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Melting moments

Melting investigation planner

Name: _________________________________ Date: _________________________

Other members of your team: __________________________________________

What are you going to investigate? What do you think will happen?
Explain why.
What happens to


when we change


To make the test fair, what things (variables) are you going to:
Change? Measure /Observe? Keep the same?

What equipment does the team need?

• role wristbands or badges for Director, • _____g of the broken chocolate
Manager, Speaker
• 2 plastic resealable bags
• each team member’s science journal • pen
• _____g of the full piece of chocolate • access to a warm place or heat source

What will the team do?

1 Break one piece of chocolate into many smaller pieces.
2 Draw each piece of chocolate on recording results
section of the planner.
3 Write which chocolate you will put in the bag.
4 Put the chocolate in the labelled bags.
5 Put the bags in a warm place.
6 Check the bags every 10 minutes.
7 Record how long it takes for each chocolate to melt.

Resource sheet 4
Melting moments

Melting investigation planner

Recording results
Draw the full piece of chocolate: Draw the broken pieces of chocolate:

It took _______________minutes to melt. It took _______________minutes to melt.

Displaying results Present your results in a graph

Title of graph: _____________________________________________________
Number of minutes

Full piece of chocolate Broken up chocolate

Discussing results What did our whole class find?

Question: What happens to the melting time when we change the size of the pieces
of the chocolate?

Claim: ________________________________________________________________



Evidence: ______________________________________________________________



Resource sheet 4

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