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Applying Learner-Centered Principles to Middle School Education

Article  in  Theory Into Practice · May 2003

DOI: 10.1207/s15430421tip4202_4

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Judith L Meece
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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Judith L. Meece

Applying Learner-Centered Principles

to Middle School Education

T'his article draws on a goal perspective of motiva-

tion to examine the use of the Learned-CenteredPsy-
THE MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARS are a critical turning
point in young people's lives. Early adoles-
chological Principles (LCPs) for improving the cence is an important time for youth to adjust to a
acad7emic engagement and learning of middle school rapidly changing body, learn new cognitive abilities,
students. Using survey datafrom 2,200 middle school form positive social relationships, develop a positive
studentsfrom diverse communities across the United sense of self, and forge a personal code of ethics and
States, the findings indicate many imnportant motiva- morality (Eccles & Midgley, 1989; Jackson & Davis,
tional benefits of learner-centeredpractices jr young 2000). Schools, along with peers and families, play
adolescents. Specifically, students reported. more pos- an important role in fostering young peoples'
itive forms of motivation and greater aca(lemic en- healthy development through the adolescent years.
gagemenlt when they perceived their teaclhers were In a groundbreaking report, Turning Points: Pre-
using learner-centeredpractices that involve caring, paring American Youth]for the 21st Centurv (Car-
establishing higher order thinking, honoring student negie Council on Adolescent Development, 1989), a
voices, and adapting instriuction to individual needs. group of educators, researchers, policy makers and
Suggestions ft)?- creating a learner-centeredmiddle media leaders concluded that middle schools are "po-
school classroom are highlighted. tentially society's most powerful force to recapture
millions of youths adrift" (p. 32).
Unfortunately, the story of 14-year-old Ann
is a common one. Numerous reports and studies
My learning problems started in middle school. When during the last 20 years have documented declines
I was in elementary school, my classes were small and in self-esteem, motivation, achievement, and emo-
I received a lot of attention from my teachers. I was a tional well-being during the middle school years
fast learner, and I was placed in AG classes for math (Anderman, Maehr, & Midgley, 1999; Harter,
and science. When I went to middle school, my teach- Whitesall, & Kowalski, 1992). Early adolescence
ers no longer seemed concerned for me. My grades
went from As to Cs and Ds. My teachers did not notice is a difficult transition for most young people, and
... they just kept teaching. (Ann, age 14) these changes are often attributed to the multiple
biological and social changes they are experienc-
ing. However, Eccles and Midgley (1989) were
Judith L. Meece is a professor of education at the Uni- among the first to suggest that mismatches between
versity of North Carolina-ChapelHill. adolescents' developmental needs and the middle

THEORY INTO PRACTICE, Volume 42, Number 2, Spring 2003

Copyright Co 2003 College of Education, 7he Ohio State University
Learner-CenteredPrinciples: A Framework for Teaching

