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American Thoracic Society


Chest Tube Thoracostomy

Chest tube thoracostomy (tho¯r-e-’kas-te-me¯), commonly referred
to as “putting in a chest tube”, is a procedure that is done to drain fluid,
Normal Collapsed
blood, or air from the space around the lungs. This procedure may be Lung Lung
done when a patient has a disease, such as pneumonia or cancer, that
causes extra fluid to build up in the space around the lungs (called a
pleural effusion). A chest tube may also be needed when a patient has
had a severe injury to the chest wall or surgery that causes bleeding
around the lungs (called a hemothorax). Sometimes, a patient’s lung
Pleural Air or fluid in
can be accidentally punctured, allowing air to gather outside the lung, space the pleural space
causing its collapse (called a pneumothorax).

Chest tube thoracostomy involves placing a hollow of fluid to build up around the lung. Doctors usually
plastic tube between the ribs and into the chest to drain drain the fluid with a needle. If the fluid keeps coming
fluid or air from around the lungs. The tube is often back, however, it may be necessary to insert a chest
hooked up to a suction machine to help with drainage. tube to first drain the fluid, and then deliver special

The tube remains in the chest until all or most of the medicines into the chest that reduce the likelihood of
air or fluid has drained out, usually within a few days. the fluid building up again.
Occasionally special medicines are given through a ■ Comfort—A large buildup of fluid or air in the chest
chest tube when the fluid or air does not resolve within can make it difficult to breathe. Removing some of
a few days.
the fluid or air may decrease discomfort and make it
Why Do I Need a Chest Tube? easier for the person to breathe.
Common reasons why a chest tube is needed include: ■ Chest Surgery—Sometimes a chest tube is left in place
■ Collapsed lung (pneumothorax)—This occurs when after surgery. The surgeon can usually tell you if it will
air has built up in the area around the lungs (the be needed and how long it may need to stay in.
pleural space) from a leak in the lung. This leak may Risks of Chest Tube Insertion:
be the result of lung disease. It can also occur as a Below are listed some risks of chest tube thoracostomy.
complication of certain medical procedures. Chest It should be noted that the risk of serious complications
tubes are often needed to remove air from around (bleeding and infection) is uncommon (usually less than
the lung. Failure to remove such air can be life-
5% of cases). Your healthcare provider will explain the
threatening if there is a lot of air or a continued leak.
risks and how likely they may be for you when you give
Removing the air allows the lung to re-expand and
consent for the procedure.
seal the leak.
■ Infection—An infection can sometimes cause fluid to ■ Pain during placement—Discomfort often occurs as
build up around the lung and may be necessary to the chest tube is inserted. A local numbing medicine
insert a chest tube to remove the fluid. Getting the is used to help reduce any pain or discomfort. The
fluid out can at times help clear the infection faster. discomfort usually decreases once the tube is in place.
A culture can also be done on the fluid to try to figure ■ Bleeding—A blood vessel in the skin or chest wall may
out what type of infection is present. be accidentally nicked as the tube is being placed.
■ Cancer—Some cancers spread to the lung or pleura Bleeding is usually minor and stops on its own. Rarely,
(lining of the lung). This can cause large amounts bleeding can occur into or around the lung and may

Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol. 170, P3-P4, 2004

Online version updated February 2020
ATS Patient Education Series © 2004 American Thoracic Society
American Thoracic Society


require surgery. Usually bleeding can just be watched Will there be any pain or possible complications
with the chest tube in place. when the chest tube is removed?
■ Infection—Bacteria can enter around the tube and When the doctor determines that you no longer
cause an infection around the lung. The longer the need the chest tube, it will be removed. Usually it can
chest tube stays in the chest, the greater the risk for be taken out right at your bedside. There rarely is a
infection. The risk of infection is decreased by special need for sedation medication. You will be told how to
care in bandaging the skin at the point where the tube breathe as the tube is being pulled. A secure bandage
goes into the chest. will be put in place. You will be told when the bandage
can be removed. Often, a follow-up chest X-ray will be
Chest tube insertion
done to make sure that fluid or air haven’t come back.
Fluid or air in the chest that needs to be drained is
Generally there are no complications from the chest
identified using chest imaging such as chest X-ray, chest
tube once it has been removed. You will only have a
ultrasound, or chest CT scan. If the X-ray shows a need
small scar.
for a chest tube to drain fluid or air, the procedure is
likely to be done by a surgeon, a pulmonary/critical care Source: Manthous, CA, Tobin, MJ, A Primer on Critical Care for
physician or an interventional radiologist. Patients and Their Families, ATS Website: http://www.thoracic.
Often an adult or older child remains awake when org/clinical/critical-care/patient-information/index.php
a chest tube is inserted, except when it in placed in Reviewed and revised August 2012 by Kevin Wilson, MD and
the operating room during an open chest procedure. Colin Cooke, MD.
Sometimes a person, particularly a younger child, Reviewers: Marianna Sockrider MD, DrPH, Glen Chung MD
is given a small amount of medicine (a sedative)
that causes sleepiness before a chest tube is
inserted. The skin will be thoroughly cleaned. A local R Action Steps
anesthetic (numbing) medication will be injected
You/your loved one has or is scheduled to have a
into the skin and in the tissue along the path
chest tube inserted to remove excess fluid, blood or
between the ribs that the tube will follow. A cut
air from the area around their lungs.
(incision) from ¾ inch to 1½ inches long, between
the ribs (the exact location depends on what is being ✔ Talk with the healthcare provider about the use
drained and its location in the lungs). The chest tube of numbing medicine or medicine that causes
is inserted and will be stitched into place to prevent sleepiness (sedation) before the procedure.
it from slipping out. An airtight sterile dressing ✔ Talk to your doctor or nurse about any pain or
bandage is placed over the insertion site. The chest shortness of breath you may have after the chest
tube will be connected to a drainage collection tube is in place.
device (usually a clear plastic container that rests ✔ Have your nurse tell you what to watch out for
on the floor). Often it is attached to suction to help with the chest tube for any possible problems.
draw out the air or fluid. Healthcare Provider’s Contact Number:
What happens when the chest tube is in?
Most people will need to stay in the hospital the entire
time the chest tube is in. You will be checked often
for possible air leaks, plugging of the tube, and any For More Information
breathing problems you may be having. Usually, you will
American Thoracic Society:
be able to breathe more comfortably with the tube in
place. Sometimes pain around the area where the tube
enters the chest may cause you to take more shallow U.S. National Library of Medicine—Medline Plus
breaths. The nurse or doctor will tell you how much •
you can move around with the chest tube in place. Less
and less fluid drainage in the collection device often This information is a public service of the American Thoracic Society.
means your lungs are improving. Sometimes the tube The content is for educational purposes only. It should not be used as a
substitute for the medical advice of one’s healthcare provider.
is clamped and left in place to make sure no fluid or air
comes back before it is pulled out.

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