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Six More Weeks Till

Shop Early. Patronize
Narberth Enterprises
r ' - - - - !


TO MINORS TO BE RIGIDLY ENFORCED A young man (resident of Nar-
berth) to take charge of new sub-
scriptions and renewals for Our
Burgess Henry Begins Campaign To Stop Cigarette Smoking An excellent opportunity to earn An Interesting Communication Setting Forth Real Facts-
by School Boys a few dollars weekly for a little
spare time during the day or eve- Verified by Various Organizations

Dear Sir-Some time ago my attention was called to the prevalence TO START NEXT WEEK [I Last week's Our Town had two around the side of the gymnasium for
of the cigarette habit among the boys 'of our community. An investigation communications which, contained their exercise.
has shown that a large majority of the boys under the age of twenty-one --- statements that were incorrect and' At a meeting of the Board of Di-
years, many of them mere children, are addicted to this habit, and ap- Good News From State Highway were unjust to the Women's Com- i rectors of the Y. M. C. A. on October
pear to have no difficulty in procuring the necessary materials to gratify Gives Interesting Figures- munlty Club and :0 the Y. M. C. A.' 4, at which C. Howard McCarter, pres-
their desires in this respect, notwithstanding the existence of a statute III Brief. ,Ident of the School Board, was pres-
making the sale or gift of ci~arettes to minors a misdemeanor. Work To Be Completed This communication IS to set forth· ent, Messrs. Coggeshall and Cole re-
The provisions of this statute will be strictly enforced in the future, and by Christmas the real facts in the case-without ar- ! ported their plan.
as I understand you sell cigarettes In connection with other lines of gument-as to the position of tIle I
(Mr. Coggeshall, In addition to being
goods, I want to ask you to co-operate and help In confining their sale to Women's Community Club and the Y. property eOJllmlttee for the School
adults lI.nd keeping them out of the hands of the minors. No effort or
expense will be spared in prosecuting violators of the law, and in order
The work on the bad piece of
M. C. A., and will show that n e i t h e r ' s
I a ~ 1
Board I also ch Ir at of tl e Bo rd
l~~n~~w~l~: ~~~I~O~rdo,mwRl~lclklasntadrtaVien-
that the boys themselves may have warning, this letter will be made pub- the Women's Community Club nor the of Managers of the 1'. M. C. A. and a
lic in the next Issue of "Our Town." , Y. M. C. A. "forced" the school from direetor of the institution as well.
In order that you may have an opportunity to become familiar with about one week. the building. It will show that the Mr. McCarter Is also a director of the
This contract was awarded by tile W 'c 't CI b '11 Y l\I C A)
the provisions of the law, I quote the lollowlng two sections of the Act of omen s ommUlll y u were WI - . . . .
May 9. 1913, P. L. 198: State Highway Department for the ing to sacrilice fully two-thirds oC On hearing the report made by Mr.
"Section 1. Any person who shall furnish to any minor, by gift, sale, rebuilding of Narberth's portion of the floor space of the library and Cole, which had been passed favor-
or otherwise, an . tt . t lb' Wynnewood road a few days ago. community room oC the Y M C f!I.. ably upon hy Mr. Coggeshall, Mr.
demeanor and upYonClgare . e .or tCllgaretf e pa1lPebr, s lall e gUllty of a mis-, This bad piece of highway is to be Building for the use of abou't tif~); McCarter said that the plan for the
, convlc Ion lereO s lIll. e sentenced to pay a fine o f · · . . . " . l' Id
not less tllan one hundr dt d 11 $10000) 1 I h entIrely rebUllt of concrete, wInch children during school hours It exercise of tIe clllidren wou not
dollars ($300.00). e oars . , nor more t lan t lree u nWill dmake re It d ..·
the finest pIece of road- I wlll prove conclusively that. . the \\,01. k at ,all-that the room allowe tl
"Section 2. Any minor, being in possession of a cigarette or of cigar.' I work in this part of the country. : School Board acted without waiting was Inadequate. Then It was, for the
ette paper, and being by any police officer, constable, juvenile court officer, The contract awa:ded to Pugh for any official action of the Board of first time. that it was known that the
truant officer, or teacher In any school, asked where and from whom such &. Hubbard, a Plllladelpllla firm. The Dlreetors of the Y. M. C. A. It wlll "room for play" was really "room for
~Igarette. or cigarette paper was obtained, who shall refuse to furnish such Ind for th~ fU~~ 21 foo~ roadway was show that the School Board made no regUlar school work"-that the "play"
mformatlOn, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; and upon conviction thereof, for $5610.5".. Narberth s share of the definite offer of adjustment to the was really a part of the educational
before any alderman, magistrate, or justice of the peace, such minor, being total c~st WIll be $3481.53. Under the Board of Directors of the Y. M. C. prograJll for the development of the
of the age of sixteen years or upwards, shall be sentenced to pay a fine State aid plan, the State pays the cost A.. and that the School Board acted children; work that must be, and
not exceeding five dollars, or to undergo an imprisonment In the jail of the of ~ne-half of ~6 feet, the Borough entirely Independentlv In a manner had heen in Ihe past, regnlar.
proper county not exceeding five days, or both. If such minor shall be of N~rberth paYlllg the balance. T~e they undouhtedlv felt was for the S(~hool HOllrd Present" ('ase to "'omen
under the age of sltxeen years, he or .;he shall be certified by such alder- State s share of the total cost IS I'Jest Interests of' the school children. Mr. MeCarter made a request for
man, magistrate, or justice to the juvenile court of the county, for such $2129.01. HI t . ,use of f1l; much of the large commun-
action as to said court will seem proper." Pugh & Hubbard were the lowest T . 1 ~ O~}l' t I d ' ity room as possible and urged that
Believing that by united effort we can eradicate this evil which is so bidders. Other bids received for the 0 reVIew tIe mCl( en s ea mg to the proposition be put before the
detrimental to the health of the youth of our community I am work were as follows: tl~e change, these are the facts: j women of the Community Cluo for
. Yours very' truly Union Paving Company, Philadel- \\ hen the Scbool Board fi:st mad;, their action and that representatives
phia, filbertine cO'l"truction, $7535.75. arrangemen~s to take space m the ,. 'of the Scbool Board should be allow-
Burgess. I
American I:'avlng and Construction 1\'1. C. A., It was agreed. t~lat they ell to present the case to the women.
Mr. Henry states that it would surprise most of our citizens to know Company, Plllladelphla, concrete con- w~uld be g~anted the Pf1vlle~e of His request was granted by the Y. M.
how few boys there are outside the 10 wer grades who do not smoke, and struction, $9766.70. U~1llg what IS known as the hbrary, 'C. A. directors.
how comparatively easy it is for them to obtain cigarettes. It will be seen Mainwaring & Cummings, Philadel- WIth the use of the larger room as a; On October 9, both the retiring
that tile statute above quoted forbids any person from furnishing clgar- phla, concrete construction, $6242,67, play room for the children when It Board and tbe incoming Board of
ettes to minors, whether by sale, gift or otherwise, thus visiting its penal- E. Morton Fleming, Ardmore, con- \nlS n~'t otherwise engaged, for the Managers of the Women's CommunitY
ties not only upon the dealer but upon any adult who should buy the cigar- crete construction, $6442.17. ~um of $20 a month for ten months i Club met Messrs. Coggeshall and
ctles for the minors. I Frank McInerney, Easton. amlesite III ea~h year. The School Board ~r~l, 'Ridge, of the School Board, listened
The second section is most important as an aid in the enforcement of construction, $7216.55. occupied tb~ Y. 1\1. C. A. when. to their presentation of the facta,
the act. While there is no punishment provided for the boy in whose pos- Dwyer & Co., Philadelphia, warren- use was bel1lg made of the bUlldmg, 'went Into executive session and draft-
f1t'sslon cigarettes or cigarette paper Is found if he gives information from ite construction, $7951.10. especially this part of it, ed tbe following communication:
whom it was received or purcbased, refusal to divulge such information It Is expected that work on the Outgrow Llbrar)·. Women Wiiilllg to Give Space.
makes him also guilty of a misdemeanor and subjects him to a penalty of new roadw'ay will be I started in This arrangement worked tolerablY "~Ir, T. n. ('og-g-~"hall.
fine or imprisonment or both. about one week and that if bad win- well to both parties until this fall ' "Chairman Hoar,1 ofy,~Ianag-~r"
or thp :-;arh~rth ~I, C. A.
ter weather does not interfere the w Ilen tl1e gra d e IlOuse d t Ilere b ecame "D~ar Slr:-At th~ m~~ling- of the Board
joh will be finished before Christmas. cramped in tbe library and had to of ;llanager". pa"t '"HI pr~"~nt, of th~
done expeditiously and efficiently. It use a small part of the larger room. ~~;~.m~:::,~n:~~~'~\~~~~,Y:;;,~\,:~~::\)~~~'to~at~;~~
BOROUGH COUNCIL was decided that only those boxes and I
re cep t ac Ies WI'11 b e remove d th a t can J']I"'JU'}'~CY
.. , ':' > CALLS , ,
, >
}'I ' •
When the larger room was in use, :'\arh~l·th :.;ehool Boarel spoke "cg-ardlng con·
E '
clllidren had to be crowdell into ,lItlolls follOWing-III lIeelslon
the lIrstWa" g-nule
maueschool room,preMo
hy thoMe the
IMPROVES COLLECTION be easily handled by one man, and
th t' 1 tt t'
e par ICU ar a en lOn 0
f h
ANIl IOLICE 1)F,1 ARTJ[},NT8 the space behln(l a sliding partition. ent: 'We are wllllllg to have" partition
I It'IS very Impor
. ttl tIl I . • placetl acroHs the room at the next pllaxter.
an t la t8 ep lOne I Accordmg to the preSIdent of the Mall! partitioll to remain flown ,lu"IIIg- till'
holders Is directed to this point. In I users become familiar with the num-I School Board Mr McCarter this con- Meho,)1 Sl'"slon, with 110 prl\'lleg~" h~l'nlll! tlwt

