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BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Hand Out

Subject Name: Antennas and Wave Propagation (A50418)

Prepared by (Faculty(s) Name):

Mr Y. Anil Kumar, Assistant Professor, ECE

Year and Sem, Department: III Year- I Sem, ECE


Important Points / Definitions:

 There are several definitions of antenna, and are as follows:
 The IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms (IEEE Std 145-1983):
A means for radiating or receiving radio waves
 Isotropic Radiator is a Hypothetical or fictitious radiator, it radiates energy in all directions, practically
isotropic radiator cannot exist. The total power radiated is given by
 Prad= 𝑃. 𝑑𝑠
 Pavg= 4𝜋𝑟 2 W/M2
 Directivity,D= =4π/ΩA
𝑃𝑛 ɵ,Ø 𝑑Ω

Radiation Resistance of hertzian Dipole,Rr=80π2dL2/λ2

1. Explain the radiation from two-wire?
2. Define and account for the presence of,
(i). Radial power flow
(ii) Radiation resistance for a short dipole
(iii) Uniform current distribution.
3. What are principle planes? How the antenna beam width is defined in suchplanes?
4. Explain the following terms,
(i) Beam width
(ii) Omni directional pattern
(iii)Side lobe level
(iv)Field pattern of antenna
5. Define the terms,
(i) Bandwidth
(ii) Polarization
(ii) Effective aperture area.
6. Define the following terms related to antennas
a) Field pattern
b) Power pattern
c) Beam area and Beam efficiency
d) Radiation intensity
e) Directivity and Gain
7. What is aperture efficiency?
8. Give the importance of FRIIS transmission formula.
9. Mention Maxwell’s equations for antenna radiation.
10. State maximum power transfer theorem.
11. What is a short dipole?
12. Define radiation resistance. Derive the radiation resistance for short electric dipole.
13. Draw the field patterns for λ/2, λ and 3 λ/2 length thin linear antennas.

Fill in the blanks / choose the Best:

1. Antennas convert ------------ [ ]
a) Photons to electrons b) electrons to photons
c) Both a and b d) none
2. Antennas are of ------- types [ ]
a) Two b) four
c) Infinite d) none
3. Which of the following is true [ ]
a) Time changing current radiates b) accelerated charges radiates
c) Both a and b d) none
4. Radiation pattern is ------- Dimensional quantity [ ]
a) Two b) three
c) Single d) none
5. ----------- is also called as 3-dB bandwidth [ ]
c) Both a and b d) none
6. One steradian is equal to ----------- degrees [ ]
a) 360 b) 180
c) 3283 d) 41,253
7. ----------- is independent of distance [ ]
a) Poynting vector b) radiation intensity
c) Both a and b d) none
8. The minimum value of the directivity of an antenna is………. [ ]
a) Unity b) zero
c) Infinite d) none
9. Directivity is inversely proportional to……… [ ]
c) Beam area d) Beam width
10. Gain is always ------------- than directivity [ ]
a) Greater b) lesser
c) Equal to d) none
11. Directivity and Resolution are------------ [ ]
a) Different b) same
c) Both a and b d) none
12. Effective aperture is always ----------- than Physical aperture. [ ]
a) Higher b) lower
c) Both a and b d) none
13. --------- Theorem can be applied to both circuit and field theories [ ]
a) Equality of patterns b) Equality of impedance
c) Equality of effective lengths d) Reciprocity theorem
14. Antenna temperature considers-------- parameter into account [ ]
a) Directivity b) gain
c) Beam area d) beam efficiency
15. Radiation resistance of antenna is------------- [ ]
a) Physical resistance b) Virtual Resistance
c) Both a and b d) none

