhere on property by Vicente Marella, from whom the plaintiff-appellant traced his
Azcarraga Street, also in Manila. Thereafter, he ordered L. De Dios to go to right. Consequently, although the plaintiff-appellant acquired the car in good
the said sister and suggested that Irineo Santos go with him. At the same faith and for a valuable consideration from Vicente Marella, the said decision
time, he requested the registration papers and the deed of sale from Irineo concluded, still the intervenor-appellee was entitled to its recovery on the
Santos on the pretext that he would like to show them to his lawyer. mandate of Article 559 of the New Civil Code which provides:
Trusting the good faith of Marella, Irineo handed over the same to the latter
and thereupon, in the company of L. De Dios and another unidentified
person, proceeded to the alleged house of Marella's sister.
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 24

ART. 559. The possession of movable property acquired in good faith Under Article 712 of the Civil Code, "ownership and other real rights over
is equivalent to title. Nevertheless, one who lost any movable or has property are acquired and transmitted by law, by donation, by testate and
been unlawfully deprived thereof, may recover it from the person in intestate succession, and in consequence of certain contracts, by tradition."
possession of the same. As interpreted by this Court in a host of cases, by this provision, ownership is
not transferred by contract merely but by tradition or delivery. Contracts only
If the possessor of a movable lost or of which the owner has been constitute titles or rights to the transfer or acquisition of ownership, while
unlawfully deprived, has acquired it in good faith at a public sale, the delivery or tradition is the mode of accomplishing the same (Gonzales v.
owner cannot obtain its return without reimbursing the price paid Rojas, 16 Phil. 51; Ocejo, Perez and Co. v. International Bank, 37 Phil. 631,
therefor. Fidelity and Deposit Co. v. Wilson, 8 Phil. 51; Kuenzle & Streiff v. Wacke &
Chandler, 14 Phil. 610; Easton v. Diaz Co., 32 Phil. 180).
From this decision, Jose B. Aznar appeals.
For the legal acquisition and transfer of ownership and other
The issue at bar is one and simple, to wit: Between Teodoro Santos and the property rights, the thing transferred must be delivered, inasmuch
plaintiff-appellant, Jose B. Aznar, who has a better right to the possession of as, according to settled jurisprudence, the tradition of the thing is a
the disputed automobile? necessary and indispensable requisite in the acquisition of said
ownership by virtue of contract. (Walter Laston v. E. Diaz & Co. &
the Provincial Sheriff of Albay, supra.)
We find for the intervenor-appellee, Teodoro Santos.

So long as property is not delivered, the ownership over it is not

The plaintiff-appellant accepts that the car in question originally belonged to
transferred by contract merely but by delivery. Contracts only
and was owned by the intervenor-appellee, Teodoro Santos, and that the
constitute titles or rights to the transfer or acquisition of ownership,
latter was unlawfully deprived of the same by Vicente Marella. However, the
while delivery or tradition is the method of accomplishing the same,
appellant contends that upon the facts of this case, the applicable provision
the title and the method of acquiring it being different in our law.
of the Civil Code is Article 1506 and not Article 559 as was held by the
(Gonzales v. Roxas, 16 Phil. 51)
decision under review. Article 1506 provides:

In the case on hand, the car in question was never delivered to the vendee
ART. 1506. Where the seller of goods has a voidable title thereto,
by the vendor as to complete or consummate the transfer of ownership by
but his, title has not been voided at the time of the sale, the buyer
virtue of the contract. It should be recalled that while there was indeed a
acquires a good title to the goods, provided he buys them in good
contract of sale between Vicente Marella and Teodoro Santos, the former, as
faith, for value, and without notice of the seller's defect of title.
vendee, took possession of the subject matter thereof by stealing the same
while it was in the custody of the latter's son.
The contention is clearly unmeritorious. Under the aforequoted provision, it
is essential that the seller should have a voidable title at least. It is very
There is no adequate evidence on record as to whether Irineo Santos
clearly inapplicable where, as in this case, the seller had no title at all.
voluntarily delivered the key to the car to the unidentified person who went
with him and L. De Dios to the place on Azcarraga where a sister of Marella
Vicente Marella did not have any title to the property under litigation because allegedly lived. But even if Irineo Santos did, it was not the delivery
the same was never delivered to him. He sought ownership or acquisition of contemplated by Article 712 of the Civil Code. For then, it would be
it by virtue of the contract. Vicente Marella could have acquired ownership or indisputable that he turned it over to the unidentified companion only so that
title to the subject matter thereof only by the delivery or tradition of the car he may drive Irineo Santos and De Dios to the said place on Azcarraga and
to him. not to vest the title to the said vehicle to him as agent of Vicente Marella.
Article 712 above contemplates that the act be coupled with the intent of
delivering the thing. (10 Manresa 132)
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 25

