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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Wednesday | October 14, 2020

Williams beats Yates in District 15 Senate race

Wright wins House District 37 seat by large margin Bart Williams
takes a congratu-
latory phone call
BY TESS VRBIN AND BY YUE STELLA YU sition into this role,” he said. “I want to from a member of, go to Jackson and do what the people of Gov. Tate Reeves’
District 15 want me to. It’s what they’re staff Tuesday
The congratulatory calls and texts hiring me to do.” after winning the
started blowing up Bart Williams’ Williams, owner of Security Solu- state Senate
phone just minutes after the results of tions, will replace Gary Jackson, of District 15 runoff
the state Senate District 15 runoff elec- French Camp, who retired from the election. Williams
tion were finalized Tuesday night. owns Security
Senate earlier this year due to health
Williams, of Starkville, garnered Solutions Inc.
reasons. The term will end in 2023. in Starkville and
4,067 votes (53.6 percent) to defeat The Senate district includes parts waited for the
Joyce Meek Yates, of Eupora, and her of Oktibbeha, Webster, Choctaw and results at the
3,520 votes (46.4 percent), according to Montgomery counties. It is unclear office with his
unofficial totals. exactly how many affidavits for the dis- friends and fami-
He described three months of cam- trict are still to be processed Wednes- ly. He will replace
paigning as “intense, but it’s been fun” day, but it will not be enough to change Gary Jackson,
of French Camp,
and said he looks forward to taking his the outcome. who retired from
seat in the state Legislature. Williams received more than twice the Senate in
“I want to get a good night’s sleep, the number of votes for Yates in Ok- June.
maybe two, and then sit down and tran- See ELECTION, 8A Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff


open West
Point parks
fails Tuesday
Citywide curfew
implemented from
midnight-5 a.m. to curb
violent crime

Following Tuesday
evening’s board of
selectmen meeting,
Ward 4’s Keith Mc-
Brayer approached
Parks and Recreation
Director Jarrod Mc- McDaniel
Daniel as others filed
out of the boardroom.
“Well, I tried,” he
told McDaniel, flatly. Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
“I’ll try again next Lauren Lang, center, casts her vote in Tuesday’s state Senate District 15 runoff election in Starkville. She brought her daugh-
month.” ters, Anna Hudson Lang, left, and Josie Lang, ages 6 and 3 respectively, to the polling place at the National Guard Armory.
Voters in southwest Starkville and Oktibbeha County, as well as Choctaw and Webster counties and part of Montgomery
McBrayer’s fellow County, chose the successor to former State Sen. Gary Jackson, who retired in June.
selectmen thwarted
his motion to partial- McBrayer
ly reopen city parks
after seven months of shutdown
due to the ongoing COVID-19 pan-
demic. Instead, with a 3-1 vote, the
board opted to table the matter un-
til it meets again, which will most
Hyde-Smith touts Trump’s economic, ‘America First’ agenda
U.S. Senator Cin-
likely be in November. dy Hyde-Smith ad- Senator speaks to Lowndes Republican
“This was just a way to give dresses a group
some opportunities back to the of about 50 peo- Women as general election looms
community,” McBrayer told The ple during Tues-
Dispatch after the meeting. “With day’s Lowndes
BY SLIM SMITH ven, will meet Mike Espy,
ssmith@cdispatch.,com a Democrat from Yazoo
a controlled environment, we can County Republican
give them the chance to get out and Women luncheon City, in a race for the U.S.
Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith
enjoy the parks.” at Lion Hills Cen- Senate. Libertarian Jimmy
allowed no political space
McBrayer’s proposed partial ter in Columbus.
between her and President Edwards of Grenada also is
parks reopening would have re- Hyde-Smith, a on the ballot.
Republican, faces Donald Trump during her
stored access to the tennis courts at speech at Tuesday’s Lown- Hyde-Smith claimed a
Democrat Mike 7-point win over Espy in
Marshall Park and allowed — under Espy and Libertar- des County Republican
McDaniel’s supervision — coaches ian Candidate Jim- Women luncheon. 2018 to become the state’s
to reserve use of the baseball and my Edwards in the For the second time in first elected woman Sen-
softball fields at the Sportsplex for Nov. 3 election. two years, Hyde-Smith, a ator. But in the rematch,
See WEST POINT, 3A Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff Republican from Brookha- See HYDE-SMITH, 8A


1 “We Never Sleep” was the slogan Saturday MEETINGS
of which famous 19th-century Ameri- ■ Makin’ Hay Day: Visit West
Oct. 16:
can detective agency? Starkville Board
Point’s Commerce Street downtown
2 Who does the garden belong to that of Aldermen
Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit wanders for a fall farmers’ market, crafts, art,
9 a.m.-1 p.m. The Growth Alliance, work session,
3 What uninvited household pest 662-494-5121. 10 a.m., City
Kyle Huang also goes by the Latin name “Mus ■ Sweet potatoes: The Harriet Hall
musculus”? Gaskin Sweet Potato Giveaway is Oct. 19:
Fourth grade, Heritage
4 Name two of the four events in 8-11 a.m. in the side parking lot of Starkville Hous-

81 Low 54
women artistic gymnastics. West Point’s First Christian Church, ing Authority
High 5 The Cathedral of St. Basil the Bless-
599 E. Broad Street. board meeting,
Mostly sunny
ed sits on which city’s central square?
3 p.m., 101 W.
Full forecast on
page 3A.
Answers, 8B Thursday through Saturday, Wood St.
Oct. 22-24 Oct. 19:
■ Welty Writers’ Symposium:
INSIDE Former U.S. poet laureate Natasha County Board
Trethewey and many more writers are of Supervisors
Classifieds 7,8B Food 5B
Comics 4B Obituaries 4A featured in The W’s virtual sympo- meeting, 5:30
Crossword 8B Opinions 6A sium. visit for details Dachona Thomas is from Chicago p.m., Chancery
Dear Abby 4B and link for live-streamed events. and now lives in Starkville. Courthouse


2A WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Barrett back on Capitol Hill

for senators’ final questions
‘Judges can’t just wake up one day and say I views in often colloquial language,
but she refused many specifics
have an agenda — I like guns, I hate guns, I like Tuesday. She aligns with the late
Justice Antonin Scalia, a conser-
abortion, I hate abortion — and walk in like a royal vative mentor, and declined to say
whether she would recuse herself
queen and impose their will on the world’ from any election-related cases
Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett involving Trump and Democratic
nominee Joe Biden.
BY LISA MASCARO, MARK tions before Election Day. “Judges can’t just wake up one
SHERMAN AND LAURIE KELLMAN “We’re going to fill this vacan- day and say I have an agenda — I
The Associated Press cy,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., like guns, I hate guns, I like abor-
the committee chairman, said late tion, I hate abortion — and walk in
WA S H I N G T O N like a royal queen and impose their
Tuesday after a nearly 12-hour ses-
— Supreme Court will on the world,” Barrett told the
nominee Amy Coney committee during its second day of
Graham said he appreciated
Barrett returns to hearings.
that Trump had nominated a judge
Capitol Hill for a third “It’s not the law of Amy,” she
day of confirmation “who’s unabashedly pro-life, some-
body who embraces their faith, but said. “It’s the law of the American
hearings as senators people.”
dig deeper into the somebody who understands the
Trump seemed pleased with her
conservative judge’s Barrett difference between their personal
performance. “I think Amy’s do-
outlook on abortion, health care views and judging.”
ing incredibly well,” he said at the
and a potentially disputed presiden- Barrett’s nomination has been
White House departing for a cam-
tial election — the Democrats run- the focus at a Capitol mostly shut
paign rally.
ning out of time to stop Republicans down by COVID-19 protocols, frus- Trump has said he wants a jus-
pushing her quick confirmation. trating Democrats who are virtual- tice seated for any disputes arising
Wednesday’s session is set to ly powerless to stop a judge from from his heated campaign against
be Barrett’s last before the Senate confirmation. They warn she will Biden, but Barrett testified she has
Judiciary Committee. She has been be seated on the court in time to not spoken to Trump or his team
batting away questions in long cast a vote to undo the Affordable about election cases. Pressed by
and lively exchanges, insisting she Care Act next month, causing mil- Democrats, she skipped past ques-
would bring no personal agenda to lions of Americans to lose coverage tions about ensuring the date of the
the court but decide cases “as they during a pandemic. election or preventing voter intimi-
come.” “People are fed up,” said Sen. dation, both set in federal law, and
Her nomination by President Dick Durbin, D-Ill., criticizing GOP the peaceful transfer of presidential
Donald Trump to replace the late priorities in forcing the Senate ac- power. She declined to commit to
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has tion as the country suffers from the recusing herself from any post-elec-
ground other legislative business pandemic and Congress squabbles tion cases without first consulting
to a halt as Republicans excited over approving additional economic the other justices.
by the prospect of locking in a 6-3 aid. “I can’t offer an opinion on re-
conservative court majority race to The 48-year-old appellate court cusal without short-circuiting that
confirm her over Democratic objec- judge declared her conservative entire process,” she said.

Biden on high court packing: ‘I’m not a fan’

Idea of adding seats to the nine- opposition to the idea
of expanding the Su-
the idea of adding seats
to the nine-person court
person high court has gained preme Court before, but
in recent weeks notably
has gained renewed trac-
tion among Democrats.
renewed traction among Democrats dodged multiple ques-
tions from the media
That has Biden caught
between the conflicting
after death of Justice Ginsburg about the proposal, insist- pressures of appeasing
ing he would answer the his progressive base and
BY ALEX ANDR A JAFFE want to get off on that question after the elec- appealing to more mod-
The Associated Press whole issue. I want to tion. Pressure on Biden erate and conservative
keep focused,” the Dem- to respond intensified af- voters that may be open
WA S H - ocratic presidential nom- ter his running mate, Cal- to voting for Biden but
INGTON — inee said in an interview ifornia Sen. Kamala Har- reluctant to support such
Joe Biden Monday with Cincinnati’s ris, refused to answer the sweeping structural re-
says he is WKRC. question during her de- forms to the court. Biden,
“not a fan” Biden argued that the bate with Vice President who spent years as chair-
of adding focus should remain on Mike Pence last week. man of the Senate Judicia-
seats to the President Donald Trump Harris, however, ex- ry Committee, expressed
Supreme and Republicans’ efforts pressed support for opposition to court-pack-
Court, after to push through Amy Co- court-packing during ing throughout the Dem-
weeks of avoiding ques- ney Barrett as a replace- her primary bid for pres- ocratic primary.
tions about the idea that’s ment for Justice Ruth ident, along with a num- “No, I’m not prepared
been pushed by progres- Bader Ginsburg before ber of other progressive to go on and try to pack
sives and used by Repub- the Nov. 3 election. candidates. Faced with the court, because we’ll
licans to attack him. “That’s the court-pack- the prospect of a de- live to rue that day,” he
“I’ve already spoken ing the public should be cades-long conservative warned in an interview
on — I’m not a fan of focused on,” he said. majority on the court fol- with a local Iowa political
court packing, but I don’t Biden has expressed lowing Ginsburg’s death, blogger last summer.

Supreme Court halts census in latest twist of 2020 count

Census Bureau said field operations would end Thursday At issue was a request
by the Trump adminis-
BY MIKE SCHNEIDER end the count early. They ciation of statisticians, and tration that the Supreme
The Associated Press managed to get nearly two even the U.S. Census Bu- Court suspend a lower
extra weeks of counting reau’s own census takers court’s order extending
The Supreme Court the 2020 census through
people as the case made and partners, have been
on Tuesday ruled that the the end of October follow-
its way through the courts. raising questions about
Trump administration ing delays caused by the
However, the ruling the quality of the data be-
can end census field op- pandemic. The Trump ad-
erations early, in a blow to increased the chances of ing gathered — numbers
ministration argued that
efforts to make sure mi- the Trump administration that are used to determine
the head count needed to
norities and hard-to-enu- retaining control of the how much federal funding end immediately to give
merate communities are process that decides how and how many congres- the bureau time to meet
properly counted in the many congressional seats sional seats are allotted to a year-end deadline. Con-
crucial once-a-decade tal- each state gets — and by states. gress requires the bureau
ly. extension how much vot- After the Supreme to turn in by Dec. 31 the
The decision was not a ing power each state has. Court’s decision, the figures used to decide the
total loss for plaintiffs in a The Supreme Court Census Bureau said field states’ congressional seats
lawsuit challenging the ad- justices’ ruling came as operations would end on — a process known as ap-
ministration’s decision to the nation’s largest asso- Thursday. portionment.

Agent: Michigan, Virginia governors mentioned in kidnap plot

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS during a federal court ings on two defendants. anti-government groups
hearing in Grand Rap- Another was ordered re- from “four or five states.”
GRAND RAPIDS, ids, where agent Richard turned to Michigan from A criminal complaint said
Mich. — Members of an- Trask revealed new de- Delaware. at least two of the defen-
ti-government paramil- tails about investigators’ “They discussed pos- dants were among them.
itary groups implicated use of confidential infor- sible targets, taking a sit- It wasn’t immediately
in an alleged plot to kid- mants, undercover agents ting governor, specifically clear if talk of targeting
nap Michigan’s governor and encrypted communi- issues with the governor Virginia’s Democratic
ahead of the November cation to thwart the pur- of Michigan and Virginia governor, Ralph Northam,
election because of her ported scheme to abduct based on the lockdown continued beyond the
measures to slow the coro- Democratic Gov. Gretch- orders” they had issued meeting. Nothing from
navirus also discussed ab- en Whitmer. to deal with the pandem- the complaint or Trask’s
ducting Virginia’s gover- A judge ordered three ic, Trask said, referring testimony indicated that
nor, an FBI agent testified of six men charged in the to a June 6 meeting in anyone had been charged
Tuesday. case held without bond Dublin, Ohio, attended with plotting against
The disclosure came until trial, delaying rul- by roughly 15 members of Northam.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 3A

SHS principal proposes changing grade configuration,

other restructures to curb low graduation rate
Increasing numbers of students the grades to put more
focus on daily work in the
istrators offered parents
the option of having their
to have to restructure
classrooms to enforce so-
but some people have
unrealistic expectations
opting to return to classrooms; classroom will motivate
students to put in continu-
students learn virtually,
sending their students
cial distancing.
Peasant said admin-
due to the fact that either
they teach online at the
SOCSD receives 4,200 Chromebooks ous effort. Right now, be-
cause the district allows
to school for tradition- istrators will continue to university or they’ve tak-
al in-person learning monitor the situation and en an online class,” he
for distance learning students the opportunity or, in the case of middle make sure students are said. “We’ve thrust these
to retake tests when they school students and older, all staying safe. teachers into a situation
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN suggestion to complete- perform poorly, some of having a hybrid system He and his staff also that they didn’t sign up ly restructure the school them rely on those re- where the students could hope virtual learning will for. I do my best and try
grading system in a plan takes. attend school a certain become easier for stu- to be as kind to these
The prin- to improve course perfor- “That’s one challenge number of days and do dents and teachers in the parents as I can, but I’m
cipals for mance, Savage said. we’re having with stu- virtual learning the rest coming weeks because catching one side.”
Starkville Currently, 50 percent de nt s ,” of the week. on Tuesday, the district Peasant said he has
High and of SHS students’ grades Forbes said. However, difficulties received a shipment of already asked teachers
A r mst rong are based on tests, while “They know with everything from 4,200 Chromebooks paid to submit their feedback
Junior High 30 percent is based on dai- they have student participation to for by part of the district’s to him, which he will pro-
schools ly grades and 20 percent the retest. internet connectivity and CARES (Coronavirus vide the board at a future
is based on nine-week They know device issues resulted in Aid, Relief, and Economic meeting, and he will also
p r o p o s e d Savage
exam grades — a system they have the district ditching the Security) Act money. invite some teachers to
restructuring plans at
which Savage said is “be- the second hybrid structure by Oct. Leanne Long, the speak to the board.
the Starkville-Oktibbe-
hind the times” and which chance. … Forbes 5, and Peasant said “every district’s director of in- “Everything that
ha Consolidated School
other school districts are We want the Monday” more and more structional technology you’ve said was correct,”
District board meeting
moving away from. students to understand, students are coming back and distance learning, he said. “Teachers are not
Tuesday night, after SHS
He proposed making ‘OK, the first time we to classrooms for in-per- said the district will cre- sitting back and trying to
Principal Howard Savage
daily grades worth 50 per- need to be prepared.’” son traditional learning. ate and distribute an in- figure out what they can
reported the district’s
cent of a student’s overall He pointed out motivat- Currently, Peasant told structional video to help do for kids to fail. They’re
graduation rate fell below
grade, while tests and ing students to put in that The Dispatch, about 70 parents and students set
85 percent in 2019. working their tails off. ...
nine-week exams would work in the classroom dai- percent of the district’s up and use the Chrome-
“Starkville High They’re having to learn a
each be worth 25 percent. ly will also help teachers elementary school stu- books next week, though
School for the first time whole new skill set in or-
had under 85 percent “What’s going on in identify students who are dents and 55 to 60 per- she did not give a timeline der to do this and contin-
graduation rate,” Savage the daily operation of the actually struggling to un- cent of older students are for distributing the actual ue to do what they already
said. “Based on the state school, students must un- derstand material. commuting to and from Chromebooks.
have been trained to do.”
requirement, we had to derstand that what they do “Students are smart,” campus for traditional She also said the
come up with a restruc- each day in the classroom Savage said. “Very smart. learning. district will use about
turing plan on how (we is vital and is important,” Smarter than us, to be “They’ve both in- $450,000 in CARES Act
are) going to rectify this.” he said. “... Nine-weeks honest. So if I’m a student creased probably by about funds to expand Wi-Fi
His proposal included exam is going to be indic- and I know that my test 10 percent access throughout the
looking at four areas to ative of how well that stu- grade is worth 50 percent, (since the district to allow internet
reform: behavior, course dent pretty much did as it and I know I can reteach b e g i n - access in parking lots,
performance, attendance relates to that nine weeks, and retest, why would I ning of at sporting facilities and
and the school’s pro- but letting students know put forth maximum ef- the year),” even maintenance facili-
grams for students with that you have to come to fort? I won’t have to.” Peasant ties.
disabilities. school every day — work At the same time, he said. Board member Wes-
For the latter two, he in the classrooms — is said, the new grading Peasa nt ley Gordon requested the
said administrators plan the most important thing configuration would help and board Peasant board hear from teachers
to enforce correct docu- that is going to help us, in alleviate the pressure on members who are having to teach
mentation on attendance my opinion, curb some of students who have testing agreed district admin- virtually at a future board
records and individu- our course performance anxiety. istrators are being “ex- meeting, since currently
alized education plans issues.” “I really feel like that tremely accommodating” the board has heard most-
(I.E.P.s) for students with Armstrong Princi- would be a game-chang- to parents who found vir- ly from parents about how
disabilities. Savage also pal Ra’Mon Forbes, who er for our students and tual learning more diffi- virtual learning is going.
outlined a plan to correct presented his own sim- teachers,” he said. cult than they anticipated, “It seems to me we’re
poor student behavior, ilar restructuring plan since initially the district doing the best we can,
which included identify- since he said the junior COVID-19 updates had said elementary stu-
ing 65 students with mul- high school “feeds into” During Tuesday’s dents could not switch
tiple behavior infractions the high school, said his meeting, Superintendent learning options until af-
and having them work school would follow what- Eddie Peasant also ad- ter the first nine weeks
with counselors and ad- ever the high school did dressed ongoing issues and older students not un-
ministrators to address in terms of grading con- raised by the COVID-19 til the second semester.
what’s causing those be- figurations. pandemic. The increasing number of
havioral problems. Both Savage and At the beginning of the in-person students is also
But the “biggie” was a Forbes said changing semester, district admin- causing faculty and staff