16. Antenna aperture is same as----------- [ ]

a) Length b) width
c) Area d) volume
17. The source of scalar potential is [ ]
a) Charge density b) Current density
c) Both a and b d) none
18. The source of vector potential is [ ]
a) Charge density b) Current density
c) Both a and b d) none
19. R/v is called------------- [ ]
a) Radiation to voltage ratio b) resistance to velocity ratio
c) Propagation delay d) none
20. Which condition makes coupled equations into uncoupled equations [ ]
a) Retarded b) Helmholtz
c) Lorentz gauge d) none
21.Alternating current element is given by [ ]
a)I dl b) I dl cosωt
c) I dl sinωt d) I
22. ---------potential is used to find the field components of current element [ ]
a) Scalar Potential, V b) Vector Potential, A
c) Both a and b d) None
23. -------- is basic building block for any practical antenna [ ]
a) Current element b) Monopole
c) Dipole d) Loop
24. The HΦ Component will consists of----------field. [ ]
a) Radiation b) Induction
c) Both a and b d) All
25. The Eθ Component will consists of---------- [ ]
a) Radiation b) Induction
c) Electro static d) All
26. The Er Component will consists of---------- [ ]
a) Induction b) Electro static
c) Both a and b d) All
27. The induction and radiation fields of current element are equal at distance of ---
--- [ ]
a) λ/2 b) λ/4
c) λ/6 d) λ/10
28. The radiation resistance of current element is given by [ ]
a) Rr = 80П2(dl/λ)2 b) Rr = 20П2(dl/λ)2
c) Rr = 10П (dl/λ)
2 2
d) None
29. The radiation resistance of short dipole is given
by [ ]
a) Rr = 80П2(dl/λ)2 b) Rr = 20П2(dl/λ)2
c) Rr = 10П (dl/λ)
2 2
d) None
30. The radiation resistance of short monopole is given by [ ]
a) Rr = 80П2(dl/λ)2 b) Rr = 20П2(dl/λ)2
c) Rr = 10П (dl/λ)
2 2
d) None
31. The radiation resistance of current element is applicable to dipoles up to
height of λ/8 only. [ ]
32. The radiation resistance of current element is applicable to mono poles up to
height of λ/4 only. [ ]
33. The radiation resistance of current element is applicable to
dipoles up to height of λ/2 only. [ ]
34. The radiation resistance of λ/2 dipole is 36.5 Ω [ ]
35.The radiation resistance of λ/4 Monopole is 73 Ω [ ]
1 C 11 B 21 B 31 FALSE
2 C 12 B 22 B 32 FALSE
3 C 13 D 23 A 33 FALSE
4 B 14 B 24 C 34 FALSE
5 B 15 B 25 D 35 FALSE
6 C 16 C 26 C
7 B 17 A 27 C
8 A 18 B 28 A
9 C 19 C 29 B
10 B 20 C 30 C
UNIT- II: VHF, UHF and Microwave Antennas - I
Important Points / Definitions: (Minimum 15 to 20 Points covering complete topics in that unit)

 Yagi-uda or simply Yagi antennas or Yagis are the most high gain antennas and are known after
the names of professor S.Uda and H.Yagi.
 It consists of a driven element ,a reflector and one or more directors.
 It provides a gain of the order of 8db or front to back ratio of about 20db.
 Gain of Yagi-uda array is given by

 Folded Dipole Antenna:

 Terminal Resistance of λ/2 dipole antenna =73Ω
 Impedance mismatch
 Terminal resistance of modified λ/2 dipole antenna =300 Ω (nearly)
 For folded λ/2 dipole of N wires,
 the terminal resistance is 73N2
 Assuming equal current in all wires
 Evolution of Helical Antenna:
o Kraus, using a
o 2.5 GHz oscillator as a source,
o wound a 7-turn helix with a 4 cm diameter,
o making for a circumference of 12.5 cm, approximately one wavelength
 Modes of Monofilar Helices
o Transmission mode
o Radiation mode
 Practical Design Considerations for the Monofilar Axial-Mode Helical Antenna
o The important parameters are
o Beam width
o Gain
o Impedance
o Axial ratio

 Horn Antennas
o Basically treat a horn antenna as an aperture antenna
o Dominant Mode
The mode that propagates in the waveguide with minimum degradation
the mode with the lowest cutoff frequency.
o TE10 for rectangular waveguides
o TE11 for circular waveguides.
 Directivity:


1. Write about Yagi-Uda array antenna.

2. What is the story behind Helical antenna?
3. Write about axial and normal mode helical antennas.
4. What are different types of horn antenna?
5. What is an Optimum Horn? Sketch and explain its characteristics along with the dimensional
6. List out the frequency ranges of operations and applications of Helical antennas.
7. Derive an expression for the input impedance of a folded λ/2 dipole in terms of the input
impedance of a center fed λ/2dipole.How does the input changes if at all, when the unfed limb is
of thicker wire than fed limb

Fill in the blanks / choose the Best:(Minimum 10 to 15 with Answers)

1. Microwave frequency range is------- [ ]

a) above 30MHZ b) above 300MHZ

C) above 200MHZ d) above 2000MHZ.

