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Internationalization of Business:

Internationalization is simply the potential for him or organization to enter a foreign market and
complete here or the potential for phone come competitors to enter our market and compete
with us. So generally speaking internationalization may happen to certain ways.
 it may happen to international trade like  exporting of goods and services to customers   based
in foreign country or foreign direct investment like setting up or starting business operations in
that foreign country


International Human Resource activities are same as traditional HRM but it is more
concerned with Human Resource problems which multinational companies face at
international level.

It deals with the difference between how company works in home country and the host
country. PESTEL analysis is done in order to know the condition of the host country.
Difference in Political policies, environmental rules and regulations, Social behavior of the
population, technological difference in both countries, economy of the host country is
analyzed to see if it’s in the favor of the company or not and then Legal factors are checked
to see if laws are favorable or not.

HRM: Managing human resources at the workplace.

IHRM:  managing human resources at international level are managing employees from many
countries at the world.  This is to be seen as a global perspective.  To me, International HRM is
to have business in more than one country.

 internationalisation of HRM:

 As the name indicates, it is the application of Human Resource principles to the management
of human resources in organizations which are in more than two countries.

  Emerging trends in International HRM.

  These practices in international HRM.

1. How do we do recruitment selection training performance appraisal contract
management negotiation at the international level. The same thing is also covered at the
local level.
2.  When organizations dealing with things at the international level so the ways of
managing and all these processes changes from country to country.
3.  Focus on education and orientation in different countries.
4.  Selection of employees.
5.  Training and development extends.
6.  To balance the pros and cons of home country and host country.
7.  Compensation should support overall strategic intend of the organization.

Functions of international HRM:

1.  Recruitment, selection, training and development Plus performance appraisal.

2.  Additional skills are our Global skills management and expatriates Management.

 Why business expands across the border is it is due to:

1.  Increased travel.
2.  Rapid and extensive global communication.
3.  Rapid development and transfer of new technology.
4.  Free trade:  trade policies have opened up so  it is easy for an organization to do
business across the border.
5.  Education:  people know more and what is going on in the world so they are able to
expand their Horizon in terms of business.
6.  Migration:  migration is one of the reason of expansion of business as the people
migrate from one country to another.
7.  Knowledge Searching.
8.  search on new market:
9. Homogenization of culture. As homogenization means establishment of similarity.  it is
the way we are doing things lease become very similar in other part of the world.
10.  e commerce: Ecommerce also open up ways to international trade. 

International orientation:

 It refers to how we situate ourselves what we think of yourself in relation to the rest of the world.

 Aspects of international orientation.

1. Ethnocentrism:

I am the best, my country is the best, and my community is the best.

2.  polycentrism
I accept that there are different countries, regions and communities.  Ideas for give them equal
3. Geocentrism: It is related to geographical boundaries.
Challenges to HRM in international Enterprises (MNEs)

 International Enterprises are the organisation which are base in more than one country.

1.  Developing a global mindset.

As it is one of the challenge inside the HR function especially avoidance and understanding of a
new Global competitive environment and the impact it has on the management of people
worldwide.  it is one way or another difficult that everybody interest need to be taken into
account because different offices may have different needs in different part of the world.

2. Aligning core HR processes any teacher's with new requirements of competing globally
while also responding to local issues and requirements.
3. Enhancing Global competencies and capabilities within HR function.
 One of the area in which outsourcing of employees is mostly happen is airline industry
especially privately owned industry.
Development of IHRM:

1. Country selection: staffing offices, outsourcing.

2. Global staffing
3. Recruitment and selection. How do you filter out or select people to perform well.
4. Compensation:
5. Standardization and adaptation: Parent countries procedures and policies.

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