West Point
Continued from Page 1A
their teams. Tuesday’s board meet- from the virus, he said. involve minors and fire-
It also would have ing, but Turner — while “Sports are my job, but arms.
offered access to play- opposing McBrayer’s I also realize we are in un- Over the weekend,
ground equipment at Kid motion — said voting charted waters,” McDan- West Point police report-
Town Park, where Lisa for even a partial parks iel said. “There’s no play- ed four shootings into
Klutts, director for the reopening would “disre- book for this. The parks dwellings, including one
West Point-Clay Coun- gard” committee input. committee has taken a where someone was in-
ty Growth Alliance, had To that, Binder offered ‘safety first’ approach, jured.
agreed to monitor how a substitute motion to ta- and it’s hard to argue with Cook indicated essen-
many people were allowed ble the matter until Poole that. At the same time any tial travel would be ex-
in at any given time. could be part of the pub- parks director wants to empt from the curfew, for
“If things are going lic discussion. Though see people be able to en- which the timeframe is
well, we can add to it,” Mc- Ward 5’s Jasper Pittman joy the parks. identical to a countywide
Brayer said of the reopen- had seconded McBrayer’s “I would just urge the curfew already in place as
ing plan during the meet- original motion, he ulti- public to be patient and part of COVID-19 restric-
ing. “If it’s not going well, mately cast the deciding hang in there,” he add- tions.
we can take away from it.” vote to table it. ed. “We’re going to get
Ward 2 Selectman Wil- McDaniel told The through this.”
liam Binder disagreed, Dispatch he understands Other Golden Triangle
citing a rising number of both sides of the argu- cities, including Colum-
COVID-19 cases in Clay ment and would continue bus and Starkville, have
County. As of 6 p.m. Tues- to respect the commit- reopened their parks but
day, the Mississippi State tee’s and full board’s de- require citizens to follow
Department of Health cisions.
certain safety protocols,
website reports 642 total Since closing in
such as social distancing
confirmed cases in the March, McDaniel said, all
and wearing masks while
county since March and gated access to the parks
20 deaths. has been shut, and his
“I think on the side of staff even has removed
safety ... we should leave the rims and nets from Citywide curfew
them closed,” Binder said. basketball goals. In other business, the
His view coincides with Citizens are calling his board approved a mid-
the continuing recom- office asking when the night-5 a.m. citywide cur-
mendation of the two-per- parks will reopen, he said. few for at least the next 30
son Parks and Recreation And while he personally days.
committee, made up of wants to see the parks Police Chief Avery
Ward 1 Selectman Leta buzzing again, McDaniel Cook recommended the
Turner and Ward 3 Select- has also been personally curfew due to a recent
man Ken Poole. impacted by COVID-19. rash of violent crimes,
Poole did not attend His father-in-law died many of which he said


reported. The life-size bronze sculpture SOLUNAR TABLE
Southern Miss unveils statue is located on Weathersby Lawn in the
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thurs.
honoring Oseola McCarty heart of campus and was created by art-

HAT TIESBURG — The University of Major 11:08a 11:59a
ist Ben Watts of Columbia, Mississippi. 6:41p
Southern Mississippi on Friday unveiled Minor 6:07p
It was commissioned by the USM Foun-
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
a new statue honoring Oseola McCarty.
dation Board of Directors as a gift to the

The Dispatch
McCarty worked for 75 years as a
washerwoman and donated the majority university and installed on Tuesday.
of her life savings to the university after More than 100 students have bene-
her death in 1999 at the age of 91. fited from the Oseola McCarty Scholar- The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
ship Endowment. I n conjunction with Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
The unveiling of the statue on the Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Hattiesburg campus coincided with the the statue dedication and celebration, Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
25th anniversary of McCarty designat- a fundraising initiative is underway to The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
ing Southern Miss as the beneficiary of bring the endowment to $1 million, the Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
the $150,000 planned gift, WDAM-TV university said.
4A WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Retiree checks to rise 1.3 percent in 2021 amid virus fallout

Social Security Administration: Cost-of-living and Democrat Joe Biden.
“It’s very difficult to talk
rus’s health and economic con-
sequences,” said AARP CEO Jo
Trump among older voters, or
increase amounts to an estimated $20 a about anything policy-wise,” said
Mary Johnson, an analyst with
Ann Jenkins.
But Diana LaCroix, of Oma-
Trump has kept his promise
not to cut Social Security ben-
month for the average retired worker the nonpartisan Senior Citizens ha, Nebraska, says her COLA efits, but this summer he sent
League. “We are looking at a doesn’t cushion rising health confusing signals with a plan to
BY RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR percent cost-of-living adjust- period where there are growing care costs most years. And she temporarily suspend collection
AND ANDREW TAYLOR ment, or COLA. inadequacies in Social Security has new responsibilities. Her of certain taxes that fund the pro-
The Associated Press The COLA affects the person- benefits, particularly for people youngest daughter and two gram. While the White House
al finances of about 1 in 5 Amer- with lower-to-middle benefits.” grandsons moved in with her staff said it was a limited measure
WASHINGTON — Social Se- icans, including Social Security With the just-announced this summer after the daugh- that would have no lasting impact,
curity recipients will get a mod- recipients, disabled veterans and COLA, the estimated average ter’s landlord decided to sell the Trump kept hinting to reporters
est 1.3 percent cost-of living-in- federal retirees, some 70 million Social Security payment for a house they were renting. that he had much bigger tax cuts
crease in 2021, but that might people in all. retired worker will be $1,543 a LaCroix, retired from cus- in mind. Early in the year, he told
be small comfort amid worries The economic fallout from the month next year. A typical cou- tomer service jobs, is now buy- an interviewer he wanted to tack-
about the coronavirus and its virus has reduced tax collections ple’s benefits would increase $33 ing diapers some days as she le “entitlements,” or benefit pro-
consequences for older people. for Social Security and Medi- to $2,596 per month. scrounges for good deals on grams, in a second term.
The increase amounts to $20 care, likely worsening their long- “The guaranteed benefits hand sanitizer. “Something’s got Biden has a Social Securi-
a month for the average retired term financial condition. But provided by Social Security and to give,” she said. “Something’s ty plan that would revamp the
worker, according to estimates there’s been no real discussion the COLA increase are more got to change.” COLA and peg it to an inflation
released Tuesday by the Social of either program in the person- crucial than ever as millions of People 65 and older went for index that more closely reflects
Security Administration. That’s ally charged election contest be- Americans continue to face the Trump in 2016, but this election changes in costs for older people,
a little less than this year’s 1.6 tween President Donald Trump one-two punch of the coronavi- some polls show Biden even with particularly health care.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH through Friday editions. Paid Funeral of Aliceville is She was formerly em- Mrs. McDaniel was
OBITUARY POLICY notices must be finalized by 3 in charge of arrange- ployed as a homemaker. born July 20, 1965,
Obituaries with basic informa- p.m. for inclusion the next day
ments. In addition to her in Chicago, Illinois,
tion including visitation and Monday through Thursday; and
service times, are provided on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday
parents, she is survived to Richard and Joyce
free of charge. Extended obit- and Monday publication. For Shaquita Franks by her husband, Jus- Hyland.
uaries with a photograph, de- more information, call 662- WEST POINT — tin Franks; daughter, In addition to her
tailed biographical information 328-2471. Shaquita Guido Franks, Tresure K. Shelton; mother, she is survived
and other details families may 32, died Oct. 6, 2020, at siblings, Larry Antiuan by her children, Justin
wish to include, are available
Amory Gilmore Hos- Guido, Darius Gard- Imel of Tuscaloosa, Al-
for a fee. Obituaries must be Rosie Bryant pital. ner, Deionta Ivory, abama, Chelsea Pickle
submitted through funeral ALICEVILLE, Ala. DeWayne Koonce and of Hamilton and Adam
homes unless the deceased’s Graveside services
— Rosie Bryant, 65, Hilda Bell Koonce. McDaniel of Fulton; sib-
body has been donated to will be at 11 a.m. Thurs-
science. If the deceased’s
died Oct. 10, 2020, at
day, in Sykes Cemetery, lings, Michael Hyland Eleanor King
her residence. Graveside Services:
body was donated to science,
A home going
with Norman Jamison Michelle McDaniel of Hamilton and Steven Sunday, Oct. 18 • 2 PM
the family must provide official officiating. Visitation FULTON — Mi- Neilsen of Tupelo; and Mt. Zion Cemetery
proof of death. Please submit celebration will be at will be from 10:30-11 chelle Hyland McDan- five grandchildren. 2nd Ave N. Location
all obituaries on the form 11 a.m. Friday, at Mt. a.m. prior to services iel, 55, died Oct. 8, She was preceded in
provided by The Commercial
Tabor Baptist Church Thursday, at Carter’s 2020, in Tupelo. death by her husband,
Dispatch. Free notices must
be submitted to the newspa-
in Panola, Alabama. Mortuary Services. A family graveside Steven McDaniel.
per no later than 3 p.m. the Burial will follow in the Carter’s Mortuary service is at 10 a.m.
day prior for publication Tues- church cemetery. Visi- Services of West Point today, in Center Hill
day through Friday; no later tation will be from 2-5 is in charge of arrange- Baptist Church Cem-
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the p.m. Thursday, in the ments. etery of Hamilton. After-school fun:
Sunday edition; and no later
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday
James and Lola Laven- Mrs. Franks was Tisdale-Lann Memo- Boys and Girls Club
edition. Incomplete notices der Memorial Chapel born Feb. 17, 1988, in rial Funeral Home of 244-7090
must be received no later than of Lavender’s Funeral Tupelo, to Larry Gath- Aberdeen is in charge
7:30 a.m. for the Monday Service. Lavender’s ings and Sylvia Koonce. of arrangements.

First lady unseen as Trump

restarts campaign after COVID-19
Mrs. Trump was last seen Sept. 29 ill or have a family mem-
ber impacted by the vi-
ferred questions to the
White House.
accompanying the president to his rus,” she said.
Mrs. Trump was last
A possible upside for
the White House in the
debate with Democratic presidential seen Sept. 29 accompa- positive test results is that
nying the president to they overshadowed the
candidate Joe Biden in Cleveland Cleveland for his nation- release of audio record-
ally televised debate with ings by Stephanie Win-
BY DARLENE SUPERVILLE in the campaign’s final Democratic presidential ston Wolkoff, a former
The Associated Press weeks remains an open candidate Joe Biden. confidante and adviser
question as Trump em- Before that trip, she to the first lady, in which
WASHINGTON — barks on a schedule of attended a Sept. 26 gath- Mrs. Trump was heard
President Donald Trump daily rallies through the ering in the White House complaining about having
and his wife received Nov. 3 election. Rose Garden that is now to decorate the mansion
their positive COVID-19 “My family is grate- believed to have been a for Christmas. She also
tests on the same day. ful for all of the prayers “super spreader” event was heard downplaying
He’s already returned to & support! I am feeling for the virus. The presi- the conditions in which
campaigning, but there’s good & will continue to dent introduced Supreme migrant children were
been no public sighting rest at home,” the first Court nominee Judge housed in U.S. detention
yet of the first lady. lady tweeted Oct. 5, three Amy Coney Barrett to centers after the admin-
Melania Trump last days after the president scores of guests who sat istration separated them
provided a health update announced they both had close together, many with- from their families at the
over a week ago after the disease caused by the out face coverings. Sever- Mexico border.

Norma Jordan
saying her symptoms coronavirus and that they al guests later tested posi- Wolkoff detailed her
were mild, and the White would quarantine. tive for COVID-19. falling out with Mrs.
House has not indicated “Thank you to medical The first lady’s office Trump in a new book
when she will make her staff & caretakers every- provided no update Tues- the White House has
next public appearance. where, & my continued day on her condition. The dismissed as full of “mis- Norma Jean Jordan, 73, of
What role she will play prayers for those who are president’s campaign re- truths and paranoia.” Columbus, MS passed away
on Sunday, October 11, 2020,
at Baptist Memorial Hospital -
Golden Triangle.
Mrs. Jordan was born on
December 9, 1946, in Moss
AP-NORC poll: New angst for caregivers in time of COVID-19 Point, MS to the late Lily Hurley
and Willie B. Hightower Jr. Mrs.
Jordan enjoyed spending time
1 in 20 caregivers has provided care rector for a museum.
What didn’t feel quite
in 20 caregivers has pro-
vided care to someone
with her family, decorating her
home, cooking, and gardening. She was baptized
to someone infected with COVID-19 right is that they couldn’t
accompany his mother-in-
infected with COVID-19.
When unpacked, that as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses on April 15, 1969,
BY EMILY SWANSON Affairs Research poll law to cancer treatments number reveals some so- and she remained steadfast in her faith. In
AND RICARDO ALONSO- finds that 17 percent of because of coronavirus cial disparities. While 11 addition to her parents, she is preceded in death
Americans say they are protocols. “A lot of things percent of nonwhite care- by her granddaughter, Tiffany Young.
The Associated Press
providing ongoing care- were lost in translation,” givers say they’ve cared Mrs. Jordan will forever remain in the hearts
giving, part of an informal said Reese. “One of us has for someone who got in- of her family. She is survived by her husband of
WASHINGTON — to stay in the car. That’s fected, just 2 percent of 57 years, Robert Wesley Jordan of Columbus,
The coronavirus pan- volunteer corps. About
1 in 10 caregivers has still going on to this day.” white caregivers have. MS. She is also survived by her three daughters,
demic has thrust many Among those who Part of an ongoing series, Penny Johnson (Ellis) of Gilbert, AZ, Paula Young
Americans into the role begun since the virus
outbreak, and about half already were providing the survey was funded by (Steve) of Tupelo, MS and Julie Schmidli (Joe)
of caring for an older or care, 36 percent say their The SCAN Foundation, of Columbus, MS; grandchildren, Ashley Young,
disabled loved one for the of those say they are pro-
responsibilities have in- a nonprofit focused on Kelsie Perry, Derek Young, Kori Hale, Keaton
first time, a new poll finds. viding care specifically
creased. Added responsi- quality-of-life issues for Johnson, Lexi Schmidli and Logan Schmidli;
And caregivers on the because of the pandemic.
bilities are more keenly elders. great-grandchildren, Hudson Hale and Lennon
whole say they’re encoun- For Chad Reese, of felt by caregivers who’ve The fear of unwittingly
Canton, Ohio, caregiving Perry. She is also survived by her brothers and
tering unexpected risks lost jobs or income in passing on the virus has
has coincided with the sisters, Jimmy, Edward, Dennis, Nolan, Melanie
and demands as a result of the pandemic. Forty-two become a major preoccu-
pandemic. His mother- and Jo Dawn; as well as many other extended
the virus, requiring great- percent of those under pation for caregivers. In
in-law moved in with his family members.
er time and effort. Still, financial strain said their the poll, 44 percent were
they’re more worried family shortly before the Mrs. Jordan was deeply loved by her family
caregiving responsibili- extremely or very con-
about the relatives and outbreak as she was be- and friends and will be greatly missed.
ties increased, compared cerned about risks to the
friends they are helping ing treated for advanced with 25 percent of those person they care for, ver-
than about themselves. breast cancer. “It was a who are holding their own sus 28 percent who said Compliments of
The Associated Press- natural thing for us to do,” economically. the same about their own Lowndes Funeral Home
NORC Center for Public said Reese, technology di- The poll finds that 1 risks.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 5A

When school is home and home

is school, which rules prevail?
On social media, parents and teachers have mocked the notion that there’s a limited
expectation of privacy when you’re
rules about wearing shoes, keeping pets out of view at school, and certainly the expec-
tation of privacy in your own home
or banning food and drink during virtual lessons is much more expansive,” says Mi-
randa Johnson, director of the Ed-
BY K ATHLEEN FOODY can a teacher respond when a stu- ucation Law and Policy Institute at
The Associated Press dent says or does something that Loyola University.
the instructor deems rude, offen- “I think, under the circumstanc-
CHICAGO — Toys that look like
sive or threatening? es, we have to be really mindful
weapons. Barefoot students. Dis-
Weeks into the fall semester, a of the ways in which discipline is
ruptive imagery in the background.
growing number of school officials extending into the home environ-
Pets roaming the room. All a clear
are navigating those grey areas. ment,” she says.
violation of rules inside most Amer-
In Colorado, Maryland and Penn- She recommends that school
ican classrooms. But that was when
most American students were actu- sylvania, school administrators leaders evaluate whether a stu-
ally inside schools. asked police to investigate separate dent’s action disrupts learning —
How do standards like these incidents of toy guns, BB guns and and if it does, look for a way to ad-
translate when everyone is logging a suspected rifle visible on video dress it one on one.
on from home? Schools are strug- feeds from students’ homes. The “The ultimate goal should be to
gling to figure it out this fall — yet actions raised complaints that they avoid punitive or exclusionary con-
another adaptation demanded of had overreacted to something that sequences, because students have
educators during the coronavirus didn’t threaten either those stu- already had their education disrupt-
pandemic. dents or their classmates. ed in so many different ways,” John-
In the learn-from-home world, There’s more. A Florida school son says.
teachers and experts can easily district promised an investigation It’s not easy when the lines are so
imagine the friction of extending of an apparent high school student blurred. Standards that were never
regular classroom discipline into shouting racial slurs over a virtual in doubt inside school classrooms
young people’s previously private class session. A Texas teacher was have prompted pushback in some
spaces. put on leave after parents noticed communities. On social media, par-
Can students have posters vis- her virtual classroom is decorat- ents and teachers have mocked lists
ible in the background backing ed with (virtual) posters backing of rules about wearing shoes, keep-
social or political movements that LGBTQ rights and the Black Lives ing pets out of view or banning food
others disagree with or find racist? Matter movement. and drink during virtual lessons. It
Can they wear clothes at home that “So many of our legal standards is, they say, school going too far and
are banned from classrooms? How for speech at school are based on reaching into private spaces.