The lower court was correct in applying Article 559 of the Civil Code to the Code, specifically Article 559. Between a common law principle and a
case at bar, for under it, the rule is to the effect that if the owner has lost a statutory provision, the latter must prevail in this jurisdiction. (Cruz v.
thing, or if he has been unlawfully deprived of it, he has a right to recover it, Pahati, supra)
not only from the finder, thief or robber, but also from third persons who
may have acquired it in good faith from such finder, thief or robber. The said UPON ALL THE FOREGOING, the instant appeal is hereby dismissed and the
article establishes two exceptions to the general rule of irrevindicability, to decision of the lower court affirmed in full. Costs against the appellant.
wit, when the owner (1) has lost the thing, or (2) has been unlawfully
deprived thereof. In these cases, the possessor cannot retain the thing as
against the owner, who may recover it without paying any indemnity, except
when the possessor acquired it in a public sale. (Del Rosario v. Lucena, 8
Phil. 535; Varela v. Finnick, 9 Phil. 482; Varela v. Matute, 9 Phil. 479; Arenas
v. Raymundo, 19 Phil. 46. Tolentino, id., Vol. II, p. 261.)

In the case of Cruz v. Pahati, et al.,  52 O.G. 3053 this Court has already
that —

Under Article 559 of the new Civil Code, a person illegally deprived of
any movable may recover it from the person in possession of the
same and the only defense the latter may have is if he has acquired
it in good faith at a public sale, in which case, the owner cannot
obtain its return without reimbursing the price paid therefor. In the
present case, plaintiff has been illegally deprived of his car through
the ingenious scheme of defendant B to enable the latter to dispose
of it as if he were the owner thereof. Plaintiff, therefore, can still
recover possession of the car even if it is in the possession of a third
party who had acquired it in good faith from defendant B. The
maxim that "no man can transfer to another a better title than he
had himself" obtains in the civil as well as in the common law. (U.S.
v. Sotelo, 28 Phil. 147)

Finally, the plaintiff-appellant here contends that inasmuch as it was the

intervenor-appellee who had caused the fraud to be perpetrated by his
misplaced confidence on Vicente Marella, he, the intervenor-appellee, should
be made to suffer the consequences arising therefrom, following the
equitable principle to that effect. Suffice it to say in this regard that the right
of the owner to recover personal property acquired in good faith by another,
is based on his being dispossessed without his consent. The common law
principle that where one of two innocent persons must suffer by a fraud
perpetrated by another, the law imposes the loss upon the party who, by his
misplaced confidence, has enabled the fraud to be committed, cannot be
applied in a case which is covered by an express provision of the new Civil
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 26

common law principle that “Where one of two innocent parties must suffer
by a fraud perpetrated by another, the law imposes the loss upon the party
who, by his misplaced confidence, has enabled the fraud to be committed”
cannot be applied in a case which is covered by an express provision of the
new Civil Code. Between a common law principle and a statutory principle,
the latter must prevail in this jurisdiction.

APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila.

Concepcion, J.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

Panganiban Law Offices and Arsenio Roldan for appellant.

Carlos, Laurea, Fernando & Padilla for appellees. Cruz vs. Pahati, et al., 98
Phil. 788, No. L-8257 April 13, 1956


