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Lab NO.


Making of continuous time signals causal and non causal in Matlab

Lab. Objective:

To obtain simulation skills of how to make a signal causal and non causal in Matlab.


PC, Matlab.


Causal signal:

The signal which amplitude exists on time (t<0) is called causal signals.

Nom causal signals:

The signal which amplitude exists on time (t>=0) is called non causal signals.

Making sine signal causal:

Matlab code:

t=-2:0.01:2; %defining time for signal

A=10;%defining amplitude for signal

f=5;%defining frequency for signal

x=A*sin(4*pi*f*t);%defining sine signal

subplot(2,1,1);%Matlab built-inn command for multiplotting

plot(t,x)%plotting the signal

legend('input sine signal')%Matlab built-inn command for labelling

grid on %Matlab built-inn command for lines on graph

u=(t<0);%defining function to make signal causal

y=x.*u;%multiplying function with signal

subplot(2,1,2);%Matlab built-inn command for multiplotting

plot(t,y)%plotting the causal signal

legend('causal sine signal')%Matlab built-inn command for labelling

grid on %Matlab built-inn command for lines on graph

input sine signal


-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

causal sine signal


-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Figure 1: Making of sine signal causal

Making sine signal Non causal:

Matlab code:

%%Making sine signal non causal%%

t=-2:0.01:2; %defining time for signal

A=5;%defining amplitude for signal

f=3;%defining frequency for signal

x=A*sin(2*pi*f*t);%defining sine signal

subplot(2,1,1);%Matlab built-inn command for multiplotting

plot(t,x)%plotting the signal

legend('input sine signal')%Matlab built-inn command for labelling

grid on %Matlab built-inn command for lines on graph

u=(t>=0);%defining function to make signal causal

y=x.*u;%multiplying function with signal

subplot(2,1,2);%Matlab built-inn command for multiplotting

plot(t,y)%plotting the non causal signal

legend('non causal sine signal')%Matlab built-inn command for labelling

grid on %Matlab built-inn command for lines on graph

input sine signal

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

non causal sine signal

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Figure 2: Making of sine signal non causal

Making of Decaying exponential signal causal and non causal

Matlab code:

%%Making decaying exponential signal causal and non causal%%

t=-5:0.01:5; %defining time for signal

A=5;%defining amplitude for signal

a=3;%defining variable of decaying exponential signal

x=A*exp(-a*t);%defining decaying exponential signal

subplot(3,1,1);%Matlab built-inn command for multiplotting

plot(t,x)%plotting the signal

legend('input decaying exponential signal')%Matlab built-inn command for labelling

grid on %Matlab built-inn command for lines on graph

u=(t<0);%defining function to make signal causal

y=x.*u;%multiplying function with signal

subplot(3,1,2);%Matlab built-inn command for multiplotting

plot(t,y)%plotting the non causal signal

legend('causal sine signal')%Matlab built-inn command for labelling

grid on %Matlab built-inn command for lines on graph

u=(t>=0);%defining function to make signal non causal

y=x.*u;%multiplying function with signal

subplot(3,1,3);%Matlab built-inn command for multiplotting

plot(t,y)%plotting the non causal signal

legend('non causal decaying exponential signal')%Matlab built-inn command for labelling

grid on %Matlab built-inn command for lines on graph

x 10
input decaying exponential signal

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
x 10
causal sine signal

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
non causal decaying exponential signal

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 3: Making of decaying exponential signal causal and noncausal

Making of Even function causal and Non causal:

Matlab Code:

%%Making even function causal and non causal%%

t=-2:0.01:2; %defining time for signal

x=t.^4;%defining even function

subplot(3,1,1);%Matlab built-inn command for multiplotting

plot(t,x)%plotting the function

legend('input even function')%Matlab built-inn command for labelling

grid on %Matlab built-inn command for lines on graph

u=(t<0);%defining function to make the function causal

y=x.*u;%multiplying both the functions

subplot(3,1,2);%Matlab built-inn command for multiplotting

plot(t,y)%plotting the causal function

legend('causal even function signal')%Matlab built-inn command for labelling

grid on %Matlab built-inn command for lines on graph

u=(t>=0);%defining function to make function non causal

y=x.*u;%multiplying both the functions

subplot(3,1,3);%Matlab built-inn command for multiplotting

plot(t,y)%plotting the non causal function

legend('non causal even function')%Matlab built-inn command for labelling

grid on %Matlab built-inn command for lines on graph

input even function


-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
causal even function signal


-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
non causal even function


-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Figure 4:Making of even function causal and noncausal

Lab. Assignment:

Make the following trigonometric expression causal and non causal.

Y= (a/√b (b)c tan(√d pi t) + (d/e)2 sin (t))

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