7 Everyone - Speak - 1 - SB PDF

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Title Speaking Task Speaking Skill Meeting new | people Introducing yourself | Describing people People in a Picture lige pice What Time Do You Get Up? “Talking about your | daily activities Giving a presen- tation about your _ favorite holiday Personal information | Personal _ information | Short response _ Long response / | _ Impromptu speech | Unit Title My Home My Dream House My Room I Love This Book 9 be My Favorite Character at “Books and Characters 1 ; > SpeakingTask Speaking Skill Page| =e Talking about a book you enjoyed Talking about your favorite character Long response / Impromptu speech Long response / Impromptu speech Weekends and Travel 11 Weekend? A City I Want to Visit What Did You Do on the Talking about what you did on the Short response weekend Talking about a city you want to visit Supplementary Material - Review Test 1, 2,3 Longresponse/ Impromptu speech — { Getting Ready, @o acl This task prepares students by previewing the unit's language and ideas, Speaking Practice ‘A combined speaking and listening activity familiatizes students with the unit's communication structures. The speaking activity involves asking and answering questions with a partner. 4 ESS Pair work e——— Students practice a simple model dialogue with a partner using the unit’s key vocabulary and | expressions. i Conversation ¢ erst Students practice a functional dialogue “aprctretyeteem nono ricn with a partner. Additional speaking cards allow students to gain a better understanding ofthe vocabulary and expressions being used. aaa Sede Communication Task e- ———— Students build fluency and speaking confidence by using the key vocabulary and expressions they have leamed to complete fun and interesting tasks. a Hybrid CD(MultiROM) | %, ‘The CD-ROM contains audio files of the dynamic dialogues and | speeches from Everyone, Speak! along with fun speaking flash activities. Getting Ready This task prepares students for their presentation by previewing its basic ‘components. | Presentation Practice e—} | Asample presentation with | corresponding listening and speaking activities teaches students how to prepare their own presentation. \ ccmeinensiiaadlidieaaieoseieas | Speaking Skill a) This section suggests possible speaking points about each unit's topic that the students can use | during their presentation. (Te This section contains easy - to - remember advice to help students improve their public speaking skills ple ey Seeetone Presentation Workshop e Students organize their | presentation by answering questions designed to help them create a | strong speech using their own ideas. An idea box on the next page provides extra vocabulary and expressions to bolster students’ creativity. PB students write their presentation using thelr answers from the previous page and then present it to their classmates. | Classmates are encouraged to ask questions about the presentation. Lage My Favorite Character Presentation Card | ‘Students can write down key ideas before their presentation on the Presentation Card. This will allow them to feel more confident when speaking and help them to make stronger presentations, Getting Ready This task prepares students for their presentation by previewing its basic components. & | Presentation Practice e | | A sample presentation with | corresponding listening and speaking activities teaches students how to prepare their own presentation. | Speal | This section suggests possible speaking points about each unit's topic that the students can use during their presentation. king Skill — r | Tiple | This section contains easy-to- | remember advice to help students | improve their public speaking skills, Presentation Workshop e tetova sneer Students organize their presentation by answering questions designed to help them create a strong speech using their own ideas. Anidea box on the next page provides extra vocabulary and ‘expressions to bolster students’ creativity. Students write their presentation using their answers from the previous page and then present it to their classmates. Classmates are encouraged to ask questions about the presentation. ans My Favorite Character Presentation Card | Students can write down key ideas before their presentation on the Presentation Card. This willallow them to feel more confident when speaking and help them to make stronger presentations. Unit What's Your Name? corsets P Meeting new people — Certara A. Write the correct letters in the boxes. Emma: Hi, I'm Emma. What's your name? Tiree Neves Co | William: It's