Fundamental of Electric Drives - L3 PDF

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Fundamental Of Electric Drives

EE 508

Dr. Himanshu Misra
Selection of Motor Power Rating
Factors affecting the selection of drive

• Limit of speed range

• Efficiency
• Braking
• Starting requirements
• Power factor
• Load factor
• Availability of supply
• Economical aspects
Selection of motor based on load variation

• Continuous load
• Continuous variable load
• Pulsating load
• Impact loads
• Short time intermittent load
• Short time load

Objective of selecting motor power rating

Objectives of selecting and finding out motor power rating are-

1. To obtain the suitable thermal model of motor and design the machine

2. Finding out motor duty class

3. Calculating motor ratings for various classes of duty.

Continuous duty
• This duty denotes that, the motor is running long enough AND the electric
motor temperature reaches the steady state value.

• These motors are used in paper mill drives, compressors, conveyors etc.

Short time duty
• In these motors, the time of motor operation is considerably less than the
heating time constant and motor allowed to cool down to ambient
temperature before it is required to operate again.

• These motors are used in crane drives, drives for house hold appliances,
valve drives etc.

Intermittent periodic duty
• The motor operates for some time and then there is rest period. In both
cases, the time is insufficient to raise the temperature to steady state value
or cool it off to ambient temperature. This is seen at press and drilling
machine drives.

Intermittent period duty with starting
• In this type of duty, there is a period of starting, which cannot be ignored
and there is a heat loss at that time.
• After that there is running period and rest period which are not adequate to
attain the steady state temperatures.
• This motor duty class is widely used in metal cutting and drilling tool drives,
mine hoist etc.

Intermittent periodic duty with starting
and braking
• In this type of drives, heat loss during starting and braking cannot be
ignored. So, the corresponding periods are starting period, operating period,
braking period and resting period, but all the periods are too short to attain
the respective steady state temperatures, these techniques are used in billet
mill drive, manipulator drive, mine hoist etc.
T Running


0 t

0 t
Selection of Motor Power Rating
Continuous Duty with Intermittent Periodic Loading In this type of motor duty,
everything is same as the periodic duty but here a no load running period occurs
instead of the rest period. Pressing, cutting are the examples of this system.

Continuous Duty with Starting and Braking It is also a period of starting,

running and braking and there is no resting period. The main drive of a blooming
mill is an example.

Continuous Duty with Periodic Speed Changes In this type of motor duty, there
are different running periods at different loads and speeds. But there is no rest
period and all the periods are too short to attain the steady state temperatures.

Thermal model of a motor
• When an electrical motor and drive operates, there is a generation of heat
inside the motor. The amount of heat generated inside the motor should be
known as accurately as possible. That’s why thermal modeling of motor is

• The material of the motors and the shapes and size of the motors are not unique
but the generation of heat does not alter very much depending on these
characteristics. So, a simple thermal model of any motor can be obtained
assuming it to be a homogeneous body.

• The main aim of this modeling is to choose the appropriate rating of a motor so
that the electric motor does not exceed its safe limit during operation.

Thermal model of a motor
At time ‘t’, let the motor has following parameters
p1 = Heat developed, Joules/sec or watts
p2 = Heat dissipated to the cooling medium, watts –
W = Weight of the active parts of the machine.
h = Specific heat, Joules per Kg per oC.
A = Cooling Surface, m2
d = Co-efficient of heat transfer, Joules/Sec/m2/oC
θ = Mean temperature rise oC
Now, if time dt, let the temperature rise of the machine be dθ, Therefore, heat
absorbed in the machine = (Heat generated inside the machine – Heat
dissipated to the surrounding cooling medicine)
Where, dθ = p1dt - p2dt................ (i)
Since, p2 = θ*d*A................ (ii)
Substituting (ii) in (i), we get Thermal model of a motor
C = p1 − D (Where C = Wh and D = dA ) 12
Thermal model of a motor
Here, C is called the thermal capacity of the machine in watts/oC and D is the
heat dissipation constant in watts/oC.

When we acquire the first order differential equation of the equation –

C = p1 − D
We get
 =  ss + Ke −t /  .........( iii )
Where,  ss = p1 / D and  =C / D

We obtain the value of K by putting t = 0 in equation (iii) and get the solution as

 =  ss ( 1 − Ke −t /  ) + 1e −t / 
Thermal model of a motor
So, from the previous equation we can find out the rise in temperature inside a
working machine, which is very near to being accurate and if we plot a graph
for the variation of temperature risk with time during heating and cooling and
thus the thermal modeling of a motor gets completed.

DC Drives
• DC machine Drives

• Types of dc motors,

• Starting

• Braking,

• transient analysis of separately excited motor with armature and field control

DC Motor Drives
DC Machine: ia may be constant or variable. If the electrical time constant is taken to be far
lesser than the mechanical time constant, speed can be considered constant. Therefore, the
back EMF can be considered constant [ typically in separately excited and shunt machines ].
In series machines, back EMF cannot be considered constant, as if varies with ia.