2. Yagi-Uda antenna consists of----- [ ]

a) Folded Dipole b) Reflector

C) Director d) All above

3. The radiation resistance of folded dipole of equal radii is---------- [ ]

a) 657Ohms b) 292 Ohms

C) 300 Ohms d) 277 Ohms

4. The radiation resistance of folded dipole of unequal radii (r 2=2r1) is---------- [ ]

a) 657Ohms b) 292 Ohms

C) 300 Ohms d) 277 Ohms

5. The helix is having the geometry of ------------ [ ]

a) straight wire b) cirle

C) cylinder d) All above.

6. The radiation pattern of helix in Axial mode is----------- [ ]

a) Bi directional b) Uni directional

C) 4 lobed d) Omni directional

7. The radiation pattern of helix in Normal mode is----------- [ ]

a) Bi directional b) Uni directional

C) 4 lobed d) Omni directional

8. In Normal mode of operation the length of the helix is------------- [ ]

a) >λ b) <λ

C) =λ d) none

9. In Axial mode of operation the length of the helix is------------- [ ]

a) >λ b) <λ

C) =λ d) none

10. Horn antennas used in the frequency range of---------- [ ]

a) VHF b) UHF

C) SHF d) MW


11. Yagi_Uda array is a parasitic array. [ ]

12. The reflector is longer than the folded dipole in Yagi-Uda antenna. [ ]

13. The director is shorter than the Folded dipole in Yagi-Uda antenna. [ ]

14. Stone invented Helical Antenna. [ ]

15. Mushaike invented Horn antenna. [ ]


16. Radiation pattern of Yagi-Uda array is--------directional

17. Helical antenna was invented by-------------

18. The path difference in horn antennas must be----------

19. The horn antennas are used in the frequency range of---------

20. The impedance of wave guides will be ----------than Transmission lines.


1 C 11 TRUE
2 D 12 TRUE
3 B 13 TRUE
4 A 14 FALSE
5 D 15 FALSE
6 B 16 Unidirectional
7 A 17 John.D.Kraus
8 B 18 small
9 C 19 MW
10 D 20 higher
Unit – III:VHF, UHF and Microwave Antennas - II:

Important Points / Definitions: (Minimum 15 to 20 Points covering complete topics in that unit)
 Microstrip antennas.
o Also called “Patch Antennas”
o “Printed Antennas”
-Photolithographic technology
-current revolution in electronic circuit miniaturization
o Popular within the mobile phone market
 One of the most useful antennas at microwave frequencies (f > 1 GHz).
 It consists of a metal “patch” on top of a grounded dielectric substrate.
 The patch may be in a variety of shapes, but rectangular and circular are the most common.
 Microstrip Patch antenna consists of a radiating patch on one side of a dielectric substrate
which has a ground plane on the other side
 Critical frequency or center frequency
c 1
fc  
2L  r 2 L  o r  o
 Feeding Methods:Some of the more common methods for
feeding Microstrip antennas are shown.
o Contact type
o Non-contact type
o Modify the radiation pattern of radiating element
o Backward radiation elimination
o Substantial gain in forward direction
 Gain in Field Intensity:

 Parabolic reflectors

o Relative Field IntensityFor Cylindrical Parabolic Reflector


o Relative Field IntensityFor Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna

 Directivity



1. List the applications of rectangular patch antenna

2. Summarize one application of a Micro –strip antenna in mobile communications.
3. Differentiate active and passive reflector antennas
4. Summarize the following
a) Cassegrain feed
b) Shaped reflectors
c) Spherical reflectors
d) Off
5. Present the comparison between parabolic and corner reflectors
6. Compare Dielectric lens and E-plane metal plate lens.
7. state Fermat’s principle
8. What is zoning?
1. Micro strip antenna was first introduced by …………. [ ]