Smith. Emma: How do you spell that? Rete ciors Tie | Emma: That's a cool email address! a. What's your last name, William? b. S-M-I-T-H. c. My name is William. d. My email address is imgreat@ne.com. B. Pair work _ Practice the conversation above with your partner. Use your own information. Speaking Practice A. Pair work _ Ask and answer the questions using the information below with your partner. First name: Tom[_ } *First name: Jessica{ | «Last name: Garcia [ *Last name: Mars{_| *Email: emailme@st.com{_ } What your fi : My first name is What your last né : My last name is hatS your email address? — B: My email address is 2 B. Listen _ Put an O in the boxes above if the information is correct. Put an X if the information is incorrect. © What's your teacher’s email address? Ask your teacher. * Teacher's email address: UNIT1* 7 Conversation A. Listen and repeat the conversation. Then use the speaking cards to practice it with your partner. : Hi, I'm @ Sarah. What's your name? : I’m @ Shawn. It’s nice to meet you, @ Sarah. : It’s nice to meet you, too. What's your last name, @ Shawn? : It’s @ Wipple. : How do you spell that? : © W-LP-P-L-E. : What's your email address? : It’s @ ilovecookies@dl.com. @ Ronald © Emily © Mustard/M-U-S-TAR-D © nohomework@ts.com ® Owen @ Caroline © Walker/W-ALK-ER © walkdontrun@go.com @ Wan ® Robin © Friendly/F-R-LE-N-D-L-Y © letsbefriends@np.com B. Pronunciation _ Listen and repeat. 2D Words —spell__— first. «= name —_friendely Sentence _ It’s nice to meet you. Communication Task A. Group work _ Talk to three classmates. Write their information on the cards below. a B *First name: *Last name: | | Nickname: *Email address: | os a _V Ses oS ss 4) 4 °First name: * Last name: * Nickname: *Email address: *First name: *Last name: | *Nickname: _ *Email address: B. Class work _ Discuss the questions below with your classmates. | + Who has the most interesting first name? | | + Who has the most interesting nickname? * Who has the most interesting email address? UNITI* 9 SSL oe hoe All About Me Ceee ae A. Match the correct pairs. Then fill in the blanks with the information. apy! Mynameis———. Igo to Iminthe ___ grade. I'm good at playing tenant piano, Bue Im not‘good a . My favorite things are and ! name . e 4th school playing the piano grade Nina good at writing stories not goodat « © cake, the Eiffel Tower favorite things ¢ ° Brookview Elementary School 10 Presentation Practice A, Listen _ Carole is introducing herself to the class. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Hi, everyone! Please let me myself. My name is Carole. | go to St. Joseph Elementary School, and I’m in the grade. I'm good at running and ___, but I'm not good at . My favorite things are , Pepperoni pizza, and riding roller coasters. | hope we'll be good __ . Thank you. clouds friends 4th introduce playing soccer _ playing basketball | saci een B. Pair work _ Ask and answer the questions about Carole’s presentation with your partner, 1. What is Carole good at? She's good at _ and 2. What are Carole’s favorite things? Her favorite things are __ yo and When you introduce yourself, you can + greet everyone and tell them your name + talk about your school and grade + talk about what you are good at/not good at + talk about your favorite things UNIT2+ 11 1. What’s your name? => My name is % 2. What school do you go to? ® | goto ; 3. What grade are you in? I'm in the e 4. What are you good at? I'm good at 5. What are you not good at? > I'm not good at 6. What are your favorite things? => My favorite things are aay Write your presentation using your answers from page 12. SSCOSSSSOSSESESESSESSSHSCHESEEEEEES All About Me! Hi, everyone! Please let me introduce myself. My name is 1 goto _ , and I'm in the I'm good at but I'm not good at My favorite things are | hope we'll be good friends. Thank you. Idea Box + Things you're good at or not good at: science, math, playing dodgeball, singing, remembering to do my homework, snowboarding, swimming, juggling... + Your favorite things: stars, chocolate, milkshakes, sunshine, telling funny jokes, eating ice cream cake, sending text messages to my friends, playing my Nintendo DS... When you give a presentation, speak slowly and clearly, Presentation to others _ Each person in the group takes turns speaking. The others listen. Each listener should ask the speaker one question. UNIT2 + 13, What Does He Look Like? CeCTa ah ae A. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Nikki Height short curly, long, Hair Be fone Eyes +Height: tall short sHair: — long/short curly/straight_blond/red/black/brown sEyes: blue black brown green B. Pair work _ Practice the conversation with your partner using the words above. A: What does Sam look like? B: He's tall. He has short, curly, blond hair and = blue eyes. 4 Speaking Practice A. Pair work _ Choose one of the boys (a-d) and describe him. Your partner will guess who he is. What does he look like? | He's short. ) He has long, straight, brown hair. 4 He has brown eyes. That's 'c"! B. Listen _ Choose the boy Deena and Peter are talking about in the picture. °o © e@ 0 @p What does your teacher look like? Talk about it with your partner. +Mr/Ms, is , + He/She has hair and eyes. UNIT3 © 15 Conversation A. Listen and repeat the conversation. Then use the speaking card to practice it with your partner. aD A: Your birthday party was really fun! B: Thanks for coming. Did you meet my @ cousin? A; I don’t know. What does he/she look like? B: He/She’s @ tall and has @ short, brown hair. ‘A: What color are his/her eyes? B: He/She has @ green eyes. A: Tremember him/her. He/She was really funny. @ sister © grandfather @ aunt @ short @ tall @ tall © long, red © short, gray @ short, brown @ blue @ blue © brown | B. Pronunciation _Listen and repeat. ED Words straight birtheday cousin reemem+ber Sentence | What does he look like? 16 Communication Task Find the Window Breakers © Pair work _ Two kids broke a window. You're going to find them. Josh, Mike, Shawn, Jane, Rebecca, and Shannon are the suspects. Ask and answer the questions with Student B to get the information you need. The Window Breakers , y Suspect: boy Suspect: girl * He’ short. | * She’ tall. * He has short, brown hair. |» She has long, red hair. » He has blue eyes. | * She has black eyes. Hair | Eyes short, brown Shannon long, red A(8): Is Josh tall or short? BA): Hes . What does Josh hair look like? A(8): He has short, brown hair. What color are Josh’ eyes? B(A): His eyes are 1 Whoare the window breakers? >The window breakers are and UNIT3 © 17 Getting Ready A. Look at the picture. Then match each of the descriptions below with the correct person. | She's average height and has black eyes. __d | | Appearance + She's tall and has long, straight, black hair. | What does he/she look like? He's short and has green eyes. __ He's tall and has short, curly, brown hair. + She's wearing a skirt and a jacket. Clothing He's wearing jeans and glasses. What is he/she wearing? *She's wearing a dress and a hat. *He’s wearing shorts and a Tshirt. | «He's playing the guitar | Action +He's listening to music. | What is he/she doing? *She’s reading @ book. __ | | + She's talking on the phone. 18 Presentation Practice A. Listen _ A boy is describing the picture below. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. This is a picture of an ina play. He's . He has hair and eyes. He's wearing __. He’s wearing a too. He's _____ over @ wall in this picture. He seems curly,brown climbing __ black actor | - excited tall blackcape —_ glasses. i —_—_—_oO_Oe —4 B. Pair work _ Ask and answer the questions about the boy's presentation with your partner. 1. What color are the actor's eyes? ® His eyes are __ 2. What are the three things he's wearing that aren't listed in the description? He's wearing ‘When you describe a person in a picture, you can | + say who the person in the picture is , + talk about the person’s appearance — height, hair, eyes, etc. + say what the person is wearing and doing + say how you think the person feels and UNIT4 = 19 1. Who is the person in the picture? ® This is a picture of 2. What does the person in the picture look like? (height) => He/She’s 3. What does the person in the picture look like? (hair, eyes) => He/She has _ hair and ____ eyes. 4. What is the person wearing? » He/She’s wearing and 5. What is the person doing? *» He/She’s _ 6. How do you think the person feels? =» He/She seems eT ee amet oe I aA Write your presentation using your answers from page 20. . COC CCC COCO e CeCe eC CECE CEEEECLE Who's That? This is a picture of e has ° 's wearing * Appearance: long, straight, blond hair / short, curly, brown hair, blue eyes, brown eyes.. + Clothing: an orange T-shirt, brown shorts, brown shoes, a red dress, ice skates... * Action: skating around the ice rink, playing with his action figure, smiling, + Feeling: excited, nervous, happy, sad, like he/she's having fun. Tip! } When you give a presentation, look at the people you are speaking to. Presentation to others _ Each person in the group takes turns speaking. The others listen. Each listener should ask the speaker one question. UNIT4 = 21 What Time Do Getting Ready A. Fill in the blanks with the correct activity for each picture. do homework watch TV go to bed have lunch have breakfast go to school getup B. Pair work _ Practice the conversation with your partner using the phrases above. r A: What time does Eric get up? ane B: He gets up at 7 o'clock. 