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Cod liver oil is obtained from crushed livers by extraction with an organic solvent.

A sample that contains

0.335 kg of oil per each kg of exhausted liver is fed into a multi-stage extractor that operates under
countercurrent, where pure organic solvent is employed. It is desired to recover 90% of the oil in the
final overflow, with a composition 60% in weight oil. If the retention of the solution is 2 kg per each 3.2
kg of insoluble solids, calculate the number of ideal stages required to carry out the desired extraction.
Calculations are made assuming that 100 kg of food is introduced into the extractor. Solve this via
Analytical and Graphical Method.


F= 100 kg

Sample= 0.335 kg of oil/kg of exhausted liver

90% oil recovered in the overflow with 60% weight oil

Ny = 3.2 kg insoluble solids / 2kg soln

Req’d: Nstages


% Oil = 0.335 kg oil / (1+0.335) kg total

=0.2509 x100 kg oil

Lo = 25.09 kg oil

B = 100 (1 – 0.2509) = 74.91 kg

Ny = 3.2 /2

N = 1.6

Amount of oil in overflow:

= (25.09 kg)(0.90)

= 22.58 kg oil
Solvent in overflow

%weight in overflow = kg oil in overflow/ kg oil solution

0.60 = 22.58/(22.58+ kg solvent)

Kg Solvent = 15.0533 kg

Amt of oil in underflow

= (25.09)(0.10)

= 2.509 kg

74.91 kg B =Ln ((1.6 kg B)/(kg soln))

Ln = 46.8188 kg solution

Amount of solvent in underflow

= (46.8188-2.509)

= 44.3098 kg solvent

Solvent reqd total

= kg solvent in underflow + kg solvent in overflow

= 44.3098 + 15.0533

= 59.3631 kg solvent

V1 =

= 37.65 kg

Lo + VN+1= LN + V1

25.09 + VN+1 = 46.8188 +37.65

VN+1 = 59.3788 kg


Yo * Lo + xN+1 *VN+1 = yN*LN + x1*V1

1(25.09) + 0(59.3788) = yN(46.8188)+0.60(37.65)

Yn = 0.05340

Yo * Lo + x2*V2 = y1*L1 + x1*V1

y1 = 0.60 = x1

(25.09)(1) + 59.3788X2 = (46.8188)(0.60) + (37.654)(0.6)

X2 = 0.4310

𝑥1 − 𝑥2
𝑦𝑁 − 𝑥𝑁+1
𝑁−1= 𝑥 − 𝑦𝑁
ln 1
𝑥2 − 𝑥𝑁+1
0.60 − 0.4310
𝑁−1 = 0.05340 − 0
0.60 − 0.05340
0.4310 − 0

N = 5.85 stages = 6 stages


M = Lo + V2

= 59.3788 + 25.09




74.91 kg=84.455 kg(NM)

NM =0.887

M = (0.2971,0.887)

74.91 kg=25.09 kg(Nyo)

Nyo = 2.99

Lo = (0, 2.99)

VN+1 = (0,0)

Ln = (Yn,N)

Ln = (0.05340, 1.6)
No. of stages = 6

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