school environment may also contribute to declines Psychological Association, 1997) for improving the
in self-esteem, motivation, and achievement. During academic engagement and achievement of middle
early adolescence, young people are becoming more school students. As McCombs (this issue) explains,
knowledgeable and skillful, more independent, and the LCPs have the potential to benefit learners of
more focused on peer relations and social status. all ages. However, with their focus on the unique
Relationships with adults and friends become in- needs of learners, these teaching practices may be
creasingly important as adolescents learn new so- particularly beneficial for young adolescents. Find-
cial roles and adjust to physical changes. Yet ings described in this article support this assertion.
evidence suggests that the environment in middle
schools, when compared with elementary schools, Goal Theories of Motivation
is less cognitively demanding, more competitive In the last 20 years, achievement goal theory
and evaluative, more formal and impersonal, and has emerged as an important framework in moti-
more structured with fewer opportunities for choice vation research (Ames, 1992; Dweck & Elliot,
and decision making (Carnegie Council on Ado- 1983; Maehr, 1984; Nicholls, 1984). Achievement
lescent Development, 1989; Eccles & Midgley, goal theory emphasizes students' reasons for choos-
1989). In short, this analysis suggests that when ing, performing, and persisting at various learning
adolescents' developmental needs are not ad- activities. It also focuses on the quality of students'
dressed, it can lead to negative changes in aca- effort, engagement, and learning. Two types of goal
deinic and emotional well-being during the middle orientations are typically used to understand students'
school transition and beyond. academic behavior in school settings. A mastery or
The publication of several reports on the con- learning goal orientation is defined as a desire to
dition of middle school education, including Turn- improve one's ability, master a skill, and under-
ing Points, prompted many states and school stand learning material. Self-improvement or skill
districts to initiate a series of reforms during the development is the goal, and students derive satis-
last 20 years. Many middle schools have now im- faction from the inherent qualities of the task, such
plemented block scheduling, advisory teams, looping as its challenge, interest, or enjoyment. In con-
programs, interdisciplinary teaching, and schools- trast, students focused on performance goals are
within-a-school structures. As a result of these ef- concerned with demonstrating high ability relative
forts, studies suggest that the scocial environment to others, competing for grades, or gaining recog-
of middle schools is improving (Jackson & Davis, nition for their abilities. For these students, a sense
2000; Lipsitz, Mizell, Jackson, & Austin, 1997). of accomplishment is derived from demonstrating
However, some critics believe that reform efforts high ability or avoiding negative judgments of abil-
have not gone far enough in improving the quality of ity, regardless of the learning involved.
instruction for middle school students. As Lipsitz and The goals students adopt for learning have
her colleagues (1997) concluded, many middle important implications for how they approach and
schools today are "warmer, happier, and more respond to academic tasks and activities. In general,
peaceful places for students and adults . . . lyet evidence suggests that students demonstrate the
most schools] have not moved off this plateau and most positive (or adaptive) pattern of learning when
taken the critical next step to develop students who they are focused on mastery or learning goals. With
perform well academically, with the intellectual a mastery focus, students prefer challenging activi-
wherewithal to improve their life conditions" (p. ties, persist at difficult tasks, report high levels of
535). To take these next steps, reform models are interest and task involvement, and use learning
needed that help educators create school environ- strategies that enhance conceptual understanding
ments that are both intellectually challenging and and recall of information (Ames & Archer, 1988;
supportive. Graham & Golan, 1991; Meece, Blumenfeld, &
This article draws on a motivational frame- Hoyle, 1988; Meece & Miller, 2001; Stipek & Gra-
work for examining the use of the Learner-Cen- linski, 1996). Mastery and learning goals are also
tered Psychological Principals (LCPs) (American associated with positive perceptions of academic


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Applying the LCPs to Middle School Education