This is an action of replevin instituted by plaintiff in the Court of Firts

Instance of Manila to recover the possession of an automobile and certain
[No. L-8257. April 13, 1956] amount as damages and attorney's fees resulting from his illegal deprivation
JOSE R. CRUZ, plaintiff and appellant, vs. REYNALDO PAHATI, ET
AL., defendants and appellees. The original defendants were Reynaldo Pahati and Felixberto Bulahan but,
1.POSSESION; MOVABLES; OWNER ILLEGALLY DEPRIVED THEREOF MAY upon amendment of the complaint, Jesusito Belizo was included as party
defendant who was summoned by publication because his whereabouts were
RECOVER THE SAME; LAW APPLICABLE.—Under Article 559 of the new Civil
not known. Belizo failed to appear or answer the complaint and so he was
Code, a person illegally deprived of any movable may recover it from the
declared default.
person in possession of the same and the only defense the latter may have is
if he has acquired it in good faith at a public sale, in which case, the owner
Pahati admitted having bought the automobile from Bulahan, for the sum of
cannot obtain its return without reimbursing the price paid therefor. In the P4,900 which he paid in check. When the Manila Police Department
present case, plaintiff has been illegally deprived of his car through the impounded the automobile, he cancelled the sale and stopped the payment
ingenious scheme of defendant B to enable the latter to dispose of it as if he of the check and as a result he returned the automobile to Bulahan who in
were the owner thereof. Plaintiff therefore can still recover possession of the turned surrended the check for cancellation. He set up a counterclaim for the
car even if it is in the possession of a third party who had acquired it in good sum of P2,000 as attorney's fees.
faith from defendant B. The maxim that “No man can transfer to another a
better title than he has himself” obtains in the civil as well as in the common Bulahan on his part claims that he acquired the automobile from Jesusito
law.” (U. S. vs. Sotelo, 28 Phil., 147.) Belizo for value and without having any knowledge of any defect in the title
of the latter; that plaintiff had previously acquired title to said automobile by
2.ID. ; ID. ; ID. ; PARTY TO BEAR LOSS UNDER COMMON LAW PRINCIPLE; purchase from Belizo as evidenced by a deed of sale executed to that effect;
STATUTORY PRINCIPLE PREVAILS OVER COMMON LAW PRINCIPLE.—The that later plaintiff delivered the possession of the automobile to Belizo for
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 27

resale and to facilitate it he gave the latter a letter of authority to secure a This is a case which involves a conflict of rights of two persons who claim to
new certificate of registration in his name (plaintiff's) and that by having be the owners of the same property; plaintiff and defendant Bulahan. Both
clothed Belizo with an apparent ownership or authority to sell the were found by the lower court to be innocent and to have acted in good
automobile, plaintiff is now estopped to deny such ownership or authority. faith. They were found to be the victims of Belizo who falsified the letter
Bulahan claims that between two innocent parties, he who gave occasion, given him by plaintiff to enable him to sell the car of Bulahan for profit. Who
through his conduct, to the falsification committed by Belizo, should be the has, therefore, a better right of the two over the car?.
one to suffer the loss and this one is the plaintiff. Bulahan also set up a
counterclaim for P17,000 as damages and attorney's fees. The law applicable to the case is Article 559 of the new Civil Code which
After the presentation of the evidence, the court rendered judgment
declaring defendant Bulahan entitled to the automobile in question and ART. 559. The possession of movable property acquired in good faith
consequently ordered the plaintiff to return it to said defendant and, upon is equivalent to a title. Nevertheless, one who has lost any movable
his failure to do so, to pay him the sum of P4,900, with legal interest from or has been unlawfully deprived thereof, may recover it from the
the date of the decision. The claim for damages and attorney's fees of person in possession of the same.
Bulahan was denied. Defendant Belizo was however ordered to indemnify
the plaintiff in the amount of P4,900 and pay the sum of P5,000 as moral If the possessor of a movable lost or of which the owner has been
damages. The counterclaim of defendant Pahati was denied for lack of unlawfully deprived, has acquired it in good faith at a public sale, the
evidence. The case was taken directly to this Court by the plaintiff. owner cannot obtain its return without reimbursing the price paid
The lower court found that the automobile in question was originally owned
by the Nothern Motors, Inc. which later sold it to Chinaman Lu Dag. This It appears that "one who has lost any movable or has been unlawfully
Chinaman sold it afterwards to Jesusito Belizo and the latter in turn sold it to deprived thereof, may recover it from the person in possession of the same"
plaintiff. Belizo was then a dealer in second hand cars. One year thereafter, and the only defense the latter may have is if he "has acquired it in good
Belizo offered the plaintiff to sell the automobile for him claiming to have a faith at a public sale" in which case "the owner cannot obtain its return
buyer for it. Plaintiff agreed. At that time, plaintiff's certificate of registration without reimbursing the price paid therefor." And supplementing this
was missing and, upon the suggestion of Belizo, plaintiff wrote a letter provision, Article 1505 of the same Code provides that "where goods are sold
addressed to the Motor Section of the Bureau of Public Works for the by a person who is not the owner thereof, and who does not sell them under
issuance of a new registration certificate alleging as reason the loss of the authority or with the consent of the owner, the buyer acquires no better title
one previously issued to him and stating that he was intending to sell his car. to the goods than the seller had, unless the owner of the goods is by his
This letter was delivered to Belizo on March 3, 1952. He also turned over conduct precluded from denying the seller's authority to sell.
Belizo the automobile on the latter's pretext that he was going to show it to
a prospective buyer. On March 7, 1952, the letter was falsified and converted
Applying the above legal provisions to the facts of this case, one is inevitably
into an authorized deed of sale in favor of Belizo by erasing a portion thereof
led to the conclusion that plaintiff has a better right to the car in question
and adding in its place the words "sold the above car to Mr. Jesusito Belizo
than defendant Bulahan for it cannot be disputed that plaintiff had been
of 25 Valencia, San Francisco del Monte, for Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000)."
illegally deprived thereof because of the ingenious scheme utilized by Belizo
Armed with this deed of sale, Belizo succeeded in ontaining a certificate of
to enable him to dispose of it as if he were the owner thereof. Plaintiff
registration in his name on the same date, March 7, 1952, and also on the
therefore can still recover the possession of the car even if defendant
same date, Belizo sold the car to Felixberto Bulahan who in turn sold it to
Bulahan had acted in good faith in purchasing it from Belizo. Nor can it be
Reynaldo Pahati, a second hand car dealer. These facts show that the letter
pretended that the conduct of plaintiff in giving Belizo a letter to secure the
was falsified by Belizo to enable him to sell the car to Bulahan for a valuable
issuance of a new certificate of registration constitutes a sufficient defense
that would preclude recovery because of the undisputed fact that that letter
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 28