Landlords getting squeezed between tenants, lenders

BY ANNE D’INNOCENZIO ments. They can’t expect Property Group, is in talks lenders and tenants.
AP Retail Writer landlords to provide subsi- to buy J.C. Penney, a move Residential landlords
dized housing.” that would prevent the de- are also fighting back
NEW YORK — When The stakes are partic- partment store chain from against a Trump adminis-
it comes to sympathetic ularly high for small land- going under and causing tration eviction moratori-
figures, landlords aren’t lords, whether they own Simon to lose one of its um that protects certain
exactly at the top of the tenants through the end
commercial properties, biggest tenants. At the
list. But they, too, have fall- of 2020. At least 26 law-
such as storefronts, or res- same time, Simon is suing
en on hard times, demon- suits have been filed by
idential properties such as the Gap for $107 million in
strating how the coro- property owners around
apartments. Many are bor- back rent.
navirus outbreak spares
rowing money from rela- Michael Hamilton, a the country in places such
almost no one.
tives or dipping into their Los Angeles-based real es- as Tennessee, Georgia
Take Shad Elia, who
personal savings to meet tate partner at the law firm and Ohio, many of them
owns 24 single-family
their mortgage payments. O’Melveny & Myers, said claiming the moratorium
apartment units in the
The big residential and he expects to see more re- unfairly strains landlords’
Boston area. He says gov-
commercial landlords tail and other commercial finances and violates their
ernment stimulus bene-
have more options. For landlords going to court to rights.
fits allowed his hard-hit
tenants to continue to pay instance, the nation’s big- collect back rent as they
the rent. But now that the gest mall owner, Simon get squeezed between
aid has expired, with Con-
gress unlikely to pass a
new package before Elec-
tion Day, they are falling
Heading into a New En-
gland winter, Elia is wor-
ried about such expenses
as heat and snowplowing
in addition to the regular
year-round costs, like fix-
ing appliances and leaky
Elia wonders how much
longer his lenders will cut
him slack.
“We still have a mort-
gage. We still have expens-
es on these properties,” he
said. “But there comes a
point where we will ex-
haust whatever reserves
we have. At some point, we
will fall behind on our pay-

NASA moon-landing
tech hitches ride to
space on Bezos rocket
AP Aerospace Writer

Fla. — Jeff Bezos’ Blue
Origin space company
launched a New Shepard
rocket for a seventh time
from a remote corner of
Texas on Tuesday, test-
ing new lunar-landing
technology for NASA that
could help put astronauts
back on the moon.
The entire flight —
barely skimming space
with a peak altitude of
66 miles — lasted just
10 minutes. The booster
landed vertically back at
the launch complex after
liftoff, and the capsule fol-
lowed, parachuting onto
the desert floor.
The capsule carried
science experiments, in-
cluding 1.2 million tomato
seeds that will be distrib-
uted to schoolchildren
around the U.S. and Can-
ada, and tens of thousands
of children’s postcards
with space-themed draw-
ings that will be returned
to the young senders.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Compared to national elections, local elections are refreshing
n an era where state and national 37 House of Representatives, replacing ceived flaws of their competitors. That office for the first time. Only Wright,
elections seem more toxic with ev- Gary Chism, who also retired earlier seems to us a far more healthy approach who was twice elected as school super-
ery passing cycle, the election cycle this year. to what is, after all, a job interview. intendent, had ever held elected office.
that ended Tuesday was indeed a breath Williams defeated Joyce Yates of Eu- In private business, an employer While Williams proved to be the
of fresh air. pora in the runoff while Wright turned would be horrified if a job candidate only “newcomer” elected Tuesday, we
Starkville businessman Bart Wil- back fellow Lowndes County resident were to spend his time during a job in- applaud the other five candidates who
liams and Lynn Wright, a retired educa- David Chism. terview running down other candidates. ran for these offices. With municipal
tor from Lowndes County were chosen Those four candidates emerged from The employer would expect the candi- elections approaching next year, we look
to join the Mississippi Legislature the Sept. 22 election to earn their spots date to make his or her case for the job forward to seeing a diverse, energetic
during special election runoffs Tuesday in the runoff. and focus on what they could do to make slate of candidates for those elections as
evening. Throughout the long campaign, there the company better. well.
Williams will represent District was little trace of the acrimony that so We are happy the candidates in these We congratulate Williams and
15 in the Senate, filing the unexpired often accompanies state and national races took the latter approach. Wright on their success and thank all
term of Gary Jackson, who retired at elections. All of the original seven can- We were also pleased with another of the other candidates, who may have
the end of the 2020 legislative session didates in the two races focused on what aspect of Tuesday’s election. Three of fallen short of their goal, but added their
while Wright will serve as the District they have to offer rather than any per- the four runoff candidates were seeking voices and ideas to the process.


Whitmer plot
and cultural
hite people
often do not
white people.
Granted, that’s a
counterintuitive claim.
But it is regularly
reinforced whenever
one hears decent white
Americans attempt to
rationalize the mis-
behavior of their less
decent kin. Leonard Pitts
One such effort
turned up on social me-
dia a few days ago. Walker Bragman, a freelance
journalist for, among others, The Huffington Post,
sought to explain why “far right and white nation-
alist groups” turn to violence. He tweeted what he
said were images of the home of Joseph Morrison,
one of the men recently arrested for plotting to
kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
The photos show a ramshackle yard strewn
with junk. There are two trucks, both of which
appear driveable, though one has damage to a
side panel. Two flags droop from poles. One is the
Stars and Bars.
“Can we acknowledge that maybe economic
circumstances play a role in radicalizing people?”
asks Bragman. In the face of skyrocketing job THE PRESIDENT
loss, he argues, “of course we’re going to see
violence.” Bragman notes that, when asked about
“violence in inner cities,” people “correctly point
to economic conditions as a driving factor. But
The world’s brokest billionaire
when it comes to militancy in rural America, they eated at the Trump vodka, Trump secretly taking orders from Raul
refuse to entertain a similar explanation.” breakfast table, airlines, the Trump Castro.
Interestingly, he never mentions the Con- scanning The Taj Mahal, Trump But there are other voters for
federate flag. Not that that’s the only flaw in his New York Times story magazine, Trump the whom the image of Trump as
argument. Bragman is correct when he says that on Trump’s taxes, I board game, Trump successful was key to his appeal.
violence in the inner city — code for violence said to my husband, mortgage, Trump A 2019 survey found that 54%
among people of color — is usually linked to pov- “We have a greater University, and on of Americans believed Donald
erty. Folks with secure financial prospects — for net worth than Donald and on. Did he have Trump had been a business
that matter, folks with college educations — are Trump.” He knitted his successes? Sure, his success. Other polls conducted
not usually found in street corner shootouts. brow. books hawking his between 2016 and 2018 found that
But here is where Bragman’s logic turns I was thinking of pretend business skills many Americans were unaware
as ramshackle as Morrison’s yard: Inner-city a story that Ivanka were bestsellers. The that Trump was not self-made.
violence — the violence of having too little, living Trump shared a while Mona Charen Miss Universe pageant Beyond admiration for what
too close, enduring too much — almost always back: in Moscow earned him they mistakenly thought was busi-
stems from arguments, drug-trade disputes and “I remember once a couple million. Some ness acumen, many were taken
small-time street crime. But when have you ever my father and I were walking of his real estate investments with the idea that because Trump
seen an inner-city gang conspire to overthrow down Fifth Avenue and there was continue to throw off income. But was so rich, he was incorrupt-
a government? Would news media dignify that a homeless person sitting right it’s significant that his most sound ible. “He has so much money but
terror cell as it has dignified this one, by calling it outside of Trump Tower and I investments are in properties he’s waking up every morning to
a “militia”? remember my father pointing to owned and managed by others. campaign. He deeply cares about
Would anyone tie the crime to economic anxi- him and saying, ‘You know, that But surely a titan with his America,” one voter told the BBC.
ety? guy has $8 billion more than me,’ assets shouldn’t have any trouble Now what? If Trump is reelect-
The answers, in order: Never, no and no. because he was in such extreme paying off those loans, right? The ed, he will face a reckoning on a
Urban violence is often a violence of survival, debt at that point, you know?” Times stories haven’t shed light on mountain of debt. Not only is he
often a violence of tragic idiocy. But what Morri- In 2020, despite the dazzling his net worth. He may have prop- not too rich to be bought, he may
son is accused of is a violence of cultural entitle- success of “The Apprentice,” in erties he can sell. But it appears well be too poor to turn anyone
ment, of the perceived loss of power and rank. It which NBC was able to portray the that most of his assets are golf away. Doubtless, there would be
is a violence of, Who is she to tell me to wear a failing and flailing trust fund boy courses and resorts that are being sovereign wealth funds from plac-
mask? A violence of, It’s getting so a white man as a business genius, Trump again hammered by the coronavirus. es like Qatar and oligarchs from
has no rights at all anymore. A violence of, Make seems to be worth less than the Mar-a-Lago, Doral, Turnberry, the precincts like Russia and China
America great again. homeless guy on the street. Trump International Hotel in D.C., who would be ready, in exchange
One of the things white people tend not to un- The New York Times report- and others have lost vastly more for favorable U.S. policies, to help
derstand about white people is how deep that re- ing suggests that Donald Trump money than they have generat- Trump retire that debt. Because
sentment, that fear of demotion, go. Granted, the owes something like $400 million ed over the past decade — even Trump has been so dishonest and
white poor have always been the ground troops of to creditors. Much of that debt before the virus struck. That’s so opaque about his business deal-
that bitterness, the ones who threw the punches is coming due in the next four why he has paid no income taxes ings, the American people might
and planted the bombs. But poverty did not cause years. Pause on the irony: Only in forever. never know what was exchanged.
the bitterness or the violence. Rather, they stem by pretending to be a successful Will it matter? Hard to say. I Trump speaks to Putin frequently
from a conviction that, by dint of color or culture, business tycoon on TV did Trump venture to say that this is not like and permits no notes.
one deserves the final and decisive word. actually achieve business suc- the Stormy Daniels payoff. With a No person with even a fraction
Bragman’s willingness to advance a flimsy cess — to the tune of $427 million few exceptions, the Christians who of Trump’s indebtedness would be
rationalization that steers away from that conclu- (including licensing deals). Yet, supported Trump weren’t misled granted a security clearance in the
sion is unfortunate but not surprising. In Ameri- even with a windfall like that, he into thinking he was a good or U.S. government.
ca, we are taught to reflexively conflate whiteness managed to lose it and is facing a even a minimally decent man. He There are voters out there who
with innocence, primed to believe that if a Joseph serious financial crisis in the near delivered the judges and policies voted for Trump once but are not
Morrison did what is alleged, there must be a future. And pause for a minute on they liked, and no revelation about now and never were part of the
sympathetic reason. this coincidence: $400 million (in his character will alter the con- Trump cult. Because they gave
That conflation embodies a luxury people of today’s dollars) is almost exactly tours of that bargain. their support provisionally, they
color have never enjoyed — and white people of the amount he is said to have in- Build-the-wall fanatics will not have no emotional investment in
conscience must learn to reject. Those pictures herited from his father. Trump al- be swayed either — even though proving that they were right and
make the case for a clean-up crew. They make the ways characterized this as a “small they didn’t collect on their side of the Trump critics were wrong.
case for a body shop. But the idea that Morrison loan of a million dollars.” Had he the deal. How many are there? We are about
deserves pity because his yard’s a mess? merely invested that fortune in People whose driving motive to find out. Even a small percent-
Sorry, but that case cannot be made. a stock index fund, he would be is fear and loathing of the left age could make all the difference.
Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004 Pulitzer worth upward of $30 billion today. will not stumble over this news Mona Charen is a Senior Fellow
Prize for commentary, is a columnist for the Miami Instead, he invested in a series either, even if they have to con- at the Ethics and Public Policy
Herald. Email him at of flamboyant flops: Trump steaks, vince themselves that Joe Biden is Center.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 7A

Fighting in swing states, Trump

also forced to play defense
President visited Pennsylvania Tuesday, arguably to kiss audience members to prove
his immunity.
the most important state on the electoral map, Trump made a local pitch, ham-
mering home the false claim that
unleashing attacks on Biden’s fitness for office a Biden administration would limit
fracking in areas where the econo-
BY JONATHAN LEMIRE, WILL Biden went to Florida to court my is heavily dependent on energy.
WEISSERT, KEVIN FREKING older voters, looking to deliver a Biden’s proposal would only bar
AND BILL BARROW knockout blow in a state Trump new leases on federal land, a frac-
The Associated Press tion of U.S. fracking operations.
needs to win while trying to woo a
group whose support for the presi- Touting his elimination of a federal
WA S H I N G T O N rule that would have brought more
— President Don- dent has slipped. And Trump visit-
ed Pennsylvania, arguably the most low-income housing to the suburbs,
ald Trump is being Trump zeroed in on groups whose
forced to play Elec- important state on the electoral
map, unleashing fierce attacks on support he has struggled to retain,
toral College defense including female voters turned off
with a trip to Iowa, a Biden’s fitness for office in his op-
ponent’s backyard. by his rhetoric.
state he won handi- “So I ask you to do me a favor.
ly in 2016 but where “He’s shot, folks. I hate to tell
Trump you, he’s shot,” Trump told a big ral- Suburban women: Will you please
Democrat Joe Biden like me? Please. Please. I saved
is making a late push. ly crowd in Johnstown, saying there
your damn neighborhood, OK?”
Trump’s heavy travel this week, was extra pressure on him to win
Trump said. “The other thing: I
including his rally Wednesday in because Biden was the worst pres-
don’t have that much time to be that
Des Moines, reflects his uphill idential candidate of all time. “Can nice. You know, I can do it, but I got-
climb three weeks before the elec- you imagine if you lose to a guy like ta go quickly.”
tion. He has already visited Penn- this? It’s unbelievable.” Biden spent the day in Flori-
sylvania and Florida and will head In his second rally since con- da, his third visit to the state in a
to another battleground state he tracting the novel coronavirus, month, looking to expand his in-
likely can’t win without — North Trump spoke for more than an hour roads with older voters. To Trump,
Carolina — as well as those he once to thousands packed in tightly and “you’re expendable, you’re forgetta-
thought were in his grasp but where mostly maskless. Like the night ble, you’re virtually nobody,” Biden
recent polling shows Biden improv- before in Florida, Trump seemed said at a senior center in Pembroke
ing — Iowa and Georgia. healthy, and his rhetoric on the Pines, about 20 miles from Fort
Both candidates tailored their pandemic — including the dubious Lauderdale.
campaigning Tuesday to best mo- claim that it was mostly a thing of The “only senior Donald Trump
tivate voters who could cast poten- the past — changed little despite seems to care about” is himself,
tially decisive ballots. his own illness, except for his threat Biden added.

Report: Social media influencers push voting misinformation

‘What’s happening right now is “SHOCKING: 1,000+
mail-in ballots found in a
is working to curb elec-
tion-related misinfor-
these incidents are being framed dumpster in California,”
the post said.
mation by including a
label on posts about vot-
in misleading ways that exaggerate That tweet was wrong
and later deleted. A
ing that directs users to
state board of election
their impact on the election’ spokesperson for Trump websites, for example.
Election Integrity Partnership researcher Kate Starbird Jr. did not immediately The platform also enlists
provide on-the-record the help of fact-checking
BY AMANDA SEITZ social media accounts comment about the inac- organizations to investi-
The Associated Press are using isolated or old curate tweet. gate false or misleading
stories and photos about Ballots in Sonoma claims around voting and
CHICAGO — Social voting mishaps to cre- County hadn’t even been covers those posts if they
media influencers, par- ate widespread concern mailed out yet, and the are found to be untrue.
tisan news outlets and photo was taken in 2018 The Associated Press is
about the election sys-
even President Donald of ballots that were prop- part of that fact-checking
tem, said Kate Starbird,
Trump’s son are driv- erly disposed of after the initiative.
an associate professor of
ing the spread of online election, county officials
Human-Centered Design
misinformation swirling wrote in a Facebook post
and Engineering at the
around the U.S. vote, last month. Still, the claim
University of Washing-
casting doubt on this continues to circulate in

Have you checked the

year’s election and pre- ton who is part of the re-
some form online. The
maturely raising suspi- search group.
photo was also shared
cions about the accuracy “What’s happening
widely by conservative

of its results. right now is these inci- social media influencers,
Legitimate U.S. social dents are being framed some of whom have thou-
media accounts are shar- in misleading ways that sands of followers.
ing false claims of voter exaggerate their impact Another image of mail
fraud, misleading photos on the election,” Starbird bins and envelopes sitting
of ballots being dumped said. on the side of the road
in the trash and stoking In one example, a pho- was used in a viral meme
fears of violence at the to purporting to show shared by Facebook, Ins-
polls on Election Day, ac- stacks of ballots sitting in tagram and Twitter users
cording to new research a dumpster made its way that claimed, “They are

from the Election Integ- to social media from con- finding Trump ballots
rity Partnership, a group servative news outlets thrown away all over the
of some of the world’s top before being retweeted place.” The photo, in fact,
misinformation research- on the Twitter account was taken of abandoned
ers. of Donald Trump Jr., the mail bins in 2018.

In some cases, those president’s eldest son. Facebook has said it

Cut cable shuts down Virginia voter portal; lawsuit filed

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS department’s citizen por- lambasted state officials
REal EStatE
tal and registrar’s offices. for the technological fail-
RICHMOND, Va. — The cable was inadver- ure. The day of the dead-
An accidentally severed tently cut during a Ches- line is when many Virgin-
fiber optic cable that shut terfield County roadside ians decide to register,

down Virginia’s online utilities project, accord- particularly after being
voter registration system ing to the state’s informa- reminded on social media
for several hours Tues- tion technology agency. and in the news.
day, the last day to reg- Six hours later, the
The Lawyers’ Com-
ister before the Novem- Department of Elections

ber general election, has mittee for Civil Rights
issued a statement saying
prompted a lawsuit from a the portal was back on- Under Law filed a lawsuit
civil rights organization. line. But the fallout led to Tuesday night saying
The Virginia Depart- concerns that voters were voter registration must

ment of Elections said in being disenfranchised at be extended for 48 hours
a statement on Twitter a crucial moment. and that the state should
that a “fiber cut” affected Voting advocates said make “a significant ef-
connectivity for multiple the accident couldn’t have fort” to tell the public
agencies, including the come at a worse time and about the change.