'ormer tl' e h tl b i t
t b 11 d h th' d' t
I I . '
m S w en Ie oroug 1 em- 'ers 0 e ca e w en e Imme la e ditlon was tolerable to the School the \\"om~n'" Community Cluh prlvlleg~cl to
ployel; removed ashes from cellars al;sistance of the police or fire depart- Board if it did not happen more than hold morlling m~elillgs of allY nature; hut,
~Jlaee g-ranted to the- :-ichool at an)' time and

Meeting of CouncIl Thursday I an d b asemen s,t t leyl were 'In numer- ment i ' d.
s reqUIre I five' times, a month. "ft~r to
rlg-ht ""h",,1 hours. the "'uh res~n'es the
U"~ th~ whole spaee, pCll\'lclel! that
Evening Passes Important i ous cases required to handle very, The telephone company desires tl~aI ('omDllllllt)· HoolD ][ueh Used. ~~':"I~~,~,ool room Is r~stor~" h~fore the next
. . Ash large boxes and In some cases sugar I emergency calls may be made WIth With many new organizations using "(Sll-\'n~dJ (~m:';.J A, H. rOLl':,
ResoIutIon- es to be barrels. Any citizen who gives the the maximum degree of speed and cer- the building, which has now become > . ' "ll~lirlng Ch"lrmnn."
Collected From Cellars matter a moment's thought will un- talnty, and feels assured that this can a community center Mr McCarter 111m to )Jake 1'llInl Ueport to Y. 1'1.
derstand that this Is not as it should be accomplished by no other method was told that there' was' P robabillt (;. A. nlrectors.
he, and •Chairman Edward •
C. Stokes, than that each subscriber shall know ' ltlU t tl' liS SI11' 'ftl ng wou 11 ( h ave t 0 bYe ~ October
. 13, .acter I receipt
M C of fore- h 11
At a meeting of Borough Councils of the Highway CommIttee of Borough the telephone numbers of the proper 11 th fi t· th gomg commulllcat on, r. ogges a
held on Monday evening of this week i Councils, is hopeful that our people police and fire houses, and shall call ~~.I;~ :~l?re :'~i v~ac~me\ g atllm.on ti . !once more met with Mr. Cole to de-
the matter of the collection of ashc~ i, will . assist his men . in the effort to those numbers direct in all cases. t IItlOns,
1. 1 lIS conS I on1 B n
t IIe c h 00 oar d as °kedIllS.ItS'
- cide
B dupon f recommendations
. to the
was considered at considerable combme I . efficiency with . satisfactlon.
.Accordingly a space has been pro- propert.y commIttee. Mr Thelwell M oare l 0 DIrectors H of Y. M. C. A.
length. The borough authorities have i ~ IS also stipulated III the new vlded at the top of the front. cover oC C sIll" nsult ,r. ,0 e, as ouse Manager, said he
been earnestly endeavoring for I ruhng of Councils that the work of your local directory in wlllch those Hogge lU, to ct with the t would recommend to the Board that
Bome time to reach a solu-' removing the ashes from the cellars numbers may be entered couspicuous- ouse Manager 0 tlle Y. M. C. A.. : the women's wishes be carried out
tion of this I
question calculated shall he entirely without charge to IlY. In that space also appears a note W. Arthur Cole, to plan a way out of i and that the rental be made $40 a
to give the greatest satisfaction to the property owner, and there will, referring you to a page of the direc- the difficulty.. I month (since the space was doubled)
our citizens and at the same time therefore, be no obligation upon tory on which a complete list of Fire
keep ill mind the cost involved to householders to make any contrlbu- and Police Stations is shown.
I 0111' Piau lteJected. j and a new partition be installed by

Messrs. Coggeshall and Cole met the School Board. It was then
the borough. The chief difficulty has tion whatever to the borough em-
been found In the matter of taking ployes.
Please consult this list and enter the and went over the situation on Fri- ,: agreed by both that Mr. Coggeshall,
proper numbers on your directory day evening, October 1. They felt as chairman of the Board of Managers
the ashes out of the cellars and plac- The new plan for gathering the coyer, each Issue. I that they had solved the difficulty by ! of the Y. M. C. A., should call a
Ing them where they could be con. ashes will be put into operation on ftrranglng to put up a temporary par- j meeting of the directors of the Y. M.
venientlY put into the borough wagons. November 15. ,co}wUNITY CLUU. titlon in the community room, taking C. A. without delay in order to get
The ruling of the Highway Commi, f'pflr.e enough in which to comfortably definite action and to report to the
tee which has been in effect for some' NAUBERTH ASSE~mLY. The second Community Club tea Reat the children, and then to open School Board.
time made it incumbent upon the First dance Narberth Assembly, was held In the Community Club room the t.wo doors of the gymnasium bal- No 1'[eeting Called.
propertY' owner to take the ashes out Novembe:- 20. on Tuesday, November 2. Mrs. C. T. f>ony anrl allow the children to circle Instead of calling this meeting t
o f t h e ce11 ar. A t Mon d ay n i ght's Commltt'e of charge, Mr. and Mrs. 1"aries was hostess, assisted by Mrs. tIe I 10b by balcony and the balcony (Continued on Third Page) a
meeting it was decided that the T. B. Dun-aris, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. C. Pollock, Miss Loos, Mrs. J. ._.... _.-. -
borougb. wouid employ men whose BodanskY al.d Mr. and Mrs. Rezo Mullineaux, Jr., and Mrs. C. T. Moore.
duty it will be to take the ashes out Brooks. There were thirty ladies of Narberth
of the cellars and place them on the Admission n.50 per couple for sin- I present. Subscriptions Received Since
sidewalks where they can be deposit '. l I b hi i th A
Mrs. David D. Stickney will be
Th~ g e b(lancfe, OI ' mem ers fPfi n de s- 110s1ess on Tuesdav, November 16.
ed in the borough wagons
. sem y or', h e ser i es 0 ve ances, . Las't VVeek
empty boxes will later be returned for $6.00, to be held on the dates, as
by these men to the cellar doors or below, whi'lh are: November 20, LIST (H' (1NCALLED l'OH I FRANK H. COVERT MRS. ANNA M. OWENS
windows, where they can easily be December 17 January 21 February LETTERS IN NAUB}:UTH P. O.
placed in the cellar by the owner OI ,II and April' 28. " I
Miss Martha Connelly, Miss Pendel..
his servants. The men delegated for! If you are interested, kindly com- tOIl. Mr. R. S. Machindrich, Mr. Thom·
• Showing a loss of two over the preceding week. Are you send-
ing us your dollar before our next Issue?
this duty will precede the ash-wagons municate wfth the above committee, Ias Hudson, Mr. Howard Murphy.
by a time sufficient to have the work or Wm. J.'ienderson, Secretary. I Edward S. Da,,'s, Postmaster.
}'IRE PREVENTION A RESPON· them in good repair and keep them so. binding, except numbers 1, 2; 3, 4,
OUR TOWN smILITY IN HOMES. IKeep gasoline, oils and other like and 42.