was falsified and this fact can be clearly seen by a cursory examination of whatever action he may deem proper to take against Jesusito Belizo. No
the document. If Bulahan had been more diligent he could have seen that costs.
the pertinent portion of the letter had been erased which would have placed
him on guard to make an inquiry as regards the authority of Belizo to sell the
car. This he failed to do.

The right of the plaintiff to the car in question can also be justified under the
doctrine laid down in U. S. vs. Sotelo, 28 Phil., 147. This is a case of estafa
wherein one Sotelo misappropriated a ring belonging to Alejandra Dormir. In
the course of the decision, the Court said that "Whoever may have been
deprived of his property in consequence of a crime is entitled to the recovery
thereof, even if such property is in the possession of a third party who
acquired it by legal means other than those expressly stated in Article 464 of
the Civil Code" (p. 147), which refers to property pledged in the "Monte de
Piedad", an establishment organized under the authority of the Government.
The Court further said: It is a fundamental principle of our law of personal
property that no man can be divested of it without his own consent;
consequently, even an honest purchaser, under a defective title, cannot
resist the claim of the true owner. The maxim that 'No man can transfer a
better title than he has himself "obtain in the civil as well as in the common
law." (p. 158).

Counsel for appellee places much reliance on the common law principle that
"Where one of two innocent parties must suffer by a fraud perpetrated by
another, the law imposes the loss upon the party who, by his misplaced
confidence, has enabled the fraud to be committed" (Sager vs. W. T.
Rawleight Co. 153 Va. 514, 150 S. E. 244, 66 A.L.R. 305), and contends that,
as between plaintiff and Bulahan, the former should bear the loss because of
the confidence he reposed in Belizo which enabled the latter to commit the
falsification. But this principle cannot be applied to this case which is
coverred by an express provision of our new Civil Code. Between a common
law principle and a statutory provision, the latter must undoubtedly prevail in
this jurisdiction. Moreover we entertain serious doubt if, under the
circumstances obtaining, Bulahan may be considered more innocent than the
plaintiff in dealing with the car in question. We prefer not to elaborate on
this matter it being necessary considering the conclusion we have reached.

Wherefore, the decision appealed from is reversed. The Court declares

plaintiff to be entitled to recover the car in question, and orders defendant
Jesusito Belizo to pay him the sum of P5,000 as moral damages, plus P2,000
as attorney's fees. The Court absolves defendant Bulahan and Pahati from
the complaint as regards the claim for damages, reserving to Bulahan
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 29

pursuing an action against the pawnshop for the recovery of the possession
of the said ring.

Teehankee, J., concurring:

Civil Law; Property; Words and phrases; "Unlawfully deprived" defined in

relation to Article 559 of Civil Code.—Senator Tolentino concedes that there
are writers who believe that the phrase "unlawfully deprived" in our Code
does not have the same meaning as stolen in the French Code; that it is
used in the general sense; and is not used in the specific sense of
deprivation by robbery or theft. Under this view, it extends to all cases where
there has been no valid transmission of ownership, including depositary, or
lessee who has sold the same. It is believed that the owner in such case is
undoubtedly unlawfully deprived of his property, and may recover the same
from a possessor in good faith. Indeed, if our legislature had intended to
narrow the scope of the term "unlawfully deprived" to "stolen" as advocated
by Tolentino, it certainly would have adopted and used such a narrower term
rather than the broad language of article 464 of the old Spanish Civil Code
with its long-established and accepted meaning in accordance with our