ability (Ames & Archer, 1988; Meece et al., 1988; on mastery goals and more focused on performance
Midgley et al., 1998). The positive relationship of goals, as they make the transition into middle school
learning-focused goals to both achievement behav- (Anderman & Midgley, 1997). As school or class-
iors and competency perceptions are found across room goals change. students also adopt performance
grade levels and subject areas. goals for their own academic work (Anderman &
In contrast, performance-oriented goals show Anderman, 1999; Roeser, Midgley, & Urdan, 1996).
a different pattern of findings across studies. Some The goal structures of classrooms also have
studies reveal that performance goals are associated important implications for students' self-concepts
with surface-level learning strategies (e.g., memoriz- of ability and educational values during the transi-
ing and rehearsing information), which do not nec- tion from seventh to eighth grade. Increases in the
essarily promote conceptual understanding (Graham perceived emphasis placed on performance goals
& Golan, 1991; Meece et al., 1988; Nolen, 1988). (competition and ability comparisons) had a nega-
Performance-oriented goals are also associated with tive effect on ability and value beliefs over time
self-handicapping strategies (e.g., fooling around, (Roeser, Eccles, & Strobel, 1998). Thus, declines
procrastinating) for late elementary school-aged in mastery goals that emerge at the transition into
children (Urdan, Midgley, & Anderman, 1998) and middle school may continue to the next grade levels.
with academic cheating behaviors among middle As just described, declines in students' orientation
school students (Anderman, Griesinger, & Wester- toward mastery have important implications for the
field, 1998). However, these patterns are not con- quality of their academic engagement and learning.
sistently found across studies, and researchers have In summary, goal theories of motivation pro-
emphasized the need to distinguish between ap- vide a useful framework for describing the learn-
proach and avoidance forms of performance goals ing environment of middle school classrooms. This
(Harackiewicz, Barron, Pintrich, Elliot, & Thrash, framework assumes that children are motivated to
2002). Some evidence suggests that performance- engage in school activities for multiple reasons,
oriented goals (e.g., demonstrating ability and out- and the goals students adopt have important im-
performing others) are positively associated with plications for how they approach and engage in learn-
achievement outcomes, especially for college sam- ing. Significant changes occur in students' goal
ples (Harackiewicz et al., 2002). orientations during the late elementary and early ad-
olescent years, with a shift toward greater concern
Goal theory and the learning environment with competition and outperforming others. While
In addition to understanding differences in the long-term impact of performance goals is not yet
student achievement patterns, goal theory is useful clear (Kaplan & Middleton, 2002), considerable evi-
for characterizing the learning environment of mid- dence suggests that children and young adolescents
dle schools. Considerable evidence indicates a shift benefit the most from classroom environments with
in the motivational orientation and climate of class- a mastery focus (cf. Ames, 1992; Stipek, 2002).
rooms from a mastery- to performance-goal orienta-
tion during the middle school transition. For example, Importance of Learner-Centered
Midgley and colleagues (Midgley, Anderman, & Practices for Middle School Education
Hicks, 1995) compared elementary and middle Given the changes that occur in motivation dur-
school teachers' use of teaching practices empha- ing the middle school years, the learner-centered prin-
sizing mastery goals (e.g., emphasizing understand- ciples and practices may be particularly beneficial
ing rather than rote memorization, recognizing for young adolescent learners. The Learner-Center
students for trying hard, accepting mistakes as part Model is based on 14 principals derived from educa-
of the learning process). When compared with ele- tional and psychological research (APA, 1997). Key
mentary teachers, middle school teachers reported assumptions of the Learner-Centered Model are sum-
using fewer of these teaching strategies. Similarly, marized in Table 1. In the learner-centered frame-
longitudinal studies have shown that students per- work, students are viewed as active participants in
ceive their classroom environments as less focused learning and co-constructors of knowledge. Teachers

