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43.1.40 I.

Total Phosphorus (2) (Final Action)

AOAC Official Method 930.35 Dissolve ash, D, or both soluble and insoluble ash, E, in ca 50 mL
Vinegars (1) boiling HNO3 (1 + 8) (use 25 mL H2SO4 [1 + 9] for colorimetric
First Action 1930 method) and proceed as in 964.06B (see 4.8.13), or 965.18C (see
(Unless otherwise directed, express results as g/100 mL.) 25.1.15), or 935.45 (see 37.1.27). If ei ther vol u met ric or
colorimetric method is used, standardize with vinegar of known
A. Organoleptic Examination (Procedure) phosphate content. Express result as mg P2O5/100 mL vinegar. If
Note appearance, color, odor, and taste. Neutralize portion of desired, digest vinegar as in 935.45 (see 37.1.27), instead of using
product with NaOH solution and note odor and taste. Extract ash from D.
neutralized vinegar with ether, evaporate ether extract, and note
J. Total Acids (Final Action)
odor and taste of residue. (Spices and pungent materials are
indicated by characteristic odors and tastes.) Evaporate portion of Dilute 10 mL test portion with recently boiled and cooled water
product on water bath. Odor of material as last of volatile matter until it appears only slightly colored and titrate with 0.5M alkali,
evaporates and appearance and taste of residue give information as using phenolphthalein. 1 mL 0.5M alkali = 0.0300 g CH3COOH.
to source and character of vinegar. K. Nonvolatile Acids (Final Action)
B. Preparation of Test Sample (Procedure) Measure 10 mL test portion into 200 mL porcelain casserole,
Mix thoroughly and filter through rapid paper. evaporate just to dryness, add 5–10 mL H2O, and again evaporate;
repeat until ³5 evaporations have been made. Add ca 200 mL
C. Solids (Final Action) (Repealed First Action 1987)
recently boiled and cooled water, and titrate with 0.1M alkali, using
Mea sure 10 mL prod uct into weighed 50 mm di am e ter, phenolphthalein. 1 mL 0.1M alkali = 0.00600 g CH3COOH.
flat-bottom Pt dish, evaporate on boiling water bath 30 min, and dry
exactly 2.5 h in oven at temperature of boiling water. Cool in L. Volatile Acids (Final Action)
desiccator and weigh. (To obtain concordant results it is necessary to Subtract nonvolatile acids, K, from total acids, J.
use dish of size and shape stated and to dry exactly time specified.) M. Total Reducing Substances Before Inversion (Final Action)
D. Ash (Final Action) Measure 25 mL test portion into 50 mL volumetric flask and add
Measure 25 mL product into weighed Pt dish, evaporate to enough NaOH solution (1 + 1) to nearly neutralize acid. Cool, dilute
dryness on H2O or steam bath, and heat in furnace 30 min at to volume with H2O, and determine reducing substances in 20 mL
500°–550°C. Break up charred mass in Pt dish, add hot water, filter solution as 906.03B (see 44.1.16). If amount of reducing substances
through ashless paper, and wash thoroughly with H2O. Return paper is very small, use 40 mL. Calculate result as invert sugar (for malt
and contents to dish, dry, and heat 30 min at ca 525°C, or until all C is vinegar as glucose).
burned off. Add filtrate, evaporate to dryness, and heat 15 min at ca N. Total Reducing Substances After Inversion (Final Action)
525°C. Cool in desiccator and weigh (weight x). Reheat 5 min at ca
Invert 25 mL test portion in 50 mL volumetric flask with 5 mL
525°C, and cool £1 h in desiccator containing efficient desiccant.
HCl, as in 925.48(b) or (c) (see 44.1.09). Nearly neutralize with
Put 1 or 2 dishes (preferably only 1) in desiccator at a time. Place
NaOH solution (1 + 1) and determine reducing substances as in
weight x on balance pan before removing dish from desiccator, and
906.03B (see 44.1.16).
weigh rapidly to nearest mg. Calculate total ash from last weight.
O. Nonvolatile Reducing Substances (Sugar) (Final Action)
E. Soluble and Insoluble Ash (Final Action)
(Useful in calculating nonsugar solids.)
Treat ash, D, as in 900.02D (see 44.1.05).
Evaporate 50 mL test portion on steam or water bath to syrupy
F. Alkalinity of Soluble Ash (Final Action) consistency, add 10 mL H2O, and evaporate again. Repeat with
Proceed as in 900.02E (see 44.1.05), using soluble ash obtained in 10 mL H2O. Transfer residue to 100 mL volumetric flask with ca
E. Express result as number mL 1M HCl required to neutralize 50 mL warm H2O. Cool, invert with 10 mL HCl as in 925.48(b) or (c)
soluble ash from 100 mL vinegar. If relationship of ash to alkalinity (see 44.1.09), and nearly neutralize with NaOH solution (1 + 1).
of soluble ash is abnormal, study composition of ash, especially Cool, di lute to vol ume with H 2 O, and de ter mine re duc ing
content of chlorides, sulfates, phosphates, and alkalies [J. Amer. substances in 20 or 40 mL, depending on amount present, as in
Chem. Soc. 22, 218(1900)]. 906.03B (see 44.1.16). Calculate result as invert sugar (for malt
vinegar as glucose). If results for total reducing substances before
G. Soluble Phosphorus (2) (Final Action 1965)
and after inversion show absence of sucrose, inversion may be
Proceed as in 964.06B (see 4.8.13), or 965.18C (see 25.1.15), or omitted here.
935.45 (see 37.1.27), using solution obtained in F. If either volumetric
or colorimetric method is used, standardize with vinegar of known P. Volatile Reducing Substances (3) (Procedure)
phosphate content. Express results as mg P2O5/100 mL vinegar. When sucrose is absent, subtract amount of nonvolatile reducing
substances, O, from mean of total reducing substances before
H. Insoluble Phosphorus (2) (Final Action 1965)
inversion, M, and after inversion, N. When sucrose is present,
Dissolve H2O-insoluble ash, E, in ca 50 mL boiling HNO3 (1 + 8) subtract amount of nonvolatile reducing substances, O, from
(use 25 mL H2SO4 [1 + 9] for colorimetric method) and proceed as in amount of total reducing substances after inversion, N.
964.06B (see 4.8.13), or 965.18C (see 25.1.15), or 935.45 (see
37.1.27). If either volumetric or colorimetric method is used, Q. Alcohol (Final Action)
standardize with vinegar of known phosphate content. Express Measure 100 mL test portion into round-bottom distillation flask.
result as mg P2O5/100 mL vinegar. Make faintly alkaline with NaOH solution (1 + 1), distil almost 50 mL,