Owned, and Published every Thurs- Carelessness lOs Crlmlnnl.

combustibles out of them.
Particularly see that the chimney of
i your house is cleaned before putting
I Mrs. S. P. Bowman, of 116 Elmwood
avenue, entertained at luncheon on

day by the Narberth Civic Associa- Friday. The table was tastefully
tion. Individual liability for fires is be-I up stoves. decorated with yellow and white
coming to be much discussed of late Make it your motto, "To prevent a
and there seems to be a decided belief I fire is easier than putting one out." It chrysanthemums. Among those pres-
HARRY A. JACOBS, ent were Mrs. J. K. Patton, of Van-
EdItor. that there is a right of action at com- I saves lots of sorrow for many.
mon law by the owner of adjoining Chos. V. Noel, couver, B. C.; Mrs. McKee, Mrs.
property damaged by fire communi- Assistant State Fire Marshal. . Kortelbeln, Mrs. A. B. Durkee, Mrs. A.
Mrs. C. R. Blackall G. M. Henry C. Durkee and Mrs. John C. Bowman.
Mrs. C. T. Moore A. J. Loos cated from another building when the
fire was caused by neglect, careless-
Mrs. E. C. Stokes Henry Rose
Miss Adah Durbin W. T. Melchior ness, design or failure to comply with
existing laws or ordinances.
THE FIRESIDE In Lower Merion, where reside Mrs.
1 J. Howard Brown, the president of
Earl F. Smith O. L. Hampton
Associate EdItors. The Supreme Court of New York de- 'the Montgomery County Committee,
clared a liability for full cost in two INVITJ:S YOU Betty Uaxter's GossIp. and Mrs. J. D. Winsor, leader of the
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, cases for the extinguishing ot fires. NEXT SUNDAY Lower Merion suffrage cause, the
Cashier. A number of suits are now pending HET'.ry UAXTEU'S GOSSIl). votes "yes" were 1212, "no" 1178, or
in Indiana claiming damages from Graded BIble School The sound of dropping nuts is heard a margin of 34.
H. C. GARA, :owners of property wherein fire Sermons though all the trees are still, I ---

Advertising Manager. !started, and in one case by a tenant "PreservIng Priceless Possessions" And twinkle in the smoky light the Miss Hulda B. Jefferies, ot Nar- I
because the owner had failed to make "The Power of Womnn" waters of the rill, I berth avenue, entertained tbe Alpha
Send all letters and news item to changes in conditions to which the The south wind searches for the, Chapter of the Chi Pi Sorority on
P. O. Box 404. Itenant had, on a number of occasions, Young People's flowers whose fragrance late he: Saturday evening.
Send all advertising copy to P. O. called to the owner's attention. HrollJ) I,elldershlll Seniee bore, : ---
Box 820. The Supreme Court of I1lino[s has We Aim to Jlelp You And sighs to find them in the wood I The Beta Chapter of the Chi Pi
Make all remittances to P. O. Box held that a person is liable for all and by the stream no more. Sorority met on Friday evening, at
118. those consequences which might have --- the home of Miss Katherine Mc-
Our Town is on sale at the dep~t been foreseen and expected as a result
newsstand, and at the store of H. ""1 of his conduct. In tbis case fire bad I
DR• HORN HITS Miss Eleanor Ensinger, daughter of i Dowell, on Montgomery avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ensinger, of I ---
Davis. been started in dry leaves and grass. I Montgomery avenue, and Mr. Charles 1'\0. 404 South Narberth avenue is
Entered as second-class matter, Or.- I The fire got beyond control, not only
tober 15, 1914, at the post Office at 'burning his farm buildings, but be-
Coon, of Westerly, Rhode Island, short a rubber door mat since Hal-
were married on Wednesday evening, lowe'en.

Act of March 3, 1879.

Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the cause of high wind, burned the bUild-I
ings of a neighbor a quarter of a mile .
--- !':ovember 10, at seven o'clock, in St.
,John's Episcopal Church of Cynwyd.
Mrs. William Cohlc entertained the
away. The court held that the setting I Local Chemist Says Those Who i Miss Ensinger was attended by Miss I Thimble Club on Wednesday after-
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1915 10f the fire was the proximate cause of I 'Vater Milk Are Part Murder- 1Mae McConnell, of Cynwyd, as maid noon, at her home on Merion avenue. I
,the burning of the neighbor's bulld- I ers and the Nearest Kind ' of honor. The bridesmaids were I -
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS 'ing. and that the defendant must pay
the loss.
I of Thieves
. .
Miss Katherine McDowell, Miss Sarah On Saturday, November 27, the Chi
'pedrick, Miss Florence Wyatt and Pi Sorority will have an auction sale
Fire 350.
Police 1250. I Another case was decided by the 'Miss Isabelle Dodds: Mr. Charles H'I for the benefit of a home for home-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,i Supreme . Court of Illinois holding a I' D r. DaVI'd W'lb I ur H orn, 0 f B rIy Ensinger
n ' brother of the bride' acted
I less bovs . - in Virginia.
=~=--::::.------------ raIlroad company liable for having set 1\' lit t tl B d f as best man The ushers were Mr ---
EDITORIAL NOTES f l a w r , clem S O l e oar s o '
fire t~ gr~ss along its right 0 way, i Health of Lower :Merion, Haverford I Nelson Ensinger, Mr. Edward En-
.\ .
Mr. George W. Rowbotham, a
resultmg m the death of ~ woman Cheltenham township and S arthmor: singer, Mr. Arthur McConnell and Mr. brother of Mr. James P. Rowbotham, I
I whose clothing caught fire m trying d N b th b I 1 w t h'~ WilHam Durbin The ceremony was, of Price avenue, died of heart failure
to put out the blaze. I ~n t :~r:; . oroug IS, l:S c~s 1~ followed by a ~eception at the home: on his way home from a religious
OUR TOWN will gladly print
any news Item about any subject I Cases similar to these have also 1 10. 111 a Ie rIng. as ~ campIOn 0 of the bride. at which only the hrldall meeting on Thursday evening. Friends
been decided by the courts of Indiana, I pu~e, heal.thful ~mlk, m reply to an party and the families were present.' of Mr. and Mrs. James Rowbotham
that Is of Interest to Narberth Minnesota and Missouri. Iart~cle .prl11t~d m a Media weekly The bride and bridegroom will be at !extend their sympathy.
folks, but In ortter to meet I The time is coming very rapidly I wlncll IS edIted by Thomas Cooper. home at 6 Beach street, Westerly.!
the printing sch4l'lule, all "copy"
Iwhen every State will enact laws that i Mr. Co~per grew gently humo~ous a I Rhode Island, after the first of Jan- I The Narberth Glee Club holds its
-manuscripts-must reach the will compel persons to pay for that I' short tllne ago because a ml1kman uary. I regular meeting on Thursday even-
editor by 6 P. M. Monday each
I carelessness and negligence. It is not was arrested at the instance of the
more than right that they should and I Board of Health of Haverford town- MI C 1 I' f E ssex I ling.
1 ---' IIbe in line with t the Elaws that have 'I ship.
_ _ _ _ _ been carried ou in uropean coun- 0 t e ml
f h Dr.'lkHornd had examined
d h ' some nue, ssgave,aro
an faun t at It con- M' El
a )h'nan drkwlIl'hiof
erc e s h oweravfe- or Thomas ' George and Lilie Smith
S t d y 1spent two days hunting on the Per-
tries for many years back, resulting tained 8 1-10 per cent. of butter fats ISS eanor nsmger,. on a ur .a kiomen
What is so rare as an autumn day, in thirty-three cents per capita loss and total solids amounting to 11.5' afternoon. The guests m?luded ~ISS I .
in the Year-Round Home Town? I'in the Old Country
. ' as compared with II per cen t . A s th e requ i remen t un d er ,Helcn I Jones, Harris
Miss Evelvn Miss MarjOrIe
Miss Adah JefferIes.
Dur- ..
Mr. WIlham - - - for.many years
three dollars m the United
' . W t e . States. 1 the recently adopted township ordi- b' M' -K tl . 'M D 11 M' connected with the Philadelphia Post
Local items are always mterest-·I
. U • m. ISS a lerme c owe, ISS
mae.cessar;) as. . nance IS 8 1-4 per cent. of butter fats, I Dorothy Durbin Miss Sydnie Bolich. Office, was buried on last FrIday af-
ing. You do not have to send us a I A burned cIty does not replace It- I and total solids of 12 per cent., the' Miss Marguerit~ Mueller and Miss ternoon. A large number of post
quantity o[ them to be acceptable., self. . !
dealer was taken before Justice of Elizabeth Justice. office officials and employes from
We are thankful for even one or two. Fire lDsurance does not replace lost I the Peace Thomas, of Haverford, and I Philadelphia attended his funeral.
A few items from many people will property.
make 'Our Town a very newsy sheet I
I fined $15 and costs. He appealed t o .
Food, clothing and shelter are pro-I the Delaware County Court.
. .
. MISS Marjorie. JefferIes entert~med
. I ---
"'ork is progressing on the first
indeed. duced only by human effort, hence I Mr_ Cooper remarked that "in the In honor of MISS Eleanor Ensmger ·l.ollse to be built in Narbrook Park