Same; Same; Conviction of embezzler not essential to recovery of movable

by owner from third party.—The contention that the owner may recover the
No. L-30817. September 29, 1972. lost article of which he has been unlawfully deprived without reimbursement
of the sum received by the embezzler from the pawnshop only after a
DOMINADOR DIZON, doing business under the firm name criminal conviction of the embezzler, is to add a requirement that is not in
"Pawnshop of Dominador Dizon", petitioner, vs. LOURDES G. the codal article and to unduly prejudice the victim of embezzlement, as
SUNTAY, respondent. pointed out by the Court in Arenas vs. Raymundo, 19 Phil. 47.
Civil Law; Property; Owner unlawfully deprived of movable property may PETITION FOR REVIEW by certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals.
recover possession of same from third party.—The owner of a diamond ring
may recover the possession of the same from a pawnshop where another The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
person had pledged it without authority to do so. Article 559 of the Civil Code
     Andres T. Velarde for petitioner.
of the Philippines applies and the defense that the pawnshop acquired
possession of the ring without notice of any defect in the title of the pledgor      Rafael G. Suntay for respondent. Dizon vs. Suntay, 47 SCRA 160, No. L-
is unavailing. 30817 September 29, 1972

Same; Same; Estoppel; Owner of movable unlawfully pledged by another not

estopped from recovering possession.—Where the owner delivered the
diamond ring to another solely for sale on commission but the latter instead
In essence there is nothing novel in this petition for review of a decision of
pawned the same without authority to do so, the owner is not estopped from
the Court of Appeals affirming a lower court judgment sustaining the right of
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 30

an owner of a diamond ring, respondent Lourdes G. Suntay, as against the receipt of the pledge with the defendant's pawnshop of the plaintiff's ring.
claim of petitioner Dominador Dizon, who owns and operates a pawnshop. When the plaintiff found out that Clarita R. Sison pledged, she took steps to
The diamond ring was turned over to a certain Clarita R. Sison, for sale on file a case of estafa against the latter with the fiscal's office. Subsequently
commission, along with other pieces of jewelry of respondent Suntay. It was thereafter, the plaintiff, through her lawyer, wrote a letter ... dated
then pledged to petitioner. Since what was done was violative of the terms September 22, 1962, to the defendant asking for the delivery to the plaintiff
of the agency, there was an attempt on her part to recover possession of her ring pledged with defendant's pawnshop under pawnshop receipt
thereof from petitioner, who refused. She had to file an action then for its serial-B No. 65606, dated June 15, 1962 ... . Since the defendant refused to
recovery. She was successful, as noted above, both in the lower court and return the ring, the plaintiff filed the present action with the Court of First
thereafter in the Court of Appeals. She prevailed as she had in her favor the Instance of Manila for the recovery of said ring, with P500.00 as attorney's
protection accorded by Article 559 of the Civil  fees and costs. The plaintiff asked for the provisional remedy of replevin by
Code.1 The matter was then elevated to us by petitioner. Ordinarily, our the delivery of the ring to her, upon her filing the requisite bond, pending the
discretion would have been exercised against giving due course to such final determination of the action. The lower court issued the writ of replevin
petition for review. The vigorous plea however, grounded on estoppel, by his prayed for by plaintiff and the latter was able to take possession of the ring
counsel, Atty. Andres T. Velarde, persuaded us to act otherwise. After a during the pendency of the action upon her filing the requisite bond." 3 It was
careful perusal of the respective contentions of the parties, we fail to then noted that the lower court rendered judgment declaring that plaintiff,
perceive any sufficient justification for a departure from the literal language now respondent Suntay, had the right to the possession of the ring in
of the applicable codal provision as uniformly interpreted by this Court in a question. Petitioner Dizon, as defendant, sought to have the judgment
number of decisions. The invocation of estoppel is therefore unavailing. We reversed by the Court of Appeals. It did him no good. The decision of May
affirm. 19, 1969, now on review, affirmed the decision of the lower court.

