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Luke 1

Allyson Luke


College Comp Pd.7

18 September 2020

College Application Narrative

Growing up, I moved from house to house at least once every two years, as a result of my

parents' divorce. When I was just four years old, my parents got a divorce, which was caused by

my dad making some poor decisions. My dad had just lost his job; consequently he had turned

back to marijuana after telling my mom he would never use it again. He had struggled with

substance abuse before I was born, but eventually got clean.

Right after the divorce, I primarily lived with my mom, as she struggled to keep us above

water. She worked three jobs, while we slept on the couches of family members until she could

afford to get on her own feet. I slowly transitioned back to see my dad regularly, because he had

gotten a steady job. As my dad had gotten settled into his new way of life, my mom and I had

gotten our first apartment. We lived in there for five months, but it was mold infested. My mom

knew it was not safe for us to live there anymore.

With my mom working for the local airport, she had met several pilots who didn’t have a

place to call home as they were staying in hotels for weeks at a time or on coworkers' couches.

My mom had seen this as an opportunity to rent a house and a few of the pilots could stay with

us. Not long after, two pilots, Chris and Chuck, had moved in with us. With them staying with

us, my mom was able to save money easier while earning benefits.
Luke 2

When most individuals look back on their childhood, they remember special moments

with their dads like going fishing or learning how to ride a bike. Since my biological dad was not

always around, Chris and Chuck had volunteered themselves to be father figures. They both

attended my softball games when they were in town, helped me with my math homework, and

most importantly loved me like I was their own.

There were countless times where my mom and I would fly to Pittsburgh on nearly empty

flights, just to go eat lunch. While this seems like what a celebrity would do daily, it was one

element of my life that made me feel special. Due to my mom working for the airline, she had

received passes that allowed us to fly throughout the country, provided that we stayed on the

specific airline. One of my favorite memories that I share with my mom is when we flew to

Minneapolis, while was Chuck the pilot. We sat in first class and ate the snacks which were

provided to us, while well as laughing up a storm. Several businessmen had given us dirty looks,

but I do not regret that laughter. That moment has stuck with me and has reminded me in some

dark times to always look at the positives that life gives you and not to take anything for


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