la~or expended in replacing waste is lold days the burden of the milkman and .Mr. Charles Coon on Saturday IWilliam T. Harris is the builder. Con~
WIthdrawn from legitimate production
The editor, and his associates get for the satisfaction of human needs. I . evenmg. The house was attractively I
was to see that the mIlk he served decorated with autumn leaves and ~tructlon of the se~ers and other un-
exactly the same salary for editing I National waste impoverishes the i his custom~rs was, and if he quantities of yellow chrysanthemums. lj€rgrO~nd work .IS ~rOgreSSing as
this paper as you do for not editing it. nation. as family waste impoverishes i could Iteep It S?, and dId not add too The guests were Miss Katherine Mc-I rapidl) as possIble, . considerable
So it is just as much your paper as the household. I n~uch ~ater to It, he could go through Dowell, Miss Evelyn Harris, Miss I ~idewalks have been laId, also curb-
it is theirs. Then why don't you help I The fire waste Is not really paid for hfe Without a~y troubles; but in Adah Durbin, Miss Carolyn Irwin, mg and gutters. The service roads
in some way? A new item, an adver- by insurance companies Fire insur-I these progressIve days he must know Miss Helen Wingate Miss Helen h~ve mostly been graded and paved
tlsement, or a sUbscriptio~ ~ill do ance is added by manufacturers and the analytical contents of the milk; Graves, Mr. Wharton' Ingram, Mr. WIth stone.
very much, as Our Town s mcome merchants to the cost of the goods, must be up on proteids, butter fat.s Lester Jefferies. Mr. Louis Winne,
each ~ee~ does not ~ven p~y the and whoever buys a loaf of bread, a I an.~l T othe~ technical" matters." Mr. Charles Jones. Mr. Robert Durbin It is very gratifying to learn that
printer s bIll. Just thmk thIS over, \ hat, a coat or shoes, pays it. The cost No "mIlk dealer. Dr. Horn .re- and Mr. Charles Ensinger. the squirrels in and about t.he
then do what you can to help us I of the fire tax Is concealed in the price torts, need have any such techmcal borough are not being killed by the
along. of the goods. Every fire is paid for by knowledge, provided he sells un- Mrs. Horace P. Moore entertained men and boys who usually hunt
all the people. Insurance is collected altered the milk as it comes from the Kappa Sigma Phi Sorority on game; consequently, those who are
o the editor, a communication is from all and paid to him who has a tl.le. cows. I.f h.e aims, however, to Friday evening. attempting to care for and protect
T th lk t t th t h the squirrels are much encouraged.
always interesting and acceptable, fire; h ence the man who has a fire d IVI d e e ml m 0 one par a e
because it is original, and sets forth intentionally, or unintentionally, takes later sells as cream and another part The Missionary Society of the Dap- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Haines Bur-
some individual thought. Oftentimes, money ~rom the pockets of his neigh- that he shall alter sell. as whole mil~, tisL Church will have a Thanksgiving Igess, of New York, spent last week
we do not concord WitIl all of our, bors. FIre insurance is an assessment then your..J?tatement IS true. Or If I meeting on Tuesday afternoon, as the guests of Walter M. Burkhardt.
correspondent's ideas, but, neverthe- I upon all to pay to o~e; hence every he aims to. ~dd water, but in such November 16, at 2.30 o'clock. Mrs. 100 Maple avenue. Mr. Burkhardt
less, their ideas may be right, and! fir~ makes every man s struggle for a s~all quantIties as to escape detec- A. J. Rowland will give an address also entertained for tea, George C.
ours wrong. If you think you're right liVmg hard~r b~ comp,elUn g him to tlon, .. then also your statement is on her experiences on the Pacific Corson, of Plymouth Meeting; C. Rus-
in any good cause, stick to it and do spen~ for hIS neighbor s waste what true. I Coast, dwelling particularly upon the scI Corson, Norristown; R. D. Hughes,
not be afraid to tell about it. he mIght otherwise spend for his own Dr. Horn denounces milkmen who, work of the missionary cruiser, the Woodbury, N. J.; J. S. Bradway.
comfort. adulterate milk. "The dealer Who, Robert G. Seymour. The members of Haverford; Robert S. Wickham,
Jlouse CleanIng. puts but 5 per cent. of water into the the society will bring their Thanks- Devon; H. H. Gaul, F. Parker, Jr.•
The ladies of the Social League In I
It must be born in mind that poor milk he sells," Dr. Horn says, "steals giving mite boxes to this meeting. and W. Carlton Harris, Philadelphia.
this borough have expressed great housekeeping is a cause of a great one cent of every twenty that he col- Everyone is invited to attend.
satisfaction with the large majority majority of the fires. Keep all parts of lects from a patron. Through him Mrs. Clement Booth gave a luncheon
hi favor of the suffrage movement. the home free from the accumulation the helpless, bottle-fed baby of the The Delta Sigma. Sorority will hold a and "500" on Wednesday, at her
of rubbish. Care should be taken in household is cheated out of one-twen- cake and candy sale in the Y. M. C. home, Narberth and Woodside ave-
getting rid of this rUbbish. If done, it tieth of the nutriment it is supposed A. community room on Friday af- nues. Those presene were: Mrs. Ralph
should not be done on a windy day to receive, and is cheated of Onf'- ternoon, November 19. Hamblet, Mrs. C. A. Strong and Mrs.
A delightful program has been ar- ~or should it be piled up near a build- twentieth of its lease on life. Steal- John Young, of Philadelphia; Mrs.
ranged for November 22, at 8.15 P. mg and set on fire. Be sure not to ing pennies from a blind man is sup- Mrs. Robert H. Durbin, of Narberth John J. Byrd, of Wayne; Mrs. Wil-
M., to be held at Elm Hall. The par- leave a smouldering fire, a few sparks posed to be unusually meanness but avenue, spent the week-end in Mer- liam Barker, Mrs. Lester Nickerson,
ticipants will be William H. Carmint, from the fire may fall on a dry roof is a blind." ' chantvllle, N. J., visiting relatives. Mrs. William Livingston, Mrs. Cock-
tenor; Gertrude E. Wright, soprano; and cause a destructive loss. If rubbish
Piotr Wizla, baritone, and Mrs. B. was removed immediately and not al-
I rell, Mrs. C. P. Fowler, Mrs. Joseph
Mrs. Walter Cowin and Miss Mar- H. Nash. Mrs. Carroll Downes, Mrs.
Franklin Armiger, reader. Dancing lowed to accumulate, it would make CHILD LIFE CIIAPTEll. I
joric Cowin, of Merion avenue, have Stua~t McClellan, Mrs. Charles Verna,
will follow the musicale. housecleaning much easier and lessen The Child Life Chapter met in the' been visiting Mrs. Cowin's mother, I Mr~. A. K. Siler and Mrs. C. T. Moore.
the cause of many fires. Do not permit Community Club room, Friday after- Mrs. Huff, in Trenton, N. J.
NARBERTH Y. M. C. A. children to burn rubbish. This should noon, November 5. There were thir-
be looked after by some adult person. tcen J)J·esent. Miss Linda Kirk, of Woodside ave- UAPPY
President, H. S. Hopper; secretary, SUNDAY EVENING
Attics and cellars should be kept It was decided to have the meetings nue, entertained Miss Fdtelle Bot-
R. L. Beatty; treasurer, D. D. Stick- free from combustible accumulations. the first Friday morning of each toms, over the week-end. SubJect:
ney; chairman of board, C. E. Kream- Ashes should never be carelessly month, from 10.00 until 11.30. "The ChrlstJon Home-The Parents'
er; directors, W. D. Smedley, E. S. disposed of against wooden fences or ResponsibIlIty"
Mrs. N. J. Rowand r,nd Miss Mary
Haws, G. H. Gifford, Carroll Downes, other combustible surfaces. e Howand, of Wynnewol'd avenue, are Soloist
J. S. Harris, G. M. Henry, C. H. Mc- A tidy house-wife is the worst KING'S DAU'GIITEUS WILL HOLD visiting friends in Brooklyn, N. Y. lIUSS lIrARJAN BRILL
Carter, Vernon Fleck, Irvin Ward; T. enemy of fire waste. This is concurred SALE. Hearty
~. Coggeshall, Fred Stone, J. B. Esen- In by leading insurance men. Many The Evangel Circle of King'l!j Gosppl Sonl!' Service
Mrs. A. L. Campbell has returned Chorus Choir
wein, E. ·E. Seaver, T. C. Trotter, Dr. fires have been prevented by good Daughter will hold a sale in the Com- to her home at Stuart t.venue, after
R. C. Hoffman. Board of Managers: housekeepers keeping cupboards and munity room' of the Y. M. C. A., a week's stay In Washinl~ton, D. C. If you enJoy congrell'Rtlonal sInging
-come I . ,
Gara, W. Arthur Cole, F. W. Stites, R. lation of useless articles.. I
Chairman, T.R.· CQggeshall, H. C. closets clean and free from aecumu- November 13, from 11.00 A. M. to 9.30
P. M. There will be on sale fancy P. 0.' Box 820 can furnish, without If you want heart encouragement--
H. Savill. Executive secretary, O. L.
Look at your buildings. See that and useful articles and home baking. charge. copies of "Our Town" to any,
they are in good repair. If not, put A light lunch wUl be served. ('np wishing to. comp.le! e a file for 1._--------------..:
N.rw1t pf tlt.r Qlllur'1l~5 Pra!'er Service.
This service Is held weekly on : ...•..
Wednesday, at 8 P. M., In charge of.
the pastor, ' AT Y. M. C. A. AN OLD fRIEND
neve Jollll Van Ness, Minister. The Men's Bible Class of the Date Book a Novelty-Library
Sunday, November 14: Methodist Episcopal Church wlll
10.00 A. M.-Blble School. hold their second annual banquet on I Still Very Popular-Bowling
11.00 A. M.-Publlc worship, with

