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We arrived, welcome to Usme!

(Video to Farmer)
the definition of name Usme in Chibcha is "nest of love"
Usme was founded in the year one thousand six hundred and fifty (1675),
history tells that it was for the love of an indigenous woman Usminia We can
see Usminia in the pic
Whose statue is located in a strategic place between Caracas and Boyaca
I'm going to tell you about the location the borders of usme are as you can see
on the map:
Ciudad Bolívar
Rafael Uribe Uribe
San Cristobal
And the beautiful which is three thousand two hundred closer to the stars
Usme has more than 120 neighborhoods and 17 sidewalks is a town with more
than three hundred fifty one hundred thousand inhabitants Whose land seventy
percent is rural
We arrived at the historic center and see the local mayor's office and local
administrative Board composed of nine councilors
The minor mayor Is Mabel Sua She is a graduate of our alma mater ESAP
along with six other minors mayors

The Problems of The Locality


CHOSE the most representative ones we found:

1. Mobility is very complicated but solutions are being sought as is:

They are ready expanding Transmilenio
They are already designing and going to make the cable subway

2. Have difficulties with basic public services and that until a few years ago, one of
them had reached the town: the gas service.

3. The environmental problems that are being generated in the locality (in view of a
few) put the satisfaction of the needs of the inhabitants of this territory at risk even
more being representative the dump of Doña Jjuana and urging that the city carry
out the zero waste program

4. in health they are very bad because they do not have a hospital but one will be built

Usme is a town with a lot of potential and with impressive tourist attractions I
recommended that you visit:

In terms of gastronomy, you can be in the historic center and eat the famous
picacada, go to the Atahualpa Farm and play "tejo", you can also go to the
"Viejo Farol" Restaurant where the food is very tasty. I recommend it.
La Regadera the dam which is the first engineering work in the country
The Lagoon Complex “Los Tunjos”
The park District Ecological Mountain “Entre Nubes”
The archaeological find whose remains could correspond to vestiges of pre-
Hispanic times.
The Train Route with the La Requilina and Olarte stops

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