Srilanka: Srilanka and Its Civil War

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Sri Lanka is one of the neighbouring countries of India. The relationship between the
two countries is built upon Culture Religion Language etc.
In the recent years there was Growing trade and investment, Co-operation in culture,
education etc.
Srilanka and its Civil War
Sinhalese and Tamils are the two major ethnic groups In Sri Lanka. The eternal conflict
of Sinhalese with tamils for power is growing before the independence.
The “Sinhalese Only Bill”, 1956, when this bill was passed. It was in favor of the
Sinhalese language and Buddhist religion, and their educational policies which
convinced many Tamils that they are being discriminated.
And because of this, in 1976 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was formed to
fight for Tamil rights and Civil war started in 1983.
With the rising of the Tamil militant separatism in Sri Lanka, the relations b/w both the
countries worsened and they signed Indo-Sri Lankan Accord in 1987 to improve the
relations. This accord gave a solution to establish council system and Devolution of
powers to the provinces. This is also known as The Thirteenth Amendment to
Srilankan Constitution.
Indian Peace Keeping Force was deployed by India to Srilanka to maintain peace but it
resulted in assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. The IPKF failed to control the LTTE and was

In 2009 The srilankan govt. seized the last area which was under LTTE and
the war ended and india also helped in reconstruction of the areas and started
many rehab programs as well.
When india voted against srilanka in UNHRC to investigate the human rights
violation, the relations weakened.
Issues and Conflicts

Strategic Issues
• SL started favoring China over India because of the weak relations.
China built two ports, in Colombo and another in Hambantota as a part
of Maritime Silk Route (MSR) policy.
• China teamed up in satellite launching activities with Supreme SAT
which is Sri Lanka’s one and only satellite operator.
Efforts of India to Counter China

1. they signed civil nuclear cooperation agreement which is Sri Lanka’s

first nuclear partnership with any country.
2. India is also planning to build Trincomalee Port.
3. focusing on infrastructure development in SL

Fisherman Issue

Sri Lanka has stated concerns about illegal fishing by Indian fishermen within
the territorial waters across the Palk Strait. The country regularly arrests
Indian fishermen for crossing the International Maritime Boundary Line that
defines Indian and Sri Lankan waters. India also detain Sri Lankan fishermen
for the illegal fishing.

Katchatheevu Island
It is an island that India gave to Sri Lanka. Later Sri Lanka declared it as a
sacred land given the presence of a shrine.
Tamil Nadu claimed that Katchatheevu falls under the Indian territory and
Tamil fishermen believe that it belongs to them and they want to preserve the
right to fish there.
Current Status
• China is not allowed to use SL ports (Hambantota) for military purposes.
• High military cooperation and assistance

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