Electrical Equations +
Armature voltage equation: if
dia +
Va − ia Ra − La − Eb = 0 ia Rf Vf
dt Lf

Field voltage equation 

di f Va Ra, La
Vf − if Rf − Lf =0 Eb
Electromagnetic Torque equation
Tem TL
Tem = Ki f ia Motoring

Mechanical Equation
J + TL − Tem = 0
dt 16
DC Motor
DC motor drives are classified according to the type of the machine, as:

1. Separately excited DC motor drive

2. Series motor drive

3. Shunt motor drive

4. Compound motor drive

Compound motors can be long shunt or short shunt type. The field connection can be
cumulative or differential.

Separately excited DC motor
External Resistance Control: Conventional method
L can be neglected in steady state equations
Va = [ Ea + I a Ra ] Ea = [Va − I a Ra ]

Eb = K Tem = K I a

K = [Va − I a Ra ]

 = [ (Va / K ) − ( I a Ra / K  ) ]

 = [(Va / K ) − (Tem Ra / ( K  ) )] Where, Va/KΦ is the no load speed


The above equation neglects armature reaction. Armature reaction has a demagnetising effect on
the flux. This causes a reduction in the total flux, and an increase in speed. In cumulatively
compounded machines, flux increases with speed. Therefore, in order to get the same Va for all
values of Ia, cumulatively compounded connection should be used.
Separately excited DC motor drive
Armature voltage control

 = [(Va / K ) − (Tem Ra / ( K  ) )]

Where, Va/KΦ is the no load speed

• Speed variation can be obtained by varies armature terminal voltage.

• Drop component increases with increase in torque component due to armature resistance.

Separately excited DC motor drive
Field Control

 = [(Va / K ) − ( Tem Ra / K  2 )] Tem = [(Va K  ) −  ( K  ) ] / Ra


• As flux is decreased, the no load speed Va/KΦ increases

• In the Figure, the lines are not parallel.
• The torque at different points is also affected.
• Field power is small, and therefore, control is easy here.
• Disadvantage is that the method affects torque.
• In field control, power is constant up to certain extent.
• If speed is increased to a large extent above the rated value, the torque developed decreases.
The flux is weak. Also, as the armature reaction is more predominant, demagnetisation
increases. Therefore, torque developed is further reduced, though speed is high.
• Hence, it is advisable not to go beyond twice the rated speed in field control, as the power
capability gets reduced beyond such high speeds.
• Field control is used for speeds above the rated speed.
• Resistance and voltage control are used for speeds below the rated speed.

Control of Separately excited DC motor drive
Constant torque and constant power zones:
This is from zero to the rated speed portion of ω-T characteristic. In this region, flux is
maintained constant. Va is increased from zero to the rated value. Speed is proportional to
voltage in this region.

 = [(Va / K ) − (Tem Ra / ( K  ) )]

 = Eb / K I a Ra = [Va − Eb ] Tem = K I a
Va-Eb is constant , Φ is constant
Therefore, Ia is constant if Ra is constant.
Therefore, the torque developed is constant.

Constant power region:

In this region, speed is above its rated value. Voltage is frozen at its rated value. Field is varied
for speed control. Flux is decreased to get speeds above the rated value.
Pd = I a Eb = T em I a Ra = [Va − Eb ]
Ia should be kept constant at its rated value. V-Eb is constant, even in this region. 21
Control of Separately excited DC motor drive
Though flux is varied, the change in speed keeps Eb constant.

Eb = K
Since Va*Ia is constant in this region [ Assuming losses are constant ], it is called constant
power region. I R = [V − E ]
a a a b

The output power Eb*Ia is also constant here.

Tem = K  I a

Series Motor Drive
Series motor drive:

Since Va*Ia is constant in this region [ Assuming losses are constant ], it is called constant power

The output power Eb*Ia is also constant here. iin Rf Lf

I in = I a = I f Tem  I in2 Eb  I in +

I a Ra + I f R f = [Va − Eb ] ia

Eb = KI in = Vin − ( Ra + R f )I in Vin Ra, La

 = Vin / KI in − ( Ra + R f ) / K Tem

 = Vin / K Tem − ( Ra + R f ) / K

The above equation represents a hyperbola.

Speed is dangerously high at low torques and torque is high at low speeds [ i.e, during starting ].
Speed control of series motors is difficult compared to shunt and separately excited motors. 23
Starting of DC motors
• Very high current has been drawn due to zero back E.M.F.

• Conventional method was three four point, three point starters for shunt motor

• Two point starter for dc series motor

• Reduced voltage starting through power electronic converters

Eb = 0 I a = [Va − 0 ] / Ra



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