2 Speaking Practice A. Look at the activities below. When do you think each one happened? Draw lines to match the times with the activities. B. Listen _ Check your answers above. Then number the pictures in the correct order. 2D Ask your partner about his/her daily activities. A: What time do you usually go to bed? ranoved B: | usually go to bed at | a.m. UNITS « 23 Conversation A. Listen and repeat the conversation. Then use the speaking cards to practice it with your partner. (2 A: Hi, @ Tiger! What time do you usually get up? : Lusually get up at @ 6 o'clock. : What do you do before lunch? : | @ take a shower and go to the gym. : What do you do after lunch? : I @ practice golf. : What time do you usually go to bed? : Lusually go to bed at @ 10 o'clock. Srprraprse ® Johnny @ 7:30 © clean my house and check my email @ read scripts @ 11:15 ® Michael @ 6:30 © read the newspaper and go jogging © play basketball © 10:30 Justin @ 9 o'clock © write songs and practice singing © meet my friends © 11:30 B. Pronunciation _ Listen and repeat. Words before lesson practice. usually Sentence | What time do you usually get up? 24 : Communication Task es A: What time do you usually get up on weekends? B: I usually get up at 10 o'clock. A: What do you do before(after) lunch? B: I ride my bike. A: What time do you usually go to bed? B: I usually go to bed at 10 o'clock. Idea Box watch a football game, go camping, play outside, practice the piano, read a book, do homework, write in my diary, talk with my mom, go to bed, play tennis, go to the movies... UNITS = 25 Px A PIES Getting Ready A. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the correct information from below. + Name of the holiday: Songkran Country: + Date: April 13~15 «Things you do: 1.go to a temple 2s +Food you eat: 1.chicken 2.green curry + Name of the holiday: + Country: the United States + Date: + Things you do: 1.wear colo! clothing a, +Food you eat: 1.peanut soup 2 throw water December 26~January 1 Kwanzaa Thailand African vegetarian stew light candles 26 Presentation Practice A. Listen _ Jin is talking about his favorite holiday. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. (2 Hi, I'm Jin. I'd like to tell you about my favorite It's _____. It’s on the first day of the_ month of the Chinese calendar. | spend the day with We ____ to sweep away bad luck. My parents give mea____envelopewith inside for good luck. We eat »___, and many sweets. | like Chinese Lunar New Year because | can __ with my whole family! clean ourhouse first havefun holiday pork duck | red myfamily Chinese Lunar New Year money j anne anand eee B. Pair work _ Ask and answer the questions about Jin’s presentation with your partner. 1. What does Jin do on the holiday? Jin _— __ to sweep away —_ 2. What does Jin eat on the holiday? » He eats ‘ ,and When you describe your favorite holiday, you can + say the name and date of the holiday + say who you spend the holiday with + talk about what you do on the holiday + say what food you eat on the holiday + explain why you like the holiday UNIT6 + 27 1. What's your favorite holiday? > It's 2. When is the holiday? ® It's in/on 3. Who do you spend the holiday with? ® | spend with 4. What do you do on the holiday? » We 5. What do you eat on the holiday? | | 6. Why do you like the holiday? ® | like because a eee Ey Write your presentation using your answers from page 28. My Favorite Holiday I'd like to tell you about my favorite holiday. It’s It's in/on | spend We __ because Idea Box + Holiday: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, Chuseok, Halloween, Hanukkah, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick's Day. + People you spend the holiday with: cousins, whole family, grandparents, friends... + Things you do: play board games, watch fireworks, wear traditional clothes, watch a parade... + Food you eat: turkey, pumpkin pie, chicken, rice cakes, sweets, beef, pancakes, noodles... Presentation to others _ Each person in the group takes turns speaking. The When you give a presentation, others listen. Each listener should ask have fun! It's okay to laugh and the speaker one question. be happy. UNIT6* 29 Unit Payee lh ll tts = a. laundry room b.yard c. bedroom d.bathroom e. stairs f. living room g.hall h. kitchen i. dining room j. garage k. balcony I. attic B. Pair work _ Practice the conversation with your partner using the picture and the words above. A; Is there a(n) kitchen in the house? B: Yes, there is. A: Where is it? B: It’s on the first floor. 