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Dr Amit Kumar Lal

Skillics Learning Solutions

Dr Amit kumar lal, Founder Skillics Learning Solutions

McClelland’s theory of Needs
• There are three types of needs –
1) Need for achievement
2) Need for power
3) Need for affiliation

Dr Amit kumar lal, Founder Skillics Learning Solutions

Need for Achievers
• The people who have the drive to excel
• They want to do something different from other
• They like competition and always want to stay on the
• They like jobs where there is personal responsibility,
moderate risk and feedback related to their work

Dr Amit kumar lal, Founder Skillics Learning Solutions

Need for Power
• Desire to have impact on others
• They like to control and influence others.
• They are always concerned about their status and

Dr Amit kumar lal, Founder Skillics Learning Solutions

Need for Affiliation
• Wants to belong to the group.
• Wants to be liked, and will often go along with
whatever the rest of the group wants to do.
• Favors collaboration over competition.
• Doesn't like high risk or uncertainty.

Dr Amit kumar lal, Founder Skillics Learning Solutions

Key Points – IN a Nutshell
✓Every person has one of three main driving motivators: the needs for
achievement, affiliation, or power.
✓These motivators are not inherent; we develop them through our
culture and life experiences.
✓Achievers like to solve problems and achieve goals.
✓Those with a strong need for affiliation don't like to stand out or take
risk, and they value relationships above anything else.
✓Those with a strong power motivator like to control others and be in
Dr Amit kumar lal, Founder Skillics Learning Solutions

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