Despite virus fears, Texas sends most voters to the polls
Report for America/Associated
Texas is one of just five as’ high stakes in Novem-
states that did not dramat- ber were front-of-mind in

Press ically expand mail-in vot- Jill Biden’s first stop, the
ing this year because of border city of El Paso,
HOUSTON — Early COVID-19. And hours be- where Abbott has de-
voting began Tuesday fore polls opened, Repub- ployed more nurses and
with long lines in Tex- lican Gov. Greg Abbott’s medical equipment as
as, one of the few places order limiting counties to cases and hospitalizations
in the U.S. not allowing one mail ballot drop-off climb. Campaigning for
widespread mail balloting box was upheld by a fed- her husband, former Vice
during the pandemic, and eral appeals court, stop- President Joe Biden, she

Jill Biden rallied support- ping dozens of shuttered was due to end her 800-
ers across the red state sites around Texas from mile swing across Texas
that Democrats are no reopening. in Houston, with a stop in
longer writing off. Both the virus and Tex- Dallas in between.
8A WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
tibbeha County: 2,092
to 1,037. This majority
withstood Yates outper-
forming him in her native
Webster County, 1,529 to
1,046, and in Montgom-
ery County, where Yates
received 232 votes and
Williams received 131.
Waiting for the Choc-
taw County results “was
an eternity,” since it took
more than an hour after
the other three counties
reported their results,
Williams said. He nar-
rowly outpaced Yates
with 798 votes to her 722
The initial four-per-
son contest for the open
Senate seat on Sept. 22
did not produce a major-
ity vote winner, but Wil-
liams and Yates qualified
for the runoff with 33.6 Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff
percent and 27.9 percent David Chism, left, concedes to Lynn Wright in the House District 37 race outside the
of the vote, respectively. Lowndes County Circuit Clerk’s Office Tuesday night. “I will be supporting you, I will
They defeated Oktibbeha be praying for you,” Chism told Wright. “When I call, I hope you’ll answer the phone.”
County Supervisor Brick-
lee Miller and Ackerman had just prevailed in the and campaign workers. But after learning of
business owner Levon race in both Lowndes and He said he will strive to the results in Clay, he
Murphy Jr. Clay counties. Although listen to voters’ concerns said it might be clear
Yates is the former Chism carried Oktibbeha and meet with communi- Wright would be the win-
director of the Health County, Wright still won ty leaders when he begins ner. Although he lost the
Promotion and Wellness the state House race by a his job as a House repre- election, he said he en-
Program for students at landslide, according to in- sentative beginning in joyed the journey.
Mississippi State Univer- complete totals obtained January 2021. “I’ve had fun with
sity. She told The Dis- by The Dispatch. He will fill the unex- this,” David said. “It’s
patch she was “at peace” Wright defeated pired term of Gary Chism, been an enjoyable expe-
Chism 1,544-875, accord- who retired in June. The rience, but it’s also been
and fully supports Wil-
ing to unofficial totals. term will end in 2023. exhausting.”
liams now that the elec-
The margin does not in- When he arrives in He said he supports
tion is over.
clude at least 66 absentee Jackson, Wright said he Wright “100 percent.”
“We ran a good race,
votes from Clay County will focus on securing “Lynn Wright is a rock
we enjoyed meeting peo-
or affidavits from Clay more funding for K-12 ed- star,” he said. “He’s ex-
ple and reacquainting
and Lowndes, the total of ucation and workforce de- tremely energetic and
with people and I’m at
which will not change the velopment programs. He he’s a good man and he’s
total peace,” Yates said.
outcome. Those ballots will also work on raising sincere. … And that res-
“We wouldn’t have done
will be counted today. teacher salaries, he said, onates with people. They
anything different than
In Lowndes County, and advocating for roads want someone who is
we did, and I look forward Wright received 1,171 and bridges repairs. real.”
to tomorrow.” (69.9 percent) of the to- “We’ve got to continue District 37 includes
tal votes, whereas Chism to get our students to get parts of Lowndes, Oktib-
House District 37 only received 501 (29.9 prepared for college, but beha and Clay counties.
Outside Lowndes percent). Chism led also we’ve got to teach Wright nearly earned a
County Circuit Clerk’s Wright by a narrow mar- them workforce skills,” majority in the three-per-
Office, David Chism fist- gin in Oktibbeha Coun- Wright said of the im- son race on Sept. 22,
bumped his opponent, ty, receiving 185 (55.4 portance of education. which included Vicky
Lynn Wright, to concede percent) of the votes and “Career technology is so Rose of West Point, who
in the House District 37 leaving Wright trailing at important today.” finished third. But Wright
special election runoff 149 votes (44.6 percent). Having just learned of finishing with just less
Tuesday night. Wright also won the his loss in Lowndes Coun- than 50 percent forced
“I will be supporting in-person votes in Clay ty, David Chism, who said the runoff.
you. I will be praying for County 224-189. he had been campaigning
you,” Chism told Wright. Upon learning of his all day “under the sun,”
“When I call, I hope you’ll victory in Lowndes and told The Dispatch he was
answer the phone.” Clay, Wright said he ap- not going to give up yet.
Wright, former super- preciates the blessing “It’s a steep hill to
intendent of Lowndes from God and support climb,” he said. “But I’m
County School District, from his family, friends not going home.”

Continued from Page 1A
polling suggests a much to economic recovery, vide more funding for
closer race. thanks to Trump’s lead- military shipbuilding in
Even so, Hyde-Smith ership. Mississippi as well as
spent much of her “We have a lot of evi- funding for rural health
20-minute speech prais- dence that we are going care and agriculture.
ing the record of Trump in the right direction,” She said she is continu-
and her support for it. Hyde-Smith said. “Over ing to push for a balanced
The website FiveThir- the past four months, budget amendment.
tyEight calculated Hyde- more than 10 million jobs Since her arrival in
Smith’s voting support of were added back to our the Senate, the federal
Trump’s positions at 94.5 economy. The 7.9 percent deficit has grown by $5.7
percent. jobless rate is just not ac- trillion.
Even as Trump’s poll- ceptable, but it’s half of “I will continue to push
ing numbers decline na- the predictions that we for my balanced budget
tionally, Hyde-Smith’s thought it would be.” amendment because we
support remained enthu- In April, the Congres- need to live within our
siastic in a state where sional Budget Office pro- means,” she said. “But
the president remains jected the unemployment it’s not easy.”
popular. rate for the second quar- Hyde-Smith didn’t
Hyde-Smith touted ter to be 14 percent. mention her opponent by
Trump’s handling of the For her part, Hyde- name, but painted Espy,
economy, his leadership Smith said she is proud of a former Clinton cabinet
in speeding up progress her achievements since member, as “the most lib-
on a COVID-19 vaccine being appointed to the eral candidate the state
and his appointments Senate to fill Thad Co- has ever seen.”
of conservative judges, chran’s unexpired term Espy is seeking to
including Amy Coney in March 2018. She won become the state’s first
Barrett, who is currently a special election to the Black U.S. Senator since
facing confirmation hear- post later that year. the end of Reconstruc-
ings in the Senate Judi- “There’s a lot of dra- tion.
ciary Committee. ma in Washington these Hyde-Smith said she
“President Trump days,” Hyde-Smith said. pays little attention to
came in with an America “But here’s the deal: I criticism she’s attracted.
First, pro-growth agen- just don’t get caught up in She has been criti-
da,” Hyde-Smith told her the everyday Capitol Hill cized for rarely taking
audience. “I have sup- drama. … I’m focused questions from the me-
ported President Trump’s completely on my work dia, refusing to debate
economic agenda, which for you. As a result we’ve Espy as the Nov. 3 elec-
in 2019 pushed median in- achieved some very big tion approaches and fail-
comes to an all-time high things for Mississippi. A ing to hold a town hall
and led poverty rates to lot of folks will tell you meeting with her constit-
an all-time low before that getting a bill through uents since becoming a
the pandemic. This man Congress won’t happen senator.
knows how to lead us right away. They’ll say, “People say, ‘How do
through economic uncer- ‘You senators have to you take this?’ It’s just
tainty. He’s proven that bide their time,’ but that’s noise, that’s all it is,” she
over and over again.” just not how I operate.’” said. “I’ve been at this a
According to the Eco- According to Gov- while. I don’t put a whole
nomic Policy Institute,, Hyde-Smith has lot of stock in it.”
household income in been the primary spon- Hyde-Smith left the
1999 was higher than in sor of two bills that have luncheon before its con-
2018. been enacted into law clusion and was not
Despite the pandem- since her arrival. available for questions
ic, Hyde-Smith said the Hyde-Smith said she’s from the media after her
nation is well on the way supported efforts to pro- speech.


BY THEO DEROSA over Cleveland Central on “That was really moti- Tuesday. Set scores were vating, and I think that he
25-13, 25-2 and 25-0 as helped kind of tie into it
NEW HOPE — Micae- the Trojans advanced to all,” Woolbright said.
la Hudgins finished the Saturday’s second-round The Trojans were ful-
block, turned to face her match against Center ly juiced up by the time
teammates and flashed a Hill. Hudgins’ block at the end
look that conveyed a sim- “I think we played of the first set hit the hard-
ple message. great tonight,” New Hope wood, and they showed it
Bring it on. coach Allison Woolbright in remarkably quick sec-
The New Hope senior said. ond and third sets.
middle blocker has al- She admitted her team Freshman setter An-
ways found being able to came out a little slow in nie Woolbright served
meet an opponent at the the first set, at least partly and won the first 17 points
net and rebut a shot “elec- because it hadn’t played a for the Trojans in the sec-
tric,” and the play she match since being swept ond, fooling the Wolves’
made to capture the final at Starkville eight days returners so badly that
point of the first set of prior. The Trojans weren’t they shied away from
Tuesday’s MHSAA Class their usual selves in the multiple serves and let
5A first-round playoff opening minutes, leading them touch the floor for
match against Cleveland just 11-8 roughly halfway mystifying aces. Hudgins
Central was no different. through. But Hudgins hit a ball long to end the
“It’s really like an en- and senior outside hitter New Hope run, but she
ergy-builder on a team,” Daylyn Nettles fired up came right back with a
Hudgins said. “If you the team and the home well-placed kill on the Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
come off and celebrate crowd, delivering big kills very next point — one of New Hope senior middle blocker Micaela Hudgins delivers a kill for the Trojans in the
really loud, it can really en route to the set victory. her team-leading 12 kills first set of Tuesday’s first-round playoff match against Cleveland Central. The Trojans
build some momentum.” swept the Wolves and will face Center Hill on Saturday.
Woolbright said the on the night.
After the point, effort and energy she saw “I owe it to my team- on McBrayer held serve enough to do what New ative ease with which
Hudgins and the Trojans from the Trojans from mates to be able to shake for New Hope in the third Hope did in the third. the Trojans dispatched
let out an exhilarated there on out was some- that kind of thing off and set, never once having to “Once we can see that the Wolves, Woolbright
scream that reverberated thing she hoped for pri- not worry about it for relinquish the ball to a we can beat a team that remained concerned.
through the New Hope or to the match. Earlier too long and just get my teammate as she and the much, it’s kind of our goal She knew with a win,
gym. Then they got to Tuesday, the team held a head back in the game,” Trojans won every single to do it again,” she said. New Hope’s home sec-
work. devotional in which Mt. Hudgins said. point. McBrayer finished “We don’t want to let them
ond-round match at 6 p.m.
New Hope (18-6-1) lost Vernon Church student The Trojans won sev- with nine aces, while An- get too far ahead and kind
just two points in the sec- Saturday would likely be
pastor Brandon Allen en of the following eight nie Woolbright had eight. of slow down our game,
ond set, swept the third talked about turning on points to take the set at Hudgins said her because then we have to against Center Hill, the
set and sealed off an em- the “juice” when New 25-2, and they didn’t slow team’s decisive win in the pick it back up.” defending Class 5A cham-
phatic first-round win Hope needed to. down. Sophomore Madys- second set was motivation But despite the rel- See VOLLEYBALL, 2B


MSU chasing defensive ‘identity’ as its production ranks among nation’s best hang on
for 2-0
NLCS lead

— Freddie Freeman and
Ozzie Albies homered
again, rookie Ian Ander-
son extended his postsea-
son scoreless streak in an
abbreviated start and the
Atlanta Braves just held
on for an 8-7 win over the
Los Angeles Dodgers
on Tuesday night and a
2-0 lead in the National
League Championship

West Point
suffers big
drop in new
football poll
Matt Bush/USA TODAY Sports
Arkansas Razorbacks quarterback Feleipe Franks (13) makes a pass as he is hit by Mississippi State Bulldogs defensive end Marquiss Spencer
(42) during the fourth quarter on Oct. 3 at Davis Wade Stadium at Scott Field. The West Point High
School football team’s
BY BEN PORTNOY things, did a nice job and missed tackles — last season but have im- No. 23 against the pass first home loss since 2015 there during the fourth were valid, his defense, proved in their absence. despite a roster that saw cost it in the state and
quarter getting off the on paper, has been close After leading the na- 12 underclassmen on MHSAA Class 5A rank-
STARKVILLE — the opening-week depth
field, getting third down to perfect compared to tion in total defense in ings this week when the
Zach Arnett isn’t one to
stops and forcing punts expectations heading 2018, the Bulldogs re- chart. new Associated Press
mince words. There’s
— got a turnover in into the fall. gressed to No. 73 nation- “Everybody is just Mississippi high school
a brutal honesty to Ar-
there,” Arnett said fol- Just two years re- ally in 2019, allowing just coaching us up real well football poll was released
nett’s verbiage day to day.
lowing MSU’s Week 2 moved from a unit that a tick under 400 yards per and guys are not play- Tuesday afternoon.
In press conferences,
he’s gruff but poignant. loss to Arkansas. “But boasted three first-round game. With linebacker ing scared or anything Nine Mississippi me-
He tells it how it is. He’s obviously there were NFL draft picks, this Willie Gay Jr. and corner- like that,” sophomore dia outlets, including The
unafraid to call out his some mistakes that cost year’s group under Ar- back Cameron Dantzler, linebacker Aaron Brule Commercial Dispatch,
group for a lack of effort us points.” nett’s guidance is per- among others, now off said following a Week 1 were polled on the top five
or that a performance While Arnett’s con- haps more impressive. to the NFL, MSU sits as win over LSU. “Every- teams in each class and
wasn’t up to snuff. cerns over said mistakes The Bulldogs had to re- the nation’s No. 6-ranked body feels like they be- the top 10 overall.
“(We) did some good — coverage breakdowns place seven starters from team against the run and See MSU, 3B See POLL, 3B
2B WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Issues pile up with Dodgers in 0-2 NLCS hole against Braves

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rally that fell short. majors in runs during the runs in the ninth inning it’s getting close to that quidy, who had been
“I thought that just regular season, didn’t put of a 5-1 loss in the opener. for the Dodgers. pitching well before Al-
ARLINGTON, Tex- late, us showing some life more than one runner on LA tied an LCS record by tuve’s mistake.
as — Former ace Clay- offensively was very good base in an inning again allowing four walks in an Altuve’s throwing yips Tampa Bay promptly
ton Kershaw is having to see,” manager Dave until they trailed 7-0 in inning, two by Gonsolin capitalized with back-to-
more back issues, Kenley Roberts said. “To see us the seventh. and two from lefty reliev-
hurt Astros again in back singles to take the
Jansen hasn’t seen the fighting, that was a good Then LA finally gave er Pedro Báez in Atlanta’s Game 3 of ALCS lead. Joey Wendle’s two-
mound yet with his clos- thing.” Dodgers fans a reason to four-run fifth. SAN DIEGO — José
run single with the bases
ing role unclear and base- Kershaw was get loud. There was still no Altuve has an undeni-
loaded put the Rays up
ball’s highest-scoring of- scratched because of “I think all night we sign of Jansen, the cut- able case of the yips, and
2-1, and it was 5-1 by the
fense stayed silent until it back spasms not long be- took better ABs,” Seager ter-throwing right-hander it’s hurting the Houston
Astros badly in the play- time the inning finally
was too late. fore the left-hander was to said. “We go through the who was bypassed with
It’s no wonder the Los offs. ended.
make his second appear- middle parts of the in- the score tied in the ninth Altuve bounced two
Angeles Dodgers are ance — both in the play- nings last night and kind inning of the opener. The second baseman
down 2-0 in the NL Cham- committed his fourth throws to first from
offs the past week — a few of the ABs got away from The club’s career leader shallow right field while
pionship Series to the At- miles from the three-time us, had some quick in- throwing error of the
in saves has been strug- playing in a defensive
lanta Braves, a deficit the postseason and third of
Cy Young Award winner’s nings. All tonight, we had gling with velocity and shift in Game 2. After
previous 14 NL teams to the AL Championship
hometown of Dallas. Tony really good ABs and just command, and he hasn’t his second error, Cor-
face in the best-of-seven Series on Tuesday night
Gonsolin filled in, pitch- continue that tomorrow.” pitched since he couldn’t rea took Altuve’s normal
format couldn’t overcome. in the sixth inning of
ing three perfect innings Seager’s three-run ho- finish LA’s Game 2 win spot in the Astros’ shift,
The Dodgers, who Game 3 against the Tam-
in his postseason debut mer in the seventh inning in the Division Series and he retained the spot
won their first five playoff pa Bay Rays.
before allowing five runs provided LA’s first runs, against San Diego.
games before dropping Altuve also made two in Game 3.
while getting just four and his double in the Alex Wood gave up
their second straight 8-7 throwing errors in Game “You just hope he isn’t
more outs. ninth drove home Betts, a run on two hits while 2 of the series, contrib-
on Tuesday night, can’t getting the yips, because
get in gear in the first neu- Roberts said right- whose first hit of the se- walking two and hitting a uting significantly to invariably they come in
tral-site NLCS and could hander Julio Urías would ries was a single. batter in the left-hander’s the Astros’ 5-2 loss. The bunches,” said Houston
be headed to 32 years and start Game 3 and was non- Muncy’s two-run ho- first postseason appear- six-time All-Star’s three manager Dusty Baker,
counting since their last commital on Kershaw for mer pulled the Dodgers ance since 2018, when he errors in the last two
Game 4. within two and forced At- came out of the bullpen who gave Altuve a hug
championship. games led directly to in the dugout after the
Los Angeles trails 2-0 “If Clayton continues lanta to use closer Mark nine times. Lefty Adam five runs while prolong-
to feel better, then we’ll Melancon. Bellinger’s Kolarek surrendered third inning Monday.
in an NLCS for the first ing rallies that would “Everything comes in
time since 2013, when it see,” Roberts said. triple scored Will Smith Ozzie Albies’ second have been largely shut
For six innings, not before AJ Pollock hit a ninth-inning homer of the bunches. I just told him
lost in six games to St. down by solid defensive to flush it. This guy has
Louis. The Dodgers have even periodic chants of game-ending groundout series. play.
“Let’s go, Dodgers” from to third. “I think we did a good been awesome for us.
returned to the postsea- In Game 3, Altuve
the pandemic-reduced, “For us to be able to get job of getting other guys You’ve got to flush it and
son every year since, fin- fielded Brandon Lowe’s
mostly masked crowd of Melancon in the game, in in there to get their feet move on, or else it mul-
ishing short of a title each grounder at second and
time. 10,624 could help in the a game like this when we wet as far as in this se- then botched a routine tiplies. I’m sure he’ll do
At least LA showed second game with fans were down 7-0, I thought ries, to not stress them, toss to second base on that.”
some life late after trail- this season. The first was was big,” Roberts said. for them to be available an attempted forceout Altuve also made a
ing 7-0 on Tuesday. the series opener in the “To see some other arms in the coming days,” Rob- of Randy Arozarena, throwing error in Game
Corey Seager drove in new 40,518-seat home of that we hadn’t seen yet in erts said of what will be bouncing his throw past 2 of the first-round se-
four runs in the final three the Texas Rangers. the series I thought was the first NLCS without shortstop Carlos Cor- ries against Minnesota.
innings with a homer and With the bases loaded important.” days off in 42 years. “You rea into left field with He committed only four
a double, while Mookie and two outs in a score- The NL’s best bullpen just can’t play every game a noticeably unnatural errors during the regu-
Betts, Max Muncy and less game in the third, faltered for the second regardless of score like throwing motion. lar season for Houston,
Cody Bellinger each had Smith bounced into a straight night, this time it’s life or death in a sev- With two runners which led the majors
his first hit of the series force out at third base. early instead of late after en-game series.” on base, the Astros re- with a .991 fielding per-
in a four-run ninth-inning The Dodgers, who led the the Dodgers gave up four Despite the late rally, moved starter José Ur- centage.

