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hi Maritsa

Hi Jean Pierre, how are you?

Great , I haven't seen you for a year
It's true, and tell me what did do at the weekend?
Ohh i traveled to london
wow to London, and what places did you visit?
I visited many places, I visited the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace,
the Chelsee stadium. But I liked visiting more the natural history museum.
How did get there?
First I thought about taking a taxi but I decided to go on the London
underground, it's faster.
Yes, it is true, in my country it is also faster to go by subway.
Yes, but it is uncomfortable.
Did you go with anyone? or did you go in a group?
I went with a friend that I know a long time ago, he is funny.
And what did you see in the museum?
I saw many interesting things like dinosaur bones, paintings, ancient
textiles, and clay sculptures.
Great, and Did you do anything else?
We had lunch at the museum and then we went for vanilla ice cream and
bought some souvenirs from the store.
Yes, Well and what did you do at the weekend?

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