sermon by the pastor. In connection
" uebc!ny evening, November 16, at League Starts Games-
6.30 o'clock at the church.
with this meeting the Sacrament of The toastmaster will be Mr. English Class-Week
Infant Baptltlm will be observed.
7.00 P. M.-Young People's meet-
ing. Leader, Hilda Smedley.
Fletcher Stites. Speakers will be
Dr. George Bickley Burns, Rev. l"rank SCHOOL EDITOR'S of Prayer

8.00 P. M.-Evening worship. "The

Beatitude for the Pure in Heart."
McKnight Gray and Rev. C. G. Kop-
pel. WEEKLY NEWS ITEMS "Date Book."
It is our purpose to keep a record
Plans are being made for the cele- of all coming events In this boole.
bration of the fifth anniversary of Enrollment Increasing-Events This enables anyone who Is planning
the present pastorate on November .Uontgomery Avenue and Meeting of Interest-Athletic Asso- a large or small affair to select the
21. There will be special services
both morning and evening. Efforts
wlll be made to secure the presence
1I0use Lane.
Merion Meeting House Is opened for
worship every First-day at 10.30 A.
ciation to Have Tennis Club
-Other Items of Interest
day or evening that will not conflict
with any other event.
QUite frequently the phone rings
of every member.
The Increasing attendance in the
M. Visitors are cordially welcome.
A registry book Is kept for Visitors.
and some one wants to know If a
certain date Is oilen. If It Is, they
Sunday School is most gratifying. I
The seating capacity Is being taxed
to the utmost and arrangements will
All are asked to register their names
S T. ,U,\nG ,\RF'T'S
Enrollment Iucreaslng.
During, the past two weeks we weI-I for that time. It is needless to say
'omed into our midst about fifteen that this book saves many a host or and9 eoal
want their name or event put down IDwelling, 507 Haverford Avenue

2 b~th .roo!,,", hot water heat, Eas
and eleolr.o
ranEe, lIehllng. Modern, substln'
have to be made in the near future
for more room. Last Sunday there
\J' C
Early :'I1ass on Surdity (roUl April boys and girls who have recently hostess from being embarrassed be- tiaUy built, beaullful loealion. with old shade.
l "t to October 31st at C.JO A. ~I. Frum moved to Narberth. We were glad to cause of some entertainment, etc., Apply 10 A. J. LOOS. .
were 208 In attendance. .
:-Joycmber 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M. hear from these pupils and their par- I,confllctmg with their well planned
or any MI.n Line Aeene
Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout t!lt! ents that they have been royally treat- I event. Phone Narberth 694 Wand
year. Masses on holydays, 6.30 anJ ed and made to feel at home. A town: save yourself from an embarrassing
~.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. EvenlUl; can have no better advertisement than: situation.
jel'otlons and other services at regular its schools. I Library. MISS FANNY H. LOOS
Emerson L. Swift, Pastor. times. Although the crowded conditions ex- II Our library,. which Is absolutely
9.45 A. November
M.-Bible 14:School. The .
ishng .
at the present hme are d eep 1y f ree t 0 any reSl d en t 0 f •Narberth ,con - 417 Haverford Ave., Narberth, Pa.
Men's Class wlll be taught by Mr. }:I'IS('Ol' AI, CIIFUCH NEWS. regretted by all, we are trying to I tlnues to be the center of attraction Phone, 316 D
J. C. Davis, and the Women's Class I
The services at All Saints' P. E. show our newcomers that we have the for many people. During October 1 · ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

by Mrs. Elizabeth Needham. Attend- Church. Montgomery and Wynnewood real school spirit. over 150 books were taken out. The any or all of these meetings. Come
ance last Sunday 118. "venues, for next Sunday are as fol-, At community night, a few weeks school children are finding many ref- and bring another.
11.00 A. M.-Mornlng worship. Sub- iows: ago, one of the ladles was heard to! erence books and classics of Interest (;!'mnaslum Classes.
ject of the sermon, "Preserving Price- 8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion. say: "Look at that group of high: to them. Monday evening-Young lien'"
less Possessions." 9,45 A. M.-Sunday School. school girls! I have been watchln~ I There are many Incidental expenses Class.
7.00 P. M.-Young People's service. 11.00 A. M.-Mornlng prayer, with them for some time; have noticed the C'onnected with a library. We are Tuesday-4 to 5 P. M., Boys' Class.
The meeting will be in charge of the sermon. genuine comradeship which exists also planning to build more shelves Wednesday-ll A. M., Women's
group of which Elizabeth Mlller is 4.00 P. !\i.-Evening prayer. among them." We are glad that out- for more books. To assist In the Class.
captain. You may look for this meet- I
The pews of All Saints' Church are siders are appreciating the spirit raising of this additional expense we, Friday evening-Business
Ing t.o even excel the splendid meet- free. and Rev. Andrew S. Burke, the which exists among the pupils. I have placed on t~le coun.ter a glass, Class.