30 Speaking Practice A. Pair work _ Look at the picture. Then ask and answer the questions about the house. How many floors and rooms } There are two floors and six rooms. are there? : floor, there isa What rooms are on each oe Onitrel m tnere Isa __ B. Listen _ Check [/] the two places where Jason saw the ghosts in the picture above. Ask your partner about his/her dream house. + How many floors are there? + How many rooms are there? + What rooms are there? UNIT7 * 31 Conversation A. Listen and repeat the conversation. Then use the speaking cards to practice it with your partner. A: Tell me about your dream house. B: My dream house is amazing. A: How many @ bedrooms are there? B: There are five @ bedrooms. A: Is there a @ kitchen? (es, there is a @ kitchen next to the @ bx ‘A: Your dream house has a(n) © bowling alley? B: Yes. I like to dream big! @ living rooms @ dining room © movie theater @ bathrooms @ laundry room © pizza restaurant @ kitchens O garage © ice skating rink B. Pronunciation _ Listen and repeat. @p Words alley = garage. -—slaunsdry —_—balkcomny Sentence | There are two floors and six rooms. 32 Communication Task © Pair work _ Fill in the four boxes in the picture with these words: a chair, a ball, a book, and a pencil. Then take turns asking and answering the questions to find out where they are in your partner's picture. Your house A: Is there a chair in the living room? B: Yes, there is. B: No, there isn’t. A: Then, where is it in your house? B: Its in the bathroom. UNIT7*= 33 A. Where is the cup in each picture? Complete the sentences with the given phrases. Where is the cup? | — ao .Thecupis___———ontheTV tinder the tabie | . The cup is : TE behina the pen | . The cupis a anew | . The cup is Ta [oped wttetame | ; INS cps a [Between the armohairs | . The cupis_______________. WR FengloFthe sofa oo FONE Presentation Practice A. Listen _ A girl is describing the pirate's bedroom in the picture, Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. 3a) This is a pirate’s ___. On the left side of the room, there’s a . In the middle of the room, there's a___ A window is behind the bed and a pirate hat is ___. There's a { in front of the bed, too. On the right side of the room, there's a - A parrot is ___ the table ; and a chair is the table. There’s a ______________ between the bed and the table. | think this room is an _ place. treasure chest onthebed — exciting bed ~— lamp sword table behind = bedroom ~—under | ee e B. Pair work _ Ask and answer questions about the pirate’s bedroom with your partner. 1. What's on the bed? "> There is a ___ on the bed. 2. Where's the sword? ® The sword is When you describe @ room, you can * say what room you are describing + talk about the things that can be found on the left side of the room, in the middle of the room, and on the right side of the room * say what you think about the room UNITS + 35 TF —I™ 1. What’s on the left side of the room? On the left side of the room, there’s a bed . >A is the bed. 2. What's in the middle of the room? => In the middle of the room, there’s a DA _ is between the bed and the sofa. ee 3. What’s on the right side of the room? © On the right side of the room, there’s a PA _is the chair. >A is ___ the lamp. anda _ i @¢€ EA Write your presentation using the answers on page 36. SOO SSS SSS SSEEEEEESEEESEEEEEEEE My Bedroom This is my bedroom. On the left side of the room, there’s a_ e is the bed. In the middle of the room, there’s is between the bed and the sofa. the sofa. On the right side of the room, there's a anda . 68 2 the chair. A i the lamp. 2 I think this room is Idea Box * Location: on the bed, in front of the sofa, between the bed and the sofa, under the chair, next to the lamp.. + Thoughts: a fun place, a cozy place, an exciting place, a nice place... Presentation to others _ Each person in the group takes turns speaking. The When you give a presentation, others listen. Each listener should ask peak slowly and clearly. the speaker one question. UNITS = 37 | Love This Book er808OP ) rahingapourabookyouenies com Peat aN A. Write the correct kind of book under each book cover. romance fantasy fable adventure biography mystery B. Pair work _ Practice the conversation with your partner using the words above. A: What kind of books do you like? ra B: | like fantasy(romance/adventure/mystery) books. What do you like? A: | like fables(biographies). Speaking Practice A. Pair work _ Choose a book you want to