Learner-CenteredPrinciples: A Frameworkfor Teaching

are encouraged to take their students' individual tence, to gain independence and autonomy, and to
and developmental characteristics into account connect positively with adults and peers. Rather
when planning lessons. Learning activities help than focusing exclusively on the motivational or
promote the development of conceptual understand- social clirnate of classrooms, the Learner-Center
ing and higher order thinking skills. Opportunities Model takes a more holistic approach (McCombs
for authentic learning are evident, and learning activ- & Whisler. 1997). It includes strategies for pro-
ities are adapted to differences in students' linguis- imoting highl academic achievement as well as off-
tic, cultural, and social backgrounds. Additionally, setting problems of alienation, disengagement, and
the learner-centered framework emphasizes the im- emotional distress.
portance of supportive classroom environments that I was fortunate to participate in the develop-
foster positive, caring relationships. When imple- nment and validation of the Assessment of Learner-
mented, learner-centered practices help create a Center Practices (ALCP) surveys. The validation
learning environment that is well matched to the sample included 109 teachers and 2,200 students
developmental needs of young adolescents. from middle schools in urban, suburban, and rural
comnmunities across the United States. More than
Table 1 80% of the teachers were White, and just over half
Assumptions of the Learner-Centered Model were women. Forty percent of the teachers had 16
1. Iearners are distinct and unique. Their distinctive- or more years of teaching experience, and a major-
ness and uniqueness must be attended to and taken ity taught either science or mathematics.
into account if learners are to engage in and take Both teachers and students completed surveys
responsibility for their learning. to assess the use of learner-centered teaching prac-
2. Learners' unique differences include their emotional
tices in the classroom (for description of assess-
states of mind, learning rates, learning styles, stages of
development, abilities, talents, feelings of efficacy, and ment instruments, see McCombs & Whisler, 1997).
other academic and nonaca(lemic attributes and needs. For the purposes of the validation study, three goal
These must be taken into account if all learners are to orientations were included based on my prior re-
be provided with the necessary challenges and oppor- search (Meece et al., 1988; Meece & Miller, 2001):
tLnities for learning and self-development.
3. Learning is a constructive process that occurs best 1. masterY goals, defined as a desire to improve
when what is being learned is relevant and mean- one's ability, to master a skill, and to understand
ingful to the learner and when the learner is actively
learning material;
engaged in creating his or her own knowledge and
understanding by connecting what is being learned 2. perfarmance goals, defined as a desire to dem-
with prior knowledge and experience. onstrate high ability and to outperform others;
4. Learning occurs best in a positive environment, one and
that contains positive interpersonal relationships and 3. work-avoidance goals, defined as a desire to
interactions, comfort and order, and in which the
complete tasks with a minimumn of effort. This
leaner feels appreciated, acknowledged, respected,
and validated. third goal measure was included to assess aca-
5. Learning is a fundamentally natural process; learn- demic disengagement.
ers are naturally curious and basically interested in
learning about and mastering their world. Although To validate findings related to the influence of goals
negative thoughts and feelings sometimes interfere on other measures of motivation and learning, the
with this natural inclination and must be dealt with, study also included rating scales to assess students'
the learner does not need to be "fixed." academic efficacy and level of cognitive engagement
Source: McCombs & Whisler (1997) in schoolwork (active vs. superficial). Teachers were
asked to rate each students' classroom performance.
Support for the LCPs in middle school In addition, information was also collected on teach-
classrooms er demographic characteristics, such as certification
As discussed previously, young adolescents level, teaching experience, and gender.
need classroom environments that afford opportuni- The analyses revealed several interesting find-
ties to develop their cognitive abilities and compe- ings for middle school educators. Both teachers'

Applying the LCPs to Middle School Edlucation

and students' ratings of learner-centered practices order thinking, honoring student voices, and adapt-
were correlated with measures of student motiva- ing instruction to individual needs. Students in these
tion and achievement, but patterns of relations were classrooms are less focused on ability concerns and
stronger for student ratings. Only teachers' report- avoiding work. Additionally, students who were
ed support for higher order thinking showed a pos- more focused on mastery goals reported higher lev-
itive relation to student outcomes. In contrast, els of academic efficacy and greater use of active
students' ratings on all dimensions of learner-cen- learning strategies, such as checking answers and
tered practices (e.g., honoring student voices, car- relating information to earlier learning. Students'
ing and respecting students, promoting higher order perceptions of learner-centered practices were also
thinking, and adapting to individual and develop- positively related to teachers' ratings of their class-
ment differences) were positively related to stu- room performance. Taken together, these results
dent motivation and achievement. Of interest was identified many important benefits of learner-cen-
the differential relation of learner-centered prac- tered practices for young adolescents.
tices to students' achievement goals. Each learner-
centered dimension was positively associated with Applying a Learner-Centered Approach
students' mastery goal ratings, with correlations in the Middle School Classroom
ranging from .42 to .52. Positive relations were The LCP findings lend support to the grow-
also found for students' ratings of their performance ing literature on the type of reform needed in mid-
goals, with correlations ranging from .16 to .21. In dle schools. For example, the National Middle
contrast, students' work-avoidant goals and learner- School Association (1992) emphasizes the need for
centered perceptions were negatively correlated (r's educators to be knowledgeable of young adoles-
= -.02 to -.07). Thus, learner-centered practices cents, to provide a curriculum that is balanced and
appear to have the strongest positive relation to responsive to their needs, to use a variety of in-
students' mastery goals. Consistent with motiva- structional strategies, to help students make con-
tion research, mastery goals related positively to tinuous progress, and to foster a positive school
students' ratings of academic self-efficacy (r = .60) climate. Additionally, common themes can be found
and active engagement in learning activities (r = in new curriculum standards for mathematics, sci-
.77), as well as teachers' ratings of classroom per- ence, history, and English that are guiding reform
formance (r = .15). at national, state and local levels (e.g., National
In addition, students' perceptions of class- Center for History in the Schools, 1994; National
room practices were more predictive of student Council of Teachers of English and International
motivation and achievement than were any of the Reading Association, 1995; National Council of
teacher demographic variables, including class size, Teachers of Mathematics, 1989; National Research
content area, or years of teaching experience. These Council, 1996). Looking across curriculum areas,
findings emphasize the importance of taking into these standards emphasize a focus on (a) concep-
account students' perceptions of teaching practic- tual understanding and mastery of concepts; (b)
es. Students and teachers may view the learning active construction of knowledge through individ-
environment differently. And consistent with the ual inquiry, problem solving, or social processes;
learner-centered approach, it is the students' per- (c) learning activities designed to meet interests,
ceptions and experiences that are most meaningful abilities, and experiences of students; (d) sharing
and useful for understanding classroom behavior responsibility of learning with students; and (e)
(McCombs, 1997; McCombs & Lauer, 1997). creating a challenging and supportive learning en-
Overall, the student results support the use vironment for all students.
of the LCPs for improving student motivation and The LCPs are consistent with these reform
achievement during the middle school years. Stu- efforts. McCombs and Whisler (1997) describe spe-
dents reported a stronger mastery focus when they cific strategies that educators can use to create a
perceived their teachers as using learner-centered learner-centered classroom and school. In general,
practices that involve caring, establishing higher learner-centered practices involve a movement toward