ing of last Sunday, when Miss Helen rector, extends a most cordial Invita- I globe receptacle, mto wInch anyone I
Saturday-l0 to 11 A. M., Boys'
Jones was the speaker. tlon to the residents of Narberth.' };,'enf" of Interest. i
appreciating the lI?rar y and wanting Class.
7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. Sub- Wynnewood, Ardmore and vicinity to, Last Friday morning we had the to contribute to tlns fund may do so. I SaturdaY
1 evening-BaSket ball
ject of the sermon, "The Power of attend any or all of the services. ,best meeting of our Literary Society Bowling. game.
Woman." This Is a very timely The winter work of the Sunday' so far this year, and I think so far In On Tuesday evening a practice _
theme. I
School Is progressing very nicely, and I the history of the school. The par- match was held on the local alley~, THE NAlmEItTH ATHLETIC CLUB.
The prayer and praise service of it is urged that parents see that their ticipants were fine, especially the de- with the Bryn Mawr team, which IS Our opponent in basket ball last

at 8.00 P. M. Subject in the Study of

the church wlll be held Wednesday children attend regularly. bate, but this was not the only good also one of the teams in the Main Saturday night was the Millwood
feature of the meeting. The attention Line Bowllng League. Boys' Club of Philadelphia. Judging
Revelation, Rev.!. Next week "The TilE REAL FACTS ABOUT THE of the pupils was perfect. also the The fact that the Narberth bowl- by the score, It would be difficult to
Churches of Ephesus and Smyrna," I nE~IOVAL OF TilE SCHOOL singing which was entered into byers have been rapidly getting Into say whicll was the better team. Nar-
Rev. 2:1-11. I
"'RO~I TilE Y. :n. C. A. BUILDING Ieveryone. The society certainly shape for this league is shown by berth won by a score of 25 to 24, but
The meeting of the Farther Lights --- I
wishes that a lot of the parents would the following scores, Narberth taking just as time was called, Millwood was
wlll be held Th~lrsday, .3.00 P. M., at I(Continued from First Page) Icome out to these meetings, which are all three gam~s:
the home of MISs MaZIe Simpson. ,once, Mr. Coggeshall decided to wait held on every other Friday, at 10.40 A'I Narbertb.
making a goal. The play. however,
did not go through untll a couple of
The Sunbeam Missionary Band wlll until after the meeting of the School M,' The next meeting will he held on
meet at the home of ~rs. James Board. At this meeting, the School NoYember 19. I ,
1st 2nd 3rd seconds after the bell rang. So you
game. game. game. see, It was "anybody's" game. Of
Houston, Elm Terrace, Friday at 3.00 Board decided upon its present course I
P. M. I
without waiting for official action on
At a meeting of the Athletic Asso- Scanlin . . .
The Women's Mission Clrc~ wil~ the part of the directors of the Y. l\I. ciation last week. it was decided that Ward
178 course, allowance must be made for
the fact that two of our star players
126 were out of the game, owing to In-
meet at the church Tues~a;. "lovem C. A. and presently withdrew the this year the fellows on the boys' bas- Rainear 125 138 juries; Frank Winne with two broken
ber 16, at 2.30 P. M. ThlS. S t le :n- school from the building. ket ball team wl1l receive jerseys and !Savill 202 149 173 ribs, and Owen Humphries with a
nuai Thank Offering ~ervlce w en No Report to Date November 1. I
stockings, while the girls get 'scarfs ,Butler. . .. 103 1 broken shoulder.