Tannehill scores 4 TDs as depleted Titans beat Bills 42-16

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS hill’s fourth TD for 21 points off tage of a Titans’ defense playing Up next couraged by the fact that with
Buffalo’s three turnovers. Kalif a pair of rookies in end Larrell Bills will host Kansas City few exceptions, we have not
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The Raymond’s 40-yard punt return Murchison and cornerback Chris seen transmission of the virus.”
Tennessee Titans just put to- on Monday night. Safety Mi-
also set up a 1-yard TD run by Jackson. Allen tossed the ball to Goodell spoke a few hours
gether their most gratifying cah Hyde denied the Bills got
Derrick Henry. Isaiah McKenzie for a 3-yard TD before the Tennessee Titans
victory of coach Mike Vrabel’s caught looking ahead to the de-
“We expected to win,” Butler tying it up, the ninth different Bill were scheduled to host Buffalo
short tenure. fending Super Bowl champs.
said. to catch a TD pass from Allen. in their first game since an out-
They spent the past two “No, no, no, no. We were
The Bills (4-1) had not won The Titans scored 21 of the break shut down team facilities
weeks dealing with the NFL’s 100% focused on the Titans,”
five straight games since 2004, next 24 points. and forced the schedule to be
first COVID-19 outbreak with Hyde said. We knew this game
and they came in looking for Tennessee led 21-10 at half- rearranged.
each morning bringing news of was going to be played one way
the franchise’s best start since time after Tannehill ran in from The Titans had eight people
yet another positive test. A game or another. It was not looking
1991 when Buffalo reached the 10 yards seconds before the half. test positive Sept. 29 and the
postponed and rescheduled with forward to the Chiefs or any-
Super Bowl. They also played Butler refused to go down after total reached 24 players and
a second pushed back. Only one thing.”
without starting cornerbacks picking off an Allen throw to Ga- personnel. It doesn’t appear the
practice with two walk-throughs briel Davis late in the third, and Titans host Texans on Sun-
with Tre’Davious White inactive day. league will discipline the Titans
and unrelenting criticism. because of a back injury and Levi Tannehill found Jonnu Smith for a
The Titans remain depleted. for any violation of protocols
Wallace on injured reserve. 4-yard TD and a 28-10 lead three
They’re also still undefeated. Starting wide receiver John plays later. NFL will test for COVID-19 on following a review of the team’s
Ryan Tannehill threw for
three touchdowns and ran for
Brown also was out for Buffa- game days, has no bubble “We are really working close-
another as the Titans routed
lo, which had scored at least 30 Rare Tuesday night plans ly and identifying and speaking
points in the past three games. This was the 21st time the The NFL has no plans to to clubs and players in open dia-
the Buffalo Bills 42-16 on a rare NFL has played on a Tuesday and
“They were ready to go and move into a bubble as it takes logue,” Goodell said. “This is not
Tuesday night in a showdown the league’s first on a Tuesday
at the same time we beat our- several new steps to combat the about discipline. This is about
between two of the NFL’s five night since Dec. 28, 2010, when
selves,” Bills coach Sean McDer- spread of the coronavirus. making sure we’re keeping our
remaining undefeated teams the Eagles hosted Minnesota
mott said. The league will begin PCR personnel safe. And that’s been
pushed back two days after a on a Tuesday because of a snow-
Buffalo center Mitch Morse testing for COVID-19 on game
couple more positive tests for our entire focus today.”
called this a gut-punch. storm. That game was the first days starting this week, use of
Tennessee last week. Goodell said the league will
“It’s tough, they came out since the Boston Yanks played masks in walkthroughs are now
“What this organization has at the New York Giants on Oct. maintain flexibility in order to
and beat us like a drum,” mandatory and only play-callers
been through over the past cou- 1, 1946. complete the season with the
ple weeks to really fight through Morse said. will be permitted to wear face Super Bowl. However, it doesn’t
all of that, shake it all off, real- Josh Allen came in second shields in lieu of masks or gai- appear one of those options will
ly limited practice, limited reps in the NFL in yards passing. Hey you ters on the sideline. be moving the playoffs into a
and go out and put this kind of He threw for 263 yards and two The Titans had roughly “We cannot grow compla-
bubble like Major League Base-
win together, I think makes a TDs. Stephon Diggs had 10 8,600 fans on hand for this cent, not the players, not the
catches for 106 yards. ball did. The NBA and NHL fin-
statement and I’m happy we game. Tennessee originally coaches, not the rest of our
The Titans needed the turn- ished their regular season and
were able to do that today,” Tan- was going to have fans Oct. 4 personnel,” NFL Commission-
overs with seven key players for the first time this season, postseason in bubbles.
nehill said. er Roger Goodell said Tuesday
on the reserve/COVID-19 list but the outbreak pushed that Troy Vincent, the NFL’s ex-
The Titans (4-0) continued following virtual meetings with
led by wide receivers Corey game with Pittsburgh to Oct. team owners. “Ninety percent is ecutive vice president of football
their best start since winning operations, said the league is
their first 10 games in 2008 de- Davis and Adam Humphries 25. Zip ties were used to keep not good enough in this environ-
and defensive lineman Jeffery fans from switching seats, and ment. We have to be incredibly “proceeding as is” and deferred
spite not playing their last game
Simmons. They also were miss- neck gaiters were given out. diligent and disciplined.” to Dr. Allen Sills, the league’s
Sept. 27 in Minnesota. Coach
ing a couple assistant coaches The updated protocols sent chief medical officer.
Mike Vrabel said everyone in the
Sills said all options are on
organization would get a game and two players activated off that Injuries to teams Monday night also
the table but warned there are
ball after this performance. reserve list earlier Tuesday were Titans left tackle Taylor Le- require anyone identified as a
“I learned a long time ago scratched. wan had been questionable “high risk” close contact to be several risks to moving into a
is the definition of a pro is they The Titans got a big boost on with a shoulder injury, and he isolated and not permitted to re- bubble. He pointed out that oth-
make the hard look easy, so what- the Bills’ opening drive. went to the sideline late in the turn to the team’s facility for at er individuals such as service
ever situation we’re presented Allen’s pass went off Andre second quarter after Bills tack- least five days. workers still have to go in and
with we got to all come together Roberts’ hands right to Butler, le Harrison Phillips landed on “We expected positive out of the bubble. He empha-
and make the best decisions for and he returned the interception him. Lewan went immediate- COVID cases as long as the pan- sized the infection can spread
the team each and every time,” 29 yards to the Bills 16. Two plays ly to the sideline and was re- demic is prevalent in our soci- more rapidly if it gets inside.
Vrabel said. later, Tannehill hit A.J. Brown, placed by Ty Sambrailo, but he ety,” Goodell said, citing rising And, he stressed the human ele-
Malcolm Butler intercepted who missed the last two games returned in the third. ... Rookie numbers in communities. “Our ment, saying that being seques-
two passes, the second he re- with an injured knee, for a 16- RB Darrynton Evans aggravat- protocols are designed to iden- tered can cause an “emotional”
turned 68 yards, and both set up yard TD for the quick lead. ed a hamstring in the second tify through testing, isolate and and “behavioral health toll” that
short touchdowns for Tennes- The Bills tied it up with a me- quarter. He did not return. then prevent the spread of the becomes a “really significant
see. Kareem Orr’s recovery of thodical 15-play drive converting Bills tight end Dawson Knox virus in our team environments, stress point,” especially around
a fumbled kickoff set up Tanne- four third downs, taking advan- hurt a calf. and our medical experts are en- the holidays.

Continued from Page 1B
pion. (The prediction to be like this,” she told ther — necessitates a win cited about it.” round of the MHSAA High School was ousted
proved correct, as the them. “We’ve got to stay Saturday, and New Hope Class 4A playoffs. from the MHSAA Class
Mustangs handled Vicks- pumped, and we’ve got to feels it can deliver. Other scores Set scores were 25-3, 6A playoffs with a loss to
burg nearly as quickly as stay focused. … It is not “We used to dream 25-7 and 25-4. Oxford in straight sets on
MHSA A Class 4A
New Hope beat Cleveland going to be like tonight.” about playoffs against Caledonia will take on Tuesday.
playoffs: Caledonia 3,
Central.) Still, the Trojans think Center Hill and playing Corinth at 6 p.m. Satur- Set scores were 25-21,
So when the Wolves they’re ready. After all, teams like that — being Clarksdale 0 day on the road. 25-16 and 25-16 in favor of
called timeout trailing they made the state final able to play with the big CLARKSDALE — the Chargers.
21-0 in the third set, Wool- four last year, the first dogs — and now we (will) Caledonia defeated MHSA A Class 6A Karlie Brooks had 15
bright instilled a remind- time in school history actually have that oppor- Clarksdale handily in playoffs: Oxford 3, digs for the Yellow Jack-
er in her players. they ever did that. Get- tunity,” Hudgins said. “I Tuesday’s road match to Starkville 0 ets (14-5), and Abbigail
“Saturday is not going ting back there — or fur- think we’re all really ex- advance to the second OXFORD — Starkville Upchurch had six kills.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 3B

Continued from Page 1B

Freeman put the all are now,” manager ie right-hander for the five, but walked five son has pitched 15 2/3 out seven and allowed
Braves ahead to stay Brian Snitker said. “We Braves. There have while throwing 85 pitch- scoreless innings and is only three hits, but gave
with a two-run homer kind of shot ourselves in been 14 teams take a 2-0 es in four innings. The only the second pitcher up five runs and walked
in the fourth off rook- the foot there at the end. lead in the best-of-seven 22-year-old right-hander in major league history three in 4 1/3 innings.
ie Tony Gonsolin, who Melancon did a great job NLCS, and all have gone didn’t come out for the to start his postseason Freeman hit a ball
filled in after three-time coming in.” on to win the pennant. fifth after Braves batted career not allowing a more than 400 feet into
NL Cy Young Award Melancon took over “This team’s got a around in the top of the run in three consecu- the right-field seats,
winner Clayton Kershaw with two outs after Co- lot of fight. We’ve done frame, building a 6 -0 tive starts of at least similar to his solo shot
was scratched because rey Seager’s RBI dou- it all year” Seager said. lead while tying a LCS four innings. The other in Game 1, after Ronald
of back spasms. Free- ble and Max Muncy’s “We were one swing, record with four walks was Hall of Fame right- Acuna Jr. walked leading
man added an RBI sin- two-run homer. Albies one anything away from in the inning. hander Christy Mathew- off the fourth. Gonsolin
gle as part of a four-run made a fielding error on tying that ballgame and “We had a good game son, who threw three was done when Acu-
outburst an inning later. Will Smith’s grounder to going into extras. This plan and in the playoffs shutouts in the 1905 na walked again in the
Albies homered in second, and reigning NL is a long series. We’re you just have to keep World Series for the fifth, right after an RBI
the ninth for the sec- MVP Cody Bellinger hit looking up to the chal- guys from scoring and New York Giants. double by rookie Cris-
ond night in a row, and an RBI triple. A J Pollock lenge.” we were able to do that,” Tyler Matzek, the tian Pache, in the lineup
for the second time in a then had a groundout to Freeman was hit on Anderson said. “As long second of seven Atlan- after Adam Duvall was
row the ball was caught end a 4-hour, 12-minute his right elbow by Alex as we keep winning ball- ta pitchers, worked two removed from Atlanta’s
in the bullpen by closer game. Wood in the eighth games here. ... It’s good scoreless innings for the NLCS roster because
Mark Melancon. That Atlanta became just and was shaken up but to be up 2-0, and we get win. of a left oblique injury
solo shot proved huge the fourth team in major stayed in the game. back to work tomorrow.” When Kershaw was sustained in the series
for the Braves, who led league history to begin “Stung him pretty The Dodgers, who scratched in favor of a opener.
7-0 but near squandered a postseason 7-0. The good and he lost feel- had the best record in likely start later in the Pedro Baez then
the lead as the Dodgers Braves have outscored ing,” Snitker said. “But the pandemic-shortened series, it set up the sec- walked two of his four
scored four runs in the opponents 37-12. I think after he got season, trailed 7-0 until ond matchup of rookie batters, including Travis
bottom of the ninth. Game 3 is Wednes- through that inning and Seager’s three-run ho- starting pitchers in a d’Arnaud with the bas-
“I didn’t feel good day night, with 24-year- came back in, he got all mer to greet A.J. Minter LCS. es loaded before Albies’
with a big lead because old playoff veteran Julio of his strength back. He in the seventh. Gonsolin’s postsea- sacrifice fly on which
these guys are too pow- Urías pitching for the should be OK.” Only seven weeks af- son debut came 17 days Bellinger made an im-
erful, and that’s a good Dodgers against Kyle Anderson allowed ter his big league debut after his prior game. pressive leaping catch
ballgame to win. They Wright, another rook- one hit and struck out with the Braves, Ander- The right-hander struck on the run in center.

Continued from Page 1B
Teams earned 10 points Greenville last week and DeRosa submitted for The
for a first-place vote, nine will play at Madison Cen- Dispatch: Class 5A
for a second-place vote, tral on Friday. Overall top 10 1. West Point (4-2)
and so on. — Heritage Academy 1. Starkville (5-0) 2. Neshoba Central (6-
West Point (4-2) fell (5-2) lost its top-five rank- 2. Oak Grove (5-0) 0)
from third to ninth over- ing among private schools 3. Madison-Ridgeland 3. West Jones (4-0)
all and from first to third after Thursday’s 31-14 loss Academy (7-0) 4. Lafayette (4-2)
in Class 5A after its 35-26 at Lamar School in Meridi- 4. West Point (4-2) 5. Picayune (6-0)
loss to Lake Cormorant an. The Patriots, who were 5. Oxford (6-0)
last Thursday. It snapped ranked fourth prior to the 6. Neshoba Central (6- Class 6A
a streak of 36 straight loss, were replaced in the 0) 1. Starkville (6-0)
Region 1-5A wins for the No. 4 spot by Presbyterian 7. Warren Central (6-0) 2. Oak Grove (6-0)
Green Wave, who have Christian, while Green- 8. West Jones (5-0) 3. Oxford (6-0)
won four straight state ville Christian remained 9. Leake Academy (8-0) 4. Warren Central (6-0)
championships. fifth. Madison-Ridgeland 10. D’Iberville (5-0)
5. D’Iberville (5-0)
The Green Wave still Academy (all nine first-
received three first-place place votes) was first, Class 1A
Private schools
votes in Class 5A, includ- Jackson Prep was second, 1. Nanih Waiya (5-0)
2. Lumberton (4-1) 1. Madison-Ridgeland
ing The Dispatch’s se- and Leake Academy was
third. Heritage Academy 3. Biggersville (6-0) Academy (7-0)
lection. Last week, West 2. Leake Academy (8-
Point earned seven of 10 trailed only Jackson Acad- 4. TCPS (3-2)
emy among teams not in 5. Resurrection Catho- 0)
first-place votes in the 3. Jackson Prep (6-1)
class. West Jones (six first- the top five. The Pats will lic (5-1)
host rival Starkville Acad- 4. Presbyterian Chris-
place votes) was ranked tian (7-1)
first in Class 5A on Tues- emy, which garnered one Class 2A
fifth-place vote, on Friday 1. Taylorsville (4-1) 5. Greenville Christian
day, with Neshoba Central (6-1)
in second. Picayune and in Columbus. 2. North Side (2-0)
— Noxubee County (3- 3. Enterprise Clarke
Lake Cormorant rounded
1) remained third in the (4-0)
out the top five.
Class 3A rankings after an 4. Scott Central (5-1)
West Point will play at
off week. The Tigers were 5. Puckett (6-0)
Grenada (3-2) on Friday.
scheduled to host Class
4A No. 2 Corinth, but Class 3A
In other polls the game was canceled 1. Columbia (6-0)
— Starkville (6-0) due to COVID-19 con- 2. Noxubee County (3-
maintained its hold on cerns within the Noxubee 1)
the top spot overall and County program. Colum- 3. Magee (4-0)
in Class 6A. The Yellow bia earned all nine first- 4. West Marion (4-2)
Jackets received eight of place votes and the No. 5. Jefferson Davis
nine first-place votes in 1 ranking, while Magee County (3-3)
both categories, with Oak remained second. West
Grove earning the other. Marion and North Panola Class 4A
Oxford, Warren Central rounded out the top five. 1. Louisville (5-1)
and D’Iberville round- Noxubee County is slated 2. Corinth (3-2)
ed out the top five in the to play at Hatley on Friday. 3. Newton County (6-0)
class. Starkville received 4. Pontotoc (5-1)
a win by forfeit against Here’s the ballot Theo 5. Poplarville (3-3)