The statement of the case as well as the controlling facts may be found in In the light of the facts as thus found by the Court of Appeals, well-nigh
the Court of Appeals decision penned by Justice Perez. Thus: "Plaintiff is the conclusive on use, with the applicable law being what it is, this petition for
owner of a three-carat diamond ring valued at P5,500.00. On June 13, 1962, review cannot prosper. To repeat, the decision of the Court of Appeals
the plaintiff and Clarita R. Sison entered into a transaction wherein the stands.
plaintiff's ring was delivered to Clarita R. Sison for sale on commission. Upon
receiving the ring, Clarita R. Sison executed and delivered to the plaintiff the 1. There is a fairly recent restatement of the force and effect of the
receipt ... . The plaintiff had already previously known Clarita R. Sison as the governing codal norm in De Gracia v. Court of Appeals.4 Thus: "The
latter is a close friend of the plaintiff's cousin and they had frequently met controlling provision is Article 559 of the Civil Code. It reads thus: 'The
each other at the place of the plaintiff's said cousin. In fact, about one year possession of movable property acquired in good faith is equivalent to a title.
before their transaction of June 13, 1962 took place, Clarita R. Sison received Nevertheless, one who has lost any movable or has been unlawfully deprived
a piece of jewelry from the plaintiff to be sold for P500.00, and when it was thereof may recover it from the person in possession of the same. If the
sold, Clarita R. Sison gave the price to the plaintiff. After the lapse of a possessor of a movable lost of which the owner has been unlawfully
considerable time without Clarita R. Sison having returned to the plaintiff the deprived, has acquired it in good faith at a public sale, the owner cannot
latter's ring, the plaintiff made demands on Clarita R. Sison for the return of obtain its return without reimbursing the price paid therefor.' Respondent
her ring but the latter could not comply with the demands because, without Angelina D. Guevara, having been unlawfully deprived of the diamond ring in
the knowledge of the plaintiff, on June 15, 1962 or three days after the ring question, was entitled to recover it from petitioner Consuelo S. de Garcia
above-mentioned was received by Clarita R. Sison from the plaintiff, said ring who was found in possession of the same. The only exception the law allows
was pledged by Melia Sison, niece of the husband of Clarita R. Sison, is when there is acquisition in good faith of the possessor at a public sale, in
evidently in connivance with the latter, with the defendant's pawnshop for which case the owner cannot obtain its return without reimbursing the price.
P2,600.00 ... ."2 Then came this portion of the decision under review: "Since As authoritatively interpreted in Cruz v. Pahati, the right of the owner cannot
the plaintiff insistently demanded from Clarita R. Sison the return of her ring, be defeated even by proof that there was good faith in the acquisition by the
the latter finally delivered to the former the pawnshop ticket ... which is the possessor. There is a reiteration of this principle in Aznar v. Yapdiangco.
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 31

Thus: 'Suffice it to say in this regard that the right of the owner to recover a position had been assumed by petitioner, who if such elements were not
personal property acquired in good faith by another, is based on his being lacking, could not thereafter in law be prejudiced by his belief in what had
dispossessed without his consent. The common law principle that were one been misrepresented to him. 16 As was put by Justice Labrador, "a person
of two innocent persons must suffer by a fraud perpetrated by another, the claimed to be estopped must have knowledge of the fact that his voluntary
law imposes the loss upon the party who, by his misplaced confidence, has acts would deprive him of some rights because said voluntary acts are
enabled the fraud to be committed, cannot be applied in a case which is inconsistent with said rights." 17 To recapitulate, there is this pronouncement
covered by an express provision of the new Civil Code, specifically Article not so long ago, from the pen of Justice Makalintal, who reaffirmed that
559. Between a common law principle and a statutory provision, the latter estoppel "has its origin in equity and, being based on moral right and natural
must prevail in this jurisdiction." "5 justice, finds applicability wherever and whenever the special circumstances
of a case so demand." 18
2. It must have been a recognition of the compulsion exerted by the above
authoritative precedents that must have caused petitioner to invoke the How then can petitioner in all seriousness assert that his appeal finds
principle of estoppel. There is clearly a misapprehension. Such a contention support in the doctrine of estoppel? Neither the promptings of equity nor the
is devoid of any persuasive force. mandates of moral right and natural justice come to his rescue. He is
engaged in a business where presumably ordinary prudence would manifest
Estoppel as known to the Rules of Court6 and prior to that to the Court of itself to ascertain whether or not an individual who is offering a jewelry by
Civil Procedure,7 has its roots in equity. Good faith is its basis.8 It is a way of a pledge is entitled to do so. If no such care be taken, perhaps
response to the demands of moral right and natural justice. 9 For estoppel to because of the difficulty of resisting opportunity for profit, he should be the
exist though, it is indispensable that there be a declaration, act or omission last to complain if thereafter the right of the true owner of such jewelry
by the party who is sought to be bound. Nor is this all. It is equally a should be recognized. The law for this sound reason accords the latter
requisite that he, who would claim the benefits of such a principle, must protection. So it has always been since Varela v. 
have altered his position, having been so intentionally and deliberately led to Finnick, 19 a 1907 decision. According to Justice Torres: "In the present case
comport himself thus, by what was declared or what was done or failed to be not only has the ownership and the origin of the jewels misappropriated
done. If thereafter a litigation arises, the former would not be allowed to been unquestionably proven but also that the accused, acting fraudulently
disown such act, declaration or omission. The principle comes into full play. and in bad faith, disposed of them and pledged them contrary to agreement,
It may successfully be relied upon. A court is to see to it then that there is with no right of ownership, and to the prejudice of the injured party, who
no turning back on one's word or a repudiation of one's act. So it has been was thereby illegally deprived of said jewels; therefore, in accordance with
from our earliest decisions. As Justice Mapa pointed out in the first case, a the provisions of article 464, the owner has an absolute right to recover the
1905 decision, Rodriguez v. Martinez, 10 a party should not be permitted "to jewels from the possession of whosoever holds them, ... ." 20 There have
go against his own acts to the prejudice of [another]. Such a holding would been many other decisions to the same effect since then. At least nine may
be contrary to the most rudimentary principles of justice and law." 11 He is be cited. 21 Nor could any other outcome be expected, considering the civil
not, in the language of Justice Torres, in Irlanda v. Pitargue, 12 promulgated code provisions both in the former Spanish legislation 22 and in the present
in 1912, "allowed to gainsay [his] own acts or deny rights which [he had] Code. 23 Petitioner ought to have been on his guard before accepting the
previously recognized." 13Some of the later cases are to the effect that an pledge in question. Evidently there was no such precaution availed of. He
unqualified and unconditional acceptance of an agreement forecloses a claim therefore, has only himself to blame for the fix he is now in. It would be to
for interest not therein provided. 14 Equally so the circumstance that about a stretch the concept of estoppel to the breaking point if his contention were
month after the date of the conveyance, one of the parties informed the to prevail. Moreover, there should have been a realization on his part that
other of his being a minor, according to Chief Justice Paras, "is of no courts are not likely to be impressed with a cry of distress emanating from
moment, because [the former's] previous misrepresentation had already one who is in a business authorized to impose a higher rate of interest
estopped him from disavowing the contract. 15 It is easily understandable precisely due to the greater risk assumed by him. A predicament of this
why, under the circumstances disclosed, estoppel is a frail reed to hang on nature then does not suffice to call for less than undeviating adherence to
to. There was clearly the absence of an act or omission, as a result of which the literal terms of a codal provision. Moreover, while the activity he is
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 32