read below and talk about it with your partner. * Charlie and the » The Adventures of * The Little Prince Chocolate Factory Tom Sawyer * fantasy * adventure * fable * Charlie and Willy Wonka * Tom, Huck, and Joe —_* a pilot and a prince Which book would you like I'd like to read The Adventures to read? Why do you want /— of Tom Sawyer because I like to read it? adventure books. B. Listen _ Check [/] the correct information. ] Charlie and the Chocolate Factory The book Kate read © The Adventures of Tom Sawyer () The Little Prince (© The part where the characters get in the glass elevator Kate's favorite part (0 The part where the characters visit the chocolate room ") The part where Violet turns into a giant blueberry What's your favorite book? Why do you like it? Who are the main characters? Talk about your favorite book with your partner. UNITS + 39 Conversation A. Listen and repeat the conversation. Then use the speaking cards to practice it with your partner. A: What's your favorite book? B: My favorite book is € Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. A; What kind of book is it? B: It’s a(n) @ fantasy book. A: Who are the main characters? B: The main characters are © Harry, Ron, and Hermione. A: What's the story about? B: It’s about @ a young boy who is a wizard. A; It sounds really interesting! © Matilda © fantasy book © Matilda and Miss Honey © alittle girl who has a special ability @ The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring @ adventure book © Frodo, Gollum, and Sauron © hobbits and an evil ring ® Charlotte's Web ® children’s book © Wilbur and Charlotte @ a pig and a spider's friendship B. Pronunciation _ Listen and repeat. © Words fable = mystery factory arbil-iety Sentence It's about a young boy whois a wizard. Communication Task © Pair work _ Summarize a book you recently read using the chart below. Then tell your partner about the book. Be a Critic * Title: What You Thought about the Book + The story wasn't very interesting. *Kind of story: + It was interesting and fun. ©) + It looked like a funny story, but it wasn’t. () + Characters: + [tended with a wonderful surprise. () + | couldn't stop crying. () z _ + It was a touching story. You must read it.) +Rating: & oe x He He + It was hard to understand. () — A: I read a book called The Giving Tree this weekend. B: What kind of book is it? A: It§ a fable. The main characters are a tree anda boy. B: It sounds cool. Would you recommend it? A: Yes. It was a touching story. You must read it. A: No. The story wasn't very interesting. UNIT9 + 41 Getting Ready A. Look at the pictures. Then write the correct information for each character. + Character’s name: Po +The movie he's in: +His appearance: + His personality: funny + His ability: + Character’s name: Remy +The movie he’s in: Ratatouille + His appearance: + His personality: + His ability: smart He can do kung fu. ~ big, fat panda | = ee 9: = Hecooksverywell, |. KungFuPanda | | furry littiemouse | 42 Presentation Practice A. Listen _ Andy is talking about his favorite character. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. 2 / Hi, I'm Andy. My favorite character is He’s in a movie called Shrek. He’s a He's andfat,andhas But he’s also ____ and brave. He was able to make friends with a . He saved the dragon. | like Shrek because he's very ugly Shrek = dragon ~—_ funny andkind E | monster Princess Fiona greenskin caring B. Pair work _ Ask and answer the questions about Andy's presentation with your partner. 1. Who is Andy's favorite character? » Andy's favorite character is 2. What does the character look like? Heis and , and has When you describe your favorite character, you can + say the character's name + say what movie, book, or TV show he/she is in/on + describe what he/she looks like + describe what his/her personality is like + talk about special things he/she can do. - talk about why you like the character UNITIO« 43 1. Who is your favorite character? *» My favorite character is 2. What movie, book, or TV show is your favorite character in(on)? ©» He/She’s in(on) a called 3. What is the character? ™ He/She's a(n) 4. What does your favorite character look like? (Appearance) => He/She's and has 5. What is your favorite character like? (Personality) © He/She's . 