Continued from Page 1B
long right here.” and it’s the guys behind This isn’t to say MSU’s
Transitioning out of you’s job to fill where defense has been perfect.
Bob Shoop’s 4-2-5 de- needed and make you Coverage breakdowns
fense into a 3-3-5, MSU’s right.’” against Arkansas cost the
defenders have felt more The best example of Bulldogs 14 points and,
freedom in the way they Arnett’s interior philoso- ultimately, a chance at
attack offenses, particu- phy came in the Week 1 victory. LSU also narrow-
larly in the trenches. In upset of then-No. 6 LSU. ly missed a wide-open
Shoop’s scheme, the Bull- Hammering a Tiger of- Racey McMath for what
dog defensive line was fensive line that had to would’ve been a go-ahead
tasked with man respon- replace four starters from touchdown in the third
sibilities, compared to last season’s national title quarter if not for junior
the gap assignments seen team, the Bulldogs pass linebacker Jordan Davis
in Arnett’s approach. rush totaled seven sacks hitting quarterback Myl-
While Arnett’s sys- and four quarterback es Brennan’s arm at the
tem hasn’t completely hurries. last possible second and
abandoned what worked The Bulldogs defense causing the pass to fall
under the Shoop regime, then backed up its play by into the hands of corner-
the Bulldogs have em- limiting a generally solid back Esaias Furdge.
braced more stunts on Arkansas running game Speaking postgame
the interior coupled with to just 63 yards on 37 at- Saturday, senior line-
more twists than the av- tempts. One week later, backer Erroll Thompson
erage team. Not totally MSU held a Kentucky was queried on what the
unlike the reactionary team that exploded for identity of the 2020 Bull-
nature of route running 408 yards on the ground dogs defense is at pres-
in Mike Leach’s air raid, against Ole Miss to a ent. Thompson shied
what the offense shows meager 84 yards on the away from the question
directs how defensive ground. through a laugh, noting
linemen are to proceed in “I feel like coach Ar- he’d leave that up to the
their rush. nett is calling some great writers listening in over
“We’re not believers plays,” sophomore defen- Zoom.
here in what’s typically sive tackle Jaden Crum- In a sense, he an-
referred to as ‘gap con- edy said Monday. “And swered the question in
trol’ — You’re responsible we’re able to be exactly his silence: This year’s
for one gap, and you play whoever we play runs it. unit is still evolving. But
it,” Arnett said last week. If they run to the A-gap for a group that was ma-
“We’re a little bit more, or something, then that’s ligned throughout the off-
‘We send you a direction, where we’re slanting to. If season for its youth and
you’ve got specific reac- they’re trying to get out- inexperience, Arnett has
tions based on what the side, we’ve got somebody maintained the defensive
offense might do, and we coming from the outside legacy of Bulldogs de-
want to cause disruption, to get them.” fenses before him.
4B WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Pac-12 football may be back, but not all the revenue will be
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rector Mark Harlan said we’ll have more revenue But a deal with Quidel, opportunity, but we are going to make up the
the Utes are still dealing that we weren’t neces- a California-based diag- still significantly short shortfall.
The return of football with “significant finan- sarily counting on,” Har- nostic healthcare manu- on revenue and that’s “The losses that our
isn’t likely to make a dra- cial challenges.” lan said. facturer, for a daily rap- going to be a challenge schools are encounter-
matic dent in the losses One reason: as of now, The pandemic shut id-results coronavirus for us going forward as ing — particularly in our
athletic departments none of the Pac-12 foot- down sports in March, testing program helped an organization,” Heeke athletic department ——
across the Pac-12 will ball games will have fans including the NCA A put the football season said. are huge. The amount of
ultimately incur because in attendance. That said, basketball tournaments. — by far the biggest rev- Arizona has estimat- money that will be paid
of the coronavirus pan- any help — like televi- With no March Mad- enue generator in college ed $60 million to $65 as a result of going back
demic. sion revenue — is wel- ness, the NCA A was sports — back on track. million in revenue loss- to play is tiny in compar-
Faced with large comed. short $375 million in the The league will open es. The Wildcats are ison to the losses,” Schill
budget shortfalls, most “Obviously, we have money scheduled to be a seven-game, confer- looking at a 10% budget said.
schools in the league a chance to have more distributed to its mem- ence-only football sea- cut for their sports pro- At California, the ath-
have already resorted to revenue than maybe we ber schools, which were son on Nov. 7. grams and a 15% cut for letic department forecast
layoffs, furloughs, and would have thought of a already facing questions Arizona athletic direc- all administrative pro- as much as a $55 million
cutting some sports en- few weeks ago. So we’re about enrollment levels tor David Heeke insisted grams. The university deficit this fiscal year and
tirely. going to continue to ad- and tuition shortfalls. that discussions to re- also has implemented had mapped out steps to
At Utah, football here to our budget and Following the can- start athletics centered school-wide salary cuts mitigate the losses while
coach Kyle Whittingham into all the policies that cellation of all spring around athletes, and not and furloughs. still supporting athletes
and basketball coach we put in place to man- sports, the league de- budgets. Oregon President Mi- — including hiring and
Larry Krystkowiak took age our way through cided on Aug. 11 to post- “Without fans, there chael Schill, chairman of merit-pay freezes; volun-
salary cuts to help offset this, knowing that there pone all fall and winter is a tremendous chal- the Pac-12 CEO group, tary pay cuts for coaches
up to $60 million in pro- could be a light here at sports until after the first lenge. We’re glad to be echoed that the return and administrators, and
jected losses. Athletic di- the end of the tunnel that of next year. playing, glad to have the of football is by no means other budget cuts.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: windshield), I’m not a clean freak, and
I have been place a call to the this is not my imagination. A
with “Dylan” National Domestic friend of hers contacted me
for three years, Violence Hotline to tell me she was concerned
engaged for two. I (800-799-7233) about Mom because she doesn’t
have a lot of inse- and ask someone seem to notice how dirty her
curities about it. to help you craft house is or that her food is
We met right an escape plan. spoiled. I’m embarrassed for
after my husband’s Your next call her.
death. Dylan was should be to the I’ve tried to talk to my mother
the perfect guy police to file a about this many times in the
in the beginning. report about that past, but she just doesn’t get
Looking back, I broken wind- it. I have had her carpets sham-
ZITS realize there were shield. Your third pooed and brought in profes-
a lot of red flags. should be to your sionals to do deep cleaning. How
He spends family to find out if can I tell her I can’t stay with her
most of his time you and your kids any longer? — GROSSED-OUT
on Facebook or Dear Abby can stay with one DAUGHTER IN MARYLAND
talking about his of your relatives. DEAR DAUGHTER: Tell your
high school years. He is also se- It is important you get safely mother that you love her, and
cretive. He acts like the world’s out of there, so do NOT disclose you have been concerned for
nicest guy around others, but to this man any of the prepara- years about her living condi-
when we’re alone, he calls me tions you are making. It goes tions, which is why you hired
stupid and insecure. I never without saying that this engage- professional cleaners periodi-
knew what a narcissist was ment should be broken. cally to help her. Delivering the
before, but I believe he is one. DEAR ABBY: I have an issue message that you will be staying
I built a business, which that I can’t be the only one in a hotel when you visit is the
has done very well. I’m liked by with, especially as our parents least of your problems. Clearly,
GARFIELD everyone but him. People have age. My mother has never been she needs more help than you
told me to run. Why do I torture the cleanest or most sanitary can give her.
myself? Last week he broke my of housekeepers. Everything I, too, am concerned about
windshield because I asked him “looks” neat and straight, but the fact she doesn’t know the
about his phone, which he is look closer and you’ll realize her food in her refrigerator has
always using to text someone. I place is unsanitary and filthy. spoiled, and for that reason,
want to be happy, and I feel like When I visit, I am near tears I’m suggesting you discuss this
a loser right now. My kids don’t the entire time. My husband tells with a social worker in the town
like him at all. Help me, please. me to stay in a hotel, but I don’t where your mother resides. She
— UNHAPPY IN THE MIDWEST know how to tell my mother I may need someone to check on
DEAR UNHAPPY: I am don’t feel comfortable staying her regularly, ensure that her
concerned about you. Because with her. I bring along my own kitchen and fridge are kept clean
you now feel that your verbally towels and washcloths. I take us and grocery shop for her. Believe
abusive fiance could become out for meals so we don’t have me, you and your mother both
violent (Exhibit A: your broken to use her dishes. have my sympathy.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. seem, have ridiculous, embar- without knowing what the other
14). You have a relentless rassing and insecure sides that person needs in the moment.
drive, best applied to your own they hide, just like you do. Sometimes, kindness is hands-
projects as most teams and TAURUS (April 20-May on help; other times, it’s looking
people would be hard-pressed 20). At the heart of innovation away, giving others a chance to
to match your intensity. So is a desire to understand what save face.
you’ll be gentle with the others others need and align with what LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). No
while you turn this focus to they want. For problem-solvers, one is good at everything. You,
milestones you’ll reach in seeing a problem in action is an like the others, win in certain
January and April. Blossoming opportunity and a gift. areas and lose in other areas.
relationships will seem to add GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Value the ways in which you are
BABY BLUES breadth to your soul. Gemini There you go again, striving to winning, especially if they do not
and Aquarius adore you. Your exceed any expectations that fall into a highly visible category
lucky numbers are: 6, 13, 20, others may have of you. Stop that is celebrated by the world.
21 and 4. and consider what’s being VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). asked. Also, what’s the least 22). For many, articulating an
People try to show one another you could do to fulfill this? Less argument is easier than trying
the best parts of themselves. is more today. to understand the other side’s
Just remember that others, no CANCER (June 22-July point of view. But without some
matter how polished they may 22). It is impossible to be kind degree of willingness to under-
stand, formulating arguments is
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Relationship building is about
trust and creating an environ-
ment that tolerates failure.
BEETLE BAILEY There’s more fun and innovation
happening where people feel
safe enough to relax, be cre-
ative and offer out-there ideas.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Perhaps this fear of com-
mitment you’re experiencing is
wisdom. You don’t want to chain
yourself to a schedule or goal
without first considering what
you really need to flourish.
21). You’ll find it hard to like
things that lack glamour. You’re
conscious of a need to either
MALLARD FILLMORE find a glamorous light in order
to view the scene or to create
glamour where there was none.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). People may not share your
vision, or may not share it with
the same amount of passion
that is coming so readily to you.
It’s not something to get hung
up about. They’ll catch up later.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). People you love don’t have
to do anything in particular to
inspire you. You’ve been known
to make beautiful things for
FAMILY CIRCUS loved ones for no reason at all.
The creative mood will strike.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Before you agree to plans,
self-questioning to discover
what’s in it for you might keep
you from wasting your efforts on
endeavors that are not worth-
while and will not tie into what
fuels or fulfills you.

Sunshine State
Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Sweeten up fall
with pumpkins
This spiced apple crumble brings
together so many flavors of fall.

Not one
crumb left

pple orchards, apple pick-
ing and apple desserts all
scream fall. Glowing with
bright yellows and reds, apples are
juicy and more than ready to be
used in your favorite fall recipes. If
you’re looking for something sweet
and full of texture that can turn
your taste buds upside down, look
no further.
This scrumptious Spiced
Apple Crumble is not only a family
favorite but a holiday must-have.
It’s the perfect dish to pack up and
deliver to your next gathering of
loved ones. Kids and adults love
the deliciously sweet apple chunks
filling the bottom of the pan along
with the crumble topping. Top this
killer sweet treat with vanilla ice
cream for a sensational, melty,
oozing-with-goodness dessert no
one can forget.
It’s one of those recipes your
Cream cheese frosting tops these pumpkin cookies suited to any autumn occasion.
friends will call you about after the
gathering wondering “where did
you get that recipe?” The best part: BY JAN SWOOPE
It’s perfect for crowds of any size.
The bite-size chunks of apple and

oats are appetizing for any sweet ure signs of fall are the pump-
tooth. kins we’re seeing at roadside
The fall season leading up to stands, in grocery stores and
the holidays is one of the times of in the remaining farmers’ market
year family and friends tradition- days we have left to enjoy. We
ally come together most. Nearly may sometimes forget how many
everyone loves a satisfying apple, varieties there really are. Some are
especially when it is baked to best suited for front porch jack-o-
perfection, covered with a crum- lanterns. Others shine as tabletop
ble and topped with creamy, cool decor. But today we’re thinking
vanilla ice cream. Not to mention about cooking with pumpkins, and
the splash of lemon added to this for that we’ll want to make good
mixture brings out a unique tart selections. Yes, all pumpkins are
twist. edible, but the best for baking are
Make your next fall festivity sweet varieties with smooth-tex-
or holiday gathering just a little tured flesh.
sweeter for all. Spice things up Look for those labeled sugar
then cool things down. This des- pumpkins or pie pumpkins, advises

sert does it all in just one bite. Some include These cranberry pumpkin muffins also include cinnamon and allspice.
Find more recipes for the fall Autumn Gold, Lumina and Bab
more nutrients. We’re entering pantry this fall for when the mood
season and holiday fun at Culinary. Pam. Other sweet choices include
the time of year where we begin strikes to try out one of today’s
net. Cinderella pumpkins and peanut
to picture holiday tables topped by recipes or the host of others you’ll
pumpkins, especially for baking
pies, quick bread and other des- pumpkin pies. We’ve come a long quickly find in any internet search.
SPICED APPLE CRUMBLE serts, Keri Collins Lewis wrote for way from the earliest “pies,” when
Servings: 6-8 colonists cut the tops off pumpkins
the Mississippi State Extension
Filling: Service. and filled the insides with milk, PUMPKIN COOKIES WITH CREAM
6 medium Honeycrisp apples, peeled and Cheese pumpkins, Lumina and honey and spices then cooked it all CHEESE FROSTING
cubed Jarrahdale pumpkins are also good in hot ashes. Prep: 30 minutes
1 tablespoon white flour choices, says gardeningknowhow. There’s plenty of advice online Bake: 10 minutes+cooling
1/2 cup white sugar Makes 4 dozen
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon com. about prepping the pumpkin you
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves Pumpkins intended for food lean intend to cook with. Or, if you’re 1 cup butter, softened
2 lemons, juice only toward vibrant flavor, color and like me, you’ll head to the canned 2/3 cup packed brown sugar
nutrition and contain dietary fiber, pumpkin aisle on the next grocery 1/3 cup sugar
1 cup quick oats vitamins A, C and E and many trip. Keep a couple of cans in the See PUMPKINS, 6B
1 cup white flour
1/2 cup light brown sugar

A chilly day dish with a kick

FAMILY FEATURES searching for more to slurp spoon a second helping into
up with every spoonful. your bowl for round two.

icture in your mind a Onion, red bell pepper and Not only does this recipe
warm bowl cupped in even corn all blended into for Chipotle Veggie Chili
your hands, defrosting not only a vegetarian meal hit you with a wide array of
your fingertips after you but a chili-lover’s paradise. balanced flavors, but there
just walked inside from a It’s got the spices to make is a surprise hint of citrus
chilly afternoon. The bowl you say, “wow” but the added toward the end —
is heavy, full of hearty veg- smoothness that reminds lime juice.
etables and spicy peppers you of something your mom Just to add a little more
that in just a few short once made when you were texture and vibrance to this
moments will overwhelm young. dish, it can be topped with
your palate. You throw your sweater your favorite garnishes like
You dive in with a spoon, to the side of the couch as guacamole, sour cream,
savoring every flavorful your body temperature be- jalapeno slices and cilantro. bite as you dip down to gins to rise. You start to feel This chili is simple
Chipotle veggie chili contains a citrusy surprise. the bottom of the bowl your energy return as you See CHILI, 6B
6B WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 5B
1 large egg 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon n Using your clean fingers, press the
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3/4 teaspoon allspice mixture evenly onto the bottom and sides
1 cup canned pumpkin 1/3 cup vegetable oil of the pan.
2 cups all-purpose flour 2 eggs (large) n Bake 8 minutes. Remove from oven
1-1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 3/4 cup pumpkin (canned) and cool.
1 teaspoon baking soda 2 cups cranberries (fresh or frozen n In a large bowl using electric mixer (or
1/2 teaspoon salt chopped) place directly in a food processor) whip
1/4 teaspoon baking powder cream cheese until smooth. Stir in brown
1 cup chopped walnuts n Preheat oven to 400 F. sugar; blend until thoroughly mixed.
n Sift together dry ingredients (flour n Add pumpkin and add egg yolks one at
Frosting: through allspice) and set aside. a time, blending after each addition until
1/4 cup butter, softened n Beat oil, eggs, and pumpkin together smooth.
4 ounces cream cheese, softened until well blended. n Add 1/2 the egg whites at a time,
2 cups confectioners’ sugar n Add wet ingredients (pumpkin mixture) blending well after each addition.
1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract to the dry ingredients all at once. Stir n Add cinnamon, nutmeg, flour, Amaretto
until moistened. Fold in chopped cranber- and whipping cream, stir to blend.
n In a large bowl, cream butter and sug- ries. Spoon into paper lined muffin cups. n Pour mixture into prepared crust. Set
ars until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and n Bake at 400 degrees for 15-30 min- springform pan in a large roasting pan
vanilla. Add pumpkin; mix well. Combine utes. and fill with 1/2 inch tap water. Bake
the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, salt and (Source: 1 hour, or until knife inserted in center
baking powder; gradually add to creamed comes out clean.
mixture and mix well. Stir in walnuts. n Remove from oven, chill 6 to 8 hours
n Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls 2 PUMPKIN-AMARETTO (or overnight) in the refrigerator. To serve,
inches apart onto greased baking sheets.
Bake at 350 F for 8-10 minutes or until CHEESECAKE top with whipped cream if desired.
edges are lightly browned. Remove to wire Servings: 10
racks to cool completely.
In a small bowl, beat the frosting ingredi-
ents until light and fluffy. Frost cookies.
11 whole graham crackers, crushed APPLE WEDGES WITH
(about 1-1/2 cups crumbs)
Store in an airtight container in the 1/4 cup sugar PUMPKIN ALMOND BUTTER
refrigerator. 1/3 cup unsalted butter or margarine, Prep time: 15 minutes
Tips: To soften cream cheese, let it rest melted Servings: 4
at room temperature for 30 minutes. Dark 2 eight-ounce packages reduced fat or
brown sugar contains more molasses fat-free cream cheese, at room tempera- Dip:
than light or golden brown sugar. The ture 1/2 cup pumpkin puree (canned or from
types are generally interchangeable in 1 cup packed light brown sugar scratch)
recipes, but if you prefer a bolder flavor, 2 cups fresh pumpkin puree or 16 ounce 1/3 cup almond butter (or crunchy peanut
choose dark brown sugar. can solid pack pumpkin butter)
(Source: 2 egg yolks and 4 egg whites 2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
CRANBERRY PUMPKIN MUFFINS 2 tablespoons flour Apple slices:
24 slices golden delicious apple slices
Servings: 12 2 tablespoons: whipping cream and
Amaretto 24 slices granny smith apple slices
Whipped cream, optional
2 cups flour n Mix together dip ingredients. Serve
3/4 cup sugar n Preheat oven to 325 F. with apple slices.
3 teaspoons baking powder n In a 9-inch springform pan, mix graham (Source: Produce for Better Health,
1/2 teaspoon salt cracker crumbs, sugar and melted butter.
• Firestarter

Crumble • Packing
Continued from Page 5B Extra • Shipping
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
n Preheat oven to 350 F.
n To make filling: In medium
bowl, add apples, flour, sugar,
baking dish.
n To make topping: In
medium bowl, add oats, flour,
ping over apple mixture.
n Bake 30-40 minutes, or
until golden brown. Let stand
Newsprint Materials
• Art Projects
1/2 cup unsalted butter, brown sugars, baking powder, is a great, • Window
melted cinnamon, cloves and lemon cinnamon, melted butter and 10 minutes before serving.
1/8 teaspoon salt juice. Toss to evenly coat. salt. Fork mixture to create Serve warm with vanilla ice inexpensive solution for.... Cleaning
Vanilla ice cream (optional) Spread evenly in 8-by-8-inch crumbles. Pour crumble top- cream.

Office at
516 Main Street
Continued from Page 5B Columbus, MS

Cost: 80¢/lb.
to make, needing just one pot 2 garlic cloves, minced Jalapeno slices
throughout the entire cooking 1 red bell pepper, chopped Cilantro

Log on.
1 can (14 ounces) diced fire-roasted
process. It simmers for about 25 tomatoes n In large Dutch oven, heat oil over
minutes while you unwind from a 1 can (14 ounces) red beans, drained and medium heat. Add onion, 1/2 teaspoon
long day. rinsed salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Stir and
Find more recipes perfect for 1 can (14 ounces) pinto beans, drained cook 5 minutes until onion is translucent.
cooler weather at and rinsed Add garlic and red pepper. Stir and cook 8
1 cup vegetable broth minutes until soft.
1 can (7 ounces) chipotles in adobo n Add tomatoes, red beans, pinto beans,
2 cans (15 ounces each) sweet corn with
broth, chipotles in adobo sauce, corn,
remaining salt and remaining pepper.
Servings: 6-8
liquid Simmer 25 minutes, stirring occasionally,
3 tablespoons olive oil 2 limes, juiced until chili has thickened.
1 medium yellow onion, chopped Optional: n Squeeze lime juice into pot; stir. Serve
5/8 teaspoon sea salt, divided Guacamole with guacamole, sour cream, jalapeno
1/4 teaspoon pepper, divided Sour cream slices and cilantro, if desired.

when we
need it most. 
Protect freedom of the press.
lepsy or other seizures, Parkin- shall be renewed, as applic-

Ballot Title: son's disease, Huntington's able, upon presentation of a (3) All contracts under this art-
Should Mississippi allow quali- disease, muscular dystrophy, new physician certification, but icle and related to the opera-
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
fied patients with debilitating
medical conditions, as certi-
fied by Mississippi licensed
multiple sclerosis, cachexia, in no case shall a card have an tion of medical marijuana treat-
post-traumatic stress disorder, expiration term longer than
positive status for human im- twelve (12) months. A quali-
ment centers shall be enforce-
able and rules applicable to
physicians, to use medical
marijuana? The Starkville Dispatch and Online
munodeficiency virus, acquired fied patient is authorized to re- other similar businesses by the
immune deficiency syndrome,
chronic or debilitating pain,
ceive medical marijuana from a Department of Revenue shall
treatment center upon present- apply to medical marijuana
Ballot Summary: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ation of his or her identifica- treatment centers created pur-
Initiative Measure No. 65 pro- To place ads starting at only $12,
glaucoma, agitation of demen- tion card. suant to this article, except
poses to amend the Missis- tias, Crohn's disease, ulcerat- (7) The department and medic- that the processing and use of
sippi Constitution to allow qual-
ified patients with debilitating
call 662-328-2424 or visit
ive colitis, sickle-cell anemia, al marijuana treatment centers medical marijuana shall be ex-
autism with aggressive or self- shall protect the confidentiality empt from the application of
medical conditions, as certi- injurious behaviors, pain re- of all qualified patients. All re- any state and/or local sales
fied by Mississippi licensed fractory to appropriate opioid
THE DISPATCH identity of tax
cords containingntheWEDNESDAY,
CDISPATCH.COM or other fee, other than that
physicians, to use medical management, spinal cord dis-n qualified patients, caregivers, authorized by 14,
this 2020
article. n 7B
marijuana. This amendment ease or severe injury, intract- and physicians shall be confid- (4) No medical marijuana treat-
would allow medical marijuana able nausea, severe muscle ential and exempt from disclos- ment center shall be located
to be provided only by licenses spasticity, or another medical ure under the Mississippi Pub- within five hundred (500) feet
treatment centers. The Missis- condition of the same kind or lic Records Act or any related of a pre-existing school,
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices
sippi State Department of Legal Notices
class to those herein enumer- Legal Notices
statute, Legal Notices
regulation, or rule per- church, or licensed child care

