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Ezeket az autókat Japánban gyártják.

Ezt az autót Japánban gyártják. (?)
Ezeket az autókat nem Japánban gyártják.
Hol gyártják ezeket az autókat?

The secretary writes letters.

The secretary doesn’t write letters.
Are letters written by the secretary?

Passive - Present Simple

1) Rewrite the sentences into Passive.

People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
John doesn’t collect money.
We do not clean our rooms. 
Thousands of tourists visit the Grand Canyon every year.
People drink champagne on New Year’s Eve.
Chefs use these machines to mix the ingredients.
Does he usually buy the tickets?
Do they always clean the room?
2) Translate the sentences into English, use passive voice.

Veszélyes vezetők sok balesetet okoznak.

A sajtot tejből készítik.
Amerikában 4 évente elnököt választanak.
A Harry Pottert nagyon sokan olvassák a világon.
A fiúk gyakran takarítják a szobájukat?
A Hondát nem Németországban gyártják.
Minden nap meglocsolják a virágokat?

Passive – Past Simple

1) Rewrite the sentences into Passive.

 My grandfather built this house in 1943.

The wolf didn’t eat the princess.
Anna opened the window.
Tom didn’t paint the entire house.
A forest fire destroyed the whole suburb.
Did the police catch the thief?
Did John painted the house last week?

2) Translate the sentences into English, use passive voice.

Letartóztatták a betörtőket tegnap.


JK Rowling írta a Harry Pottert.

Nem találták meg a kulcsokat.
A tigris megtámadta az állatgondozót.
Három férfi kirabolta a helyi bankot múlt héten?
Elküldték a leveleket?

3) Complete the sentences with the present simple or past simple

form of the verb in brackets

1. Tennis______________on a clay, grass or hard court. (PLAY)

2. In this hospital small injuries ____________________by assistant
doctors. (TREAT)
3. The wheel___________________thousands of years ago (INVENT)
4. English_______________in many countries all over the world. (SPEAK)
5. India_________________independence after the end of World War
6. The goals_________________in the first 15 minutes of the
match (SCORE).
7. New medicine for many diseases____________every year. (FIND)
8. America____________________by Christopher Columbus in
9. Breakfast________________from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. (SERVE)
10. The thief_________________to the nearest police station. (TAKE)
11. Every day CNN___________________by millions of people . (WATCH)
12. Coffee______________to Europe by the Turks (BRING)
13. In Britain, tons of litter___________________away every day. (THROW)
14. Many houses____________________by the flood last week. (DESTROY)

Passive – Present Perfect

1) Rewrite the sentences into Passive.

The mechanic has repaired our trucks.

Someone has cut these trees with a saw.
Too many people have used the same laptop.
Matt hasn’t paid the lunch yet.
Have the dogs bitten Paul?

Tom has never written interviews.
The police hasn’t seen the burglars.
Has your father washed the cars?
2) Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple form of the
verb in brackets, use passive voice.

The old roof ........................................................................ . (renovate)

Some walls .......................................................................... . (move)
All the windows ................................................................. . (replace)
All the doors ...................................................................... . (paint)
A new car............................................................................. . (buy)
A new bathroom ................................................................. . (build)
Central heating ................................................................... . (fix)
I…………………………………………………………….……………(stop) by the police.
Your baggages ………………………………………..………………(damage).

3) Translate the sentences into English, use passive voice.

A gyerekek betörték az ablakot.

A gyerekek már megették az összes sütit.
Még nem építették meg az új hidat.
Még nem ellenőrizték a feladatokat.
Új állatkert nyílt a városban?
Eladták már a motorokat?
Rendeltek már pizzát a barátaid?

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