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U-Site, Brgy. Kaligayahan, Novaliches, Quezon City

College of Education

Preliminary Examination in
SSELECT2 (Human Resource Management)

Name: ____marvin pame____________________________________ Date:__Oct 2 2020____________

Schedule: ______________________________________________ Program: __Education____

Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer.

1. This is the art of developing and maintaining component workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an
effective and efficient way.
a. Human Resource Management c. Financial Management
b. Human Resource Development d. Marketing Management

2. Which of the following is not one of the natures of HRM?

a. Action Oriented c. Future Oriented
b. Program Oriented d. Pervasive Oriented

3. This is where HRM tries to help employees develop their potential. It encourages them to give their best to the
a. Development Oriented c. Individually Oriented
b. Future Oriented d. People Oriented

4. This is where HRM intended to develop full potential of employees. The reward structure is turned to the needs of
employees. Training is offered to sharpen and improve their skills.
a. Pervasive Force c. Continuous Function
b. Development Oriented d. Action Oriented

5. This is where HRM prepared their employees for future not for current challenges.
a. Continuous Function c. People Oriented
b. Action Oriented d. Future Oriented

6. This covers the union-management relation, joint consultation, collective bargaining, grievance and disciplinary
action settlement of disputes and etc.
a. Welfare Aspect c. Personnel Aspect
b. Industrial Relation Aspect d. None of the above

7. It deals with working conditions and amenities such as canteen, rest and lunch rooms, housing and etc.
a. Welfare Aspect c. The Labor Aspect
b. Physical Aspect d. Industrial Relation Aspect
8. Which of the following is not part of Personnel Aspect?
a. Selection c. Placement
b. Promotion d. None of the above

9. Which of the following is/are Role of HRM?

I. Job Analysis
II. Organization, Utilization and Maintenance
III. Performance Appraisal
IV. Reward System
V. Employee Development and Training
a. I,II, III, IV, V c. III, IV, V
b. I,II, III, IV d. II, IV, V

10. It is a vital aspect of HRM because the performance of an individual in an organization is largely driven by the work
atmosphere or work culture that prevails at the workplace.
a. Performance Appraisals c. Recruitment and Training
b. Maintaining work atmosphere d. Developing Public Relations

True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is true, and write FALSE if the statement is false.

_____true____ 11. HRM is one of the responsible for managing all employee benefits including insurance, wellness
program, and etc.

____true_____ 12. HRM takes responsibility on ensuring the company remains compliant with current employment law, as
well as communicating any changes to the relevant departments.

_____false____ 13. Recruitment is the process of removing a qualified candidates based on objective and criteria of
particular job.

_____true____ 14. Giving orientation to the employee is one of the major functions of human resource management.

______true___ 15. Organizing activities will help to know an employee at the personal and professional level.

______false___16. Training and development are the dispensable functions of human resource management.

_____false____ 17. Human resource department is the division of a business that is charged with finding unqualified

_____true_____18. It is important for the human resource planning process to assess the current roster of staff.

_____true____ 19. Forecasting determines the current resources available to meet the demands.

_____true____ 20. Talent development is a crucial part of the strategic human resources management process.
ESSAY: Answer the following questions.

1. Why it is important for a Human Resource Manager to conduct a strategic employment planning? Give scenarios
which will justify your answer.

2. Which among the functions of Human Resource Management do you think is the most crucial? What if this function
is not well played by the Human Resource Manager, how it will affects the organization?

3. Using a semantic web, discuss the relationship of each responsibilities of Human Resource Management. How it
affects each other?

Answers :

1. it’s very important to have a strategic employment planning because it will ensure the assurance of having a future
resources needed to meet a business’s goal, and also continuously remain the company’s long term success.( If a company
does not have a strategic employment panning it will lead so many negative outcomes, including labor shortages ,de-
motivated and dissatisfied customers that will be the cause of collapse of business.)

2. For me the most important function of HRM is maintaining good working conditions because if the company got skilled
and good employees but the environment and condition of a workplace are not good enough especially for the health of
employees, because some study has been found that employees don’t contribute to the goals of the organization as much
as they can. This is because of the lack of motivation .

Responsibilities of human resource should be properly and completely conducted because every part of these are has
its own function that will continuously works for every employees where each of them should be a beneficiary not only
for the development of employees but also for the success of a company.

Human resources (HR)

is the division of a
business that is charged
with finding, screening,
recruiting, and training job
Legal responsibilities and
applicants, as well as
administering employee-
recruitment benefit programs.
Responsible for ensuring the
company remains compliant with
current employment law, as well as
Manages recruiting and communicating any changes to the
screening staff, relevant departments and handling
conducting interviews, internal legal matters, including
developing staff investigations into
harassment, discrimination  or gross
handbooks and policies
and procedures relating to
new hires.

ES OF HUMAN Employee relationships
Employee training
Manages the
Responsible for creating
training programs as well relationship between
as conducting them,
determining the training employees (such as
needs of employees in
different departments and
with staff and
managing training budgets. management).

Pay and compensation Employee benefits

Handles working with

payroll to ensure employees
Responsible for
get paid on time and managing all employee
correctly. Other benefits, including
responsibilities include insurance, fitness, care,
pensions, bonuses and
compensation. disability, and wellness

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