Health would regulate and en- ated and for which a physician taining to the public disclosure center.
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF force the provisions of this believes the benefits of using of records. (5) Except as otherwise
COUNTY OF OKTIBBEHA LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- amendment. medical marijuana would reas- (8) The department may estab- provided in this article, any zon-
SIPPI onably outweigh potential lish an advisory committee to ing ordinances, regulations
Call us: 662-328-2424 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID PRO-
Ms. Ashley Ann Durval
health risks.
(4) "Department" shall mean
assist the department in the and/or provisions of a municip-
promulgation of rules and regu- ality or county shall be consist-
AND ON BEHALF OF THE the Mississippi State Depart- lations and the regulation and ent with Section 1 of this art-
Legal Notices PARCEL MAPPING AND MAIN- HEIRS-AT-LAW OF RICKIE HILL, Legislative Budget Office Fisc- ment of Health or its suc- enforcement of the provisions icle and shall not impair the
TENANCE SERVICES SR., DECEASED al Analysis: cessor agency. of this article. availability of and reasonable
Pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. The overall cost to Mississippi (5) "Medical marijuana" shall (9) The department shall ad- access to medical marijuana.
Section 7-3-39, we, The Missis- BE IT ORDERED by the Oktib- CAUSE NO.:20-pr-00193RPF for the first year is estimated have the meanings given as of opt final rules and regulations Zoning provisions applicable to
sippi Secretary of State’s Of- beha County Board of Super- to be $11,068,150. The anti- July 1, 2018 in Section 41- pursuant to this article no later retail dispensaries shall be no
fice, supply to you the full text visors that the Clerk advertise VERONICA HILL PETITIONER cipated expenses for the first 29105(r) and/or Section 41- than July 1, 2021. The depart- more restrictive than those for
for House Concurrent Resolu- for sealed bids as provided by year to implement a medical 29-105(0), of the Mississippi ment shall begin issuing identi- a licensed retail pharmacy and
tion No. 47 (Statewide Ballot Section 31-7-13 of the Miss. RULE 81 SUMMONS BY PUB- marijuana program is Code of 1972, and which is fication cards and treatment zoning provisions applicable to
Measure 2). Code 1972, as amended, to be LICATION $24,068,150 (Plants – seeds used to treat the symptoms center licenses no later than other businesses that fall with-
received by the Board of Super- to Sale: $5,000,000; Licens- and/or effects of a debilitating August 15, 2021. in the definition of medical
House Concurrent Resolution visors in the office of the Clerk THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ing, Monitoring, Inspection: medical condition as provided (10) To ensure timely imple- marijuana treatment centers
No. 47 Proposed Constitution- up to 9:00 A.M. November 16, COUNTY OF LOWNDES $16,220,150; and Cost to Col- for in this article. mentation of this chapter for shall be no more restrictive
al Amendment: 2020, or mailed to the Office lect Revenue: $2,848,000). (6) "Medical marijuana identi- qualified patients, and only for than other comparably sized
of County Administrator, P. O. TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW The anticipated revenue is fication card" shall mean a activities associated with im- and staffed lawful commercial
Amend Section 140, Missis- Box 80285, Starkville, MS OF RICKIE HILL, SR., DE- $13,000,000 (User ID Cards: document, prescribed by and plementation and operation, or industrial businesses.
sippi Constitution of 1890, to 39759. CEASED $2,500,000; Commercial Li- issued by the department, the department is exempt from
read as follows: censes: $500,000 and sales which identifies a person as a the Mississippi Department of Section 9.
NOTICE TO BIDDERS You have been made a re- fee at 7 percent: qualified patient or caregiver or Information Technology Ser- No later than two years from
Section 140. The Governor of Sealed bids will be received by spondent in the Petition to De- $10,000,000). officer, owner, operator, em- vices laws, rules, and regula- the implementation of this art-
the state and all statewide the Board of Supervisors of termine Heirs filed with the The anticipated expenses for ployee, contractor, or agent of tions for any information tech- icle, and every two years there-
elected officials shall be elec- Oktibbeha County, Mississippi Court by Veronica Hill seeking years following the first for a a medical marijuana treatment nology procurements made up after, the department shall
ted by the people in a general in the office of the Clerk or by a judicial determination of the medical marijuana program is center. to Two Hundred Fifty Thousand provide to the Legislature a
election to be held on the first mail, up to 9:00 a.m. on heirs at law of Rickie Hill, Sr., $15,338,000 (Plants – seeds (7) "Medical marijuana treat- Dollars ($250,000) for two comprehensive public report of
Tuesday after the first Monday November 16, 2020, at which deceased. to Sale: $5,000,000; Licens- ment center" shall mean an en- years from the effective date of the operation of this article.
of November 2023, and on the time and place said bids shall ing, Monitoring, Inspection: tity that is registered with and this chapter. This exemption
first Tuesday after the first be publicly opened and read. You are summoned to appear $8,756,000; and Cost to Col- licensed and regulated by the shall not apply to any reporting Section 10.
Monday of November in every and defend against said peti- lect Revenue: $1,582,000). department and that pro- requirements. The provisions of this article
fourth year thereafter. The per- ALL WORK MUST MEET OR EX- tion filed against you in this ac- The anticipated revenue is cesses medical marijuana, re- (11) The department is author- are declared to be severable,
son receiving a majority of the CEED THE REQUIREMENTS OF tion at 9:00 a.m. on the 12TH $26,000,000 (User ID Cards: lated supplies, and/or educa- ized to adopt and levy adminis- and if any provision, word,
number of votes cast in the THE MISSISSIPPI DEPART- day of November, 2020, at the $5,000,000; Commercial Li- tional materials. A treatment trative fines to enforce the pro- phrase, or clause of this art-
election for these offices shall MENT OF REVENUE Oktibbeha County Courthouse, censes: $1,000,000 and sales center may engage in one or visions of this article. Payment icle or the application thereof
be declared elected. If no per- Starkville, Mississippi, and in fee at 7 percent: more of the activities involved of any fines shall be deposited shall be held invalid, such in-
son receives a majority of the Oktibbeha County, Mississippi, case of your failure to appear $20,000,000). The overall an- in the processing of medical in the special fund created by validity shall not affect the
votes, then a runoff election is requesting bid proposals and defend a judgment will be nual revenue is anticipated to marijuana. Section 6 of this article. validity of the remaining por-
shall be held under proced- from companies experienced in entered against you for the be $10,662.000, all of which (8) "Physician" shall mean a (12) The department is author- tions of this article.
ures prescribed by the Legis- tax parcel mapping and annual things demanded in the peti- must be used to support the person with a valid Doctor of ized to adopt and levy the fol-
lature in general law. maintenance services for years tion. state marijuana program. Medicine or Doctor of Osteo- lowing sanctions, singly or in Ballot Title (65A):
2021, 2022 and 2023. De- pathic Medicine degree and combination, when it finds an Shall Mississippi establish a
Amend the Mississippi Consti- tailed proposal specifications You are not required to file an Initiative 65 Full Text: who holds an unrestricted li- applicant or licensee has com- program to allow the medical
tution of 1890 by repealing can be obtain from the Tax Col- answer or other pleading but cense to practice medicine in mitted any violation of this art- use of marijuana products by
Section 141, which reads as lector/Assessor’s Office you may do so if you desire. Section 1. the state of Mississippi by the icle or department rules or reg- qualified persons with debilitat-
follows: (662)323-1273 or the County The purpose of this article is to Mississippi Board of Medical ulations: revoke or suspend a ing conditions?
Administrator’s Office ISSUED UNDER MY HAND AND ensure the availability of and Licensure, or its successor license, censure a licensee, im-
Section 141. If no person shall (662)323-1520. All respond- SEAL OF THIS COURT, this the safe access to medical agency. pose a fine in an amount not to Ballot Summary (65A):
receive such majorities, then ents shall complete Addendum 5th day of October, 2020. marijuana for qualified per- (9) "Physician certification" exceed Five Thousand Dollars This constitutional amendment
the House of Representatives "A" and the Proposal Cost sons with debilitating medical shall mean a form approved by ($5,000) for the first violation is proposed as a legislative al-
shall proceed to choose a Gov- Summary form included in the /s/Cindy E. Goode conditions. the department, signed and and an amount not to exceed ternative measure to Initiative
ernor from the two persons specification packet. Failure to Cindy Goode, Chancery Clerk of dated by a physician, certifying Twenty Five Thousand Dollars No. 65 and would establish a
who shall have received the complete these items will be Lowndes County, Mississippi Section 2. that a person suffers from a ($25,000) for each sub- program to allow the medical
highest number of popular considered as a non-respons- (Seal) (1) Except as otherwise debilitating medical condition sequent violation, place a li- use of marijuana products by
votes. The election shall be by ive submittal and the bid pro- provided for in this article, a for which the use of medical censee on a probationary qualified person with debilitat-
viva voce vote, which shall be posal will not be considered. By: Tina Fisher, D.C. qualified patient or caregiver marijuana may mitigate the status, require the licensee to ing medical conditions.
recorded in the journal, in such shall not be subject to criminal symptoms and/or effects. The file regular reports and submit
manner as to show for whom All work will be performed un- CHYNEE A. BAILEY or civil sanctions for the use of certification shall remain cur- to reasonable requirements Introduced by:
each member voted. der the direction of Allen Mor- BAILEY LAW, PLLC medical marijuana, obtained rent for twelve months, unless and restrictions, revoke proba- Representative John Thomas
gan, Oktibbeha County Tax As- POST OFFICE BOX 8121 from a medical marijuana treat- the physician specifies a short- tionary status of a licensee and “Trey” Lamar and Representat-
III. sessor. All questions concern- COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI ment center, for a debilitating er period of time, and shall be impose other authorized sanc- ive Brent Powell
Amend the Mississippi Consti- ing the specifications shall be 39705 medical condition. issued only after an in-person tions, and refuse to issue or re-
tution of 1890 by repealing emailed to TELEPHONE 601.857.8100 (2) Except as otherwise examination of the patient in new a license, restrict a li- Legislative Budget Office Fisc-
Section 142, which reads as or faxed FACSIMILE 601.857.8010 provided for in this article, a Mississippi. A certification cense, or accept a voluntary al Analysis:
follows: to (662)338-1066. No ques- physician shall not be subject shall only be issued on behalf surrendering of a license. The The cost or revenue impact as-
Section 142. In case of an tions will be answered verbally. PUBLISH: 10/7, 10/14 & to criminal or civil sanctions of a minor when the minor's department is authorized to sociated with this initiative is
election of Governor or any 10/21/2020 solely for issuing a physician parent or guardian is present deny, suspend or revoke a li- undeterminable.
state officer by the House of Oktibbeha County utilizes Auto- certification to a person dia- and provides signed consent. cense in any case in which it
Representatives, no member of CAD to maintain digital and IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF gnosed with a debilitating med- Nothing herein shall require a finds that there has been a Initiative 65A Full Text:
that house shall be eligible to hard copy mapping for tax par- LOWNDES COUNTY, ical condition. physician to issue a certifica- substantial failure to comply
receive any appointment from cels. Applications software is MISSISSIPPI, (3) Except as otherwise tion. with the requirements of a li- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE-
the Governor or other state of- used for a variety of purposes provided for in this article, a (10) "Process" shall mean to censee. The notice and hear- SOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE
ficer so elected, during the based on the AutoCAD plat- IN RE: PEACH FLOWERS SMITH medical marijuana treatment acquire, administer, com- ing requirements and judicial OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI,
term for which he shall be elec- form. The use of these applica- DECEASED center and its officers, owners, pound, convert, cultivate, deliv- review provisions contained in That the following amendment
ted. tions will continue so data operators, employees, contract- er, develop, disburse, dis- Section 43-11-11 of the Missis- to the Mississippi Constitution
structuring including layers, ex- CASE NO: 20- 072 ors, and agents shall not be pense, distribute, grow, har- sippi Code of 1972, as of July of 1890 is proposed to the
IV. tended entity data, and fonts subject to criminal or civil sanc- vest, manufacture, package, 1, 2018, shall apply to the qualified electors of the state
Amend the Mississippi Consti- shall be maintained in pre- NOTICE TO CREDITORS tions for processing medical possess, prepare, process, denial, suspension, or revoca- at the November 2020 elec-
tution of 1890 by repealing cisely the same manner as the marijuana in compliance with produce, propagate, research, tion of a license. tion, as an alternative to the
Section 143, which reads as existing data. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION regulations prescribed by the sell, test, transport, or trans- amendment proposed by Initiat-
follows: having been granted on the department. fer medical marijuana or any re- Section 6. ive Measure No. 65:
Section 143. All other state of- All costs associated with Delta 17th day of June 2020 to Tom- lated products such as foods, In addition to the fees applied
ficers shall be elected at the Computer Systems shall be in- mie Flowers by the Chancery Section 3. tinctures, aerosols, oils, or to issuing identification cards Article 16, Section 290, Mis-
same time, and in the same cluded in the bid. Court of Lowndes County, Mis- (1) Except as otherwise ointments. and licensing medical sissippi Constitution of 1890,
manner as provided for elec- sissippi, upon the Estate of provided for in this article, (11) "Qualified patient" shall marijuana treatment centers, is created to read as follows:
tion of Governor. Respondents are encouraged Peach flower Smith, Deceased, nothing in this article shall: mean a person who has been the department may assess up
to provide letters of reference notice is hereby given to any (a) Affect or repeal laws relat- diagnosed with a debilitating to the equivalent of the state's Section 290. There is estab-
from past or current Missis- and all persons having claims ing to the use of marijuana that medical condition and who has sales tax rate to the final sale lished a program in the State
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE’S NO- sippi County mapping mainten- against said Peach Flowers is not intended for use for a de- been issued a physician certi- of medical marijuana. Revenue of Mississippi to allow the
TICE OF SALE ance projects that are similar Smith, Deceased to present bilitating medical condition. fication. generated under this section or medical use of marijuana
in nature to the requirements the same to the Clerk of said (b) Authorize the use of medic- (12) "Use" shall mean the ac- through the issuance of identi- products by qualified persons.
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI of this project in Oktibbeha Court for probate and registra- al marijuana for anyone other quisition, possession, prepara- fication cards or the licensing The program shall be struc-
COUNTY OF Lowndes County. Bidders shall be re- tion according to law within than a qualified patient, and, tion, use or use with an ac- of medical marijuana treat- tured to include, at a minimum,
quired to comply with the provi- ninety (90) days from the first where authorized by this cessory, delivery, transfer, or ment centers shall pay for the the following conditions and re-
WHEREAS, on the 25th day of sions of Title 31 of the Missis- publication of this notice, oth- chapter, for caregivers and of- administration of medical costs incurred by the depart- quirements:
September, 2015, Amy Denise sippi Code of 1972, as erwise, said claim will be ficers, owners, operators, em- marijuana by a qualified pa- ment in implementing and en- (a) The program shall be based
Hendricks Unmarried, ex- amended and revised. forever barred. ployees, contractors, and tient or caregiver. For pur- forcing the provisions of this on sound medical principles;
ecuted and delivered a certain agents of treatment centers. poses of this chapter, "access- article and shall be deposited (b) The program shall be ad-
Deed of Trust unto W Stewart The Board of Supervisors re- THIS the 10th day of October (c) Permit a person to operate ory" shall have the meaning into a special fund in the state ministered by an appropriate
Robison, Trustee for Ditech Fin- serves the right to reject any 2020. any motor vehicle, aircraft, given in Section 41-29-105(v) treasury to be expended by the state agency;
ancial LLC, Beneficiary, to se- and all bids for the service be- train, or boat while consuming of the Mississippi Code of department without prior appro- (c) The administering state
cure an indebtedness therein ing sought. s/ Tommie Smith or impaired by medical 1972, as of July 1, 2018. priation or authorization. The agency shall seek the input of
described, which Deed of Trust TOMMIE SMITH marijuana. department shall administer health professionals to help
is recorded in the office of the John Montgomery, President Executor of the Estate of Peach (d) Require accommodation for Section 5. the fund and make expendit- design the program;
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes Board of Supervisors Flowers Smith the use of medical marijuana (1) The department shall imple- ures from the fund for costs or (d) The program shall be lim-
County, Mississippi in MORT or require any on-site use of ment, administer, and enforce other services or programs as- ited to qualified persons with
Book 2015 at Page 22123; Publish: October 14 and Octo- OF COUNSEL: medical marijuana in any pub- the provisions of this article sociated with this article. Fund debilitating medical conditions
and ber 21, 2020 Gerald Gaggini, MSB 99905 lic or private correctional insti- and shall issue reasonable balances shall not revert to the as certified by health practition-
2500 Hickory Wood Dr. tution, detention facility, or rules and regulations, pursu- General Fund. The department ers who are licensed under
WHEREAS, on the 11th day of Tupelo, MS 38801 place of education, or employ- ant to the Mississippi Adminis- shall have the authority to util- state law;
September, 2020, Ditech Fin- The following vehicles have ment. trative Procedures Act, in the (e) Marijuana products that are
been abandoned at Bob's Tow- Telephone: 662-350-0549 ize these special funds to es-
ancial LLC, assigned said Deed (e) Require any health insur- discharge of its responsibilit- calate personnel positions in used by qualified persons in
of Trust unto U.S. Bank, N.A., ing, LLC, at 123 East Ply-
mouth Road Columbus, MS PUBLISH: 10/14, 10/21 & ance provider or any govern- ies. the department where needed, the program shall be of suit-
as Trustee, successor in in- 10/28/2020 ment agency or authority to re- (2) The department shall pre- as non-state-service, to admin- able pharmaceutical quality
terest to Wachovia Bank, Na- 39705. imburse any person for ex- scribe reasonable rules and and prepared by state-licensed
ister and enforce the provi-
tional Association, as Trustee, penses related to the use of regulations pursuant to this sions of this article. Upon re- manufacturers;
for Mid-State Trust XI, by instru- 1) 1998 Honda Accord Tan The following vehicle has been medical marijuana. (f) Override section that shall include, but (f) Treatment of qualified per-
VIN# 1HGCG5659WA264279 quest of the department, the
ment recorded in the office of abandoned at Shelton's Tow- any public laws, ordinances, not be limited to, tracking and State Treasurer shall provide a sons in the program shall be
the aforesaid Chancery Clerk in Tag# LTB-0691 Ms. ing, Inc., 1024 Gardner Blvd., regulations, or rules or any labelling of medical marijuana; line of credit from the Working carried out by physicians,
Book 2020 at Page 23468; Columbus, MS 39702. private rules, regulations, or qualifications for and safe and Cash Stabilization Fund or any nurses and pharmacists who
and 2) 2006 Nissan Altima Grey provisions related to smoking secure processing of medical are licensed under state law;
VIN# 1N4AL11D46C242418 other available special source
2004 Chevrolet Impala in or on public or private marijuana by medical funds maintained in the state (g) The program shall provide
WHEREAS, on the 24th day of Tag# LTB-6288 Ms. Vin: 2G1WF52E349165916 places. (g) Affect any existing marijuana treatment centers; for limited categories of
treasury in an amount not to
September, 2020 the Holder of drug testing laws, regulations, restrictions on advertising and exceed Two Million Five Hun- marijuana preparation of suit-
said Deed of Trust substituted 3) 2005 Ford Sport Trac Silver 1993 Cadillac Seville or rules. marketing; issuance of medic- able and verified quality stand-
VIN# 1FMDU67KX5UB93804 dred Thousand Dollars
and appointed Dean Morris, VIN: 1G6KY5299PU812056 (2) It is unlawful for any per- al marijuana identification ($2,500,000), for deposit to ards for oral administration;
LLC as Substitute Trustee by Tag# LTQ-965 Ms. son to smoke medical cards; standards for testing fa- this special fund to provide suf- (h) The smoking of marijuana
instrument recorded in the of- This vehicle will be put up for marijuana in a public place. cilities; use of medical ficient working cash to imple- products shall be restricted to
fice of the aforesaid Chancery 4) 2002 Ford Ranger (Black) sale on the 4th day of Novem-
VIN# 1FTYR14V62PB42092
Any person who violates this marijuana in nursing homes, ment the provisions of this art- the treatment of qualified per-
Clerk in Mort Book 2020 at ber, 2020 at 10am at subsection may, upon convic- hospices, and assisted living icle. Any such loans shall be re- sons who have terminal medic-
Page 24403; and Tag# 2L99V Ms. Shelton's Towing, Inc., 1024 tion, be punished by a fine of facilities; reciprocal agree- al conditions as certified by
paid from the available funds
Gardner Blvd., Columbus, MS not more than One Hundred ments with other states for pa- received by the department un- health practitioners who are li-
WHEREAS, default having been 5) 2014 Ford Mustang (Red) 39702. Dollars ($100.00). tients registered in medical censed under state law;
VIN# 1ZVBP8CF9E5218772 der this article.
made in the payments of the marijuana programs; qualifica- (i) The program shall provide
indebtedness secured by the Tag# LTD-0578 or SMUVE Ms. PUBLISH: 10/7, 10/14 & Section 4. tions of and limitations on for a limited number of state-li-
Section 7.
said Deed of Trust, and the 10/21/2020 For purposes of this article, the caregivers and officers, own- A medical marijuana identifica- censed manufacturers of
holder of said Deed of Trust, 6) 2010 Honda Civic (Black) following terms shall have the ers, operators, employees, con- tion card issued pursuant to marijuana products;
having requested the under- VIN# 2HGFG1B80AH520907
Tag# LTB-9783 Ms.
The following vehicle has been following meanings: tractors, and agents of treat- this article shall serve to identi- (j) The program shall have a pa-
signed so to do, on the 28th abandoned at Jarrett's Towing, (1) "Caregiver" shall mean a ment centers; implementation fy a person as a qualified pa- tient registry for program enroll-
day of October, 2020, I will dur- Inc. 5209 Hwy 182 East, person who is at least twenty and operation of a statewide tient or caregiver or officer, ment, patient tracking, and
ing the lawful hours of between 7) 1998 Mercury Grand Mar- Columbus, MS. one (21) years of age, who data base system to support treatment outcomes assess-
quis (White) owner, operator, employee,
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at complies with the regulations the utilization of identification contractor, or agent of a medic- ment; and
public outcry, offer for sale and VIN# 2MEFM75W7WX669198 1993 Chevy prescribed by the department, cards; and penalties for viola- (k) The program shall provide
Tag# LTD-2703 Ms. al marijuana treatment center
will sell, at the south east front VIN# 1GCDC14Z6PZ219784 and who assists with a quali- tions of this article. and thus exempt such person for reporting requirements that
door of Lowndes County Court- fied patient's use of medical (3) The rules and regulations from criminal or civil sanctions include research, analysis, and
house, 505 2nd Ave. North at 8) 1995 Ford F-150 4x4 (Red) IF THIS VEHICLE IS NOT marijuana. The department may include a reasonable fee outcomes assessment.
VIN#1FTEF14H6SNA56573 for the conduct authorized by
Columbus, Mississippi, for CLAIMED IT WILL BE PUT UP may limit the number of quali- of up to Fifty Dollars ($50.00) this article.
cash to the highest bidder, the Tag#LT3-541 Ms. FOR SALE ON THE 23RD DAY fied patients a caregiver may for issuing an identification
following described land and assist at any one time. A quali- card and reasonable fees for li- Section 8.
Did you
OF OCTOBER, 2020 AT 10:00
property situated in Lowndes 9)2006 Ford Expedition (Black) A.M. AT JARRETT'S TOWING, fied patient may have more censing treatment centers,