the Than~ Offer~g Al~x~~e a;~:e~ At the monthly meeting of the to keep their hair tog,ether. The girls iJefferies 11'3 The line-up was as follows:
~;IV~l~ ~~ur~ie~~d' others interested Board of Directors of the Y. M. c. A'I at this meeting declde.d to organize a i NARBERTH.Field Foul
are t ur ed to be P resent on this in- Monday, November I, after the trans- ,tennis team and run It as one of the I 784 672 731 Goals Goals
. gt· I fer of the school, Messrs. McCarter I the girls' sports. (What about those Ur)'n Mawr.
mteres mg occas on. b . 2 d 3 1 C. Humphries, forward.. 3
The tw enty-fourth anniversary of and Coggeshall ywere present, ut , nine tenms balls, girls?) 1st n rr h f d 2
ith d rt to the Board I, ga me. game. g amp.. L. Smit, orwar .
the Bible School will be observed ne er m.a repo
with appropriate exercises at the a t tlla t t Ime m re th e rem 0 v al of the I The pupils in the S enlor LI teran D urne 11 . . , . 174 127 148 C. J Downes,
J ff centerd . 2
cllurcll T hursdav., November 18, at s.choOl an. d no written communica- IClass have subscribed to the "Inde- Deery . . . 130 127 133 C· e cerletS, guar d·.... 1
1 t
7.45 P. M. This Is always a very tlO~ re a Ive 0 any par 0 t t f th t
e rans-; pendent," which Is the forward 100 - i r g k W I ht ,. 171 131 141 . Mc ar
Substitutes:er, gua.r ....
pleasan t event of the church. action has been presented to the Y.! ing weekly of America. They use this Scullin
. 1 b th S l I B d
.. , F H h f
124 . ars, orwar
The election of the Bible School M. C. A. a ffi cIa s y e c 100 oar. I weekly for cur~ent e~ents whlc.h t~.eY ~arvey . .
145 I D. Odell, center .
last Friday evening resulted in choice .- -" : have every Friday a ternoon In IS- amsey............ Sheldon, guard .
of Mr. H. S. Hopper, superintendent; In so far as the foregoing statement tory class. Ask any of the members 736 616 691 MILLWOOD.
Mr. T. C. Trotter, assistant superin- deals with the p~oceedlngs at the of this class what they think of it. . I Field Foul
tendent; Mr. H. B. Hopper, secretary, Board of Directors meetings and with They have some very good and bene- The Main Line Bowling League Goals Goals
and Mr. T. E. Moore, treasurer. The other business transactions with the llting discussions in class. will start Wednesday evening, No- Bunin, forward 3 6
attendance was one of the largest Board of Directors, the facts are as vember 10th. Narberth bowls Bryn Rell, forward ........• 1
and the service enthusiastic. stated. ! We were very glad to receive fur- Mawr on Narberth alleys on that Melnick, center 1
The Union Thanksgiving service HARRY S. HOPPER, t.her donations of plants last week. date. Weinstein, guard 1 2
wlll be held in this church Thursday, President Y. M. C. A. I
Many thanks to the givers of these I English C]ass. Gottlieb, guard 3
November 26, at 10.00 A. M. Note the R. L. BEATTY, , plants. and we wish YOll would come,' In our schedule, which was print-I Next Saturday evening, we play
change of the hour from 11 o'clock. Secretary Board of Directors, Y. M. to school and see how they look. ,ed in last week's Issue, we stated the I the Northeast Boys' ClUb, and a very
Let this be a general community ser- C. A. - -- 'two classes lu English for foreigners dose game Is expected.
vice of Thanksgiving for God's won- We were g,lad to see so many visit- i were meeting weekly.
derful blessings both personal and In so far as the foregoing statement ors from other towns and schools; Owing to the Interest of the Ital- I,OW};U )[ERION, 20;
national. Rev. John Van Ness wlll deals with the transactions made by corne and study our methods. I
ians It became necessary to meet POTTSTOWN II. S.. 0
be the speaker. all and severally as to the details out- "each class twice a week. Messrs. Pottstown High School was de-
side the meetings of the Board of Di- i\UIN I,INE DIRECTORY IS 'NOV- IShipley and Hartsh6rn, of Haverford feated, 20 to 0, by Lower Merion
METllODIST EPISCOPAL CIIURCH. rectors, the facts are as stated. ELTY. College, who are teaching the classes, School In an exciting game. The
"Tile Little Cll1IrelJ on the lim." W. Arthur Cole, House Manager Y. report that the interest is fine and locals were outweighed, and this
M. C. A.; O. L. Hampton, Secretary The C. E. Howe Company has just the progress is assured. counted much againbt them.
V. M. C. A.; Mrs. C. T. Moore, Chair- issued a directory which is a novelty Week or Prayer. Pottstown High. Lower Merion High.
nev. C. G. KOp]le], Pustor.
man Board of Managers W. C. C.; so far as Philadelphia is concerned, A complete statement was made in R. yocom left end Simpson
Sunday services:
Mrs. W. A. Cole, ex-Chairman Boar:} since It is a Main Line directory ex- last week's issue regarding the pur- Shaner left tackle Yocum
of Managers W. C. C. clusively, with a full list of the sub- pose, leaders, and subject of the meet- Nettles Ieft guard...... Shead
9,45-Sunday school assembly. Bible
urban population from Overbrook t.o lings during the week of prayer. Just, Galloway centre
study classes for men and women.
Borough Council at Its regular Frazer. including Cynwyd and Bala. a reminder here: This Is a universal!JaCkSOn rlght guard Swing
11.00 - Public worship. Sermon,
meeting, Monday night, after con- It is the first directory of its kind to movement, with all the Young Men's WlIllams
"Children Joining the Church; the sl<1erable discussion ratified the sug- be issued here. The lists are arrang- Christian Associations in the world Carl
right tackle. " . " Miller
right end ..•.. Davidson
Church's Responslblllty." Solo, "The gestlon made by President Narrlgan ed by towns and there is also an al-I taking an active part. C. yocom quarterback .... Shupert
Lord Is My Shepherd," Mrs. Louis G. to remove ashes on and after Novem- phabetica] list of all Main Line resl-j Each evening of next week, No- Fisher left halfback...... Allen
Vance. ber 15, from all cellars, without any dents arranged separately as well BIl I vernbel' 14th to 21st, there wlll be a Robinson right halfback.... Poole
GA5-Epworth League for young
people. Mr. Edward Pedrlch, leader.
expense to the householder. I
a complete business classification of prayer meeting at the Y. M. C. A., Seasholtz fullback Davis
7.45-Happy Sunday evening;. Sub- Ithe section. between 7.30 and 8 P. M. The leaders Touchdowns-Davis, Allen and
TIle Evangel Circle of Klng'sl - . are as follows' Davidson. Goa]s from touchdown-
ject, "The Christian Home; the Par- DauglJters ""fiI Ilold a bazaar In the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
ents' Responslbllity/'. This wlll be the communIty room of the Y. M. C. A., One c~nt per word In advance; minimum.
Monday-O. L.
Hampton. Yocum, 2. Head linesman-Ancona.
Tuesday-H. S. Hopper. Referee-Stauffer. Umplre-Cumner.
sixth and last sermon In the Home Saturday, November 18; open at I tcn word.. W d d S W Foster Time of perlods-10, 8, 10, 8.
series. Solo. "The Letter from Home," eleven o'clock A. M. There will be a FOR SALE-Typewriter In good condition.
Miss "Marlon Brill. Hearty Gospel fable of faney artIc]es, and a table of Prloe low. Address. ..'E." Our Town.
The n~s ayF
urs a . y - . .
Stit s .
e . Do not forget the musIcale to be
song :service, led by chorus choir. borne baked pIes, cakes and other bilk- IFOR SALE-FIve stBndBr,l bee hIves. With Frlday-J. C. Simpson. given In Elm Hall, on November 22,
Strangers and '=riends cordially in- In......• a]so there ""fil be on sale borne- Bupers. oolonle.. One observatlon hIve, several Saturday-H. C. Gara. t 81~ P ....
Address. H. B. Jelrerles. Narberth. I Yare cordially invited to attend a. • iJ • JU.
vited ·to all services. made colonIal rugs. Pa. ou

_ _ _ ------.1. _

=C=l=e=a=n=F=a=c=e=s~·=C=s=I=I=F=o=r=O=u=r=F=o=r=d=C=a~.·~e~il~M~ m S~iu! W'eHandle

The modern method of shaving is
with a safety Razor. No blood-letting,
T a k-e Y 00 A nywb ere. ROLLS, PIES AND CAKES
blades always sharp (a new one is a
small matter if old one is dull) shave
with poor light, on train· or boat. .("..
. rJurnlture
d p.lanos The Imperial Crocery
Safet1 Razors ShavIng Sticks
(Popular Makes) ShavIng Creams
Pack lng,
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:~~~~:I~~~~hes IJF D H Q a I·lng & I,.,.I 'ork 0 fAll K·Inds Non-Spillhlng Po.lII,. THE "SAYllL"
Sll8vlng Powders
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Quick Acting Shut-Oll RIg. U. S. Pit. Ollie.
ShaTlng Soap's ' Shaving Lotions 0 R.commended Ini In. Pat.
Everything for the Shaver Ilell. dun.
ed b, 18, '12
All Tbomas SsvOl's
NARBERTH 1267 Telephone, Narberth 872. NARBERTH, PA. b.,1 1310·12.14 Wailico St.

T 0 t he Progresslve
· L ales
d· 0 f The Garden Nurseries
Offers Fine Specimen Evergreens
as Low as $1.00 Each. Five Or
The Imperial The Year "Round Home Town six planted on your lot would be
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Phone 606.

We invite your attention to one of the

WINTER vs. PAINT finest food products ever put on the market, A. K. HOUSEKEEPER
Howard F Cotter •
You can't escape winter but you
can protect your house against the NARBERTH, PENNSYLVANIA MEATS of
winter storms by having it painted,
and it p,ays. l<.stimates cheerfully
given. Telephone, F. H. \\1 ALZER,
Narberth 12-47 D.
We have been in the business of manufacturing and selling
Telephone-Narberth 368.

Plaster and Cement Work

Estimates Furnished Jobbing

Miesen's Bakery
edible Oils for upwards of 25 years-Goldenoyle is absolutely the NARBERTH ARCADE:
Dentist best that has ever been manufactured. BUILDING


Read what Prof. L. B. Allyn, Chemist of the famous WEST-
FIELD, MASS., BOARD OF HEALTH, has to say about it: HARRY B. WALL Bread. Cake, Rolls, Pies,
Candy. Ice Cream
"Our examinations show that in Goldeno)'le you have a Plumbing, Gas Fitting CATERING FOR PARTIIZS
product of excellent quality. On beating this 011 to tem-
peratures adapted for frying, the odor Is still pleasant, and and Heating
no objectionable fiavor remains in the food. This, together Fresh Fish
STOP with the low free acid content shows that the refining pro-
cess has been carried to a high degree. Kitchen tests dem-
And Oysters
IN AND TRY ONE OF onstrate that Goldenoyle is excellent for Salads, Mayonnaise

Dressings, and for all cooking purposes where a high-grade
edible 011 can be used. It has practically tte same food
value as Olive Oil, and SURPASSES ANIMAL FATS
~-.;-----_..-_._--_._-- --II GENERALLY." PIANO TUNING
May.1 prove to you the advantagesl
of owning your own home?
All up-ta-date housekeepers know that the approval · th h'of h thet
Westfield Board of Healt h p I aces any food pro d uc t 10 I
e 19 es and Players.
S aIes Agen t f or BLASI US P'lanos

'WM. D. S ME 0 L~
-=-y i grade of excellence.
Some of its advantages:
1. It is BETTER for cooking and salads than Lard Or Butter.I
Phone-Narberth 1255 D.

