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English Speech



Consigne : give a 2-minute presentation with some specific advice on starting-up a new
business from one of the listed websites


(A) Steven Magee once said: “Lots of small steps equates to a giant leap”, and we could as well
say that lots of small steps are necessary to a giant success.
(C) As you might know, our app LightUp is currently used by 18 million of persons, just one year
after we launched it.
(B) We are thus aware that the first steps are the hardest ones to take, by far, and our great
ambition today is to guide you through them, so you don’t fear them anymore.
(D) To do so, we will present you the three most important steps: getting the great idea,
validating the great idea, and launching the great idea.

Step 1 : how to get this brilliant idea ?

First and foremost, you need this BRILLIANT idea, the core of your future business that will
make you successful. At this point, you are like an author who’s seeking for the idea of his
future best seller. How to get inspired and not experience the author’s block ?

Several ways to get inspired and you have to find the one that fit you the most !
- Some work very hard, days and days to polish their idea
- some get the inspiration just by walking in the streets.
- But the main important thing to us is to be attentive to the world. Because, mainly a
business idea emerge with a problem which nobody has found the answer to. Ex :
social business Grameen-Danone -> Pb : how to fight against malnourishment ? an
enriched yogurt for children in Bangladesh.

Step 2 : “valider l’idée”

Once you’ve found this perfect and brilliant idea, the tricky part is that the fact that it seems
perfect to you is not enough. You need to validate it, that is to say to make sure that it is great
enough to survive once it’s out there. There are different ways to do so:
- First, you can share your idea. Not with the first stranger you go by, obviously, but with
your close friends, your family, people you trust who won’t steal your brilliant idea. They
will be able to tell you, from another point of view, if this is really a brilliant idea.
- Imagine the worst-case scenarios. What if everything goes wrong, and people don’t find
this idea as brilliant as you did? What will happen then? What do you have to lose?
Consider the sunk costs, the risk you are taking, to see if the brilliantly potential of your
idea can outbalance it.
- Carry out a benchmark. First, to make sure that your idea is not purely and simply
already taken. But also to see if others before you had similar ideas, and failed.

Step 3 : how to launch your project

Now, you have the idea, you’re sure about it. What you need now is ressources.
- Financial resources mainly. Perhaps you have either much savings or healthy parents.
Lucky you. But often not enough money to cover all your needs.
- And you also need a close network to help you. Try to find a incubator where you could
make close friends. despair brings people together easily…

So, on a whole, to launch your project, prepare the best pitch ever so as you can be sure not to
miss any opportunities.


3 tips from How I turned my new business idea into a successful niche job site :

● "Getting a new business off the ground takes guts, determination and passion.
Believe in your idea 100% - that's what gets you through the long days,
sleepless nights and obstacles. Your passion, vision and enthusiasm are what
others will buy into."
● "Write things down, don't just keep it all stored in your head. Set out your
objectives and explain how you will achieve them. Back it up with facts,
statistics and figures - particularly if you're planning to talk to investors."
● "Don't listen to negative people. They're 'drains' - you've got be a 'radiator'. If
you have a good idea, test your theory. If it stands up to closer examination, go
for it. Only you can make it successful."

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