VIN# 1FMPU17506LA95396 (1) Medical marijuana treat-
County, Mississippi, to-wit: INC. 5209 HWY 182 EAST, than one caregiver. A caregiver which shall be fixed by and ment centers shall not provide
Tag# LTE-7943 Ms. COLUMBUS, MS. is prohibited from consuming paid to the department, pursu- to a qualified patient, during
Beginning at the Southwest medical marijuana provided for ant to Section 6. any one fourteen-day period, an
Corner of the West Half of the 10) 2004 Chevy 1500 Z-71 PUBLISH: 10/7, 10/14, & use by a qualified patient. (4) The rules and regulations
(Tan) amount of medical marijuana
Southwest Quarter of Section 10/21/2020 (2) "Criminal or civil sanctions" shall not limit the number of li- that exceeds 2.5 ounces by
27, Township 17 North, Range VIN# 2GCEK19T441208086 shall mean arrest; incarcera- censed medical marijuana
Tag# LU5-744 Ms. weight. At no one time shall a
18 East, thence North 210 Pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. tion; prosecution; penalty; fine; treatment centers nor set the qualified patient possess more
feet; thence East 210 feet; sanction; the denial of any price of medical marijuana. than 2.5 ounces of medical
thence South 210 feet; thence 11) 2000 ford Ranger (Bronze) Section 23-17-45(1), we, The right, privilege, license, certific- (5) The rules and regulations
VIN# 1FTYR14V9YPA43923 Mississippi Secretary of marijuana. The weight limita-
West 210 feet back to the ation; and/or to be subject to shall require the department to tion herein shall not include
In 2014, The
Tag# LT1-6537 (Ms.) State’s Office, supply to you
Point of Beginning, containing the ballot title and summary, disciplinary action by a licens- issue an identification card or a any ingredients combined with
1 acre more or less and being ing board or commission; license for a treatment center medical marijuana to prepare
12) 2001 Toyota Camry (Black arguments or explanations for
located in the Southwest
Quarter of said Section. All in & Silver) and against each measure and and/or to be subject to seizure
alternative, Legislative Budget and/or forfeiture of assets pur-
within a reasonable time follow- edible products, topical
ing an application for a card or products, ointments, oils, tinc- Dispatch
Lowndes County, State of Mis- VIN# 4T1BF28K61U120920 suant to any Mississippi law, license.
Tag# LTD-649 Ms. Office fiscal analysis and full tures, or other products.
sissippi. text for Initiative Measure No. local ordinance, or board, com- (6) The department shall issue (2) Medical marijuana shall
65 and Alternative Measure mission, or agency regulation a qualified patient a medical only be dispensed to a quali-
I will only convey such title as IF THESE VEHICLES ARE NOT or rule. marijuana identification card
CLAIMED THEY WILL BECOME No. 65 A (Statewide Ballot fied patient or caregiver with a

is vested in me as Substitute (3) "Debilitating medical condi- upon presentation of a physi- current medical marijuana iden-
Trustee. THE PROPERTY OF BOB'S TOW- Measure 1). tion" shall mean cancer, epi- cian certification. Such card
ING, LLC AND WILL BE SOLD tification card by a medical
lepsy or other seizures, Parkin- shall be renewed, as applic-
ON OCTOBER 30TH, 2020 AT Ballot Title: marijuana treatment center.
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this Should Mississippi allow quali- son's disease, Huntington's able, upon presentation of a (3) All contracts under this art-
28th day of September, 2020. 11:30AM AT THE ABOVE AD- disease, muscular dystrophy, new physician certification, but icle and related to the opera-
Library, a
DRESS. WE ALSO RESERVE fied patients with debilitating
medical conditions, as certi- multiple sclerosis, cachexia, in no case shall a card have an tion of medical marijuana treat-
Dean Morris, LLC THE RIGHT TO RETAIN THE post-traumatic stress disorder, expiration term longer than
fied by Mississippi licensed ment centers shall be enforce-
Substitute Trustee VEHICLE. THESE VEHICLES positive status for human im- twelve (12) months. A quali-
SHOULD BE CONSIDERED SAL- physicians, to use medical able and rules applicable to
855 S Pear Orchard Rd., Ste. munodeficiency virus, acquired fied patient is authorized to re- other similar businesses by the
that promotes
404, Bldg. 400 immune deficiency syndrome, ceive medical marijuana from a Department of Revenue shall
Ridgeland, MS 39157 THEY MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE chronic or debilitating pain, treatment center upon present- apply to medical marijuana
KEYS. Ballot Summary:
(318) 330-9020 Initiative Measure No. 65 pro- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ation of his or her identifica- treatment centers created pur-
poses to amend the Missis- glaucoma, agitation of demen- tion card. suant to this article, except
adp/F20-0448 PUBLISH: 10/14, 10/21, &
sippi Constitution to allow qual- tias, Crohn's disease, ulcerat- (7) The department and medic- that the processing and use of
PUBLISH: 10/7, 10/14 &
ified patients with debilitating ive colitis, sickle-cell anemia,
autism with aggressive or self-
al marijuana treatment centers medical marijuana shall be ex-
shall protect the confidentiality empt from the application of
medical conditions, as certi-
10/21/20 fied by Mississippi licensed injurious behaviors, pain re- of all qualified patients. All re- any state and/or local sales
fractory to appropriate opioid cords containing the identity of tax or other fee, other than that
All notices must be physicians, to use medical
marijuana. This amendment management, spinal cord dis- qualified patients, caregivers, authorized by this article.

emailed to would allow medical marijuana ease or severe injury, intract- and physicians shall be confid- (4) No medical marijuana treat-
Read local. classifieds@
to be provided only by licenses able nausea, severe muscle
treatment centers. The Missis- spasticity, or another medical
ential and exempt from disclos- ment center shall be located
ure under the Mississippi Pub- within five hundred (500) feet
condition of the same kind or lic Records Act or any related
sippi State Department of
Health would regulate and en- class to those herein enumer-
of a pre-existing school,
statute, regulation, or rule per- church, or licensed child care
force the provisions of this ated and for which a physician taining to the public disclosure center.
amendment. believes the benefits of using of records. (5) Except as otherwise
medical marijuana would reas- (8) The department may estab- provided in this article, any zon-
8B WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2020 The Dispatch •
General Help Wanted General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: Other


DISPATCH seeks a motiv-
The Military Square
Apartments are now
Merchandise ON THE WEB
ated, contracted carrier for accepting applicants!
Call us: 662-328-2424 the Caledonia area. Excel- We have 1, 2, and 3 Ads starting at $12 Visit
lent opportunity to earn bedroom units available.
Customer Service money for college. Must All apartments are newly Firewood / Fuel for a printable copy of
have good transportation, remodeled, and include:
valid driver's license & in- New Washer/Dryer, New FIREWOOD FOR SALE. these puzzles.
surance. Delivers on Refrigerator, New A/C Unit! Various lengths.
Sunday morning and Mon- 662−295−2274.
Fri afternoons. Apply at The We also offer rent
Commercial Dispatch, 516 discounts for:
General Merchandise
Main Street in Columbus. −Active Military
No phone calls please. −Veterans
FOR SALE: Bistro style
Call us at: 662−205−0005 table w/ chairs, in/out
door. Indoor game table,
seats 8. 2 upholstered
chairs. Oriental table.
Washer & Dryer.
Ads starting at $25 TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS

Apts For Rent: North 1 BEDROOM Mobile Home Frames

2 Mobile Home Frames for
2 BEDROOMS $500 Each. 30 Free
1 & 2 BR near hospital. 3 BEDROOMS Concrete Blocks w/ Each
$595−$645 monthly.

© The Dispatch
Military discount, pet area, 2 Electric Tongue Jacks
pet friendly, and furnished DEPOSIT $150 Each
corporate apts.
AND For More Info. Contact
Jessie Brooks @
IBLE HOURS. VARIED SURVEILLANCE. Benji & Genuine cow hide leather
SKILLS SUCH AS OFFICE, 2411 HWY 45 N jacket w/quilted lining, L,
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
SALES, STOCKING AND COLUMBUS, MS new. $50. Leather jacket Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
w/quilted lining, XL, worn placing puzzle based on
MANAGING SOCIAL MEDIA. Apts For Rent: West very little. $50. Leather Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 4 5 7 2 8 1 6 3 9
PAY BASED ON EXPERI- chaps, genuine buffalo, XL,
given numbers.puzzleThe object 8 6 3 4 9 5 7 1 2
General Help Wanted
Real Estate

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

new. $40. Leather vest, genuine buffalo, L, new. based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 9 1 2 7 6 3 5 4 8
OFFICE MANAGER needed grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
for local Construction com-
$20. Motorcycle riding empty spaces 6 3 8 5 1 9 4 2 7
pany. Job includes man- NEW, SMALL, fast growing Ads starting at $25
boots, waterproof/ given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 1 4 9 6 7 2 8 5 3
insulated, worn very little,
aging Pay Roll, QuickBooks, business looking for skilled object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
Apartments & Houses size 10. $70. One piece
numbers 7 2 5 8 3 4 1 9 6
contains the1same to 9 number
Spreadsheets, Accounts carpenter or laborer. Must Farms & Timberland rain suit by Gear, L, new.
the empty spaces so 5 9 6 1 2 8 3 7 4
1 Bedrooms
Payable & Receivable, Pur- be knowledgeable or will- $35. For sale locally.
chasing & Social Media. ing to learn in all aspects only once. The difficulty 2 8 4 3 5 7 9 6 1
501−545−7750. that each row, each
2 Bedroooms
LAMAR CO. AL, 197 Acres.
Single position in small of carpentry and mainten- level increases from
business with nice atmo- ance. Email resume to
Good timber. Good hunting. column and each 3 7 1 9 4 6 2 8 5
sphere. Mail resume to 3 Bedrooms Road frontage. South of
Millport. $1,325/ac. 205−
Sporting Goods Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 10/13

Blind Box 677 c/o The the same number only once. The difficulty level
Commercial Dispatch Furnished & Unfurnished 799−9846 or 205−695− ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
2248. Open for season! increases from Monday to Sunday.
PO Box 511
Columbus MS 39703. Shop Classifieds 1, 2, & 3 Baths Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
Houses For Sale: Southside Over 50 years experience!
Lease, Deposit Repairs, cleaning, refin−
General Help Wanted & Credit Check 1512 WASHINGTON AVE ishing, scopes mounted &
3BR/1.5BA, living room w/ zeroed, handmade knives. gas log−heat, dining room, Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
327-8555 front/back porch, natural
gas heat, window units−
of West Point, turn right on
Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
cooling, storage bldg & left on Darracott Rd, will
carport. 1,230 sq ft. see sign, 2.5mi ahead
Apts For Rent: Other Call 662−425−9451. shop on left.
Houses For Sale: Other

FSBO: 4BR/4.5BA situated

on 13 acres in South
Lowndes County @ 627
Canfield Rd. New Hope
school district. 50x100
shop, in ground pool w/
pool house & 1.5 acre
stock pond. Ideal place for
mini farm! $675,000.
You’ll find the best deals
Lots & Acreage
when you advertise
1.75 ACRE LOTS and shop here!
Good/Bad Credit Options.
Good credit as low as 20%
down, $499/mo. Eaton
Land, 662−361−7711.

180 acres in Liberty
Community. Good hunting
BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN & road systems. $850/ac.
1BR features tall ceilings, Other tracts available. Call Ads starting at $12
exposed brick walls, hard− 205−799−9846 or 205−
wood floors, central heat 695−2248. Travel & Entertainment
and air, walk−in closet and
Houses For Sale: Other washer/dryer in the unit.
This apartment is located PUBLIC CATFISH POND
right in the heart of 130 Hillcrest Dr
Columbus, within easy Catfish contest Oct. 1−
walking distance of 31. $200 for most
restaurants, bars, shops weight. $100 for Big
and the Riverwalk. Fish. 2 drawings for
$675/month with deposit. $50 valued prizes. Call
No pets. Call Peter Looking for a new home? 662−386−8591 for
662−574−1561. Let us help, shop here. details.

1 Hindu hero
FOR SALE:. 10 weeks old.
2M & 2F. Wormed & shots.
$250 ea. 626−590−2584. 11 Not at home
12 Polished
13 One-liner, e.g.
14 To-do list
Need a new
Place an ad safely
15 Hoppy brew
16 Revue seg-
companion? ment

from home with 17 Visitor from

19 Toe count
the Classifieds. 22 Happen again
24 Eat from the
26 Egg outline
27 Gumbo base 2 Illegally off 21 Tidy
28 Nanny’s mate base 22 Spa wear
30 Traction aid 3 Phone some- 23 Wicked
31 Building wing one 25 Part to play
32 Bewildered 4 Supporter’s 29 Boring event
When looking 34 Number
between eins
vote 30 CBS series
5 Tremble with spinoffs
for a new pet, and drei 6 Exhortation 33 Phone mes- 35 Nourished 7 Aid illegally sages
adoption is 38 Egyptian
8 — Salvador
9 Linking word
34 Fan publica-
41 Green stone

Service Directory
10 Stephen of 36 Writer Ferber
always a 42 Early news-
group system
“The Crying
37 Out of play
38 Total
good option. 43 Arm bone
44 Informal
16 Knight’s title
18 Temporary
39 Letter before
dances calm 40 Spell
Promote your small business starting at only $25 45 Pleased 19 Pretend to be 41 Moonshine
DOWN knocked out holder
Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Painting & Papering Five Questions: 1 Indian prince 20 Poet Pound

1 Pinkerton’s
Bucket truck & stump Ext/Int Painting.
removal. Free est. Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
Serving Columbus Repair. Pressure Washing.
since 1987. Senior Free Estimates. Ask for
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ specials! Larry Webber,
242−0324/241−4447 662−242−4932.
"We’ll go out on a limb for
DAVID’S CARPET & Special Prices.
2 Mr. McGregor
UPHOLSTERY ADD−2 YOUR Party with Interior & Exterior Painting.
CLEANING J−LOW, your Karaoke DJ 662−435−6528
Fall Special: 4 Rms $99 Holidays are around the
1 Room − $50 corner! Book today to sing, Sitting With The Sick / Elderly
2 Room − $70
3 Rooms − $90
dance & laugh the night
away. Party planners call 3 House mouse
Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars for pricing & available wanting a PT/FT daytime
Call for more info! dates. Call J−LOW @ King’s
4 Vault, floor
position. Refs & back−
662−722−1758 Karaoke 662−386−1836 Lawn Care / Landscaping ground avail. Errands &
light house work incl.
General Services WORK WANTED: Licensed JESSE & BEVERLY’S 662−327−0964.
uneven bars,
& Bonded. Carpentry, minor LAWN SERVICE
RN NURSE seeking to sit electrical, minor plumbing, Mowing, cleanup, tree
balance beam
cutting, landscaping,
w/ elderly person in home, insulation, painting, demo−
lition, gutters cleaned, sodding & bush hogging. Got leaky pipes?
hospital or nursing home.
Light housekeeping & yard pressure washing, land− 662−356−6525 Find a plumber
scaping, cleanup work. in the classifieds.
5 Moscow
work offered. Ask for Mary,
662−356−6578. 662−242−3608.

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