A). Marconi

B). Hertz

C). Munson

D). Cassegrain

2. The widely used shape for patch antennas is …………. [ ]

A). Rectangular

B). Circular

C). Elliptical


3. The efficiency of Micro strip antenna is …………………. [ ]

A). High

B). Very high

C). infinite

D). Low

4. For square corner reflector the flaring angle is……………………. [ ]

A). 30 degrees

B). 60 degrees

C). 90 degrees

D). 180 degrees

5. The no. of images formed for a square corner reflector, using method of images are… [ ]

A). 3

B). 5

C). 7

D). 6

6.The no. of images formed for a 30 degrees corner reflector, using method of

Images are……….. [ ]

A). 3

B). 5

C). 7
D). 6

7.The no. of images formed for a 60 degrees corner reflector, using method of

images are……….. [ ]

A). 3

B). 5

C). 7

D). 6

8. A single narrow beam of radiation results in square corner reflector for

spacing of s=……….. [ ]

A). 2λ

B). λ

C). 3λ/2

9. Two narrow beams of radiation results in square corner reflector for

spacing of s=……… []

A). 2λ

B). λ

C). 3λ/2

D). λ/2

10. Three narrow beams of radiation results in square corner reflector for

spacing of s=……….. []

A). 2λ

B). λ

C). 3λ/2

D). λ/2

11. A parabola is a three dimensional curve. [ ]

12. A paraboloid is a three dimensional curve. [ ]

13. Fermat’s principle must be followed to get a plane wave front from
the dish antenna. [ ]

14. In any dish antenna arrangement the parabolic reflector will acts as

primary antenna [ ]

15. In any dish antenna arrangement the parabolic reflector will acts as

secondary antenna [ ]


16. The directivity of the paraboloid is---------------------

17. The generally used feed antenna for paraboloids is---------------------

18. The horn and hyperbola are used in--------------------feed of dish antennas.

19. The disadvantage (draw back) of parabolic reflector is----------------

20. The parabolic antenna operates in the frequency range of---------------


1 C 11 FALSE
2 A 12 TRUE
3 D 13 TRUE
4 C 14 FALSE
5 A 15 TRUE
6 C 16 9.87(d/λ)
10 C 20 MW OR GHZ

1. Electrical path length is increased in-------------lens antennas. [ ]

a) Fast b)Delay.

c) Both a and b. d)None.

2. Electrical path length is decreased in------------ lens antennas. [ ]

a) Fast b)Delay.

c) Both a and b. d)None.

3. E plane metal-plate lens are of --------type. [ ]

a) Fast b)Delay.

c) Both a and b. d)None.

4. H plane metal-plate lens are of --------type. [ ]

a) Fast b)Delay.

c) Both a and b. d)None.

5. The following is the example of dielectric material. [ ]

a) Lucite. b)Polystyrene.

c) Both a and b. d)None.

6. All dielectric materials will have the refractive index of --------- [ ]

a) unity. b)Less than unity.

c) Greater than unity. d)None.

7. The design equation of lens antennas is given by [ ]



c) Both a and b. d) None.

8. All metals will have the refractive index of --------- [ ]

a) unity. b)Less than unity.

c) Greater than unity. d)None.

9. By zoning the lens refractive index will…… [ ]

a) change. b) not change.

c) Both a and b. d)None.

10. In dielectric lens, difference in electrical path length may be caused

due to ………… [ ]

a) Length. b)Width.

c) Thickness. d)None.

1 B 6 C
2 A 7 A
3 A 8 B
4 B 9 B
5 C 10 C


Important Points / Definitions: (Minimum 15 to 20 Points covering complete topics in that unit)

 ANTENNA ARRAY is the radiating system in which several antennas are spaced properly so as to
get greater field strength at a far distance from the radiating system by combining radiations at
point from all the antennas in the system.
 A source that radiates energy uniformly in all directions is an isotropic Source.
 LINEAR ARRAYS of “n” isotropic point sources of Equal amplitude and spacing
 Broadside Array
 Ordinary End-Fire Array
 End-Fire Array with Increased Directivity

 Antenna Measurements is the process which is used to validate antennas experimentally.
 Measurement of radiation properties
o Directional pattern, gain or phase pattern in the far field


1. Derive the expression for the fields for the arrays of two isotropic point sources for all the cases.
2. What is pattern multiplication?
3. Give the concept of n-isotropic point sources for broadside and ordinary End-fire cases.
4. How can we increase the directivity in End-fire array.
5. What is a binomial array?
6. Present Pattern, phase and gain measurements with experimental setup.

