Grammar 5. Put The Verbs in Brackets Into Present Simple or Present Continuous

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5. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. Look up! The sun ... (shine) so brightly.

2. My uncle usually ... (read) newspapers in the evening.

3. As a rule, my sister ... (do) all housework in the evening.

4. Go to the children’s bedroom! Our children ... (play) soundly.

5. Our family usually ... (go) out of town on Sundays.

6. What... the students ... (do) at the moment?

7. Hello! Where ... you... (go)?

8. ... your nephew ... (read) English books in original?

7. Find and correct the mistakes.

1. What do he usually do on Sunday?

2. My friend and I am going to the cinema today.

3. Unfortunately, we didn’t had any money.

4. John plays football really good.

5. This man is so unpolite!

6. They wasn’t ready for the test.

8. Rewrite the story, using the verbs in Past Simple.

The weather is bad. There is no sun in the sky. Beth wakes up late in the morning.
She doesn’t want to leave the bed. She stays in her bed for some time. But Beth is
hungry. She wants something to eat. She makes herself to get up, and goes to the
bathroom. She washes and cleans her teeth. Beth goes to the kitchen and has her
breakfast. After breakfast she thinks how to spend her day. Suddenly the telephone
rings. Her friend Tom phones. Tom says he has two tickets to the theatre and he
invites her to go and see the play. Beth thanks him and agrees to go to the theatre.


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