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Diana Ruiz

Edu 214
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Lesson Plan: Learning how to use power point

Grade level: 4

Title: Learning how to use Power point

General Goals: All my students can understand how to use power point by the end of the instruction.

Specific objectives: I will teach my students how to use power point. Then I will give my students an
example on how I want their slide show to be and they will turn in the activity the next day.

Required Materials: Tablets or a desk computer.

Step by step procedure: Step 1: everyone getting their tablet and opening power point.

Step 2: I would go over what power point is and what it allows you do.

Step 3: I will select a theme and let my students now there a different kind of themes from them to
choose from and show them how to add a title to a slide.

Step 4: Next I will show my students how to insert slides into the presentation.

Step 5: Then I will show them how to insert a text box by showing them where it is located.

Step 6: Next I will show them how to insert pictures. By doing this it will let them move the image
around and re size it. They will also learn that under the insert tab there is a lot of information.

Step 7: Next I will show them my favorite feature on power point, the transition tab. I will show them
what the transition tab does and how to use it. I will also inform them about the animation tab and how
that give images an animation.

Step 8: Lastly, I will go over how to present the slide show all together, and a short cut they can use to
start their slide show.

Plan for independent practice: Students will create their own power point with the knowledge I
provided to them then they will make their power point using vocabulary words.

Closure: Students will go home with their tablet if they don’t have a computer at home and complete
the assignment and turn it in tomorrow.
Diana Ruiz
Edu 214
Sunday, October 11, 2020

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