dilute to 50 mL at temperature of test sample, and determine specific convenient, but this time should not be exceeded). Filter on ashless
gravity at 20/20°C with pycnometer, 945.06C (see 26.1.06). Obtain % paper or weighed Munroe crucible [Z. Anal. Chem. 2, 241(1888); J.
by volume from 913.02 (see Appendix C). Undue foaming may be Amer. Chem. Soc. 31, 456, 928(1909)]. Wash Cl-free with hot water,
avoided by adding small piece of paraffin, free from volatile dry, ignite at red heat (700°–800°C), cool, and weigh. Express result
constituents. as mg SO3/100 mL vinegar.
R. Glycerol (4) (Final Action) V. Dextrin (Qualitative Test) (Procedure)
See 30.079–30.080, 12th Ed. Evaporate 100 mL test portion to ca 15 mL. Slowly add 200 mL
alcohol, with constant stirring, and let stand overnight. Separate
S. Color (Final Action)
precipitate, preferably by centrifuging, and wash with 80% alcohol.
Determine depth of color in Lovibond tintometer by good Dissolve in minimum volume H2O and determine optical rotation.
reflected daylight, using 12.7–25.4 mm ( 12 or 1 in.) cell and brewer’s Distinct optical rotation indicates dextrin. Treat solution with
scale. Report result in terms of 12.7 mm ( 12 in.) cell and so state. several drops I2 solution of ca same color intensity. Formation of
T. Polarization (5) (Final Action) reddish brown color indicates dextrin.
When ever pos si ble, po lar ize in 200 mm tube with out References: (1) JAOAC 8, 150(1924); 9, 440(1926);
decolorizing. Report result on basis of 200 mm tube in °S, 10, 490(1927); 11, 499(1928); 14, 507(1931);
925.46A(a) (see 44.1.07). When necessary, decolorize as follows: 15, 535(1932); 16, 536(1933); 17, 360(1934);
(a) To 50 mL test portion add measured volume of saturated 21, 430(1938); 23, 586(1940); 25, 702(1942);
neutral Pb(CH3COO)2 solution, avoiding excess of Pb; filter, 26, 233(1943); 29, 304(1946); 32, 336(1949);
remove Pb with powdered anhydrous potassium oxalate, and filter. 45, 562(1962).
Polarize and correct for dilution with Pb(CH3COO)2 solution. (2) JAOAC 24, 684(1941).
(b) To 50 mL test portion add decolorizing C, avoiding excess or (3) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 39, 309(1917).
too long treatment. Filter through double paper and polarize. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 5, 845(1913).
(4) USDA Bur. Chem. Bull. 137, 61.
U. Sulfates (Final Action)
JAOAC 3, 411(1920); 15, 535(1932); 18, 82(1935).
To 100 mL test portion add 2 mL ca 1M HCl, heat to bp, and add (5) JAOAC 5, 245(1921); 8, 151(1924);
10 mL hot BaCl2×2H2O solution (1 g/100 mL), dropwise. Continue 14, 507(1931).
boiling 5 min, keeping volume ca constant by adding hot water as
required. Let mixture stand until supernate is clear (overnight is CAS-9004-53-9 (dextrin)


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