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Fox 1

Jessica Fox

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp period 5a

18 September 2020

Narrative Essay Rough Draft

Finding a job can sometimes be one of the hardest tasks, especially in a small town like

Bradford, PA. I got nagged by my parents every single day to find a place to work, but little did

they know, I applied to numerous places in hopes of getting a career. I had been wanting to work

for the longest time, but I could not find a place that was hiring. I finally got an interview after

months of searching, and this restaurant is called Beefeaters. Although, I had no idea what I was

getting myself into or what problems I was going to have to come across.

On my first day of work, I was awfully excited yet nervous at the same time. I walked

into the building and was greeted by my manager; she is the nicest human being ever. I started

working with little to no training. I loved the people who worked there, but the job was stressful

and overwhelming. The first day was not too bad though. I thought working would get easier and

better the more I worked, but I was wrong. My second day of work, I had to seat people, answer

the phone, check people out, and clean everything. I would cry every single day after work from

being overwhelmed. I told my parents that it didn’t seem like the right job for me, but I still

wanted to work there. They told me I could try to find another job, but I had to keep this one for

now, which I was fine with. Later that week, my stepmom came home telling me she found a

new place for me. After hearing that news, I told my manager at Beefeaters that I would be

working two more weeks and then I would be leaving; I thought that was the end of that.
Fox 2

On my last day, or at least I thought it was, my coworkers told me how much they’ll miss

me. They also mentioned that I’m their favorite sixteen-year-old. Toward the end of my shift, my

manager talked to me about staying, and she told me that she would change things around for me

to actually get trained. She also mentioned only working on weekends, since I would not have

time after school. I agreed with her idea for me to stay. Staying there made me glad that I was

still making money, and I was excited about working with my best friend. My boss never said

anything to me about almost quitting, which surprised me; my coworkers on the other hand, were

a little confused as to why I was still working, but they were delighted.

I solved my problem of having an awful job and not being able to get one by

communicating about how I felt. By talking to my manager and coworkers, I improved my work

experience. My other place of employment never called me back anyways. I would also like to

say that working here has made me less socially awkward than I was before. It worked out well

for me in the long run.

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