January 2011 - The Dead Come To Life

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faith journey ~ GELATT FAMILY UPDATE

January 2011
He spreads the snow like wool, and scatters the frost like ashes.”
Psalm 147:16

Things certainly look dead in winter, don’t they? In fact, winter is the only time of year where
you can’t tell the difference between what is dead and what is alive because everything looks
dead. It’s Spring and Summer that are the great distinguishers between what is dead and what
is alive.

You know, even though things may look dead in winter, understand that God is at work prepar-
ing for another glorious Springtime when so many things will be suddenly teeming with new
life! Buds appear, songbirds resume their singing, grass turns green, and warm air blows...and
God alone allows for this wonderful event every year.

Winter is a time of rest really...and preparation for the coming year. We see that in our mis-
sionary work at FamilyLife. This winter has been one where God has given us opportunity to
rest, reflect, and prepare for the coming season of ministry (one we trust and pray will be
teeming with NEW spiritual LIFE!) Let me give you some examples:

In 2010, we were able to personally send 15 couples to a Weekend to Remember mar-

riage getaway to strengthen their relationship and learn (or re-learn) God’s principles for
marriage. This winter alone, through relationships we have developed, we are sending 20
NEW couples to a 2011 marriage conference!! That’s 20 homes that will be impacted by
the gospel and His truth for marriage and family. Please pray that God will BRING NEW
LIFE to these husbands and wives, that they will be open to hear the gospel, and the
truths from Scripture. Pray that each marriage will be strengthened, and that we can
continue ministering to each of them personally. Pray as we continue to invite more!

Micah served at the Ft. Wayne Weekend to Remember in November of 2010, and saw
firsthand many marriages brought back from the brink of divorce, and many husbands and
wives heard the gospel, repented, and came to NEW LIFE in Christ! Also, that weekend
Micah met with several couples who had good marriages when they came to the confer-
ence, and left with even better marriages! Currently, Micah is preparing to serve and speak
at the Fargo Weekend to Remember in early March. Pray that the gospel will be firmly
planted in the lives of those who hear it, and that all who attend (whatever the condi-
tion of their marriage) will see their relationship strengthened! Pray for NEW LIFE!

Part of what Micah does at FamilyLife is to connect with over 4,800 couples on Facebook.
Through that online ministry opportunity, God has opened many ways for him to connect
with dozens of couples personally, encouraging them, sharing the gospel, connecting them
with spiritual mentors, and inviting them to a Weekend to Remember. Please pray that
these ministry opportunities will continue, and that Micah will have the wisdom to
speak the right words to each couple he communicates with. Several of these cou-
ples are hurting deeply!

Enjoy this winter season of rest...because a vibrant season full of NEW LIFE is just ahead...full
of opportunities for ministry! May you embrace it with gusto...ready to be used by God!

Micah and Johanna Gelatt ~ missionaries with FamilyLife, a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ
email or snail mail???
We want to communicate to you in the way that works best for you, yet we also want to be good stew-
ards of what we have been given. If you desire to continue receiving our prayer letter via “snail mail”
then you need do nothing. But, if you would like to get it through email, then simply let us know.
Thank you! If you have let us know and we are still sending your newsletter via snail mail we are
sorry...please just remind us again!
“always praying joyfully in
every one of my prayers for
family scrapbook all of you because of your
partnership in the gospel
from the first day
Emma turns four! Fun times with until now.”
the cousins. Philippians 1:4-5
Aunt Jessica
made everyone
a hat this year. prayer items
Christmas was wonderful!

Grace Elizabeth 01
Grace has not been a very
happy baby. Please pray
that she will continue to
settle down as the days
Spring season 02
February starts the spring
season of the Weekend
to Remember Confer-
ences. Pray for many
changed marriages.
PTL 03
We met our end of the
year ask for additional
funds for 2011. Thank
you for joining with us in
faith that God would sup-
ply our needs. He has
Snow in
Arkansa proven Himself faithful
and A L s once again.
She chose a picnic at daddy’s OT of it
work for her birthday
contact us
1718 Foxrun Road
Benton, AR 72019

Micah. 785.231.9478
Grace is now 3 months Johanna. 785.817.3997
old. She has caused us gelatts@gmail.com
many sleepless nights
and quite a few stress- www.gelattfamily.com
ful days as well! Each
day she is settling
Our sweet Abigail (Spanky) is turning TWO
down more and more.
on February 6th. Where has the time gone?
Thank the Lord!

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