Scholastic Achievements

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Scholastic Achievements

Describe your strengths and weaknesses that you have

List scholastic awards or scholarships conferred on you
identified in yourself as a student

Strengths:1.Experience of attending GMP

course in IIM Kozhikode.
1. Overall Excellence certificate in 15 days General 2.Strong desire to learn and participate in full
Management & Leadership Program in IIM time management course.
Kozhikode. 3.Highly positive attitude towards
2. First prize in GoVenture CEO Business Simulation contemporary learning.
competition in IIM Kozhikode. 4.Determination of transforming myself with
3. National Olympiad certificate in Physics and State the program learning in personal,professional
Olympiad certificate in Chemistry. front.
4. Health,Safety & Environment certificate course& 5.Experience to correlate academic concepts
Pipeline Integrity etc. certificate holder. in real life applications.
5. Merit scholarship during Engineering. Weakness:1.Scope for improvement in
6. Organization learning course certificate. listening skill.
7. Training experience in refinery. etc. 2.Improvement in patience.
3.Quantitative skill as away from full time
Discontinuity in Career Extra-Curricular Activities

If work experience and academic/professional qualifications do not

account for the entire period from the time you completed the 10th Indicate your extracurricular interests.
standard till date, please specify the time gaps, with full explanation.

1. Music composition in digital audio

2. Playing digital synthesizer.
3. Song writing, singing, music
arranging, marketing, press conference.
4. Digital photography for Nature,
Macro , Indoor etc
5. Watching life lessons on Youtube.
6. Driving enthusiast: love to go on long
drive with family and friends
7. Travelling to new places and knowing
about new culture.
8. Reading help books focusing on how
to lead a meaningful life.
9. Playing and spending time with our
four year old son.
ra-Curricular Activities Statement of Purpose
Give details about your accomplishments, awards Provide an essay detailing your purpose in taking
received and position held (a) in sports, games, up this course of study at IIM Indore, including
and hobbies, (b) in associations and voluntary your future aims. The essay should be around 500
organizations. Please be prepared to produce characters and should be in simple and direct
certificates when asked for English and preferably typed in a readable format.

The EPGP at IIM I is the perfect platform

of management education for me to
enhance my skills and develop myself
into future leader.Cross functional
exposure, change in perspective and
personal growth are the reasons I want
to be part of the EPGP program at IIM
I.A perfect blend of experience in
private & PSU has given me important
insights about the functioning,
1. Winner of cultural competitions such opportunities and ways of life in two
as singing, recitation, dance categories of organizations.I see myself
performance etc etc in school, college. working as a member in leading global
2. Music composer of Assamese audio companies of the energy industry in the
album. functions of Corporates, Projects,
3. Cultural fest organizer in NIT Silchar. Business development etc after the
4. Appreciation certificate from Rotary program. In the long run,I aspire to
club. emerge as an experienced professional
5. Kaamiyabi certificate for CSR work in who can take up leadership roles in any
TATA HITACHI. industry.In my current organization Oil
6. College magazine editorial board India Limited,I looked after the
member. operation and maintenance of Oil
7. Event organizer and Bihu dance Pipeline including complete Oil
performance certificate. Accounting,handling of emergencies
8. Health,Safety & Environment course during pipeline leakage or Pilferage,
certificate & Pipeline Integrity etc. technical analysis by collaborating with
certificate etc. other stakeholders, manpower
management of about 48 strong
members team by looking after various
HR related functions,Contract
Management, Documentations,
Health,Safety & Environment aspects of
the organization, Project Management,
Event Organization, Skill Development,
Supply Chain Management, Vendor
Management, Customer Relationship
Management etc.These years of quality
work taught me virtues like smart
thinking, dedication, team work and
sincerity.In OIL,One challenging aspect is
leading a group of about fifty workmen,
in geographically remote and logistically
difficult locations, often amidst protests
by various local groups. Such situations
made me improve my
adaptability,domain of work,negotiation
skills and I realised what it takes to be a
leader.Also, in my earlier assignment in
Tata-Hitachi as Assistant Vendor Quality
Assurance Manager,I worked in
challenging projects of new product
development in multidimensional,
multicultural environment with people
from Japan, Spain etc. which taught me
global perspective, improved my
dynamics in Cross Functional team &
instilled self-confidence, discipline to
perform at highest level.In Tata-Hitachi I
learnt to unlearn and re learn as a way
of life to continuously improve and
develop myself. I also learnt that talent
is only as much valuable as
attitude.Working as nodal person for
Handling a Situation

Identify a significant incident or situation from your

own life. Briefly explain its nature, its importance
to you and the manner in which you handled it.

In 2013, after a week of my marriage,

my father died in a bike accident. My
mother was in ICU for about two
months owing to serious injuries. My
younger brother was still studying in
college. Suddenly, everything came
down to me. One way I was starting a
new phase of life after marrying the girl i
loved and on the other side the hope of
the entire family was on me. I had to
look after everything of which I had no
experience. My father was everything to
me and the sudden demise of him broke
me to my limits. But I had to take charge
and I had to make myself emotionally
strong and look after all the members of
my family including immediate caring of
my mother.I acted on financial
front,providing meaning to my family to
live, brother education,caring my better
half along with organizing all social
rituals.For the first time,i became the
head of my family for the society where
my decisions were taken as the decision
of the family. It did change me as a
person and I had to mature very quickly
to join all the planks of my family. I did
my best to keep the boat afloat during
these trying circumstances. My mother
came home and my younger brother got
a job in teaching. Now although we miss
our father every moment of our lives,
still family has pulled it through &
settled. But that one incident totally
transformed me to be the person I am

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