Learner-CenteredPrinciples: A Frameworkfor Teaching

Table 2 students' mastery goals, cognitive engagement, and

Key Characteristics of achievement. Moreover, findings revealed that stu-
Learner-Centered Classrooms dents' perceptions of their learning environment
are more predictive of student motivation and learn-
In learner-centered classrooms, the teacher ing than were teachers' self-reported beliefs and
* Organizes learning activities around themes that are practices. Thus, in keeping with a learner-centered
meaningful to students.
* Provides complex and challenging learning activities approach, the classroom needs to be viewed from
that promote conceptual and analytic thinking. the student's perspective.
* Helps students develop and refine their understand- The results are also consistent with the view
ing through critical and higher order thinking skills. that negative changes in student motivation and
* Provides opportunities for students to choose their achievement in the middle school years are not
own projects and work at their own pace.
* Provides opportunities for students to colltborate with inevitable. These changes are rooted in the prac-
peers of different ages, cultures, and abilities, and tices and policies of middle schools (see also An-
includes peer teaching as part of instruction. derman et al., 1999; Maehr & Midgley, 1996).
* Uses a variety of instructional strategies and meth- Collectively, teachers and administrators make de-
ods to match student needs.
cisions about how to instruct, assess, group, and
* Includes learning activities that are personally and
culturally relevant to the students. manage students. The learner-centered framework
* Encourages shared decision making and student au- can be used to help guide those decisions.
tonomy, and gives students increasing responsibility As this article goes to press, the Leave No
for their learning. Child Left Behind Act of 2001 is in its early stag-
* Listens to and respects students' points of view. es of implementation. It is unclear what impact
* Monitors student progress continually and provides
feedback on individual growth and progress. this new legislation will have on schools, teachers,
* Uses standardized and alternative forms of assess- and students. During times of an increasing focus
nment, and allows competencies and achievement of on accountability and content standards, it is more
educational standards to be demonstrated in a vari- important than ever to remember the role schools
ety of ways.
play in the development and lives of young ado-
* Uses heterogeneous grouping practices that promote
cooperation, shared responsibility, and a sense of lescents. The ALCP assessments and surveys pro-
belonging. vide a valuable tool for ensuring that all students
experience a positive middle school environment.
Source: McCombs & Whisler (1997)

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Applying the LCPs to Middle School Education

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TITLE: Applying Learner-Centered Principles to Middle School

SOURCE: Theory Pract 42 no2 Spr 2003
WN: 0310500374004

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