6. What can your favorite character do? (Ability) "> He/She can 7. Why do you like your favorite character? = Like because he/she EA Write your presentation using your answers from page 44. COSC SS ESSE E EEE SEES EEEEEEEEES My Favorite Character My favorite character is . He/She's in(on) a called . He/She’s a(n) e . He/She’s and has 9 . He/She’s ° He/She can Se | like because he/she Idea Box + Who the character is: SpongeBob, Harry Potter, Naruto, Bumblebee... + What the character is: a sponge, a young man, a boy wizard, a boy ninja. + Appearance: pretty, cute, little tiny, blond hair, big blue eyes, wear glasses... + Personality: energetic, fun, exciting, smart, strong, clever, friendly. * Ability: rap, dance, jump, roll around, transform into a big robot, climb a wall, dance well, do magic spells, Presentation to others _ Each person in the group takes turns speaking. The others listen. Each listener should ask the speaker one question. When you give a presentation, thank everyone for listening before you finish speaking. UNITIO» 45 Unit Getting Ready A. Look at the pictures. Match the correct phrase to each picture. a. went to the movies b.visited my grandparents —_c. went camping d.read a book e. played tennis £. went to the zoo g.went toa birthday party —_h. visited amuseum B. Pair work _ Practice the conversation with your partner using the phrases above. A: What did you do on the weekend? B: | went to the zoo. What did you do? A: |went to the movies. 46 Speaking Practice A. Pair work _ Did you do any of the activities below on the weekend? Ask and answer the questions with your partner. Include one extra piece of information in your answers. A: Did you read a book on the weekend? B: Yes, I did. I read The Little Prince. A: Did you eat out on the weekend? B: No, I didn't. I had dinner with my family at home. e Did you... Your answer —_ Your partner's answer | read a book on the weekend? Yes) Nof}) Yes) N eat out on the weekend? Yes No) Yes) No() visit a museum on the weekend? Yes () No O| Yes) No) | go for a bike ride on the weekend? | Yes Yes () play soccer on the weekend? | Yes O bake bread on the weekend? | Yes Q UNIT + 47 Conversation A. Listen and repeat the conversation. Then use the speaking cards to practice it with your partner. : What did you do on the weekend? : Iwent @ to an amusement park. : Who did you go with? : went with my @ cousi : What else did you do together? We @ flew kites, It was so much fun! It sounds like you had a great weekend. PEPE P aD ene @ shopping © friends © watched a concert @ to an aquarium @ sister © had lunch at a Mexican restaurant ® camping in the forest aunt and uncle © went hiking B. Pronunciation _ Listen and repeat. @p Words viesit weekend conecert forest Sentence Who did you go with? 48 Communication Task © Pair work _ What did Paul, Naomi, and Kevin do on the weekend? Ask and answer the questions with Student B to fill in the charts. a : What did Paul do on the weekend? He. Where did he do it? : He did it at the mall. When did he do it? He did Who did he do it with? A: He did it with his friends. oF ez at the mall his friends in the mountains her classmates at the park his sister UNITN = 49 ACGity [Want to Visit ig Ready A. You want to go ona trip. Find things you can do at each place. © Cities Around the World @ | | = New York City i = = Rockefeller Center: b_ f =Central Park: @ + Statue of Liberty: _ @ | 2 Singapo: | + Jurong Bird Park: @ . : | «Singapore Flyer: | | «Science Centre Singapore:_a_ e | | | . | @ a. explore 1,000 b. take the NBC studio tour | << e = —- } | | Sitetastive exhib ‘d. ride the tallest Ferris | t e ©. go for a bike ride wheel in the world — 5 take a ferry to see the statue closely Presentation Practice A. Listen _ Kelly is describing the city she wants to visit. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Hi, I'm Kelly. | want to visit ___, California. | want to go to the ok theme park. | want to go on the fun rides and - with movie characters there. | also want to go to Hollywood. | hope to __ there! There are other exciting things to do in Los Angeles, too. | want to go to Venice Beach and _ _. | really hope to visit Los Angeles someday. meet famous celebrities Universal Studios learn to surf take pictures Los Angeles B. Pair work _ Ask and answer the questions about Kelly's presentation with your partner. 1. Where does Kelly want to go in Los Angeles? She wants to go to i _ sand _ 2. What does Kelly want to do at Venice Beach? She wants to When you talk about a city you want to visit, you can + say what city you want to visit + name the places you want to go in the city + explain what you want to do there UNITI2* 51 1. Which city do you want to visit: London, England or Cairo, Egypt? > | want to visit ae 2. Where do you want to go in the city? =®> | want to go to a 3. What do you want to do there? Iwantto there. 