engaged in is no doubt legal, it is not to be lost sight of that it thrives on He thus concedes finally that "(T)here are writers who believe that the
taking advantage of the necessities precisely of that element of our phrase 'unlawfully deprived' in our Code does not have the same meaning as
population whose lives are blighted by extreme poverty. From whatever stolen in the French code; that it is used in the general sense, and is not
angle the question is viewed then, estoppel certainly cannot be justly used in the specific sense of deprivation by robbery or theft. Under this view,
invoked. it extends to all cases where there has been no valid transmission of
ownership, including the case where the proprietor has entrusted the thing
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals of May 19, 1969 is to a borrower, depositary, or lessee who has sold the same. It is believed
affirmed, with costs against petitioner. that the owner in such case is undoubtedly unlawfully deprived of his
property, and may recover the same from a possessor in good faith" (citing
Separate Opinions De Buen: 2-II Colin & Capitant 1008; 1 Bonet 
234)3 and cites the long unbroken line of decisions of the Court of Appeals
and of this Court upholding the import of the broader language of the codal
TEEHANKEE, J.,  concurring:
article in question.
I concur in the main opinion of Mr. Justice Fernando, tracing and confirming
Indeed, if our legislature had intended to narrow the scope of the term
the long settled and uniform jurisprudence since 1905 based on the express
"unlawfully deprived" to "stolen" as advocated by Tolentino, it certainly
statutory provision of article 559 of our Civil Code (formerly article 464 of the
would have adopted and used such a narrower term rather than the broad
old Civil Code) that the owner "who has lost any movable or has
language of article 464 of the old Spanish Civil Code with its long-established
been unlawfully deprived thereof may recover it from the person in
and accepted meaning in accordance with our jurisprudence.
possession of the same," the only exception expressly provided in the codal
article being that "if the possessor of a movable lost of which the owner has
been unlawfully deprived, has acquired it in good faith at a public sale , the Petitioner's contentions at bar had long been disposed of in the Court's 1911
owner cannot obtain its return without reimbursing the price paid therefor ."1 decision of Arenas vs. Raymundo,4 per Mr. Justice Florentino Torres,
reiterating the doctrine of the earlier cases and holding that
Senator Tolentino's submittal in his commentaries on the Civil Code "that the
better view is to consider 'unlawfully deprived' as limited to unlawful taking, Even supposing that the defendant Raymundo had acted in
such as theft or robbery, and should not include disposition through abuse of good faith in accepting the pledge of the jewelry in litigation,
confidence. Thus, if the owner has entrusted personal property to a bailee, even then he would not be entitled to retain it until the
such as for transportation, pledge, loan or deposit, without transmitting owner thereof reimburse him for the amount loaned to the
ownership, and the latter alienates it to a third person who acquires it in embezzler, since the said owner of the jewelry, the plaintiff,
good faith, the owner cannot recover it from such third person, "is, as he did not make any contract with the pledgee, that would
himself admits, based on the express provision of the French Code which obligate him to pay the amount loaned to Perello, and the
allows the true owner of personal property to recover it from the possessor trial record does not disclose any evidence, even
in good faith without reimbursement only "if it has been stolen from him." He circumstantial, that the plaintiff Arenas consented to or had
concedes likewise that "our Code, following the Spanish code, uses broader knowledge of the pledging of her jewelry in the pawnshop of
language than that used in the French code" — since our Code provides that the defendant.
the owner who has been "unlawfully deprived" of personal property may
recover it from the possessor without reimbursement, with the sole For this reason, and because Concepcion Perello was not the
exception where the possessor acquired the article in good faith at a public legitimate owner of the jewelry which she pledged to the
sale.2 defendant Raymundo, for a certain sum that she received
from the latter as a loan, the contract of pledge entered into
by both, is of course, null and void, and, consequently the
jewelry so pawned can not serve as security for the payment
S a l e s P a r t V I I I P a g e | 33