Prime :Meats
Narberth and Haverford Aves. 2. It is much cheaper than Butter and the Best Leaf Lard, and DR. HARRY HARTLEY Home Dressed Poultry, Butter. Eggs
from 1-4 to 1·3 less Goldenoyle is required than of Lard or DENTIST and Game.
Butter. 108 Forres1; Avenue Fancy Fruit and Vegetables.
WJ;'::";~;~';:;~';~:;~;;;'~;~::;'::-:;~~~;:i':;~;;:;:'::::;~:~;>~:"';~1 3 . There is no waste whatever. If may be used over and over BEGI/liNING NOVEMBER 16. 1915
~~; We do a great deal of;1:
I don't •.\. . . .
again, as it does not retain the odor or taste of food cooked
in it. Wednesday. 9 A. M. to IBELL
'I AStore for Particular People"
OFFICE HOURS-Dally, 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.
1'. M. PHON
•. _ ~ nines by appointment. E. snd Eve·
:t.i talk much about it! ~;; 1 4, It does not smoke when heated, nor give off any disagreeable NARBERTH, PA.

t; ~~",::-_:l ~~~~~ ,~ ~~
tiARA. Co. 5. It H. C. FRITSCH
not cause indigestion. Dyspeptics can eat food cooked,
:~;:~:w·:~;"~_O::~_:~;~~'::'~~:~~::::~~~~: 6, It :.:; b':t::edt f~:c:.i::~ing, baking, frying, mayonnaise or I Properties F:~rIns::::ee and Sale
other salad dressings. : Bell Phone 862 W. JAMES G. SCi\NLIN
Ask your grocer for Goldenoyle and a handsome free book of Wall BuDding. I Narberth, Pa.
CLEAN...SAFE...WHOLESOME recipes for all kinds of bread, cake, pie, biscuits, croquetts, salads, I Contracting Painter
fried oysters, etc.
I George B. Suplee Narberth. Pa.

Estimates Telephone
A. C. NOWl"AND COMPANY \Steam & Hot Water_Heating
Pasleurlzed Milk
257 and 259 N. Front Street, Philadelphia. Plumbing
Bl'yqClOY~llkCerlilied WEST PUILA.
(Pedl'lalic Society) OVERBROOK ==::=::=::=====::=::=::=::=::====::==::=::======::=::=~
CAD IA IBell Telephone.

Special .. Guernsey" MERIOS
R IIllSTOUY 010' THE it was decided to hold a meeting every

Fridu,.. Xovember 12th
Milk WYNNEFIELD CHESTNUT,Bel.16th St :~U.RnERTH ATHLETIC CLGn Friday evening, but, later, this plan CLARA KIMBAlL YOUNG
(Roberts'''' Sharpless' BALA-CYNWYD Finest Photoplay The- I was changed to the first Friday of
atre olU- Size In the
The r\arberth Athletic Club was
in a peculiar manner. One every month, on account of the small
"In: t:1' !'L'IU'J,E"
Cream BI1Uel'tDIlk ARDMORE Photoplays-Continuous lOA. M. to 11.30 evening (the last of March 1914) five attendance at the weekly meetings. Snturdll)', ~ Ol'ember t:Uh
Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD P. M. I ' , Slowly but surely the membership in- EDWARD CONNELLY
Cream. PhUa. Pa. ,of our young men, Jack Jeffries, Frank
Winne, Collwyn and Owen Humphries, creased, and the club prospered. In
Wednesday, Nov. 10th and E. Perry Redifer, Jr., attended a In the spring, base ball was taken "JrAUSt; COVIXf>TON"


"The Blindness of Devotion" <:cnversation
party, and, during the evening the up, and five games were played, out
drifted to base ball, and of which the club won four. It was
to prospects of the game for the fol- evident that, as far as basket ball was
'l'lIeMIIl)', XOlclIlbcr 16th
":x I-:AL ()}o' 1'1[1': N A.V¥"
Second Episode
45th and Parrish Sts. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, lowing season.
(.("ncerned, games would have to be
};"cnlngll, 7,1;) to Il
Noy. u. 12 and 13 arranged with Philadelphia teams,
HOLBROOK BLINN and The next day a meeting was held, lowing to the scarcity of nearby clubs.
EFORE you do all your
VIViAN MARTIN in the following boys being present (to-; At about this time, a gym. exhibi-

Visit the Lillie White Tea ..AButterlly on the Wheel" gether with Fay C. Bartlett, who was: tlon was given under the leaderShip of
physical director of the Y. M. C. A.); i Mr. Bartlett, and thirty dollars was
Contented Consumers Commend
House & Shop. Higgins' Art Cook's Coal
Novelties. Cards. Etc. On Jack Jeffries, Frank Winne, Collwyn raised. With this money it was de-

c. P. COOK
order before noon Thursday
night chicken and waffles. Entire Week 01 Nov. 151h
and Owen Humphries, William Winne, I c Ide d to purc Ilase h ats, on w hi c h were
Building may be rented CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG and E. Perry Redifer, Jr., Louis Jenkins, -placed the club emblem.
with or without service. WILTON L,\CKAYE in Albert Leland, Leslie Smith and I The basket ball season opened with
"Trilby" Quincy Yowell. the Narberth High School, and, in two
At this meeting it was suggested practice games, the Athletic Club won
BARGAINS Safe! Sound! Convenient!
. that a club be formed, and that a set both. The next game was won from
lof b)'-Iays be drawn up. Mr. Bart- the Upper Darby High School, and ir COAL, WOOD AND
In Narberth &: Main Line Properties I
AND TRUST COMPANY lett was elected president; Carroll the sixteen successive games, the club
Downes, Jr., vice-president, and E. won all. BUILDING SUPPLIES
Narbe~~~n?t~:ye'E~:~~:~tlf:ildinll Perry Redifer, Jr., secretary and i A new election of officers followed,
WM. E. YOST, 209 Cheslnnt Ave., Narberth, Pa. Capital, $1110,000 Surplus. $125,000 treasurer. and additional money was raised from
RepresentlDe Harbert & Claehorn. Uodl"lo.,d ProUts. 175.000 After some discussion it was decided a lawn fete which netted a little over
Your .... ceount SoUelted not only to have a blLse ball team. but fifty dollars. Gradually more Interest NARBERTH, PA.
Frank Crist a basket ball team and foot ball team, was shown by the members, and new
as well. A captain and manager were quarters secured in the Y. M. C. A.
Hlah Grade Butter
GEO. &W. J. MARKLE elected for each of the teams, as fol-
This fall, new uniforms were pur-
chased for the basket ball season,
Base ball-eaptain, Collwyn Hum- whlr.h has already begun. You are
Prompt Deliveries Assured
Telephone-Narberth 644 A.
Select Dairies phries; manager, Frank Winne. cordially Invited to see the games--
Basket ball-Captain, Collwyn Hum- the admission of ten cents being ex-

phries; manager, E. Perry Redifer, Jr. tremely low for such well played
Special Nursery Milk in Paper Car-. The foot ball team was not organ- games as the boys are putting up.
ton Filled at Penhurst Farm. ized, owing to the lack of funds. The (Successor to E. J. HOOD)
The Real Estate Man at Bell Phone-Narberth 669 D. meeting then adjourned to March 7. HEATER AND BANGE WORK:
114 Woodside Ave., At this time a club room was secured Those who ridicule well-groomed
be pleased to assist you In get- 100 Narberth Avenue over Mr. Daily's barber shop. men usually wear mourning for de-
parted cleanliness under tholr finger 1M Forres::ATeDUe
ting a home,
Telephone-Narberth 685 A. NARBERTH PA. Sa~V~~~1n~:7m~:~:;r:t';~i~ht~=:
-in nails. Jobbing a Specialty. Narberth, Pa.

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