4. Where is another place you want to go in the city? | also want to go to 5, What do you want to do there? | want to there. lwantto and EA Write your presentation using your answers from page 52. SSSSSSSESSESESSSESESESEHESESESEEEESE I Want to Visit the City! | want to visit . | want to go to 8 . | want to e ° there. | also want to go to . [want to there. There are other 8 exciting things to do in , too. | want to 6 and . | really hope to visit ® someday. Idea Box 1 (London) Idea Box 2 (Cairo) + The West End: watch a famous musical + The Giza Plateau: ride a camel around the pyramids + Buckingham Palace: watch the Changing + The Egyptian Museum: see King Tut's gold mask of the Guard ceremony and real mummies * Other exciting things to do: ride the London + Other exciting things to do: take a Nile River Eye, get an amazing view of the city cruise, watch belly dancers and Sufi dancers Presentation to others _ Each person tip’) in the group takes turns speaking. The When you give a presentation, others listen. Each listener should ask pereatthe Poop vous the speaker one question. speaking to. UNITI2 = 53 AT Find the Window Breakers WANTED © Pair work _ Two kids broke a window. You're going to Q find them. Josh, Mike, Shawn, Jane, Rebecca, and Shannon are the suspects. Ask and answer the questions fl with Student A to get the information you need 14 JM The Window Breakers : "Suspect: boy Suspect: girl * He’ short. * She’ tall. * He has short, brown hair. + He has blue eyes. * She has long, red hair. * She has black eyes. Bena} Suspect Height — a Hair | Eyes. Josh tall black Mike short, brown ‘Shawn short blue Jane "Tong, red | | Rebecca tong, red Shannon is Josh tall or short? je short. What does Josh hair look like? le has hair. What color are Josh eyes? B(A): His eyes are blue. Pa Who are the window breakers? > & © Pair work _ What did Paul, Naomi, and Kevin do on the weekend? Ask and answer the questions with Student A to fill in the charts. : What did Paul do on the weekend? | shopping. Where did he do it? | . When did he do if? E | ' : He did it on Saturday afternoon. Who did he do it with? A: He did it — Where: _ With: Where: With: Where: With: What: __ went shopping When: __on Saturday afternoon What: went hiking am When: on Friday morning What: played tennis When: ___on Sunday morning | Supplementary WE lar) A.Listen and repeat. (Pronunciation) @E29 1. spell 2.friendly 3. straight 4, remember 5. It’s nice to meet you. 6.What does she look like? B. Listen and answer the questions about the pictures. (Wh-questions ) ED | + First Nome: Jock * Lost Name: Smith * Emoil Address: happyjackebgcom 1@ 3.0 C. Listen and answer the questions. ( Personal Information ) © 1© 20 3.0 4.@ D, Listen and answer the questions about the pictures. Gn 4. 1) @ She's 2.1) 0 She has 270 E, Listen and answer the questions. (Long Response ) 9 1.@ 20 3.@ Review Test + 59 A.Listen and repeat. (Pronunciation) X59 1. lesson 2. usually 3. garage 4, balcony 5. What time do you usually get up? 6. There are two floors and six rooms. B. Listen and answer the questions about the pictures. (Wh-questions) © 3.0 4.0 C. Listen and answer the questions. (Personal Information ) HED 1.@ 20 3. 4.0 D. Listen and answer the questions about the pictures. (Picture Description ) ED r= E, Listen and answer the questions. (Long Response ) 3 1@ 40 Review Test + 61 A.Listen and repeat. (Pronunciation ) @H 1.ability 2. fable 3. concert 4. weekend 5. It’s about a young boy who is a wizard. 6.Who did you go with? B. Listen and answer the questions about the pictures. (Wh-questions) @ C. Listen and answer the questions. (Personal Information ) ED 1© a 20 3.0 4.@ 62 D.Listen and answer the questions about the pictures. Qn [ 27 E, Listen and answer the questions. @xp 1@® Review Test » 63 Everyone, Speak: to intermediate stude skills through activities and topics that re emphasis is on integrated speaking skills related to commun presentation skills. W |-designed from a peda Speak! improves students’ English comr and makes learning how to speak extn css + Each level features a balanced mix of activities designed to improve communication Pree net eee + Pair work and group work activities encourage students to participate in communication practice, and to share and discuss ideas with their peers Neto lofelge Vari eae eMac ae ume di el R eter e WTS ee Ra cdo tess ono aeacce Syke rte eter ee tue Ree eee) Pere een nec gees ce oer ato Components: Student Book / Workbook / Hybrid CD(MutiROM) Online Resources: www.ibuildandgrow.com Teacher's Guide (with answer keys) / Vocabulary Lists / Lesson Plans Everyone, Speak! Series:

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