of the sum loaned, nor can the latter be collected out of the not, by such procedure, expect from the law better and
value of the said jewelry. more preferential protection than the owner of the jewels or
other articles, who was deprived thereof by means of a
Article 1857 of the Civil Code prescribes as one of the crime and is entitled to be excused by the courts.
essential requisites of the contracts of pledge and of
mortgage, that the thing pledged or mortgaged must belong Antonio Matute, the owner of another pawnshop, being
to the person who pledges or mortgages it. This essential convinced that he was wrong, refrained from appealing from
requisite for the contract of pledge between Perello and the the judgment wherein he was sentenced to return, without
defendant being absent as the former was not the owner of redemption, to the plaintiffs, another jewel of great value
the jewelry given in pledge, the contract is as devoid of which had been pledged to him by the same Perello. He
value and force as if it had not been made, and as it was undoubtedly had in mind some of the previous decisions of
executed with marked violation of an express provision of this court, one of which was against himself.
the law, it can not confer upon the defendant any rights in
the pledged jewelry, nor impose any obligation toward him By the same token, the contention that the owner may recover the lost
on the part of the owner thereof, since the latter was article of which he has been unlawfully deprived without reimbursement of
deprived of her possession by means of the illegal pledging the sum received by the embezzler from the pawnshop only after a criminal
of the said jewelry, a criminal act. conviction of the embezzler, is to add a requirement that is not in the codal
article and to unduly prejudice the victim of embezzlement, as pointed out by
Between the supposed good faith of the defendant the Court in Arenas, supra.
Raymundo and the undisputed good faith of the plaintiff
Arenas, the owner of the jewelry, neither law nor justice The civil action that the owner must resort to for the recovery of his personal
permit that the latter, after being the victim of property of which he has been unlawfully deprived as against the possessor
embezzlement, should have to choose one of the two (where the latter refuses to honor the claim, presumably on same valid
extremes of a dilemma, both of which, without legal ground doubts as to the genuineness of the claim) gives the possessor every
or reason, are injurious and prejudicial to her interests and adequate protection and opportunity to contest the owner's claim of
rights, that is, she must either lose her jewelry or pay a recovery. The owner must therein establish by competent evidence his lawful
large sum received by the embezzler as a loan from the claim, and show to the court's satisfaction his lawful ownership of the article
defendant, when the plaintiff Arenas is not related to the claimed and that he had been unlawfully deprived thereof.
latter by any legal or contractual bond out of which legal
obligations arise. I therefore find no reason to set aside the long settled interpretation given
by our jurisprudence to article 559 (formerly article 464) of our Civil Code in
xxx xxx xxx accordance with its clear and unambiguous language, as reaffirmed in the
case at bar.
The business of pawnshops, in exchange for the high and
onerous interest which constitutes its enormous profits, is
always exposed to the contingency of receiving in pledge or
security for the loans, jewels and other articles that have
been robbed, stolen, or embezzled from their legitimate
owners; and as the owner of the pawnshop accepts the
pledging of jewelry from the first bearer who offers the
same and asks for money on it, without assuring himself
whether such bearer is or is not the owner thereof, he can

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