Choose the Correct Answers

1. If the individual antennas of the array are spaced equally along a straight line.

Then It is ------------array. [ ]

a) Linear. b) Non-Linear.

c) Both a and b. d) None.

2. Linear array is a system of ------spaced elements. [ ]

a) Un equally. b) equally.

c) Both a and b. d) None.

3. In a Uniform Linear array all elements are fed with a

current of ----------amplitude [ ]

a) Equal. b) Unequal.

c) Both a and b. d) None.

4. In a Broad side array the radiation is along----------- [ ]

a) X-direction. b) Y-direction.

c) Both a and b. d) None.

5. In a end- fire array the radiation is along ----------- [ ]

a) X-direction. b) Y-direction.

c) Both a and b. d) None.

6. In increased end- fire array the radiation is along----------- [ ]

a) X-direction. b) Y-direction.

c) Both a and b. d) None.

7. Which array is also called as Hansen-Woodyardarray. [ ]

a) Broad side. b) End-fire.

d) Binomial.

c) Increased End-Fire

8. Which array is also called as Stone’s array. [ ]

a) Broad side. b) End-fire.

c) Increased End-Fire. d) Binomial.

9. Hansen-Wood yard array is a --------array [ ]

a) Linear. b) Non-Linear.

c) Both a and b. d) None.

10. Stone’s array is a --------array [ ]

a) Linear. b) Non-Linear.

c) Both a and b. d) None.


11. The radiation pattern of broad side is array is along the normal direction

Of array axis. [ ]

12. The Binomial array is a linear array. [ ]

13. All coefficients of elements in Binomial array are same [ ]

14.Minor lobes will exist in Linear antennas. [ ]

15. In resulatant or total radiation pattern The phases will be multiplied using

Multiplication of patterns Principle. [ ]


16. Hansen-Wood yard Array is a -----------------array.
17. The currents in Non linear are ----------------
18. Binomial array was invented by-------------------
19. The amplitudes will be ----------- in the resultant pattern using principle of multiplication of
20. The phases will be ----------- in the resultant pattern using principle of multiplication of


21. All antenna measurements are accurate. [ ]

22. All antenna measurements will be done in the far field [ ]

23. Cylindrical coordinate system will be choosed for all antenna measurements. [ ]

24. For better antenna measurements the tolerance value must be as large as possible. [ ]

25. Anechoic chamber can be preferred for antenna measurements. [ ]


26. Frii’s transmission formula is………………….

27. Comparision method for measurement of antenna gain is also called as………………….

28. The formula for gain using comparision method is…………………….

.29. In two antennas method the assumption is…………………….

30. In the case of circular or elliptical polarizations the the total antenna gain is given by GAUT


1 A 11 TRUE
2 B 12 FALSE
3 A 13 FALSE
4 B 14 TRUE
5 A 15 FALSE
26 PR=PTGT GR(λ/4ΠR)2

7 C 17 Out of Phase 27 Gain-Transfer

8 D 18 Stone 28 GAUT= (PAUT/Pref)


9 A 19 Multiply 29 GR=GT

10 B 20 Add up 30 GH+GV


Important Points / Definitions: (Minimum 15 to 20 Points covering complete topics in that unit)

 Wave Propagation is the Phenomenon that occur in the media between transmitter and the
 Radio waves 3Hz to 300GHz
o EM waves decrease in amplitude with increasing distance – Spreading of EM energy
o The way the EM waves propagate depend on – Their own properties – Environment
 Classification of EM Waves
o Plane wave
o Uniform plane wave
o Non-uniform plane wave
o Slow wave
o Forward wave
o Backward wave
o Traveling wave
o Standing wave
o Surface wave
o Trapped wave
o Leaky wave
 Wave environment
o Homogeneous / Non-homogeneous media – σ,ε,μ are constant
o Isotropic / anisotropic media – ε (or μ) is a scalar constant, so that D & E(or B &H)
have same direction everywhere
o Source-free region – No generators are present
 Ground wave or Surface Wave Propagation
o Upto 2MHz
o Practical importance at Broadcast and lower frequencies
o i.e., medium waves and long waves
o Guided along the surface of the earth just as an EM wave is guided by a waveguide
 Space Wave Propagation
o Above 30MHz
o 16km above the earth’s surface – Troposphere
o Multipath propagation – Signals reach the Rx either directly or by reflections
o Constructive adding or destructive adding
o LOS communication – Range increased by increasing the heights of Tx& Rx antennas
 Duct propagation (or) super refraction
o VHF,UHF,Microwave
o Normal or standard atmosphere – εr decreases with height to a value of unity – Air
density is zero – Hardly exists
o Air is frequently turbulent – Layers of air with different temp and water vapour
 Critical Frequencyfc=9√𝑵𝑴𝒂𝒙
 Maximum Usable Frequency(MUF)FMUF=Fcsec(ɵi)
 Lowest Usable Frequency(LUF)
o SNR fails to achieve the acceptable value
o Losses due to absorption, free space loss, scattering
o Lower the frequency, it is lost in the background noise
 Optimum Working Frequency(OWF)
o For satisfactory reception – Frequency should be less than MUF – Absorption by
ionosphere should be small
o Highest possible frequency
o Giving strongest sky wave signal at the Rx
o Prediction of MUF based on monthly average
o Daily variations about 15% from the mean value
o Generally to use 85% of the predicted MUF
1. What are the factors involved in the propagation of radio waves?
2. Define the following and derive the relevant expressions
a) Critical frequency
b) Maximum frequency
c) Optimum working frequency
d) Virtual height
e) Skip distance
3. What are the different considerations in space wave propagation?
4. Define duct propagation?
5. Explain different layers of Ionosphere.
6. Define fading and path loss.
7. Define super refraction?

Choose the Correct Answers

1) The troposphere is extends up to a height of ----------------- [ ]

A) 5km B) 10km

C) 15km D) 20km

2) For small distances the earth can be considered as ------------------region [ ]

A) flat B) curved

C) conductor D) dielectric

3) For large distances the earth can be considered as ------------------region [ ]

A) flat B) curved

C) conductor D) dielectric

4) In general the earth will acts as a ------------------- [ ]

A) leaky resistor B) leaky inductor

C) leaky capacitor D) leaky transistor

5) According to Rayleigh if R>10, the reflecting surface will be considered as………….. [ ]

A) smooth region B) rough region

C) both a &b D) none

6) According to Rayleigh if R<0.1, the reflecting surface will be considered as………….. [ ]

A) smooth region B) rough

C) both a &b D) none

7) The line of sight (LOS) distance is the distance travelled by the …………….wave. [ ]

A) diffracted B) scattered

C) reflected D) direct

8) The phenomenon of reduction of signal strength due to variation in refractive

index is called………….. [ ]

A) wave tilting B) fading

C) diffraction D) scattering
9) The E-Layer of Ionosphere exists between [ ]

A) 40 to 90 km B) 90 to 140 km

C) 140 to 250 km D) 250 to 400 km

10) The F2-Layer of Ionosphere exists between [ ]

A) 40 to 90 km B) 90 to 140 km

C) 140 to 250 km D) 250 to 400 km


11) Critical frequency is the lowest frequency that returns from Ionosphere at

Vertical frequency. [ ]

12) Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) is the highest frequency that returns from Ionosphere Other
than vertical frequency. [ ]

13) The frequency below which the entire power gets absorbed is referred to as the Maximum
Usable Frequency (MUF). [ ]

14) The frequency at which there is optimum return of wave energy is

called the Optimum Frequency (OF). [ ]

15) Virtual height is always lesser than the Actual height. [ ]


16) The horizon of the earth, d0 is given by--------------

17) In ground or surface wave propagation the electric field at the receiving point is given by is
given by………….
18) In free space the power received is given by Pr=………….
19) The basic path loss for general communication is given by………………………
20) The relation between Critical Frequency and MUF is……………….


1 C 11 FALSE
2 A 12 TRUE
3 B 13 FALSE
4 C 14 TRUE
5 B 15 FALSE
6 A
7 D
8 B
9 B
10 D

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